MEETING NOTICE AND AGENDA JOINT MEETING OF THE REGIONAL PLANNING TECHNICAL WORKING GROUP (TWG) AND THE CITIES/COUNTY TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE (CTAC) The TWG and CTAC may take action on any item appearing on this agenda. Thursday, March 14, 2013 SANDAG, Board Room 401 B Street, Suite 800 San Diego, CA 92101-4231 12 noon – 2 p.m. CONVENE JOINT TWG/CTAC MEETING 2 – 3:15 p.m. CONVENE TWG MEETING Staff Contacts: TWG CTAC Carolina Gregor Alex Estrella (619) 699-1989 (619) 699-1928 [email protected] [email protected] AGENDA HIGHLIGHTS Joint TWG/CTAC Meeting: • INITIATING THE DEVELOPMENT OF ALTERNATIVE LAND USE AND TRANSPORTATION SCENARIOS TO FURTHER REDUCE GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS • ACTIVE TRANSPORTATION IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGY TWG Meeting: • SAN DIEGO FORWARD: THE REGIONAL PLAN • INVENTORY OF LOCAL PARKING POLICIES IN THE SAN DIEGO REGION • FORMATION OF NEW ACTIVE TRANSPORTATION WORKING GROUP SANDAG offices are accessible by public transit. Phone 511 or see www.511sd.com for route information. Secure bicycle parking is available in the building garage off Fourth Avenue. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), SANDAG will accommodate persons who require assistance in order to participate in SANDAG meetings. If such assistance is required, please contact SANDAG at (619) 699-1900 at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting. To request this document or related reports in an alternative format, please call (619) 699-1900, (619) 699-1904 (TTY), or fax (619) 699-1905. JOINT MEETING OF THE REGIONAL PLANNING TECHNICAL WORKING GROUP AND THE CITIES/COUNTY TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE Thursday, March 14, 2013 ITEM # RECOMMENDATION 12 noon – 2 p.m. CONVENE JOINT MEETING OF TWG AND CTAC A. WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS The Regional Planning Technical Working Group (TWG) and the Cities/County Transportation Advisory Committee (CTAC) members should conduct self- introductions. B. PUBLIC COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS Members of the public shall have the opportunity to address TWG and CTAC on any issue within the jurisdiction of SANDAG that is not on this agenda. Anyone desiring to speak shall reserve time by completing a “Request to Speak” form and giving it to the staff coordinators prior to speaking. Public speakers should notify the coordinators if they have a handout for distribution to working group members. Public speakers are limited to three minutes or less per person. TWG and CTAC members also may provide information and announcements under this agenda item. CONSENT +C. TransNet SMART GROWTH INCENTIVE PROGRAM AND ACTIVE INFORMATION TRANSPORTATION GRANT PROGRAM: STATUS UPDATE (Suchi Mukherjee) SANDAG approved the first round of Smart Growth Incentive Program projects under TransNet in May 2009, and the first round of Active Transportation Program grants in June 2009. This report provides an overview of the progress made to date by the grant recipients. 2 REPORTS +D. INITIATING THE DEVELOPMENT OF ALTERNATIVE LAND USE AND INFORMATION/ TRANSPORTATION SCENARIOS TO FURTHER REDUCE GREENHOUSE DISCUSSION GAS EMISSIONS As part of the 2050 Regional Transportation Plan and Sustainable Communities Strategy (2050 RTP/SCS) adopted in 2011, the SANDAG Board of Directors committed to preparing alternative land use and transportation scenarios to explore a range of options of what it would take to further reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions between 2035 and 2050. This item provides an overview of the purpose, anticipated steps, and schedule for this exploratory analysis, which will help inform various components of San Diego Forward: The Regional Plan. The TWG and CTAC will serve as the primary SANDAG working groups providing input to the Regional Planning and Transportation Committees on this work effort, and participation and input by stakeholders and the public will be sought at key milestones. D1. Anticipated Steps and Review of Previous SANDAG Scenario Planning Efforts (Carolina Gregor) Staff will provide an overview of the purpose, anticipated steps, and schedule for developing the alternative scenarios; how the scenario planning effort fits into the development of the regional plan; and background information on previous scenario planning efforts undertaken by SANDAG. D2. Modeling Tools to be Used in this Effort (Clint Daniels) Staff will discuss the land use and transportation modeling tools that will be used in the scenario planning effort and potential visualization capabilities. D3. Examples and Lessons Learned from Scenario Planning Efforts in Other Regions (George Mazur, Cambridge Systematics) The consultant team will describe examples and highlight lessons learned on similar scenario planning efforts in California and other states. D4. Next Steps (Carolina Gregor) Next steps will include brainstorming on regional land use and transportation phasing assumptions, involvement of stakeholders and the public, and ideas on effective outreach and communication techniques. +E. ACTIVE TRANSPORTATION IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGY DISCUSSION FRAMEWORK (Christine Eary) As part of the 2050 RTP/SCS, SANDAG committed to planning an Active Transportation Program including Safe Routes to School and Safe Routes to Transit. Staff will present a proposed framework for an Active Transportation Implementation Strategy. This approach includes refinements to what was proposed at CTAC in February. The CTAC and TWG are asked to provide input regarding this process. 3 F. ADJOURNMENT OF THE JOINT CTAC/TWG AND NEXT MEETING INFORMATION The next CTAC meeting will be held on Thursday, April 4, 2013. 2 – 3:15 p.m. CONVENE TWG MEETING 1. WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS INFORMATION 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS Members of the public shall have the opportunity to address TWG on any issue within the jurisdiction of SANDAG that is not on this agenda. Anyone desiring to speak shall reserve time by completing a “Request to Speak” form and giving it to the staff coordinators prior to speaking. Public speakers should notify the coordinators if they have a handout for distribution to working group members. Public speakers are limited to three minutes or less per person. TWG members also may provide information and announcements under this agenda item. +3. MEETING MINUTES APPROVE The TWG should review and approve the meeting summary from its February 14, 2013, meeting. CONSENT +4. FORM 700 STATEMENT OF ECONOMIC INTERESTS (Carolina Gregor) INFORMATION All TWG members and alternates are required to submit a Form 700 Statement of Economic Interests for calendar year 2012. Please see the attached report for instructions. Forms are due to Michelle Posada of SANDAG by Friday, March 22, 2013. REPORTS +5. SAN DIEGO FORWARD: THE REGIONAL PLAN (Phil Trom) INFORMATION The regional plan has been branded as San Diego Forward: The Regional Plan. A brief video showcasing the branding approach will be shown and staff will highlight upcoming next steps. The final work program and schedule and the final public involvement plan were both presented to the SANDAG Board in late February and are attached for the working group's information. 4 +6. INVENTORY OF LOCAL PARKING POLICIES IN THE SAN DIEGO REGION DISCUSSION (Antoinette Meier/Marisa Mangan) At the January 2013 TWG meeting, staff announced they would be interviewing SANDAG member agencies regarding their local parking policies and management strategies. Staff is returning to present outcomes and initiate discussion on potential next steps for how parking management strategies could be considered in the development of San Diego Forward: The Regional Plan. +7. FORMATION OF NEW ACTIVE TRANSPORTATION WORKING GROUP DISCUSSION (Chris Kluth) The Bicycle-Pedestrian Working Group was established to inform SANDAG planning efforts for nonmotorized travel. Over the years SANDAG’s role in bicycle transportation has grown from administering a modest grant program into a comprehensive work element that includes implementation of the Regional Bicycle Plan, planning for pedestrians, safe routes to school, safe routes to transit, and complete streets. Together, these efforts comprise what is now referred to as the Active Transportation Program. Formation of a new Active Transportation Working Group (ATWG) is intended to reflect a new emphasis on a comprehensive approach to active transportation in the region. Staff will discuss the transition to a new Active Transportation Working Group and present the staff report and charter that was presented for approval to the Transportation Committee on February 15, 2013. The TWG will be asked to provide input on potential revisions to the ATWG membership roster as a result of comments from the Transportation Committee. 8. ADJOURNMENT AND NEXT MEETING INFORMATION The next TWG meeting will be held on April 11, 2013, from 1:15 to 3:15 p.m. Note: A special meeting on the Alternative Land Use and Transportation Scenarios may be held immediately before the TWG meeting from 12 noon to 1:15 p.m. TWG members should mark their calendars. + next to an agenda item indicates an attachment 5 San Diego Association of Governments JOINT MEETING OF THE REGIONAL PLANNING TECHNICAL WORKING GROUP AND THE CITIES/COUNTY TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE March 14, 2013 AGENDA ITEM NO.: C Action Requested: INFORMATION TransNet SMART GROWTH INCENTIVE PROGRAM File Number 3300100, 3300300 AND ACTIVE TRANSPORTATION GRANT PROGRAM: STATUS UPDATE Introduction This report provides an update through December 31, 2012, on projects funded by two grant programs included in the TransNet Extension
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