42626 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -HOUSE December 19, 1970 ~NCONGRESSCO~TTEE retary of Transportation John A. Volpe, the proved, as he must do at each one, that Ukrainian Congress Committee said that "to he can handle with equal facility the CONDEMNS EXTRADITION OF surrender a political defector to the claws of LITHUANIAN DEFECTOR the KGB at a time when the U.S. Govern­ tough questions, the loaded questions, ment is pleading with the world for its in­ and the rude questions. tervention for humane treatment of our He proved that the press conference HON. DANIEL J. FLOOD POW's in North Vietnam, is the acme of in­ can be a worthy vehicle for transmitting OF PENNSYLVANIA humanity, folly and responsibility." news to the American people. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The press also proved something. It Thursday, December 17, 1970 [Telegram] proved it can ask searching, meaningful Hon. RICHARD M. NIXON, in-depth questions. And it proved that Mr. FLOOD. Mr. Speaker, the editor President of the United States of America, it can ask questions that are self-serving, of the Ukrainian Quarterly in New York The White House, impudent, designed to embarrass and City has forwarded to me a copy of a Washington, D.O.: are utterly asinine. press release issued by the Ukrainian On behalf of Ukranian Congress Commit­ The points the good questions made in Congress Committee of America and a tee of America, speaking for over 2 Inilllon favor of more frequent press conferences copy of a telegram by that organization Americans of Ukrainian ancestry, we lodge the sternest protest against the illegal, im­ were offset by the other questions that sent to President Nixon on the matter moral and inhuman handing over of the proved that some members of the Wash­ of the Lithuanian sailor wbo sought Lithuanian defector, Simas Gruze, by U.S. ington press do not deserve the courtesy political asylum in this country. On Coast Guard authorities to the Soviet of any such conferences. Monday, December 14, 1970, I made an guards. Mr. Speaker, it is true the President address in the House on this subject and This act, in total definiance of the U.N. must meet his responsibilities to keep the my remarks appear in the RECORD be­ Convention Relating to the Status of Refu­ people informed. But it is equally true ginning on page 41421. gees, occurred in American waters and con­ stitutes a most disgraceful violation of our that a free press has a duty to keep the As part of my remarks today, I in­ traditional policy of political sanctuary for people informed in a responsible manner. clude a letter of transmittal from the those fleeing oppression and tyranny. editor of the Ukrainian Quarterly, Mr. To surrender a political defector to the Walter Dushnyck, as well as copies of the claws of the KGB at a time, when the U.S. MESSAGE TO CONSTITUENTS aforementioned press release and Government is pleading With the world for telegram. its intervention for human treatment of our THE UKRAINIAN QUARTERLY, POW's in North Vietnam is the acme of in­ HON. CRAIG HOSMER humanity, folly and 1ITesponsibll1ty. There­ OF CALIFORNIA New York, N.Y., December 12, 1970. fore, we fully support your order for an im­ Hon. DANIEL J. FLOOD, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The Rayburn BuilcUng, mediate investigation to bring those respon­ sible for this tragic and shameless crime Thursday, December 17, 1970 Washington, D.O. against human rights to account. DEAR CONGRESSMAN FLOOD: Enclosed please This event undoubtedly has marred the Mr. HOSMER. Mr. Speaker, annually find a copy of our press release and tele­ American image abroad and makes a mockery I send the citizens I am privileged to rep­ gram sent to President Nixon in connection of our professed dedication to human free­ resent in the Congress a message With the extradition of the Luthuanian de­ dom at home and abroad. Only immediate advising them of some of the services fector, Simas Kuderka. We would appreciate rectification of the perpetrated violation, by of my office and how they can become your kindess in inserting it in your pro­ bringing those culpable to account, can re­ available. Within the next few days I will posed address in the House of Representa­ store in the captive nations behind the Iron tives and sending a copy of it to us. Thank Curtain and the free world at large faith in mail this message which is entitled "A you. our democracy and respect for our principles Message from Craig Hosmer 'Your Man Sincerely yours, of personal freedom and human rights and in Washington' " and reads as follows: WALTER DuSHNYCK, justice. A MESSAGE FROM CRAIG HOSMER-"YOUR MAN Editor. EXECUTIVE BoARD, IN WASHINGTON" UKRAINIAN CONGRESS COMMITTEE OF AMERICA. As your Representative in the United States UKRAINIAN CONGRESS COMMITTEE CONDEMNS DECEMBER 2, 1970. Congress I respectfully invite your views on ExTRADITION OF LITHUANIAN DEFECTOR the issues facing this Nation which are of NEW YoRK, N.Y.-The Executive Board of special concern to you. the Ukrainian Congress Committee of Amer­ In addition to legislative duties, much of ica (UCCA), a nationwide organization of PRESIDENT MASTER OF THE PRESS my effort is devoted to assisting with the dif­ some 2 million Americans of Ukrainian CONFERENCE ficult problems of our ·area which must be origin, strongly condemned U.S. Coast Guard solved at the Nation's Capitol. officials who handed over the Lithuanian de­ It also is my pleasure to be of help to you fector, Simas Gruze, (later identified as HON. SAMUEL L. DEVINE when you encounter a personal problem with a Department or Agency of the Federal Simas Kuderka) to his Soviet captors. Term­ OF OHIO ing the act a "most disgraceful violation of Government. our traditional policy of political sanctuary," IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Your letters will reach me for prompt at­ the UCCA expressed its full support of an Thursday, December 17, 1970 tention when addressed as follows: Congress­ immediate investigation and bringing those man Craig Hosmer, Rayburn Building, Wash­ responsible for this crime to account. Mr. DEVINE. Mr. Speaker, once again, ington, D.C. 20515. In a telegram sent to President Nixon, last week President Nixon came off as On the obverse of the foregoing mes­ Secretary of State Wllliam P. Rogers and Sec- the master of the press conference. He sage is a home or office calendar for 1971. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVE,S-Saturday, December 19, 1970 The House met at 12 o'clock noon. THE JOURNAL H.R. 6854. An act to provide for the free The Chaplain, Rev. Edward G. Latch, The Journal of the proceedings of yes­ entry of a peal of eight bells and fittings for D.D., offered the following prayer: terday was read and approved. use of Smith College, Northampton, Mass.; For God, who commanded the light to H.R. 9183. An act to amend the Tariff shine out of darkness, hath shined in our Schedules of the United States to provide that imported articles which are exported hearts, to give the light of the knowledge MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE and thereafter reimported to the United of the glory of God in the face of Jesus A message from the Senate, by Mr. States for failure to meet sample or specifi­ Christ.-n Corinthians 4: 6. Sparrow, one of its clerks, announced cations shall, in certain instances, be en­ Almighty God, who hast declared Thy that the Senate had passed without tered free of duty upon such reimportation; love to men by the birth of the Holy amendment bills of the House of the fol­ H.R. 10150. An act for the relief of certain Child at Bethlehem: Help us to welcome lowing titles: individuals employed by the Department of Him with gladness and to make room for H.R. 4983. An act for the relief of James M. the Air Force at Kelly Air Force Base, Tex.; Him in all our common days, so that we Buster; H.R. 10704. An act for the relief of Sam­ may live at peace with one another and H.R. 6049. An act to amend the definition uel R. Stephenson; in good will with all Thy family: In His of "metal bearing ores" in the Tariff Sched­ H.R. 12621. An act for the relief of Lt. holy name we pray. Amen. ules of the United States; Robert J. Scanlon; December 19, 1970 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 42627 H.R. 14271. An act for the relief of Jack A. ing to housing and urban development, Conyers Harrington Pettis Duggins; Corbett Hastings Philbin and for other purposes." Coughlin Ha wklns Pike H.R. 15272. An act for the relief of Da· The message also announced that the Cowger Hays Pirnie vid L. Kennison; Senate had passed bills and a joint reso­ Cramer Hebert Podell H.R. 15979. An act to provide that the in· Cunningham Henderson Pollock terest on certain insured loans sold out of lution of the following titles, in which the Daddario Hungate Powell the agricultural credit insurance fund shall concurrence of the House is requested: Davis, Ga. Jarman Price, Tex. be included in gross income; s. 1009. An a~t for the relief of Ruth V. Delaney Jones, N.C. Pucinski Hawley, Marvin E. Krell, Alaine E. Benic, Denney Kee Purcell H.R. 16506. An act to amend the Internal Dent Kleppe Quie Revenue Code of 1954 to clarify the appllca· and Gerald L. Thayer; Derwinski Kluczynski Quillen b111ty of the exemption from income taxa­ S. 1984. An act for the relief of Alice E.
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