MIAMI UNIVERSITY 9(Ju1Ukd, 1809 . VISITORS · WELCOME Summ er • 1956 A JUBILEE CHAPTER INVENTORY By TH E REVERE N D CHA RLES D. SPOTTS, National Chaplain The approaching Jubilee Anniversary presents every chapter of Phi Kappa T au with an opportunity to take inventory ; to pause at the end of our first half century in order to take a look at what has come into being during these fifty years; to discover what are the acc umulated values of the inherit· ance which the chapter is going to pas on to the brothers of the next twelve student generations. There are at least four observations which mu t be in· eluded in such a stock taking: OBJECTIVE FACTS H ow many brothers in the chapter? I the chapter too mall or too large? There is no uniform answer to this question for it must be as ked in the context of the size of the universi ty, the number of fraternities on ca mpus, housing facilities. The an wer is not easy but thi question must be a keel from time to time. What is the value of real estate owned by the chapter? Is the mortgage manageable? Must more facilities be made availabl e in the nea r future? I a building fund being developed? I the furniture and the general appearance of the house such as to have parents and friend visi t without embarras ment? D o trophies on the mantle refl ect hea lthy participation in intramural ac tivities? STUDENT SHIP Is the chapter, as a whole, aware of the mai n reason for it ex i tence? No fraternity ca n afford to be an academic country-club. Members of a college fraternity are first of all students, fraternity affili ation mu t always con titute a secondary loyalty. The serious student, who is a good fraternity potential, is called by God to be a student. This is his voca tion, hi first re ponsibility. Unless this is so he will be a poor fraternity risk. This should be an important criterion at the time of rushing and pledging. A chapter of Phi Kappa T au is not a boiler-maker's union, nor a sportman's club, nor a benevolent lodge; it is, rather, a "brotherhood" of students. N ow is the time to measure your chapter by this yardstick. COMMUNITY Are the members of the chapter aware of bel ongin g to a community? Is the chapter only an aggregati on of individuals. er is there a sense of "fellowship," of community, of "belonging to," of real "fraternity"? In a sense this element is intangible, but you ca n know whether it is there or not. N o chapter has a right to continue to ex ist unless this very important sense of community is present. Community is not synonymous with uniformity. I am not certain that there is such a thing as a Phi Kappa T au type. Community can exist among men of very different background, capacity, talents, temperament, and interests. St. Paul, the Jew observed rightly, "In Christ there is neither Jew nor G reek, there is neither bond or free , there is neither male or female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus." CORPORAT E INFLUENCE What influence does the corporate life of the chapter have upon indivi· dual ? Do individuals become mature men becau e they belong to the chapter? What opportunities for leadership growth does the corporate life of the chapter present? There are few other aspects of college life which ca n match the potential of a fraternity for character and lea dership growth. The corporate life of a chapter i loaded with opportunitie for assuming responsibilities, for taking initiative, for creativity, for haring talents, for " group dynamics," f r "loving your neighbor a y urself," f r ::: xcrci in g h r· givene , for ympathetic identification with th other "guy, " for mutm l as i tan e, for tran lating the i<.hd f the fraternity int a ·ti n. THE LAUREL of Phi Kappa Tau JACK L. ANSON, Editor VOLUME XLIV JUNE, 1956 NUMBER 4 THE PHI KAPPA TAU FRATERNITY CENTRAL OP!'ICE OXFORD, OHIO COVER The exoteric publication of The Phi Kappa Tau Fra­ An official welcome to the campus at Miami Uni­ ternity. Published prior to versity awaits all members of Phi Kappa T au and 1919 as " Sidelights." Sched­ their families when the Golden Jubilee convenes in uled to appear quarterly un­ Oxford, Ohio, where Phi Kappa Tau was founded der direction and authority fifty years ago. The dates for the celebration to of the National Council. commemorate the Golden Jubilee of the fraternity are June 27 to June 30, 195 6. CONTENTS Acceptance for mailing at Golden Jubilee Will Honor Founders 3 special rate of postage pro• vided for in Section 11 03, Golden Anniversary Founders' Banquets . 6 Act of October 3, 1917. Pub­ Jubilee Program . 10 lished quarterly by The Law­ head Press, Inc., 17 West Educational Endowment Fund's New Program. 12 Washington Street, Athens, T aylor A. Borradaile ............. .. ... .. .. 13 Ohio, official printers for The The Fraternity Future . 14 Phi Kappa Tau Fraternity. Entered as second class mat• David H . H arshaw, Stetson President ........ 17 ter at the Post Office at Kenneth H. Koch Named Judge ............. 1 Athens, Ohio. Additional entry at the Post Office at Chapter Eternal . 19 Oxford, Ohio. From the Chapters ... ............... .... _o Directory . 4 Married Couples at the Golden Jubilee will live in McBride Hall The Pines is one ol the dormitories Phi Kappa Tau will use to house married couples during the Golden Jubilee. THE LAUREL Dates Are June 27 to 30 in Oxford, Ohio! Golden Jubilee Will Honor Our Founders, R~ iew •. Past Fifty Years and Make Plans for the Future By J. OLIVER AMOS, Miami Golden Jubilee Publicity Chairman You will be the most important person on the Miami University campus at Oxford, Ohio, on June 27, 28, 29 and 30 because you will then be attending the Golden Jubilee of your own college fraternity - Phi Kappa T au! The complete program, printed elsewhere in this i sue of The Laurel. ha been designed with you in mind . you and your family (if you have any and bring them along) . You will have the opportunity that comes once a lifetime - to join with fel­ low Phi Taus in the 50th anniversa ry of the founding of your fraternity. You will be mabng history and at the same time you will be paying tribute to N ow it is up to you! Complete your the living founders of Phi Kappa T au in plans now and make your train, plane or person. You will also be in on an extensive vacation arrangements with the Boss as oon and intensive program to honor other pro­ as you see him tomorrow! Get the good minent Phi T au as well as pay tribute to little wife in on the act too, for the Golden yourself for your wisdom in becoming a Jubilee program is planned for her and the member of such an outstanding college kids, too! In fact, you are the most im­ fraternity. portant Phi T au in the fraternity today! You will meet fellow members from 71 You are expected in Oxford . don't fai l chapters scattered coast to coast and cer­ your H onored Founders and Fraternal tainly there will be a good percentage of the Brothers! total membership of 22,000 smart men on Chairman Nichols had no trouble in get­ hand to personall y greet you and receive ting Grayson Kirk, his fellow tudent who your greetings of fellowship in return. today happens to hold down the top coll ege You have to be present! Without you, presidency in the country at Columbia the Golden Jubilee will be a failure! Just as University, to be present in Oxford to meet we have warned you in previous issues of you. Brother Kirk ha rendered excellent The Laurel, those four dates in June are service to the fraternity over the year in four of the most important dates in your many different capacities. You will want to life. Yes, this convention is part of your hear him speak on Friday night, June 29th. life! Fred L. H all , governor of Kan a , ha You were the one person Hugh Nichols, taken time out from hi bu y hedul to convention chairman, and his assistants in arrange to be in Oxford to meet you too, the Oxford area, have had in mind with even though you may not be able to vote the busy weeks they have spent in planning for him. Brother H all will deliver the key­ and arranging for some of the most out­ note address on Thursday mornincr, June standing men in the United States who 28th. wea r the same fraternity pin as you do to You just have to look at the bu y be in Oxford the last of June. schedule which the top bra have arrancrcd Page three THE LAUR EL O F P H I K APPA TA U The John Shaw Billings Natatorium with its Olympic designed pool. for your entertainment, enjoyment and edi­ are included in the price quoted above . fication. All you have to do is to be all other meals will be the usual excellent present to enjoy it and the fellowship of the Miami menus. Golden Jubilee Convention. You will find the finest of Miami's dor­ Your pocketbook has also been given con­ mitories made available for you ..
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