No. 15 461 THE NEW ZE.ALAND GAZETTE Published by Authority WELLINGTON: THURSDAY, 13 MARCH 1969 CORRIGENDUM Land Taken for the Purposes of a Road in Block II, North Harbour and Blueskin Survey District IN the notice "Notice of Varied Hours for Sale of Liquor at ARTHUR PORRITT, Governor-General the Waihou Hotel, Waihou, and the Kopu Station Hotel, Kopu", published in the Gazette, 6 March 1969, p. 437, please A PROOI.JA:MATION substitute the following heading and notice: PURSUANT to !the Public Works Act 1928, I, Six Arthur Espie "Notice of Varied Hours for Sale of Liquor at the Royal Porritt, Baronet, the Governor-General of New Zealand, Mail Hotel, Paeroa, and the Kopu Station Hotel, Kopu hereby prodlJa!im and declare thJat the lliand described i.n ithe Schedu[e hereltio is hereby taken for the purposes of a road; and I also declare lthat thJis P11oclamallion shall :tlake effect on and after the 17th day of March 1969. PURSUANT to section 221A (16) of the Sale of Liquor Act 1962, as inserted by the Sale of Liquor Amendment Act (No. 2) 1967, I, John Lochiel Robson, Secretary for SCHBDULE Justice, hereby give notice that the Waikato Licensing. 0TAOO LAND DISTRICT Committee, on 14 February 1969, made orders fixing hours other than the usual hours for opening and closing hotel ALL that piece of land OOOJtalining 1 ,rood li1 perches .situalted premises for the sale of liquor to the public, as follows: .in ·Bfock II, North Harbour and B[ueskin Survey District, Otago R.D., being Lott 18 on. plan of extension of Townshilp Royal Mail Hotel, Paeroa- of Evansdale (Deeds Plan 193) and being parts of section 3 Mondays to Saturdays inclusive, open at 9 a.m. and of 37. A[[ cel1t.ifioaJte IOif tifile, V:ollume 250, foHo 82, Ota.go close at 8 p.m. Land Registry (limited as to parcels). Kopu Station Hotel, Kopu- Given under the irumd of His Excellency the Governor­ Mondays to Thursdays inclusive, open at 9 a.m. and Genera.l, and wssued under !the Sea,i ,()If New Zea,1aind, fuis close at 8 p.m. 22nd day of February 1969. Fridays and Saturdays, open at 9 a.m. and close at 2 p.m., [L.S.] JOHN RAE, for the Minister of Works. reopen at 4 p.m. and close at 10 p.m. Goo SAVE TIIB QUEEN! Dated at Wellington this 3rd day of March 1969. (P.W. 72/1/16/0; D.O. 72/1/16/0/0) J. L. ROBSON, Secretary for Justice. (J. 18/25/237 (11))" J. L. ROBSON, Secretary for Justice. (J. 18/25/237 (11)) Land Taken, Subject to Certain Rights, for the Provision of Parking Places in the Borough of Henderson ARTHUR PORRITT, Governor-General A PROCLAMATION CoRRIGENDUM PuRSUANT to the PuMic Works Aot 1928, I, Sir Arthur Bspie Porr~tt, Hamnet, the Governor-General of New Zea1Iand, hereby procllaim and declare tbJat the land described iin the Schedule hereto is hereby ltaken, subjeot as to Lot 32 to the IN no1bice No. Ag. 10380, published tin 1the Gazette of 20 fencing covenant contained tln transfer 1·28064 and as to Lot February 1969, p. 272, appointing a member of the New 15 'Vo tihe fending agreement contained in 1transfer 131564, Zealand Milk Board, delete the reference to the empowering the building-line restJJictlilon dontained in Order iin Council statute "section 6 of the Milk Amendment Act 1951" and 16315, and ,the drainage easement created by transfer 611201, substitute "section 3 of the Milk Act 1967''. for lthe provistion of parking places, and sham veslt in the Dated at Wellington this 4th day of March 1969. Ma)l1or, CounciHors, and Oitize!]s of the Borough of Hender­ son, &s from the date herein'a:fter menltiloned; and I also H. G. GAJADHAR, for Director-General. dedare .tha:t this Procl'ama!dion sha!ll take effect on and after (Ag. 3568) the 17th day of March 1969. 462 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE No. 15 SCHEDULE Allocating Railway Land to the Purposes of a Road in Block NORTH AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT IX, Kairanga Survey District, Kairanga County ALL those pieces of land s~tmted in Block II, Tioirangi Survey Distridt, Borough of Henden.on, Norrith Auckland R.D., de­ ARTHUR PORRITT, Governor-General scribed as f1o'11ows : A PROCLAMATION A. R. P. Being PuRSUANT to 1sec:tio:n 226 of the Public Works Adt 1928, I, 0 1 11.6 Lot 32, D.P. 8400. All certificate of tLtle, Violume Sir hrthur Espie Porrtitt, Baronet, the Govemor-Generail of 308, folio 232, North Auckland Land RegLstry. New Zea~and, hereby proclaim and declare thait the land 0 1 6.6 Lot 15, D.P. 45417. Am certificaJte of title No. described in the Schedule hereto (wMch was taken for 14B/29'3, No!th Auckland Land Registry. ralilway purposes and is nolt now required for that purpose) sh!a:11, upon lthe :publlicaltion hereof fo the Gazette, become mad; Given under the h1and of ms Excellency the Govemor­ General, and issued under ~he Sea:l of New Zeafond, and 'that such road sha'I[ 1be ma:intained by ~he Kaimnga this 15th day of February 1969. County Council in ~ike manner as other mads are contro[[ed and ma:intai111ed by ~he sa:rd Councill.. [L.S.] JOHN RAE, for the Minister of Works. --+­ Goo SAVE THE QUEEN! SCHEDULE (P.W. 51/4273; D.O. 15/77 /0) WELLINGTON LAND DIS1RICT ALL thait piece 1of land cootainling 14.7 perches swtuMed in the Wellington R.D., being part milway iand; as the same is more partioullarly deltineated on the plan marked M.O.W. 22486 (S.O. 270611) deposited in the 'office of the Minister of Additional Land Taken for a Secondary School in the City Works ait Welilington, and thereon coloured orange. of Palmerston North Given unde!l' the hand of His Ex:ceillency the G:ovemor­ Generall, and tl,ssued under the &ail of New ZeaaJand, ~hls ARTHUR PORRITT, Governor-General 22nd day of February 1969. A PROCLAMATION [L.s.] JOHN RAE, for the Minister of Works. PURSUANT to the Public Works Act 1928, I, Sir Arthur Espie Goo SAVE 1HE QUEEN! Porritt, Baronet, the Governor-General of New Zealand, (P.W. 41/669; D.0. 49/42/5/0) hereby proclaim and declare that the additional land described in the Schedule hereto is hereby taken for a secondary school; and I also declare that this Proclamation shall take effect on and after the 17th day of March 1969. Revoking a Proclamation Allocating Railway Land to the Purposes of a Road in Block IX, Kairartga Survey District, Kairanga County SCHEDULE WELLINGTON LAND DISTRICT ARTHUR PORRITT, Governor-General ALL that piece of land containing 7 acres and 15 perches situated in the City of Palmerston North, Wellington R.D., A PROCLAMATION . being part Sections 238 and 239, Town of Palmerston North; PURSUANT to the PubHc Wmks Adt 1928, I, SiT Arthur Espie as the same is more particularly delineated on the plan Borrtiitt, Baronet, the Govern1or-Generial of New Zealand, marked M.O.W. 22986 (S.O. 27600) deposited in the office hereby revoke the P110clamation da!ted 4 Odtober 1%8, of the Minister of Works at Wellington, and thereon coloured published in Gazette, 24 October 1968, No. 67, p. 1964, and blue. registered in the Land Registry Office at Wellington as No. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ 763719, alfilooat:ing mi!lway land to the purposes of a r6ad in General, and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, Block IX, Kruranga Survey D1s!l:riat, Kaimnga CoU111ty. this 25th day of February 1969. Given under the hand of His ExceHency the Governor­ [L.s.] PERCY B. ALLEN, Minister of Works. Genera!l, and liJssued under :the SealJ. of New Zealand, this 22nd day of February 1969. Goo SAVE THE QUEEN l [L.s.] JOHN RAE, for the Minister of Works. (P.W. 31/369; D.O. 46/22/0) GOD SAVE 1HE QUEEN! (P.W. 41/669; D.O. 49/42/5/0) Declaring Land Used as a Roadway in Block XV, Taramarama Survey District, Wairoa County, to be Road Declaring Land in South Auckland Land District, Vested in the South Auckland Education Board as a Site for a School, to be Vested in Her Majesty the Queen ARTHUR PORRITT, Governor-General A PROCLAMATION ARTHUR PORRITT, Governor-General PURSUANT to se.:ition 422 of the M!aorli Affairs Act 1953, 1, A PROCLAMATION Sir Arthur Espie Porritt, Baronet, the Governor-General of New Ze/ailand, hereby decliare the fand described in the PURSUANT to subsection (6) of section 5 of the Eduoaitnon Schedull.e here1llo, and used as a roadway, to be road. Lands Act 1949, I, Sir Arthur Espie Porr~tt, Baronet, the Goveirnor-Generai of New Zealand, hereby proclaim and declare thiat the fand described m 11:he Schedule hereto, being an area vested in 1the South Auckland Education Board as a SCHEDULE site for a sclroo1, shal!J. be veS!ted in Her Majesty 1the Queen, 0ISBORNE LAND DISTRICT freed and discharged from every educational tru~ affecting the same, buJt subject tlio all. foases, encumbrances, !liens, or ALL that piece of land containing 13 acres 2 roods situated easemenJts affedlring the same at the date hereof. in Bllock XV, 'To.ramarama Survey Distriot, Wairoa County, Oiisbtome R.D., and being part Tuitaekuri No. 1 Block (Maori Roadway) ; as the same is more particulJarlly del!i'neaited on SCHEDULE the pl:an marked M.O.W.
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