Halifax Shipyards. 1918 « 1978: An Historical Perspective by ® Victor L. Settle August 1994 Masters Atlantic Canada Studies Saint Mary’s University 1 ^ 1 Library Bibliothèque nationale of Canada du Canada Acquisitions and Direction des acquisitions et Bibliographic Services Branch des services bibliographiques 395 Wellington Street 395. rue Wellington Ottawa. Ontario Ottawa (Ontario) K1A0N4 K1A0N4 >»\ir W|* W’f r r I >tif /»/»> N o fri» The author has granted an L’auteur a accordé une licence irrevocable non-exclusive licence irrévocable et non exclusive allowing the National Library of permettant à la Bibliothèque Canada to reproduce, loan, nationale du Canada de distribute or sell copies of reproduire, prêter, distribuer ou his/her thesis by any means and vendre des copies de sa thèse in any form or format, making de quelque manière et sous this thesis available to interested quelque forme que ce soit pour persons. mettre des exemplaires de cette thèse à ia disposition des personnes intéressées. The author retains ownership of L'auteur conserve la propriété du the copyright In his/her thesis. droit d'auteur qui protège sa Neither the thesis nor substantial thèse. Ni la thèse ni des extraits extracts from it may be printed or substantiels de celle-ci ne otherwise reproduced without doivent être imprimés ou his/her permission. autrement reproduits sans son autorisation. ISBN 0-315-95877-4 Canada / / / ^ L . , ^ ^ , Diiswfalion Abslrads International is arranged by broad, general subject categories. Please select the one subject swhich most nearly describes the content ol your dissertation. Enter the corresponding four-digit code in the spaces provided. aeNBûAL -------------------------- m m uM i SUIJECfnitM SUMaCODE Subject Catogoriat THI NUMANITIIt AND fOCIAL SCIINCIf COMMUNKATIONS AND m ARTS „ PHIlOSOPHYrRRIGIONAND Ancient.............................0579 Arc¥f»c(ur«............................ 072? Medieval..........................0581 nKOLOGY nWern ...........................0582 Artttljlory..............................0 3 ^ EE::# Philosophy .............................. 0422 CirwnM..................................0900 Sciences.................................0714 Black ................................0328 Dane» ....................................0378 Secondoiy..............................0533 ...................031B African ...................... 033Ï Fir» Art»................................03*7 Socioj Screrices........................0534 Biblical Studies...................0321 Asio, Australia and Oceania 0332 Information Stienc# ..................0723 Clergy .......................... 0319 Canadian ......................... 0334 tournaliim ....................... 0391 History of....,......................0320 European .......................... 0335 libraiy Sclonco ....................... 0399 Latin American .................. 0336 Philosophy o f .....................0322 Middle Eastern.................. 0333 Mo»t Communication» ..............0708 Theology ................................ 0469 iJtutlc ........................ 04l3 Tests ondmeaturements ...... 0286 United Stales..................... 0337 Spewt) Communication ............0459 Vocational ..............................0747 History or Science................... 0585 soùA isdw m lo w ......................................0398 Tnuler............... 0465 American Studies.....................0323 UNGUAGErllTERATURtANO Political Science ^ General .......... ........... 1)615 iD uanoN lINGUISTtCS O iiw a l ................................. 0515 International law and Adminltlration ........................ 0514 Relations ........................0616 ^ « r a l ............................ 0679 Wiysical .............................0327 Public Administration ......... 0617 Adult and Continuing...............0516 Ancient.............................0289 Business Administration Agricultural ............................ 0517 linguistics................ Ô290 General ............................ 0310 ® .........................................0273 M âerti ............................ 0291 Accounting ....................... 0272 Bilingual and Multicultural 0262 literature , Bonking ............................ 0770 Butlneu ....................... 0688 ^ â & t l .......,........0,126 General ............................ 0401 Management .....................0454 Criminology and Penology ...0627 Community College..................0275 Classical ........................... 0294 Marketing ........................ 0338 Currieu urn and Instruction 0727 Demograiÿiv , ...............0938 Canodion Studies....................0385 Ethnic and Racial Studies 0631 Early Childhood .......................0518 Economics. Elementary ............................. 0524 Individual and Fomily Modern............................0298 General ..................... 0501 Studies .................... 0628 Finance .......... 0277 African .............................0316 Agricultural ........................0503 Guidance and Counsnling 0519 Industrial and labor American .......................... 0591 Commerce Business ......... 0505 Rdotions............. ..,.......0629 Asian ......... 0305 Finance ............................ 0508 Public and Sociol Witlfore.... 0630 Canadian (English) .............0352 History o f ............................... 0520 Social Structure and Cartogian (French) .............0355 Development.,... 0700 Horne Economics .................... 027B EngliJh ............................. 0593 Industrial , ..........................0521 Theory and Methods .......... 0344 Germctnic..........................0311 Foikiom?!.E::..E.::.::E::E.E:E:.E:o358 Transportation ............. 0709 Usnguooe and Literature ........... 0279 Latin American .............. 0312 Geography ............................. 0366 Mamemolics ........................... 0260 Urban and Regional Planning . ..0999 Middle Eastern...................0315 Gerontology ............................03S1 Women's Studies....................0453 tsiusic .......................... 0522 Romance, ......................... 0313 Slavic and Eost European 0314 "'% n e ra l ...........................(6^ f N I SCIlNCiS AND IN O IN ilM N O ilO iopiaisciiN m Geodesy ..0370 speech Pathology ............... 0460 Agriculture, .0372 Toxicology ........................0383 ...........................0537 General ................ 0473 .0373 Home Economics .....................0386 Aerospace ........................0538 Agronomy ............ 0285 Hydrology .0388 Agricultural ........................0539 Animal Culture and Miner-alogy .0411 PHYSKAlSdHNaS Automotive........................0540 Nutrition ................... 0475 eobotany ..................... 0345 Biomedical.........................0541 Pui« SciettMs Chemical ...........................0542 Aniitjal Pathology. .0476 eoecology.......................... 0426 Chemistry Foody Sciei.Science and eentology........................... 0418 Civil ........ 0543 General ............................ 0485 Electronics and Electrical 0544 Technoli .0359 Agricultural ........................0749 Fpresliy o^W iltflifc .0478. Hoof and Thermodynomics... 0348 Analytical ..........................0486 Hydraulic...........................0545 PjanI Culture ..................... Ô479 Biochemistry ......................0487 Physical Oceanography ........... 0415 Industrial...........................0546 Inorganic ...........................0488 Marine ..............................0547 Nuclear .............................0738 Rongo Mûnoÿm«nt.......... 077/ HEAlTHANDCNVIRGNMENrAl Materials Sicience ............... 0794 &ganic , ...................0490 Mechonical ........................0548 Woôd lechnSogy............. 0746 SCIiNCK Pharmaceutical ...................0491 Biology Environmental Sciences ............ 0768 Physical ............................ 0494 & n o ro l .................... 0306 Health Sciences Polymer ....... 0495 Nudear.............................0552 Anatomy .........................0287 Getteral ............................ 0566 Radiation .......................... 0754 BioJiofiificv ......................0308 Mathematics ........................... 0405 ap» . a & r ï f , Physics ___ Sanitary and Municipal 0554 Oenerol ................ 0605 System Science................... 0790 . Acoustics.......................... 0986 .. Hospital Martogement ......... 0769 Astronomy and Genetics......................... 0369 Human Development .......... 0758 Astrophysics ....................0606 limnpfogy ........................0793 immunology .....................0982 Atmospnsric Science ........... 0608 Atomic ................0748 Electronics and Electricity 0607 Neutoscinnce ................... 0317 Nursing............................ 0569 Elementary Particles and œ " ..........................0621 Nutrition ...^....... 0570 Behaviorol .............................. 0384 Obstetrics and Gyn.ecology . 0380 Fi% 5% L::.::::.:::::::n dinical ..........................0622 Occupational Health ona Molecular ......................... 0609 Veterinary Science ............. 0778 Developmental .........................0620 Thëeapy ....................... 0354 Nuclear ............................ 06lO Experimental ...........................0623 ZoD ^y .......................... 0472 O^thalmology ..................0381 Optics...............................0752 Fathology ......................... 0571 Radiation .......................... 0756 Solid State.........................0611 ... 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