US 20080064671 A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2008/0064671 A1 Barlow et al. (43) Pub. Date: Mar. 13, 2008 (54) COMBINATIONS CONTAINING A on Dec. 4, 2006, provisional application No. 60/884, 4-ACYLAMINOPYRIDINE DERVATIVE 584, filed on Jan. 11, 2007. (75) Inventors: Carrolee Barlow, Del Mar, CA (US); Todd A. Carter, San Diego, CA (US); Andrew Morse, San Publication Classification Diego, CA (US); Kai Treuner, San Diego, CA (US); Kym I. Lorrain, (51) Int. Cl. San Diego, CA (US) A6II 3/56 (2006.01) A6II 3/44 (2006.01) Correspondence Address: A6IP 25/00 (2006.01) TOWNSEND AND TOWNSEND AND CREW, CI2N 5/00 (2006.01) LLP A6II 3/47 (2006.01) TWO EMBARCADERO CENTER, EIGHTH FLOOR SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94111-3834 (52) U.S. Cl. ......... 514/171; 435/375; 514/314: 514/352 (73) Assignee: BrainCells, Inc., San Diego, CA (US) (21) Appl. No.: 11/766,721 (57) ABSTRACT The instant disclosure describes compositions and methods (22) Filed: Jun. 21, 2007 for treating diseases and conditions of the central and peripheral nervous system. The disclosure includes compo Related U.S. Application Data sitions and methods based on use of a 4-acylaminopyridine (60) Provisional application No. 60/825,080, filed on Sep. derivative in combination with one or more other neurogenic 8, 2006, provisional application No. 60/868,510, filed agents. One 4-acylaminopyridine derivative is MKC-231. Human Neurogenesis Assay: MKC-231 + AMPA Neuronal Differentiation (TUJ1) O 110 100 H MKC-231 IO MKC-231 + O.316 UM AMPA 70 60 50 40 30 20 O O.316 AWPA -19. 10-8.0 10-7.5 10-7.0 10-6.5 10-6-0 10-55 10-5.0 10-4.5 10-40 Conc (M) Patent Application Publication Mar. 13, 2008 Sheet 1 of 10 US 2008/006.4671 A1 Figure 1: Human Neurogenesis Assay: MKC-231 + AMPA Neuronal Differentiation (TUJ1) H MKC-231 IO MKC-231 + O.316 UM AMPA 5 O O ar- - 0.316 unt AMPA 19. 10-8.0 10-7.5 10-7.0 10-6.5 10-6-0 10-55 10-50 10-45 10-40 Conc (M) Patent Application Publication Mar. 13, 2008 Sheet 2 of 10 US 2008/006.4671 A1 Figure 2: Human Neurogenesis Assay: MKC-231 + EStradio Neuronal Differentiation (TUJ1) 100 O'MKC-231 90 '' EStradio 80 -- COmbination 1 O -8.5 1 O -7.5 1 O -6.5 1 O -5.5 1 O -4.5 MKC-231 Conc (M) 10 9.5 10 -8.5 10 7.5 10 -6.5 10 -5.5 Estradiol Conc (M) Patent Application Publication Mar. 13, 2008 Sheet 3 of 10 US 2008/006.4671 A1 Figure 3: Human Neurogenesis Assay: MKC-231 + TamOXifen Neuronal Differentiation (TUJ1) 110 100- O MKC-231 90- Tam Oxifen 80- -0- COmbination 10-8.5 10-7.5 10-6.5 10-5.5 10-4.5 Patent Application Publication Mar. 13, 2008 Sheet 4 of 10 US 2008/006.4671 A1 Figure 4: Human Neurogenesis ASSay: MKC-231 + Azakenpaullone Neuronal Differentiation (TUJ1) '''MKC-231 to Azakenpaulone 3150 Combination -9.5 -9.0 -8.5 -8.0 -7.5 -7.0 -6.5 -6.0 -5.5 -5.0 Azakenpaullone Conc (M) -8.5 -8.0 -7.5 -7.0 -6.5 -6.0 -5.5 -5.0 -4.5 -4.0 MKC-231 Conc (M) Patent Application Publication Mar. 13, 2008 Sheet 5 of 10 US 2008/006.4671 A1 Figure 5: Human Neurogenesis Assay: MKC-231 + Naltrexone Neuronal Differentiation (TUJ1) 110 100- - O - MKC-231 90 -- NaltrexOne -0- Combination 5 O 10-8.5 107.5 10-6.5 10-5.5 10-4.5 Patent Application Publication Mar. 13, 2008 Sheet 6 of 10 US 2008/006.4671 A1 Figure 6: Human Neurogenesis Assay: MKC-231 + Methylfolate Neuronal Differentiation (TUJ1) 110 100 -O-MKC-231 --Methylfolate -0- COmbination 50 10-8.5 10-7.5 10-6.5 10-5.5 10-4.5 Patent Application Publication Mar. 13, 2008 Sheet 7 of 10 US 2008/006.4671 A1 Figure 7: Human Neurogenesis Assay: MKC-231 + ACetazolamide Neuronal Differentiation (TUJ1) 110 100- - O - MKC-231 90- ACetaZOlamide 80- -- Combination 10-8.5 10-7.5 10-6.5 10-5.5 10-4.5 Patent Application Publication Mar. 13, 2008 Sheet 8 of 10 US 2008/006.4671 A1 Figure 8: Human Neurogenesis Assay: MKC-231 + AtOrVastatin Neuronal Differentiation (TUJ1) O'MKC-231 AtOrVastatin -- COmbination . : 1050 -1 1 O -8.5 10 -7.5 1 O -6.5 10 -5.5 10 -4.5 MKC-231 Conc (M) 10 11.5 10 - 10.5 10 -9.5 10 -8.5 10 -7.5 Atorvastatin Conc (M) Patent Application Publication Mar. 13, 2008 Sheet 9 of 10 US 2008/006.4671 A1 Figure 9: Human Neurogenesis Assay: MKC-231 + MOOdafinil Neuronal Differentiation (TUJ1) 110 100- - O - MKC-231 90- - - - MOCafinil 80- -0- Combination 10-8.5 10-7.5 10-6.5 10-5.5 10-4.5 Patent Application Publication Mar. 13, 2008 Sheet 10 of 10 US 2008/0064671 A1 Figure 10: Human Neurogenesis Assay: MKC-231 + Rosiglitazone Neuronal Differentiation (TUJ1) 110 100- - O - MKC-231 90- --Rosiglitazone -0- COmbination 50 10-8.5 10-7.5 10-6.5 10-5.5 10-4.5 US 2008/0064671 A1 Mar. 13, 2008 COMBINATIONS CONTAINING A additional neurogenic agent may be another 4-acylaminopy 4-ACYLAMINOPYRIDINE DERVATIVE ridine derivative or a neurogenic agent that acts through a mechanism independent from the 4-acylaminopyridine derivative. An additional neurogenic agent as described 0001 May: 17(10): 2042-6, Gould. Science. 1999 Oct. herein may be one which acts through a known receptor or 15; 286(5439):548-51, Malberg. J Neurosi. 2000 Dec. 15: one which is known for the treatment of a disease or 20(24):9104-10, Santarelli. Science. 2003 Aug. 8: condition. 301 (5634):805-9). Other factors, such as adrenal hormones, 0007 Embodiments of the disclosure are based upon a stress, age and drugs of abuse negatively influence neuro combination of a 4-acylaminopyridine derivative and one or genesis (Cameron. Neuroscience. 1994 July; 61(2):203-9. more other neurogenic agents disclosed herein or known to McEwen. Neuropsychopharmacology. 1999 Oct.: the skilled person. Compositions disclosed herein include 21(4):474-84, Kuhn. J. Neurosci. 1996 Mar. 15: 16(6):2027 Such combinations of a 4-acylaminopyridine derivative in 33, Eisch. Am J Psychiatry. 2004 March; 161(3):426). combination with one or more other neurogenic agents. 0002 U.S. Pat. No. 5,397,785 describes a number of 0008. In a second aspect, the disclosure includes a 4-acylaminopyridine derivatives and compositions as well method of lessening and/or reducing a decline or decrease of as their use in the treatment of senile dementia and Alzhe cognitive function in a subject or patient. In some cases, the imer's Disease. U.S. Pat. No. 6,884.805 describes poly method may be applied to maintain and/or stabilize cogni morph crystals of a 4-acylaminopyridine derivative and their tive function in the subject or patient. The method may use in activating a malfunctioned cholinergic neuron that is comprise administering a 4-acylaminopyridine derivative in associated with memory loss disturbances. combination with one or more other neurogenic agents to a 0003 Citation of the above documents is not intended as Subject or patient in an amount effective to lessen or reduce an admission that any of the foregoing is pertinent prior art. a decline or decrease of cognitive function. Statements about these documents do not constitute any 0009. In another aspect, the disclosed methods include admission as to the correctness of the dates or contents of identifying a patient Suffering from one or more diseases, these documents. disorders, or conditions, or a symptom thereof, and admin istering to the patient a 4-acylaminopyridine derivative in BRIEF SUMMARY OF THE DISCLOSURE combination with one or more other neurogenic agents as 0004 Disclosed herein are compositions and methods for described herein. In some embodiments, a method including the prophylaxis and treatment of diseases, conditions and identification of a subject as in need of an increase in injuries of the central and peripheral nervous systems by neurogenesis, and administering to the Subject a 4-acylami stimulating or increasing neurogenesis. Aspects of the meth nopyridine derivative in combination with one or more other ods, and activities of the compositions, include increasing or neurogenic agents is disclosed herein. In other embodi potentiating neurogenesis in cases of a disease, disorder, or ments, the Subject is a patient, Such as a human patient. condition of the nervous system. Embodiments of the dis 0010. Additional embodiments describe a method includ closure include methods of treating a neurodegenerative ing administering a 4-acylaminopyridine derivative in com disorder, neurological trauma including brain or central bination with one or more other neurogenic agents to a nervous system trauma and/or recovery therefrom, depres subject exhibiting the effects of insufficient amounts of, or Sion, anxiety, psychosis, learning and memory disorders, and inadequate levels of neurogenesis. In some embodiments, ischemia of the central and/or peripheral nervous systems. In the Subject may be one that has been subjected to an agent other embodiments, the disclosed methods are used to that decreases or inhibits neurogenesis. Non-limiting improve cognitive outcomes. examples of an inhibitor of neurogenesis include opioid 0005. In one aspect, methods of modulating, such as by receptor agonists, such as a mu receptor Subtype agonist like stimulating or increasing, neurogenesis are disclosed.
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