C URRI C U L U M V I T A L O RI E N E R O Y September 2012 W O R K A DDR ESS: School of Information, The University of Texas at Austin UTA 5.444 ± D8600, 1616 Guadalupe St., Suite 5.202 Austin, Texas 78701-1213 Phone: 512/471-3959; FAX: 512/471-8285; E-mail: [email protected] Faculty website: http://www.ischool.utexas.edu/~loriene E DU C A T I O N: PhD 1987 University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. 1979-1981 Arizona Western College, Yuma. Various courses. MLS 1980 University of Arizona, Tucson. BT 1977 Oregon Institute of Technology, Klamath Falls. AS 1977 Oregon Institute of Technology, Klamath Falls. 1972 College of St. Benedict, St. Joseph, Minnesota. Various courses. DISSE R T A T I O N T I T L E: ³An Investigation of the Use of Weeding and Displays as Methods to Increase the Stock Turnover Rate in Small 3XEOLF/LEUDULHV´ Ph.D. diss. University of Illinois. 1987. xvi, 250 pp. W O R K E XPE RI E N C E: Sept. 1999- Professor, School of Information, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas. Joint Appointments: x College of Education, Department of Curriculum and Instruction Affiliations: x Center for WoPHQ¶VDQG*HQGHU6WXGLHV x Native American and Indigenous Studies Program Jan. 2012- Adjunct Professor, School of Information Management, Victoria University of Wellington Dec. 2014 Apr. 2008- Advisor and Consultant, National Library Initiative, WGBH-Boston, We Shall Remain PBS Apr. 2009 American Experience television series. 2008- Advisory Editor, The American Indian Experience, Greenwood Publishing Group. Sept. 1999- 'LUHFWRU³,I,&DQ5HDG,&DQ'R$Q\WKLQJ´$ National Reading Club for Native Children. (http://www.ischool.utexas.edu/~ifican) Sept. 1993- Associate Professor, Graduate School of Library and Information Science, The Sept. 1999 University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas. June 1997- Research Associate, Four Directions, Pueblo of Laguna (New Mexico) June 2001 Department of Education. Sept. 1987- Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Library and Information Science, The Aug. 1993 University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas. Jan.-Aug. 1987 Instructor, Graduate School of Library and Information Science, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas. 1984-1986 Research Associate, Library Research Center, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois. June-Aug. 1985 Instructor, Graduate School of Library and Information Science, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois. 1981-1982 Reference Librarian, Yuma City-County Library, Yuma, Arizona. 1981-1982 Oral History Coordinator, Century House Museum, Yuma, Arizona. 1977-1979 Medical Radiologic Technologist, Yuma Regional Medical Center, Yuma, Arizona. 1976-1977 Medical Radiologic Technologist Extern, Presbyterian Intercommunity Hospital, Klamath Falls, 1 Oregon. E NR O L L E D: White Earth Reservation, Minnesota Chippewa Tribe, Pembina Band. T E A C H IN G E XPE RI E N C E: Courses taught at the School of Library and Information, University of Texas at Austin, 1987-2011 1. Adult Popular Literature 2. Library Instruction and Information Literacy 3. Indigenous Librarianship 4. Information Resources in the Humanities 5. Information Resources in the Social Sciences 6. Introduction to Information Resources and Services 7. Introduction to Library and Information Studies 8. Measurement and Evaluation of Library Services 9. Public Libraries 10. Research in Library and Information Science 11. Seminar in Foundations for Library and Information Studies: Online Class in Librarianship (co-taught with Amy Stout) 12. Seminar in Research in Library and Information Science (Doctoral Writing Seminar) 13. Seminar on Library Services to Native American Populations 14. Use and Users of Information (Doctoral Seminar) &RXUVHWDXJKWDWWKH/LEUDU\DQG,QIRUPDWLRQ6FLHQFH3URJUDP8QLYHUVLW\RI+DZDL¶LDW0DQRD 1. Indigenous Librarianship (Summer 2009; Summer 2012) Course taught at the School of Information Resources & Library Science, University of Arizona. 1. Indigenous Information Services (Summer 2005) Course taught at the Graduate School of Library and Information Science, University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign (Summer 1985 1. Reference Services in the Humanities and Social Sciences PUB L I C A T I O NS: B O O KS: (with Anjali Bhasin and Sarah K. Arriaga) Tribal Libraries, Archives, and Museums: Preserving Our Language, Memory and Lifeways. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow, 2011. (with Kelly Jensen and Alex Hershey) Service Learning: Linking Library Education and Practice. Chicago: ALA, 2009. (with Antony Cherian, eds.) ³*HWWLQJ/LEUDULHVWKH&UHGLW7KH\'HVHUYH´$)HVWVFKULIWLQ+RQRURI0DUYLQ+ Scilken. Metuchen, NJ; London: Scarecrow, 2002. (with Dr. Brooke Sheldon, eds.) Library and Information Studies Education in the United States. (Library and Information Science Education series, edited by Gary E. Gorman and Maxine K. Rochester). London: Mansell, 1998. E DI T E D SPE C I A L JO URN A L ISSU ES: ³7HDFKLQJ5HIHUHQFH: Strategies and Philosophies´The Reference Librarian 51 (3) (2012). (with Dr. David Raitt) ³7KH,PSDFWRI,7RQ,QGLJHQRXV3HRSOHV´The Electronic Library 21 (5) (2003). 2 (with Peter Sarri) ³,QGLJHQRXV/LEUDULDQVKLS´World Libraries 12 (1) (Spring 2002). C O N T INUIN G C O L U M NS: ³:RUNSODFH:HOOQHVV#<RXU/LEUDU\´Library Worklife, 2012-. ³0DWHULDO-Mind-0HWKRG2QWKH7HDFKLQJRI5HIHUHQFH´The Reference Librarian, 2010-. ³3UHVLGHQW¶V0HVVDJH´American Libraries, 2007-2008. JO URN A L A R T I C L ES: (with Bonnie Brzozowski and Nick Homenda) ³The Value of Service Learning Projects in Preparing LIS Students for Public ServicHV&DUHHUVLQ3XEOLF/LEUDULHV´The Reference Librarian 53 (1) (January 2012) : 24-40 ³Teaching Reference: Strategies and Philosophies, ³7KH Reference Librarian 53 (1) (January 2012): 1-3. ³/LEUDU\,QVWUXFWLRQ7KH7HDFKLQJ3URQJLQWKH5HIHUHQFH5HDGHUV¶$GYLVRU\,QVWUXFWLRQ7ULDG´The Reference Librarian 52 (3) (July-September 2011): 274-276. (with Sha Li Zhang ³Recruiting Future Librarians from Diverse Backgrounds: Model Projects In the United States,´Journal of Library & Information Science 37 (1) (April 2011): 73-80. <http://jlis.glis.ntnu.edu.tw/ojs/index.php/jlis> ³ALA and SBPR, la Sociedad de Bibliotecarios de Puerto Rico (Society of Librarians of Puerto Rico): A Unique and Supportive Relationship´The Library Journal [Japan Library Association] 105 (5) (2011): 284-285. (with Bonnie Brzozowski, Sara Arnold-Garza, and Kristi Beauchemin) ³¶AUH<RX6HDUFKLQJIRUD1HZ-RE"¶: Texas Public Libraries Provide Services for Job SeHNHUV´ Texas Library Journal 87 (1) (Spring 2011): 30-33. (with Jessica Kirkland and A. Arro SmitK ³µ&DSWXULQJ2XU6WRULHV¶DQG*/,)265LFK-0HGLD9LGHR´ The Electronic Library 28 (5) (2010): 650-656. ³Bringing Reader's Advisory into the Blended Reference Scenario´The Reference Librarian 51 (4) (October- December 2010): 355-357. ZLWK%RQQLH%U]R]RZVNLDQG7ULQD%ROILQJ ³Computer Classes for Job Seekers: LIS Students Team with Public Librarians to Extend Public Services´Public Library Quarterly 29 (3) (July-September 2010): 193-209. ³:H%HJLQ2XU&RQYHUVDWLRQ/HW¶V7DON$ERXW(GXFDWLRQIRU5HIHUHQFH/LEUDULDQV´The Reference Librarian 51 (3) (July-September 2010): 245-247. ³)LQGLQJD3ODFH7KURXJK%RRNVDQG:ULWLQJ$Q,QWHUYLHZZLWK-LPP\6DQWLDJR%DFD´Multicultural Review 19 (2) (Summer 2010): 28-29. ³(QJDJLQJ/,66WXGHQWVLQ5HIHUHQFH:RUN7KURXJK2QOLQH$QVZHU%RDUGV´The Reference Librarian 51 (2) (April-June 2010): 97-107. ³$Q,QWHUYLHZZLWK-R\+DUMR´ Multicultural Review 18 (4) (Winter 2009): 29-32. ³Indigenous Matters in Library and Information Science: An Evolving Ecology´ Focus in International Library and Information Work 40 (2) (July 2009): 8-12. ³5HSRUWVRQ6SHFLDO*URXS0HHWLQJVLQ4XHEHF6SHFLDO,QWHUHVW*URXSRQ,QGLJHQRXV0DWWHUV´IFLA Journal 34 (4) (December 2008): 373. ³,QWURGXFWLRQWRWKH1HZ=HDODQG/LEUDU\ ,QIRUPDWLRQ0DQDJHPHQW-RXUQDO´The New Zealand Library & Information Management Journal/ Nga Purongo 51 (1) (October 2008): 4. ³3UHVLGHQW¶V0HVVDJH&LUFOHRI:HOOQHVV´American Libraries 39 (6) (June/July 2008): 8. ³3UHVLGHQW¶V0HVVDJH:RUNLQJ:HOO7RJHWKHU´American Libraries 39 (5) (May 2008): 6. ³3UHVLGHQW¶V0HVVDJH&LUFOHRI.QRZOHGJH´American Libraries 39 (4) (April 2008): 6. ³3UHVLGHQW¶V0HVVDJH&LUFOHRI6HUYLFH´American Libraries 39 (3) (March 2008): 6. ³3UHVLGHQW¶V0HVVDJH&LUFOHRIDiversity,´American Libraries 39 (1/2) (January/February 2008): 6. ³$PHULFDQ/LEUDU\$VVRFLDWLRQ3UHVLGHQW´>SUHIDFHWRDVSHFLDOLVVXHRQ1DWLYH$PHULFans] Wyoming Library Roundup (Fall 2007): 3. ³3UHVLGHQW¶V0HVVDJH&LUFOHRI/LWHUDF\´American Libraries 38 (11) (December 2007): 6. ³3UHVLGHQW¶V0HVVDJH&LUFOHRI&RPPXQLW\´American Libraries 38 (10) (November 2007): 6. ³President's Message: CircOHRI/HDUQLQJ´ American Libraries 38 (9) (October 2007): 6. ³3UHVLGHQW¶V0HVVDJH6WDUW*OREDO&RQQHFWLRQV´American Libraries 38 (8) (September 2007): 8. ³Service tR8QGHUUHSUHVHQWHG3RSXODWLRQV´Tennessee Libraries 5 (1). Available at http://www.tnla.org/displaycommon.cfm?an=1&subarticlenbr=111. Accessed on 25 September 2007. ³3UHVLGHQW¶V0HVVDJH$&HOHEUDWLRQRI&XOWXUH´American Libraries 38 (7) (August 2007): 6. ³*HQHral Session Keynote Address: Welcome to my 2007-2008 ALA Presidential Year! Celebrating Community, 3 Collaboration, and Culture´ Tennessee Libraries 57 (1). Available at http://www.tnla.org/displaycommon.cfm?an=1&subarticlenbr=110. Accessed on 5 August 2007. ZLWK(OL]DEHWK.HQQHG\+DOOPDUNDQG/DXUD6FKZDUW] ³7KH%DVLFVRID0DUNHWLQJDQG2XWUHDFK3ODQIRUWKH87 )LQH$UWV/LEUDU\´Texas Library Journal 83 (1) (2007): 40-43. ³/HW%RRN-R\%HJLQ#<RXU/LEUDU\7HQ<HDUVRI(O'LDGHORV1LQRV(O'LDGHORV/LEURV´Library Media Connections 25 (6) (March 2007): 14-16. ³$/$DQG7ULEDO/LEUDULHV:H&ROODERUDWHWR&HOHEUDWH&RPPXQLW\DQG&XOWXUH´OLA
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