S-'- 1 LIFE 10 iL rA5U tltKALU UK I J, KHUKJbA IUIN ana UUIUOOK TRYING TO GET TUB GAME. CODY BASEBALL Kin M'PflRTIflP indoor sports OF THE GANG. BY "TAD FULTD SBEST FOOTBALL i ftoAiT" OF BIG BOXERS ARRANGED FOR TEAM TO VISIT LIKES WORK OF TCE of , AT MIGHT ii i TODAY, GHHISTIIUIS DHf GITYSATURDAYBENNY LEONARD wmm ' smoke 'l .iWM Her sota nK "Will Clash Cantonment Nine Will En - Veteran Referee Declares! Would Undoubtedly Defeat Cavalry Teams AtK Pad - '". gage Fort Bliss in Final j That Lightweight King fi! ?yT"C"GUT- All Contenders for the at Stadium in Afternoon Two Games of Series. Is the Best Ever. I Heavyweight Title. of Holiday. i Yfj. HAS TWO GAMES VERY FAST AND CHASES WILLARD SEVENTH CAVALET ON CREDIT STRING CARRIES A PUNCH FOR TITLE MATCH TO MEET TRAIN PASO will A M P team, By TORK, Dec. .Fred Ful football enthusiasts OODTS crack baseball JACK VBIOCK. on I recently trimmed the Ft. YORK, Dec. 20. Mc 1ST ton has shown himself to be not be left oat In the cold Kid heavyweight In E" spite th" Bliss nine In two decisive battles Partland, recognized in the the best the Christmas dar in of country, barring champion, and Bliss-Cod- y return on the cantonment diamond, will in-- v N"east as one of the best of pres tbe calling off of the if V.' 11 any of again game, arrange 1 .ae HI Paso Saturday and Sunday ent day referees, has advanced a new lard has intention as a contest has been Ie fon tl i n g his title the Minneaotan cavalry regi- s f t en oon, and a combined front of argument to substantiate the con between the Serenth , the logical opponent. trai.-o- f c liian arm-- players will be pat tention made by many mental eleven and the sanitary and critics that While the heavyweights Fulton lit- ihe to meet the invaders. Benny Leonard is the light- - that tbe 15th cavalry division, b!;i trenches best P-- 1 -- 1 . T" - mm mn i from his path are a mediocre recently In the city from I i rs have already begrun practice weight who ever lived. i nmun.r m . y i n arrived ' in lot st ill the plaster has done all that Antonio. ar the park In order to be In shape "In my opinion remarked the Kid . h.-- been asked of him. He has de- - were made fur the games, and as the civilian list recently, "Benny is the greatest of isiveiy beaten a large majority of Plans for the same wiM include men Htce BunsonT Fisher, all lightweights, because he com- :s opponents. His knockout of Gun- - Wednesday afternoon and the mem- Cirnerry and Chacon, the fans are bines speed with punching power, hnat tfmith in seven rounds was the bers of the two elevens are work:", most impressive performance by Ful-ro- n. out daily on the Ft. Bliss parai-rronn- ds to come out, and see midwinter without losing bis punch. ur'l( .dl for tir-- iirsx time m me ms- -t for the Gunner was not only able preparatory to the eontes. - of cltv. AMclI Wan Good. to hold his own against his rival-?- but Little Is known of the ability of the only train, Is reported tr... Cody Strong Team. 'Abe Attell. in his young Frisco the heavweiirht with a ref but It Has days, was a great puncher, you'll re- eree's decision over Willard in a it Is represented by a strong tean Vr.cUFly sp.ikmgr this Cody ap-f- r young bout. As indicating Fulton's that carried away honors at San t .:,on is the nearest thing to a member. He could hit like a interesting to plavers na- -: piledriver. and in his early days none class It is note that and the Seventh . first class baseball team that Langford stopped in losing; no In getting In eh-- : rii. s of his opponents ever stayed the limit Smith three time 'p this part hive witnessed since Baby srame which will be one f . th- Cubs, re- - with him. Then, when Abe won his rounds and Fulton sent the Tar for the of Chiaso if V0U(2 to sleep in the third ess ion. j the most important of the season. ; arc be place in the spotlight and left home MAKJMj A SECperCTALL OfJ rs to credited. di- Sawn 1 Slew oiT. 1 1t.Ull U 1 ...... 1. vrMpb, to meet the classiest men in his JH i. The decisive nvtnner In vision, he had to resort to speed to - GitZL. VjHIlE. TH GAw- G- Langford by no means is the fighter Boslego. quarterback. Cant. Moor, It trlramrd the BHaa team In tvr kee? away from their punches, and 6T- ne was a dozen years asro. but he still member of the all star Bliss teact camn last nrrek Ik striking evi- is an awkward customer, and the when It facea Cody. Schumacher, full- he was soon rated with other great WTO HcP-- MOTHEP-- r CSPtf2 a dence of the power of the club, marvels of cleverness such as uans, Cowet boxer who stops him in three rounds back. Hanna, right guard: Gallier which. It in fuiM I composed most- is doing sometning out ol the o backfleld man and sergeant majo-Packe- ly who Onffo and Driscoll. but he lost the t- A BIT U5"PCI0UJ" OF of former professional old time winning punch. This was be- STDt- dinary. a steady reliable player, -- listed In the Cody reKlment cause Abe sacrificed everything else It l Maid that Mbke will be the is also assisting Capt. Moore In tns at tie end of the 1917 for speed along the next opponent of Fulton and If matter of getting the team into saar' capable aueh la the ea-- c, the St. Paul llxht Hanna, Bosleco and Schumacher, W'estermann. that line. Herrir-r-sha- Z rrbre who steered the Bliss team to "With Leonard It l different. heavyweight la raont prvfeably due former members of the n ctory over the civilians several He Is fast as chain llchtnln;r. As far a severe trouncing. team which won tha regimen 'a. t k aco .s ar-i- at the helm of faxl. In my onlnlon, an any of the Therefore it appears that the field championship. iNtfri club, ari'l is not sparing any old time wizards ever were, and I Is clear for a little bout between Ful- Tbe irame will be called - - z m his efforts of putting1 up as SOUTHPAWS ARE PLENTIFUL ton' and Willard, and unless the cham- promptly at S oelock. Tbe Seventh p lie can hit harder, much harder. RING NOTES front . possible. Capt. Is why as BOWLING pion blocks a match by exorbitant de- cavalry band will be on hand to , This I believe he ranks xnnsic, v of the Fifth cavalry is also the greatest of them all, and 1 mands as to purse there is no reason render and thousands of I hit. efforts toward getting ns why they should not meet the anpporters of two teams, and think you'll admit there is some-thi- Caehiiv CInb ' before the . 'hinp In for a hot recep-- t. Mr Lracue. BOXERS CLASH FOR FUND. next circus season begins. members of the aanltary train who to the argument." City Nttloul Bask Tl . Philadelphia, Pa., Dec 20. More regiment ir the cantonment invaders, A. A. Himllton 22 ( ' The bout should not, however, be a and Seventh are ex. truly speed. til TEAMS OFTHENATIONALLEAGUE 97000 was Wednes- ten-rou- '1' fei with v,.rne stiff opposition Leonard is a marvel of W. It 1(7 4IS than raised here decisionless contest, but 20- - peeted to attend the game. Civil, wu v. He can feint and hit so quickly that Jobton 14 lit day night at the Philadelphia Sport urn1 is cilled at Rio Grande average H. D. Carr lit ltl 21 iH round battle to a decision in New ian fan are also Invited to attend the lightweight he meets is G. C Abbott 17 119 21 M7 ing Editors' Boxing Benefit to aid the Orleans or some other place where the battle, which will take the Coyne On The Job. dazzled to the point where he loses C. Cole 244 (43 i national smoke fund for soldiers and long permit- - plaee of return be. of C It II bouts and decisions are the meetlas cretary I M. Coyne of the City all thought his defensive tactics. EW TORK. Dec 20. Thirty one Into the averages thia year, 17 sailoiv. There were nine boxing tea. tween Cody and Bllaa. Benny equal celerity, too, B cham-Jo- n - euc who If h.indhn- - the business shifts with Tootals 14 1j5 regulars playing with teams In are and secretary bouts In which three world's Is Heavy Enough. Eicnly Matched. -. and although his hand is con- W. Co. Tim. j manager .St- - declares if the two games nvht C Tilt llejdler denlgnafed tbe port pions made their appearance. They Fulton Is the only man who carries Leiut. Peters is and coac that sidered the most effective, his left Is S. Cllshw 21( 122 IIS C2S N the National league do their year meet- sanitary r brou"ht to successful issue, it 4(2 alders thl for the first time, were Mike O'Dowd, middleweight; sufficient weight to warrant a of tbe train team, and wr! bp a good one to keep away from.
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