CLASSES SEVEN & EIGHT READING LIST The Providence Reading Lists are a resource for parents to use as they search for uality literature to read with their children. Our Book Committee has selected the inest age-appropriate books relect the School's Core Values and include beautiful illustrations, volume, and complex sentence structure. Author Title Genre Annotation Record ID DIckens, Charles Christmas Carol, A F 5665 Leasor, James Code Name Nimrod H 5663 Ajilvsgi, Geyata Texas Wildflowers R 3876 Caudill, Rebecca Tree of Freedom F 4169 Thurber, James Wonderful O, The Hum 5664 McCullough, David 1776 H 5635 McCullough, David 1776 H 5637 Collins, David R. Abraham Lincoln (Sowers Series) B 4189 Owens, Frederick O. Abraham Lincoln: The Man and His Faith B 5107 Hunt, Irene Across Five Aprils HF 4724 Forester, C. S. Admiral Hornblower in the West Indies F 4434 Abbot, John, S.C. Adventures of Davy Crockett, The H 3895 Twain, Mark Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The F 5457 Colum, Padraic Adventures of Odysseus and the Tale of Troy, The F 4197 Collodi, Carlo Adventures of Pinocchio, The F 4196 Twain, Mark Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The F 5458 Lamb, Charles Adventures of Ulysses F 4820 Church, Alfred J. Aeneid for Boys and Girls F 4184 Virgil Aeneid, The PA follows Trojan warrior Aeneas 5494 Aesop Aesop's Fables F 3909 Wright, Sylvia Age of Chivalry, The H 5605 Carroll, Lewis Alice's Adventures in Wonderland F 4156 Tale of a boy and the maiden, record-breaking Sperry, Armstrong All Sail Set: A Romance of the Flying Cloud F 5298 voyage of the "Flying Cloud" around the Horn. Metaxas, Eric Amazing Grace B 5651 Holberg, Ruth L. American Bard: The Story of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, An B 4687 McNeer, May American Indian Story, The H 5027 White, Kathleen Amy Carmichael (Women of Faith series) B 5546 Latham, Jean Lee Anchors Aweigh: The Story of David Glasgow Farragut B 4827 Corbishley, Mike Ancient Rome H 4216 Landon, Margaret Anna and the King of Siam F 4822 Montgomery, Lucy Maud Anne of Avonlea F 5060 Montgomery, Lucy Maud Anne of Green Gables F 5061 Battles of Lexington and Concord april 19, 1775 Fast, Howard April Morning HF 4393 from a young man's view Platt, Colin Architecture of Medieval Britain, The R 5132 Byam, Michele Arms and Armor H 4127 Verne, Jules Around the World in Eighty Days F 5487 MacDonald, George At the Back of the North Wind F 4970 Audubon Society Field Guides R 5617 Willard, Barbara Augustine Came to Kent HF 5685 Last Updated 10/23/2020 CLASSES SEVEN & EIGHT READING LIST The Providence Reading Lists are a resource for parents to use as they search for uality literature to read with their children. Our Book Committee has selected the inest age-appropriate books relect the School's Core Values and include beautiful illustrations, volume, and complex sentence structure. Author Title Genre Annotation Record ID Franklin, Benjamin Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin B 4458 Forester, C. S. Beat to Quarters F 4435 Wren, P. Christopher Beau Geste HF French Foreign Legion in North Africa 5604 Gilbreath, Frank Belles on their Toes B 4521 Wallace, Lew Ben Hur, A Tale of the Christ HF 5503 Sutcliff, Rosemary Beowulf Retold by Rosemary Sutcliff HF 5366 Henty, G. A. Beric the Bruiton: A Story of the Roman Invasion HF 4635 Felleman, Hazel Best-Loved Poems of the American People PA 4395 Lovelace, Maude Hart Betsy and Joe (7) F 4946 Lovelace, Maude Hart Betsy and the Great World (8) F 4949 Lovelace, Maude Hart Betsy Was a Junior (6) F 4951 Lovelace, Maude Hart Betsy's Wedding (9) F 4952 Douglas, Lloyd C. and Greeley, Andrew M.Big Fisherman, The HF 4332 Garst, Shannon Big Foot Wallace of the Texas Rangers B 4503 Jewett, Eleanore M. Big John's Secret HF England in 13th century during 5th Crusade 4751 Allen, Robert Billy Sunday B 3924 Wiggin, Kate Douglas Bird's Christmas Carol, The F 5552 Cairns, Trevor Birth of Modern Europe, The H 4128 Stevenson, Robert Louis Black Arrow, The F 5342 Scott, Sir Walter Black Dwarf, The F 5238 Sutcliff, Rosemary Black Ships Before Troy HF Homer's Iliad retold 5367 Dumas, Alexandre Black Tulip F 4341 Sold into slavery to the Northmen in the tenth century, a young Englishman becomes involved in a Sutcliff, Rosemary Blood Feud HF 5368 blood feud which leads him to Constantinople and a totally different way of life. Carbone, Elisa Blood on the River HF 5681 Hall, Newton and Wood, Irving Book of Life (8 volumes) PA Biblical treasures and poems 4571 Bennett, William J. Book of Virtues, The: A Treasury of Great Moral Stories PA 4013 Great story of a young man who was sold out for Taylor, Mrs. Howard Borden of Yale B 5398 God Adamson, J. Born Free NF 3906 Lanier, Sidney Boy's King Arthur F 4825 Michell, David Boy's War, A B 5034 July, 1714, a bridge in Peru collapses carying ive Wilder, Thornton Bridge of San Louis Rey F 5570 people with it Speare, Elizabeth George Bronze Bow, The F 5294 Fenner, Phyllis R. Brother Against Brother: Stories of the War Between the States H 4396 Woding, Dan Brother Andrew B 5601 Last Updated 10/23/2020 CLASSES SEVEN & EIGHT READING LIST The Providence Reading Lists are a resource for parents to use as they search for uality literature to read with their children. Our Book Committee has selected the inest age-appropriate books relect the School's Core Values and include beautiful illustrations, volume, and complex sentence structure. Author Title Genre Annotation Record ID True story of 19-year-old captured by Motilone Olson, Bruce Bruchko B Indians and his adventure in Christianizing the 5103 Stone Age Tribe Norwich, John Julius Byzantium HF 5091 Swift, Catherine C. S. Lewis (Men of Faith Series) B 5378 Speare, Elizabeth George Calico Captive HF 5295 Grey, Zane Call of the Canyon F 4553 London, Jack Call of the Wild F Harsh treatment of animals 4940 Forester, C. S. Captain Horatio Hornblower F 4436 Kipling, Rudyard Captains Courageous F 4796 O'Dell, Scott Carlota F 5094 Lewis, C. S. Case for Christianity, The NF *Author endorsed for Classes Seven and Eight only 4903 Macaulay, David Castle NF 4961 Henty, G. A. Cat of Bubastes, The HF 4636 Macaulay, David Cathedral NF 4962 Miller, Basil Charles Finney (Menof Faith) B 5038 Collins, David R. Charles Lindbergh: Hero Pilot (Sowers Series) B 4190 Triggs, Kathy Charles Spurgeon (Men of Faith Series) B 5429 Haugaard, Erik C. Chase Me, Catch Nobody F World War II 4588 Gilbreath, Frank B., Jr Cheaper by the Dozen B 4522 Seredy, Kate Chestry Oak, The F 5248 Dickens, Charles Child's History of England H 4304 VIns, Natasha Children of the Storm B 5694 Freedman, Russell Children of the Wild West H 4462 Colum, Padraic Children's Homer, The / Adventures of Odysseus and the Tale of Troy, TheF 4198 Potok, Chaim Chosen, The F Deals with Jewish fathers and their sons 5143 Evans, RIchard Paul Christmas Box, The F 5693 Marshall, Catherine Christy PPR 4984 Macaulay, David City: A Story of Roman Planning and Construction NF 4963 Collins, David R. Clara Barton (Sowers Series) B 4191 Adams, Robert Classical Architecture R 3901 Pindell, W. F. Clinton B. Fisk B 5126 Leasor, James Code Name Nimrod H WWII spy 4838 Tunis, Edwin Colonial Living H great Reference book for younger classes 5444 Forester, C. S. Commodore Hornblower F 4437 Kuhn, Ferdinand Commodore Perry and the Opening of Japan (Landmark) B More diicult verision of a Landmark book 4815 Twain, Mark Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, A F 5459 Ballantyne, R. M. Coral Island, The F 3962 McConnell, Jane T. Cornelia, The Story of a Civil War Nurse B 5016 Dobie, J. Frank Coronado's Children H 4315 Last Updated 10/23/2020 CLASSES SEVEN & EIGHT READING LIST The Providence Reading Lists are a resource for parents to use as they search for uality literature to read with their children. Our Book Committee has selected the inest age-appropriate books relect the School's Core Values and include beautiful illustrations, volume, and complex sentence structure. Author Title Genre Annotation Record ID White, Kathleen Corrie Ten Boom (Women of Faith series) B 5547 Dumas, Alexandre Count of Monte Cristo, The F 4342 Dumas, Alexandre Countess de Charny, The HF 4343 Dickens, Charles Cricket on the Hearth F 4305 Orphaned teen is sent to college by anonymous Webster, Jean Daddy-Long-Legs F 5523 benefactor Hunkin, Oliver Dangerous Journey: The Story of Pilgrim's Progress F 4720 Bakeless, John Edwin Daniel Boone: Master of the Wilderness B 3956 Hawes, Charles Dark Frigate, The F 4595 Stevenson, Robert Louis David Balfour - A Sequel to Kidnapped F 5344 Dickens, Charles David Copperfield F 4306 Eaton, Jeannette David Livingstone: Foe of Darkness B 4361 Bishop, Jim Day Lincoln was Shot, The HF 4023 Gibbon, Edward Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire H 4516 Cooper, James Fenimore Deerslayer, The F 4214 Yolen, Jane Devil’s Arithmetic, The F 5633 Yolen, Jane Devil's Arithmetic, The HF 5660 Frank, Anne Diary of a Young Girl PPR 4457 Harris, Alex and Bret Do Hard Things NF 4582 Piper, John Don't Waste Your Life NF 5695 Baum, L. Frank Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz (#4) F 3978 Snedeker, Caroline Dale Downright Dencey HF 5675 Clapp, Patricia Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell B 4186 Sutcliff, Rosemary Dragon Slayer HF Story of Beowulf 5369 Sutcliff, Rosemary Eagle of the Ninth (#1 Roman Britain Trilogy) HF 5370 Williamson, Joanne Eagles Have Flown, The HF Julius Caesar, Rome 59 BC 5585 Alcott, Louisa May Eight Cousins F 3915 Eleanor of Auitaine rules as a modern heroine in Lofts, Nora Eleanor the Queen HF 4939 the 12th century Finley, Martha Elsie Dinsmore (28 books in series) F 4402 Baum, L.
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