30 BUSINESS OBSERVER MANATEE COUNTY MAY 8 - MAY 14, 2020 MANATEE COUNTY LEGAL NOTICES FIRST INSERTION FIRST INSERTION FIRST INSERTION NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE OF ACTION swer and any written defenses with the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Clerk of the Court and to serve a copy of the undersigned, desiring to engage the undersigned, desiring to engage in TWELFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT the answer and defenses on or before in business under the fictitious name business under the fictitious name of IN AND FOR MANATEE COUNTY, the 9th day of June, 2020, on Angeline of Lisa Potts Designs intends to Two Sassy Gals intends to register the FLORIDA Attila, Assistant General Counsel, De- register the said name with the Florida said name with the Florida Department Case Number: 19-CA-5477 partment of Highway Safety and Motor Department of State, Division of of State, Division of Corporations, Judge: SNIFFEN Vehicles, 5023 53rd Avenue East, Bra- OFFICIAL Corporations, Tallahassee, FL. Tallahassee, FL. IN RE: Forfeiture of: denton, FL 33203. Failure to file your Lisa Potts Frances Jensen One (1) 2002 Ford Ranger answer and defenses will result in a de- 5622 35th Ct. E. 1904 148th Court East VIN: 1FTYR10U92PA50570 fault being entered against you. Bradenton, FL 34203 Bradenton, FL 34212 TO: Martin Molina WITNESSED by hand and the Seal COURTHOUSE May 8, 2020 20-00547M May 8, 2020 20-00546M Last known Address: 6212 Dundy of the Court on this 28 day of April, Avenue, Gibsonton, FL 33534 2020. FIRST INSERTION FIRST INSERTION YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that The Honorable Angelina Colonneso a forfeiture action has been filed against Clerk of Court WEBSITES: FICTITIOUS NAME NOTICE FICTITIOUS NAME NOTICE the above described currency by the De- (SEAL) s/ Kathy Steinmetz Notice is hereby given that SAN ANTO- Notice is hereby given that ANGELA partment of Highway Safety and Motor Deputy Clerk NIO SHOE, INC., owner, desiring to WARNER DAVIS, owner, desiring to Vehicles. You are required to file an an- May 8, 15, 22, 29, 2020 20-00535M engage in business under the fictitious engage in business under the fictitious name of SAS COMFORT SHOES lo- name of DEFENDERS FOR YOU lo- cated at 1717 SAS DR, SAN ANTONIO, cated at 3202 162ND AVE E, PAR- FIRST INSERTION TX 78224 intends to register the said RISH, FL 34219 intends to register the NOTICE TO CREDITORS mands against decedent’s estate must name in MANATEE county with the said name in MANATEE county with IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR file their claims with this court WITH- Division of Corporations, Florida De- the Division of Corporations, Florida MANATEE COUNTY: MANATEE COUNTY, FLORIDA IN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF partment of State, pursuant to section Department of State, pursuant to sec- PROBATE DIVISION THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS 865.09 of the Florida Statutes. tion 865.09 of the Florida Statutes. manateeclerk.com File No. 2020CP001120AX NOTICE. May 8, 2020 20-00536M May 8, 2020 20-00537M IN RE ESTATE OF: ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN CHARLES K. MCLEOD, THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FIRST INSERTION Deceased. SECTION 733.702 OF THE FLORIDA The administration of the estate PROBATE CODE WILL BE FOREV- SARASOTA COUNTY: FICTITIOUS NAME NOTICE of CHARLES K. MCLEOD, de- ER BARRED. Notice is hereby given that AARON KENNEDY, D.M.D., P.L., owner, desiring to en- ceased, whose date of death was NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME sarasotaclerk.com gage in business under the fictitious name of KENNEDY DENTAL located at 8198 March 25, 2020; File Number PERIOD SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY TOURIST CENTER DRIVE, BRADENTON, FL 34201 intends to register the said 2020CP001120AX, is pending in the CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR name in MANATEE county with the Division of Corporations, Florida Department Circuit Court for Manatee County, MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S of State, pursuant to section 865.09 of the Florida Statutes. Florida, Probate Division, the address DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. May 8, 2020 20-00543M of which is 1115 Manatee Ave W, Bra- The date of first publication of this CHARLOTTE COUNTY: denton, FL 34206. The names and ad- notice is: May 8, 2020. FIRST INSERTION dresses of the personal representative Signed on April 22, 2020. and the personal representative’s attor- RONALD GREGORY MCLEOD charlotte.realforeclose.com Notice Under Fictitious Name Law ney are set forth below. Personal Representative According to Florida Statute All creditors of the decedent and oth- 201 Ashton Glen Number 865.09 er persons having claims or demands Durham, NC 27703 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, desiring to engage in business against decedent’s estate, on whom David C. Agee under the Fictitious Name of Flying High located at 307 9th ave east in the City LEE COUNTY: a copy of this notice is required to be Attorney for Personal Representative of palmetto, Manatee County, FL 34221 intends to register the said name with the served, must file their claims with this Florida Bar No. 0695343 Division of Corporations of the Department of State, Tallahassee, Florida. court ON OR BEFORE THE LATER Reid & Agee, PLLC leeclerk.org Dated this 1st day of May, 2020. OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME 3633 26th Street West Richard J. Cyr OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF Bradenton, FL 34205 May 8, 2020 20-00538M THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER Telephone: 941-756-8791 COLLIER COUNTY: THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY Email: [email protected] FIRST INSERTION OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. Secondary Email: All other creditors of the decedent [email protected] collierclerk.com NOTICE TO CREDITORS mands against decedent’s estate must and other persons having claims or de- May 8, 15, 2020 20-00533M IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR file their claims with this court WITH- MANATEE COUNTY, IN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF FIRST INSERTION FLORIDA THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY: PROBATE DIVISION NOTICE. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All other creditors of the decedent File No. 2020-CP-729 ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE and other persons having claims or de- Division Probate THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH TWELFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT mands against decedent’s estate must hillsclerk.com IN RE: ESTATE OF IN FLORIDA STATUTES SEC- IN AND FOR MANATEE COUNTY, file their claims with this court WITH- JOHANNA RUSSELL TION 733.702 WILL BE FOREVER FLORIDA IN THREE (3) MONTHS AFTER THE Deceased. BARRED. PROBATE DIVISION DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION The administration of the estate of JO- NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME File No. 2020-CP-1149 OF THIS NOTICE. PASCO COUNTY: HANNA RUSSELL, deceased, whose PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY IN RE: ESTATE OF ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN date of death was January 27, 2020, is CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR RICHARD W. MARTIN, JR. THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN pending in the Circuit Court for MAN- MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S Deceased. §733.702 OF THE FLORIDA PRO- pasco.realforeclose.com ATEE County, Florida, Probate Divi- DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The administration of the estate of BATE CODE WILL BE FOREVER sion, the address of which is 1115 Mana- The date of first publication of this RICHARD W. MARTIN, JR., deceased, BARRED. tee Ave. W., Bradenton, FL 34205. The notice is May 8, 2020. whose date of death was September 29, NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME names and addresses of the personal Personal Representative: 2018, and whose social security number PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY PINELLAS COUNTY: representative and the personal repre- DENISE GETTER is ***-**-4331, is pending in the Circuit CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR sentative’s attorney are set forth below. 7531 Turtleback Drive Court for Manatee County, Florida, MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S All creditors of the decedent and oth- Dayton, Ohio 45414 Probate Division, the address of which DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. pinellasclerk.org er persons having claims or demands Attorney for Personal Representative: is P.O. Box 25400, Bradenton, Florida, The date of first publication of this against decedent’s estate on whom a MELISSA R. CASANUEVA, ESQ. 34206. The names and addresses of the notice is May 8, 2020. copy of this notice is required to be Attorney/FBN 0105788 personal representative and the per- Personal Representative: served must file their claims with this BUTLER ELDER LAW P.A., sonal representative’s attorney are set /s/ Brian A. Martin POLK COUNTY: court ON OR BEFORE THE LATER of Ferrari & Butler, PLLC forth below. BRIAN A. MARTIN OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME 8784 East State Road 70, Ste 102 All creditors of the decedent and 19936 Ball Road polkcountyclerk.net OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF Bradenton, FL 34202 other persons having claims or de- Black River, New York 13612 THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER Telephone and Fax: (941) 254-6611 mands against decedent’s estate on Attorney for Personal Representative: THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY E-Mail: [email protected] whom a copy of this notice is required /s/ David W. Wilcox OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. Secondary E-Mail: to be served must file their claims with DAVID W. WILCOX, Esquire All other creditors of the decedent [email protected] this court WITHIN THE LATER OF Attorney for Petitioner ORANGE COUNTY: and other persons having claims or de- May 8, 15, 2020 20-00544M THREE (3) MONTHS AFTER THE Florida Bar No. 0281247 TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION 308 13th Street West myorangeclerk.com FIRST INSERTION OF THIS NOTICE OR THIRTY (30) Bradenton, Florida 34205 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SER- Tel: 941-746-2136 / Fax: 941-747-2108 VICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE [email protected] NOTICE TO CREDITORS file their claims with this court WITH- ON THEM.
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