September 4, 1996 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE H10013 their passage of the Telecommunications there were a lot of speeches given, a lot er, would not do an inquiry, if we have Act of 1996 that universal service was to be of rhetoric was passed. And I think an organized group in this country preserved no matter what else happened in many of the Washington labor leaders forcibly assessing $35 million from the newly competitive telephone industry. laid the foundation for what they hope rank and file workers and yet only Universal service and subsidies are the big societal issues that regulators and legisla- will be a very successful political cam- targeting that money against incum- torsÐand the telephone companies them- paign totally in concert with the bent freshman Republicans and yet selvesÐhave left before them. Democratic Party, both from the that is exactly what is happening. In The legislation you passed in February standpoint of the presidency and con- fact, Mr. Speaker, my office has done a said that universal service must be pre- gressional and senatorial races across study and we have looked at the voting servedÐyou were very clear about that, but the country. records as determined by the AFL±CIO, you weren't exactly precise about how to do I want to talk about that for a mo- and we have found that no incumbent it. You left the details of implementing the ment, Mr. Speaker and, through you, I legislation to those most familiar with our freshman Democrats, even those from want to talk to those rank and file right-to-work States, even those who industryÐthe FCC, state regulators, and the union workers across the country who many old and new competitors in the game. have zero or 5 or 10 percent AFL±CIO Apparently, enacting good telecommuni- I think have been sold a bad bill of voting records, are being targeted. cations law is turning out to be a lot easier goods or, in fact, I would say have not None of them. All of the money that is than implementing it. Frankly, some of the even been sold the case. They have being forcibly collected from organized discussions being heard about this are ex- been had. labor is being used to only support What do I mean by that, because that traordinarily troubling. In the course of the Democrats and to defeat incumbent FCC's ongoing proceedings, things are being is a very serious charge? The basis of said that would lead one to believe some ei- my outrage and my concern is that last Republican Members of Congress. Now, why would this happen? Would ther did not hear, did not understand, or did spring when the AFL±CIO leadership it be because the national leaders and not want to understand what I feel Congress met in Washington, they had a vote to the rank and file workers across Amer- clearly intended to do in the legislation require every AFL±CIO member in the ica are so unhappy with the agenda of passed last February. Some of the actions country, whether they agreed or not, to that are being proposed would greatly endan- the past several years and all of the put up a dollar of their dues over a pe- ger universal service. Republicans? I would think not, Mr. riod of 3 years that would raise a total I believe as an information services indus- Speaker. Let me go through some of $35 million. This $35 million that is try that we must all commit to the preserva- items point by point. tion of universal service and that govern- being taken from the paychecks of First of all, Mr. Speaker, I can tell ment agencies must assure that we do. We workers in the Teamsters, in the build- you that when Bill Clinton was first have the most affordable, widely available ing trades, in all the major unions communications system in the world now running for office and the Democrat across this Nation, is not going to elect Party controlled the Congress, both and we must all make sure that the new just labor-sensitive Members of Con- rules of the game do not change this. houses, I was the Republican who of- I can assure you that BellSouth is commit- gress. It is going to support one politi- fered the compromise Family and Med- ted to universal service. That's why we cal party and one political party only. ical Leave Act that is now law. Do you agreed to a Louisiana Public Service Com- To me, Mr. Speaker, that is an outrage. know something, Mr. Speaker? That Is it an outrage to me because I am mission order last March that makes us the bill passed the House and the Senate a a Republican or because I hate labor service provider of last resort in the areas year before the final conference was where we operate; it's why we have capped unions? I do not think it is the case, brought before us for a final vote. Why our basic residential service rates for five Mr. Speaker, because I am one of those was that done? years so that consumers are protected during labor-sensitive Republicans who during the period of change to competition in our It was because the Democrat leader- my 10 years in Congress been out front ship was not concerned about rank and industry; it's why we and the Public Service supporting many of the issues impor- Commission have made our fastest data cir- file workers who wanted family and cuits available to schools and libraries at tant to working men and women and in medical leave. Rather, they waited an greatly reduced ratesÐwe want to make sure many cases the leaders of my local entire year because they wanted to no one gets left behind as telephone service labor unions back in Pennsylvania. So have George Bush veto the bill in the providers have an economic incentive to I am not someone who has been against middle of the Clinton-Bush election. focus on big, profitable customers. many of labor's top priorities. But Were they concerned about rank and In closing, I would urge members of this what outrages me is what a few leaders caucus to stay attuned to the debate on the file workers? No, they were concerned in this city have been able to force about scoring political points. Then universal service issue in the FCC's current upon the millions of rank and file proceedings to assure the rules developed maybe it is because the President has will produce the kind of future for our indus- workers across the country and it is to been so supportive of labor's agenda try that Congress envisioned last February. their workers, those workers that I over the previous 3 years. want to speak tonight, because I do not This is critical for the future of education, b and I believe also for the overall well being think they really understand the facts. 2100 of the national economy. Thank you again We would think if labor was going to Well, let us look at the President's for having me here today and giving me an assess every member of its rank and agenda in line with the rank-and-file opportunity to share my thoughts with you. file across the country and every local labor movement's agenda over the past f labor union, that in fact that money several years. Organized labor, Mr. THE POLITICS OF ORGANIZED would go to defeat those Members of Speaker, in this country, the first 2 LABOR Congress who do not support the prior- years of the Clinton administration, ities of organized labor. That is not the had two top priorities. Their two top The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. case. Because in fact, Mr. Speaker, of priorities were defeating NAFTA, the HAYWORTH). Under the Speaker's an- the $35 million that is being used to North American Free Trade zone legis- nounced policy of May 12, 1995, the gen- run ads, for instance, in the district of lation, and passing the anti-strike- tleman from Pennsylvania [Mr. my neighbor, JON FOX in Montgomery breaker legislation. WELDON] is recognized for 60 minutes. County, even though JON FOX has sup- Now let us look at each of those Mr. WELDON of Pennsylvania. Mr. ported many of labor's top priorities, pieces of legislation and see what this Speaker, I appreciate your indulgence that half a million dollars being used President did to help enact each of and the staff's indulgence. I will try against JON FOX and being used against those. not to take the entire 60 minutes, but PHIL ENGLISH and against JACK QUINN The President was not with labor on I have something that I have to say to and against a number of Republican NAFTA, Mr. Speaker. The President you and hopefully through you, Mr. Members across the country who have lobbied hard to pass it. He passed Speaker, to the workers of this coun- been supportive of labor's priorities is NAFTA in the House, largely with try. The workers of this country I want not being used against Democrats who Democrat and Republican votes, he to speak to tonight, partly because this have zero voting records on labor is- passed it in the Senate, and he signed past Monday was Labor Day. As you sues. it into law. know, the Congress was out of session. Now, one would wonder why the Fed- I have introduced legislation in this We were not here in Washington.
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