■Vi,. t*AGB TWENTJ TUESDAY, FEBRUA|IY 18, 1989 HanrljpHtpr lEuptting Ifwalii IM lyIM t; Ron The Weather Lutz Curator ' Comment Session Mid dOBMR y About Town Style Show Set u , IM i iBttti InUrmlttent KgSit ra la ttm — ilur Mgh youth forum AN OPPORTUNITY TO LEARN!! ‘Speaks at Y ITte Manchester Board of Low t t North Ihiltod MMIkmM Directors on Thursday will By B’nai B’rith tfitogbt M to ML Bgfli Clairoh will meet at tlio ohunch iianrl|wtpr lEueuitig fcaUi Miss Barbara Brown, curator conduct another of Its semi­ 15,465 Ben Ezra Chapter of B’nal SIX-WEEK COURSE FOR LENT new In ta U Mk tanlght at 7 p.m. monthly comment sessions, • of Lutz Jimlftr Museum will B’rith will sponsor "A Spring fo o t u r iim . ManehoMter—^A CUy o f Village Charm speak about "Adventuree in Na­ for those persons who wish Fashion Show” Tuesday, March H w bulMIng: oommtttee at to fHA' complalnte or sugges­ 1. "BEGINNERS COURSE" in TIm MBLE for ADULTS VOL. LXXXVra, NO. 119 CmiRTT-SDI PAGES—TWO SBCTION8) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1989 AdvwrlUtog «■ FogiB t t ) Nbrth Unttod Mothodiat church ture,” at the T Dessert Lecture 4, at 8:30 p.m. at Temple Beth PRICE'TEN CKNTB tions concerning any town Sholom, 400 E. Middle Tpke. ALSO will moot at the church tonight Series tomorrow at the Com­ problem. at 7:M p.m. Fashiom w4II be from t h e afr KEENEY ST. SCHOOL munity Y, 79 N. Main St. 'ITie public hearing wUI be Carriage House Boutique, Oak TWO OTHER ADULT CEA88E8 TTw Ita i'a Christian Orowth Dessert will be served at from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., in the St., Mrs. Rosemary Stiles will 12:30 p.m., and the lecture will town counsel's office in the be the commentator. The fash­ Sundays— March 2 fa April 6 t. “ From Bondage to Ftec'-. Group of North United Metho- dom” Head Start, Job G>rps ions will be Miown by the Car­ dlat Church w «l meet at the begin at 1. The event is open to Municipal Building. 8. “ U fe of our Lord’*'-^Iarfc ehuroh tonight at 8:80 p.m. the public for a small nomlneil AU complaints and sugges­ riage House professional mod­ 9:30 A.M. — 10:30 A.M. els. charge. A nursery Is provided. tions are relayed to the man­ NURSERY PROVIDED at ALL CLASSES FREE Manchester WATES will have Miss Brown recevied her BS ager's office for considera­ Tickets may be obtained by contacting Mrs. Robert Margo­ TR IN ITY COY. CHURCH REOISTRA'nON BLANK iU first meeting of the fiscal degree from Russell Sage Col­ tion, possible action and re­ Israel Warns Arab Nations lege, Troy, N. Y., and her mas­ lin or Mrs. Allan Tenenbaum, OEO Losing year tonight at the ply. Italian-American Club, 185 Bad- ter’s degree In outdoor educa­ both at 432 W. Middle Tpke. rldge St. Registration may be tion from Springfield (Mass.) Mrs. Margolin and Mrs. Tenen­ made with the treasurer or as­ College. She has taught in baum are co-chairmen of the Mrs. Carl Gustafson is program event. They will be assisted by sistant treasurer before the Michigan, Massachusetts, and chairman. weighlng-in from 7 to 8. Those Oonnectlcut. Mrs. Bernard Apter, refresh­ 2 Programs H onor Grad A guided tour of the nature ments; Mrs. Peter Silverberg. planning to attend are remind­ Mrs. Marie Quinlan is in area will be announced at a lat­ publicity; and Mrs. Charles Spl- ed to try and form car pools David H. Rohrbach, son of Mr. charge of refreshments, and tion and Welfare of two emaller, er date. vak, decorations. WASHINGTON (AP) — To Prevent Plane Attacks because of the snow, even and Mrs. Carl Rohrbach of 101 President Nixon told Con­ but popular, OEO projects. thougdi parking spaces are Washington St, graduated with gress today he is stripping These are Compreheiuilve available at the side and front honors on Jan. 21 from' the Uni­ Health Centers, which provide of the clubhouse. versity of Hartford with a BS the Office of Economic health service to the residents in mechanical engineering. portunity of two major of poor neighborhoods, and the Vow Right -A coffee to present and dis­ At the university he was a programs— Head Start and Foster Grandparents program. cuss the program and philoso­ member of Kappa Mu honor­ the Job Corps — and dele­ The President proposed no phy of the Planned Parenthood ary engineering fraternity, the gating their work else­ new leglsIaUon In his message League of the Greater HaSt- Student-Faculty Association, the where. but promised that before June To Break ford area will be held tonight American Institute of Astronau­ In a apeoinl meonge, how«iv- 30 " I wUi tond Congress a com­ at 8 p.m. at the home of tics and Aeronautics, and t h e er, Nixon pnonitoed to htiwp OEO prehensive proposal for the fu­ Mrs. Walter Schardt, 31 East- American Society of Mechan­ alllva os on “ Inoufeator" for ex- ture of the poverty program, in­ ■ land Dr. Those wishing to at­ ical Engineers. He captained Terrorism parimentol progn^Bom beartog cluding recommendatione for tend are reminded to contact the varsity wrestling team, re­ TE5L AVIV (AP)—I*- ceiving the Most Valuable on the aiai|)oveity canTpalgn. revising and extending the act Mrs. Schardt. rael wttrned Arab nations Wrestler award and the Wilson And he called for a naiOanal Itself beyond its schedided 1970 ejqpl ration.” and -airlines today tbey Mystic Review, North Amer­ Scholar-Athlete Award in 1968. oommitment aimed at "pravid- ican Benefit Association, will Rohrbach has taken a posi­ Jng aU Amertnan chBdim on op­ He said he would ask Cbn- must “take immediate meet tonight at 8 p.m. at. Odd tion in project engineering with portunity for healthful and sUm- gress to also extend for one measures to prevent fur­ Fellows Hall. Refreshments will Hamilton Standard Eh-vlsion of utatifig xtovalapinent duitog the year authorization for anti-pov­ ther attacks on Israera ah’ be served after the meeting. United Aircraft Oorp., Windsor HARTFORD NATIONAL GROWTH BOND flint Ove yea n of Kte.” erty appropriations (hat run out routes." It claimed the Locks. During hia campaign for the on Jime 80. moral right and Ability to The Nixon administration is Preceptor Gamma Chapter. CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT ptwaMeney, Nbeon deoctibed break up guerrilla raids at reported mulling over the pros­ Beta Sigma Phi sorority, will ISSUE HeEkd Btait aa “ one of the pro- any plaira. meet tanlght at 8 p.m. at the Vernon DATE- pect of special tax breaks for gmma that deaervea continuing, Trsnspioit MMstor M oMm home of Mrs. Henry Matson, and could even be acoeleioted.” both big business and the aver­ S o c i a l S e c u r i t y o r i .r .s . i d # O R IG IN A L Osimel outlined the govam- 261 Spruce St. But he aaid (he Job Oorpa age housewife to ehUst them as Area Art Group M A TU R ITY volunteers In the war on pavtr- ntent’s position befbrs tbs irnss DATE________ ohould Ite eanrinabed, dedaiing, Mt, Israel’s PaiBanwnt, (n Js- Our Lady of Unity Mothers 1. ty. Selects Month’s "Thia la one program that has rusalem in (he woke of the Arsb Circle wm meet tonight at -J______L been a tenure.” Nixon, while critical of some attack on an El A1 jotltoar to 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. John A M O U N T aspects of administration of Best Painting Effective July 1, the poputar McNamara, 58 Cushman Dr. DEPO SITED S- poverty fundsi said OEO has , Bwltserloiid ’Tuesday. 1------- r F ac e A m o u n t Pa y a b le a t O rig in al Ma tu r ity Head Start program, to ofler proven "the value of having In “Isnwl’is olr routaa o n o( (ba . A child’s rhyme provides the 2. zummar time preachoollng to The executive board of the INTEREST the federal government an higbeat security priority”, bs title for the plcture-of-the-month RATE PER deprived youngatera, wlU be del- Manchester Auxiliary of Child agency whose speclEU concern is said. “Im s l bos the AM mona choeen by mermbers of the Tol­ ANNUM- eg«tod to the Department of the poor.” and Family Services of Con­ NAME iCOMPOUNDED CONTINUOUSLY) Hiese four persons were reported in an Amman communique To be the guer­ i4(bt end opemtioaal ability to land County Art Association. AND Health, Education and Welfare. While describing it as "a valu­ necticut wUI meet tomorrow H a r tfo r d N atio n a l B an k an d T r ust C om pany -th e bank - take all neoesoary detenshre ADDRESS rillas who attacked an Israeli airliner in Zurich, Switzerland, yesterday, at 9:30 a.m. at the agency’s "Mabelle-MabeUe” is an oil WILL PAY THE FACE AMOUNT SHOWN ABOVE ON THE ORIGINAL MA. On the same day, reeponsIbUi- able fount of ideas and enthu- measurea at any ptooe to breoA OF office, 110 Main St. T U R IT Y d a t e TO THE REGISTERED PAYEE UPON PRESENTATION AND ty for the Job Corps which siEism,” he said one of his aims up the ring of terrorism on tlM painting by Mrs. Ada Orlst- RE6ISTERED wounding six persons.
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