BONPLANDIA 10 (1-4): 83-112. 2000 STUDIES IN SOUTI-I AMERICAN AMARANTHACEAEV 1-2 TROELS MYNDEL PEDERSENt Summary The nomenclature, taxonomy, and synonymy of various South American Amaranthaceae are discussed. Two new genera are described, Hebanthodes Pedersen with only one new species from Peru, H. peruviana Pedersen, and Lecosia Pedersen with two new species from NE Brazil, L. formicarum Pedersen and L. oppositifolia Pedersen. Seven new species, Alternanthera piptantha Pedersen, Gomphrena Hatschbachiana Pedersen, G. riparia Pedersen, Guilleminea chacoensis Pedersen, G. fragilis Pedersen, G. hirsuta Pedersen and Pfaffia argyrea Pedersen, one new subspecies, Alternanthera Kurtzii subsp. sclerosperma Pedersen, and three varieties, Alternanthera hirtula var. hirsuta Pedersen, Alternanthera hirtula varo nitens Pedersen and Pfaffia fruticulosa varo diffusa Pedersen are described. Three new combinations, Hebanthe eriantha (Poir.) Pedersen, Iresine diffusa forma Herbstii (Hook.) Pedersen, and Pedersenia Hassleriana (Chodat) Pedersen, are proposed. A key to the species of Guilleminea discussed in this paper and a key synthesizing the characters separating Hebanthodes from its immediate allies are provided. Key words: Amaranthaceae, South America, taxonomy Resumen Se discute la nomenclatura, taxonomía y sinonimias de Amarantáceas Sudamericanas. Se describen dos nuevos géneros, Hebanthodes Pedersen, con una sola especie de Perú, H. peruviana Pedersen y Lecosia Pedersen, con dos especies del NE de Brasil, L. formicarum Pedersen y L. oppositifolia Pedersen. Además se describen siete especies nuevas,Alternanthera piptantha Pedersen, Gomphrena Hatschbachiana Pedersen, G. riparia Pedersen, Guilleminea chacoensis Pedersen, G. fragilis Pedersen, G. hirsuta Pedersen y Pfaffia argyrea Pedersen, una nueva subespecie, Alternanthera Kurtzii subsp. sclerosperma Pedersen y tres variedades, Alternanthera hirtula varo hirsuta Pedersen, A. hirtula varo nitens Pedersen y Pfaffia fruticulosa varo diffusa Pedersen. Se establecen tres nuevas combinaciones, Hebanthe eriantha (Poir.) Pedersen, Iresine diffusa forma Herbstii (Hook.) Pedersen y Pedersenia Hassleriana (Chodat) Pedersen. Se presenta una clave para las especies de Guilleminea tratadas y una clave que permite separar Hebanthodes de los géneros vecinos. Palabras clave: Amaranthaceae, Sudamérica, taxonomía 1 When T.M.Pedersen died he left two manuscripts: ALTERNANTHERA Forssk. Arnaranthaceae for The Flora of ParaguayandStudies in South American Arnaranthaceae V, which we are publishing here. Mostofthe illustrations were aiready completed. Drawings 1, 1. Alternanthera hirtula (Mart.) R.E.Fr. in 6,7,8 and 13 were prepared later under the supervision of Ark. Bot. 16 (12): 18.1920, non A. hirtula Moq. Carmen1. Cristóbal, who made the dissections. 21 should neverhavebeenable to finish and publish the ex Lopriore in Bot. Jahrb. Syst., Beiblatt 30: twomanuscriptsleftmoreorlessfinished whenmyhusband 36. 1901, nomen nudum. died without the expert help from Ing. Agrón. Antonio Krapovickas and Dra. Carmen1.Cristóbal.1owe themboth a very great debt of thankfulness, which 1 hereby hope to la. Alternanthera hirtula varo hirtula express. Nina Pedersen. Fig. 1, J-K 83 BONPLANDIA 10 (1-4) 2000 Mogiphanes hirtula Mart., Beitr. Amarantac.: 135. lb. Alternanthera hirtula (Mart.) R.E.Fr. var. 1825, nomen; Nov. Gen. sp. pI. 2: 30, tab. 129. 1826. hirsuta Pedersen var.nov. Type: "Crescit in campis ad Porto Feliz et alibi in Fig. 1, G-I Provincia S. Pauli. E cisplatina Provincia misit claro Sellow." A varietate hirtula recedit floribus majoribus usque Mogiphanes rosea Morong, Ann. New York Acad. 8 mm longis, foliisque hirsutis nec velutinis. A varietate Sci. 7: 206. 1893. Type: PARAGUAY, Cordillere de nitente recedit foliis latioribus indumento diverso. Péribébuy, Balansa 1943 (iso-K). Alternanthera rosea (Morong) Uline & W.L.Bray, Type. PARAGUAY, Canendiyú: Ñandurokai Bot. Gaz. (Crawfordsville) 20: 452, 453. 1895. rumbo 54506/45015. Cerrado, área degradada Telanthera rosea (Morong) Chodat, BulL Herb. recientemente quemada 11/10/ 1996 "Sufrútice de 60 Boissier, 7, App. 1: 64. 1899. cm, flor amarilla, brácteas florales granate",B. Jiménez Telanthera rosea (Morong) Chodat varo typica 1608 & G. Marín (holo-CTES). The remark "flor Chodat, Lc., sér.2, 1: 433. 1901. amarilla" must be a misinterpretation of the anthers. Alternanthera hirtula (Mart.) RE.Fr. varo rosea (Morong) Chodat, Bull. Soco Bot. Geneve, sér. 2, No specimen was mentioned by Chodat in 18(2): 277. 1927. the protologue ofhis varo robusta (nomen superfl.), Alternanthera hirtula (Mart.) RE.Fr. varo robusta but he refers four previously described variet­ Chodat, BuL Soco Bot. Geneve, sér. 2, 18(2): 277.1927, ies: cinnabarina, straminea, atropurpurea and nomen superfl. pallens, as subvarieties. The subvarieties Telanthera rosea (Morong) Chodat varo cinnabarina straminea and pallens have been referred to A. Chodat, BulL Herb. Boissier, sér. 2, 1: 433. 1901. malmeana R.E.Fr. by me in a previous paper Type: PARAGUAY, in campo pro Igatimí, Sept., (1997), the subvar. atropurpurea also in part be­ Hassler 4691 (holo-G). longs, and in part is varo hirtula. The descrip­ Alternanthera hirtula (Mart.) RE.Fr. varo robusta Chodat subvar. cinnabarina (Chodat) Chodat, BulL tion of Telanthera rosea varo cinnabarina could fit Soco Bot. Geneve, sér. 2, 18 (2): 277. 1927. this plant, but the type has small flowers and is clearly the var. hirtula. In view of the impossi­ This species seems restricted to the Argen­ bility orinadvisability ofusing any of the names tine province of Corrientes, Central Paraguay, proposed by Chodat, 1 have opted for using a southern Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil, and new name with a new type for this variety, Uruguay. Martius (1826) reported it from Sao which in my opinion deserves recognition. Paulo, Brazil, and states (1825) that he saw it growing ("v. v."), but apparently did not col­ Further material seen: PARAGUAY, Alto Paraná: led a specimen, and as I have never seen other Hernandarias, Itakyry, Reserva Tatí Yupí. Sabana­ campo alto 24/9/1980 "Hierba 20-30 cm. Flor color material from that region, I suspect that this rojizo", Caballero 847 (CTES,K,MO). Laguna 8/11/ citation is due to sorne error on his parto In 1990 "Decumbente. Haz foliar verde oscuro, envés the protologue he further mentions having re­ verde grisáceo; flor pardo-rojiza", Caballero Marmori ceived a specimen from the "Provincia s.n. (CTES). Alto Paraná or Canendiyú: Laurel, en cisplatina" (= Uruguay) from Sellow. There el contacto de Katinga Sabana /9/1982 "Hierba oo. is a rather poor specimen - two shoots with­ [illegíble] ... enana", B. S. Bertoni 851, 851a (G). out root, each with one flower-head - in herb. Canendiyú: Ipé hú. In campo /10/1898 "Herba 0,3­ M, without indication of origino This specimen 0,6, flos purpureus", Hassler 5170 (K,P). Fruticeto is the one shown on Plate 129 in the Nova gen­ Nanduro kaí 1/11/1978 "Fruticulus radíce crassa, era et species, and is almost certainly the one pilosus. Folia ovata pílis albis appressis. Capitula colleded by Sellow. Probably it was the only sanguíneo-purpurea", Bernardi 18341 (G,MO). specimen available for an illustration. In the le. Alternanthera hirtula (Mart.) R.E.Fr. varo absence of other material, this specimen - or nitens Pedersen varo nov. the plate - must be considered the type of Fig. 1, A-F Mogiphanes hirtula, and has been accepted as such by Seubert (1875) and Chodat (1926). It A varietate hirtula recedit foliis perangustis sparsim agrees well with the general concept of the setosis, nitentibus, avarietate hirsuta floribus minoribus, species. foliorum forma et indumento. 84 T. M. Pedersen, Amaranthaceae V ¡,mm ]2mm Fig. 1. Alternanthera hirtula var. nitens: A, habit; B, flower showing the tepals; e bractlet; D, bract; E, stem indumentum; F, leaf indumentum both sides. (Ferrucci 642 & al.). Alternanthera hirtula varo hirsuta: G, habit; H, stem indumentum; 1, leaf indumentum underside (jiménez 1608& Marín) .Alternanthera hirtula var.hirtula: Ir stemindumentum;K,leafindumentum both sides, a, underside. (Bordas 1232, Paraguay, Asunción, CTES). 85 BONPLANDIA 10 (1-4) 2000 Type. PARAGUAY, Amambay: Parque Nacional 1.5-6 cm longa 1-3 cm lata, ovata lanceolatave, obtusa, Cerro Corá, próx. ca. Muralla. En cerrado 14/9/1988 acuta aut raro acuminata, basi in petiolum ad 0.75 cm "Inflorescencias purpúreas", S. Ferrucci 642, R. Vanni sensim angustata, penninervia, brevissime mucronata, & L. Ferraro (holo-CTES, iso-K,LIL). novella pilosula, mox glabrescentia. Flores in spicastris sessilibus terminalibus gemmis in axillis eorum Paratypes. PARAGUAY, Amambay: Parque prophylliorum accrescentibus spurie axillaribus 5-7 mm Nacional Cerro Corá. En campo 17/8/1980 longis 4-5 mm crassis dispositi: bractea tenacissime "Inflorescencia color rojo-purpúreo", Schinini 20257 scariosa, vel subcoriacea, 3.3-3.5 mm longa, ovata, & Bordas (CTES). Ibidem, ca. Muralla, 1.5 km al N acuminata, 1-nervia, mucronata, glabra; bracteolae de la administración, 22°38'S, 56°4'W. Vegetación scariosae sub-pellucidae ±3.3 mm longae ovato­ típica del cerrado en la planicie, bosque húmedo y lanceolatae, sub-falcatae, acuminatae, naviculares, 1­ semi-húmedo en el cerro, de hasta 25 m de altura nerviae, mucronatae, in carina pilosae; tepala diversa: 19/10/1984, "Sufrútice pequeño con xilopodio, abaxialia duo sub-cartilaginea, interius late rastrero, hasta 0.4 m de largo. Inflorescencia rosada membranaceo-marginatum, 4.5-5 mm longa, anguste oscura, estaminodios blancos",
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