University of Central Florida STARS Central Florida Future University Archives 6-1-1994 Central Florida Future, Vol. 26 No. 33, June 1, 1994 Part of the Mass Communication Commons, Organizational Communication Commons, Publishing Commons, and the Social Influence and oliticalP Communication Commons Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in Central Florida Future by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation "Central Florida Future, Vol. 26 No. 33, June 1, 1994" (1994). Central Florida Future. 1234. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture/1234 UCF baseball season is over - Season wrap-up Page 16 Central Florida Future UCF gets paid I ' UCF receives most money in state enough in the budget." D The university is In a press release written by Dr. John Hitt, president of UCF, he said, _receiving $1.7. million "We expect equity to be considered again in future legislative sessions, per­ in funds, and the haps under less constrained budget cir­ cumstances." library an additional The $1.7 mil­ $1.6 million. lion will become a permanent addition to UCF' s base bud­ by ROBIN LONGAKER get, with a majority Staff writer of the money des­ ignated to address­ UCF has continually ranked last ing the long-term in the amount of funding received by needs of the univer­ sity. the nine institutions in the state univer­ Hitt sity system. It is antici- However, in its last regular ses­ pated that the equity money will be sion, the Florida Legislature appropri­ used mostly for the hiring of full-time ated $1.7· million to UCF, the largest faculty members. amount received by a state university, UCF also led the other state uni­ in an attempt to correct historic inequi­ versities in funding for enrollment " ties inner-student funding. growth. "UCF has always been the most The university adcieci $5 million poorly funded university in the state to its annual budget because funding university system, partly because of was provided for an additional 700 full­ the rapid growth of the university," time students. said D~an McFall, director of Public The UCF Library benefited from Affairs. the ·legislative session as well. The Board of Regents originally The library will receive over $1.6 put together a proposal requesting a million of the $7 .5 million in funding total of $30 million over a two-year that was allocated for book and journal time span with UCF receiving $5 mil­ acquisitions. lion each year. McFall said the Board of Regents "When it came down to crunch is expecting the funding to continue time," said McFall, "there just wasn't each year. , Solares/Future C I b t. f Ab·1·1· I,., by CYNTHIA CONLIN person to have ever won the was the first to stand up, and Managing editor award. lreceivedastandingovation." The five were chosen Kane was nominated UCF senior and Stu­ from 500 nominees. for the award by Terrence dent Government member The foundation cov­ Dunn, formerdirectorofStu­ ... Brevard director appointed Debbie Kane flew up to ered all the expenses of dent Affairs for Student Gov- by TED CEDROS search team that started with over 150 Washington, Kane's trip to the ernment. "She was, to me, the Staff writer applicants. In the past three months, D.C., last month nation's capital. the field was narrowed to five candi­ where she was There she, epitome of student services," Dr. James Drake was recently dates and then again to two. presented with the along with the said Dunn, who graduated in named Campus Director for UCF Drake's main competition came Michael other four recipi­ May. "She never stopped en­ Brevard Campus. Drake, who is cur­ from Dr. Catherine Gannon, an English Schwerner ents, oneof whom forcing that upon everyone rently the executive director of the professor from California State Uni­ Award and is a Harvard Uni­ University Center of Greenville, N.C., versity in San Bernandino. Gannon was $1,000 by the versity student, - that everyone must have a will take the office June 30. in Brevard and on the main UCF cam­ Gleitsman Foun­ attended a press voice in Student Govern­ The Greenville University Center pus for a series of meetings during the dation. conference, ban­ r.ient." is an education complex which encom­ last week of April. The award quet and a VIP Kane, whohassuffered passes nine community college and uni­ Drake arrived the following week, is given annually Kane tour of the White from severe rheumatoid ar­ versity satellite programs. and it was apparent that Drake would tofivecollegestu- House. thritis s1:ice she was 3, was Drake will be replacing Dr. Wade be the final choice when he attended dents on the basis of their At the banquet she met given the award on the basis Kilbride, the interim director. Student Government's graduation ban­ achievements as an activist. Ralph Nader, who received a of her abilities, which is a first "We' re very fortunate to get some­ quet on May 5. Kane, 49, who has been con­ Citizen's Activist Award. for her. She has received sev- one with his experience," Kilbride said. The selection of Drake was made fined toa wheel chair most of Kane was the oniy stu­ Drake's selection is the culmina­ her life, is the first UC~ stu­ dent of the five who was al­ tion of seven months of work by a See DRAKE, Page 4 dent and the first disabled lowed to speak. "Ralph Nader See KANE, Page 4 News 1-5 1 Opinion 6-7 Classified 8 •.:.:_1f;1.'.l.!_'_!_i Features 9-13 - Sports !'~.'_;_:_~llf:-:-'. ~ .,.'_,_ •... ::::::::;;:::;;: . ·.·.. ·.- ......-.·.•.·.·····-·-·.-· _1 14-16 2..:June 1, 1994 The Central Florida Future • t" .•. ·,: .... · 0 The Comedy Zone will host while an equal amount will be throughout June. Fee: $15 for Main Campus June I 0. Cost: free. Details: Don Draper a benefit show for the Muscu­ donated to the winner's school. Hearsave class, $20 for at 321-9745. lar Dystrophy Association of En try is open only to high Babysaver class. Details: 679- 0 The Central Florida Chapter Florida on June 2. Shows times school students. Deadline: 4CPR (4277). of the Red Cross will offer 0 Orlando School of Cultural • are 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. Tickets Aug. 15 Details: 621-7821. classes in lifeguard training, Dance will have its 1994 Cul­ are $12. Details: 677-6665. 0 The small Business Devel­ community first aid safety, tural Dance Extravaganza on 0 The UCF Department of opment Center in the UCFCol­ HIV/AIDS and sailing. Days June 12 at 3 p.m. Costs: $8 • I 0 Author James R. Warnke will Music wil1 offer a two-week lege of Business Administra­ and locations vary. Costs vary adult in advance, $10 at door, be giving a lecture on his book, course, "Digital Synthesis," tion will be offering the fol­ from $15 to $80. Details: 894- $6 child in advance, $8 at door. Ghost Towns in Central Florida, which covers the integration lowing workshops designed 414 l. Details: 578 -1687. at AlomaMethodist Church, 3045 of synthesizers and computers for small business owners. AlomaAve., Winter Park, on June as well as Music Instrument Both are free and will be from 0 The Law School Advantage 0 The UCF Music Department 9 at 7 p.m. Cost: free. Details: Digital Interface Sequencing 9 a.m. until noon. Details: 823- will hold a workshop, designed to will host the American 373-3931. from July 18 through 29 from 5554. prepare students for their first year Matthay Association 36th An­ 8:30 a.m . until 4:30 p.m. De­ of law school, from August I nual Workshop Course and 0 Meals on Wheels needs sum­ tails: 823-2864. • Basics of Government Con­ through 4 at the Holiday Inn at the Piano Festival from June 21 ·to mer volunteers drivers to de­ tracting, held at UCF Main Tampa International Airport. Con­ 25 . Lectures will be held at liver nutritious meals local 0 CPR for Citizens will offer Campus June 6 and at UCF­ tact: 1-800-LA W-SCOL. the Canterbury Center near . residents. The need for volun­ classes in basic life support for Brevard Campus in Cocoa June Oviedo, evening performances teers is needed to fill the void infants, children and adults. 7. 0 The UCF Dive Club is offer- will be held in the UCF Visual left when regular volunteer Classes are located at a num- • Cost Accounting Standards, ing "Scuba Discovery," on June Arts Auditorium. Costs: $150 drivers go on vacation or head ber of sites throughout Central held at UCF-Br.evard Campus 4 from noon to 4 p.m . at the for entire event, $5 for evening north for the summer. For fur­ Florida, and wi11 be offered in Cocoa June 9 and at UCF '· Recreational Services pool. recitals. Details: 823-2869. ther information contact Chris • Boyko at 422-4861. 0 The UCF Theatre will begin • its summer season with a pro­ Subs & Salads duction of with Once Upon a Mattress. The musical by Jay • Thompson, Marshall Barer, Dean Fuller and Mary Rodgers, will run from June 2 through N 12 . A L W+ E A s 0 The Florida State fair is hav­ F .G Bliinpi~ A y • ing a competition for a logo in UCF honor of Florida's 150th An­ A niversary of Statehood and the UNIVERSITY 1995 Florida State Fair.
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