The original documents are located in Box 70, folder “Mecklenberg Declaration of Independence” of the John Marsh Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Copyright Notice The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Gerald R. Ford donated to the United States of America his copyrights in all of his unpublished writings in National Archives collections. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. If you think any of the information displayed in the PDF is subject to a valid copyright claim, please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Digitized from Box 70 of The John Marsh Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library - May 7 THE WHfTE HOUSE WASHINGTON Russ -- Re: Mechlenberg Declaration It was signed May 20, 1775. There is NO original document, only a copy of what is thought to be the original document. There is only one historian in North Carolina who recognizes the Declaration and he is not the leading historian in North Carolina. The President is presently scheduled to be in Charlotte, N. Carolina on May 20th. This decision was obviously just made in the last few days for the President to do the event. Thankx. donna THE WHITE H OUSE WASHINGTON 12.-2·~ --- ~rtJ. c·~~~,.,.,.- ME~10RANDUM APR 2 8 1975 THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON April ,28, 1975 MEMORANDUM TO: PAUL THEIS FROM: TERESA RHODES RE: MECKLENBERG, N.C. EVENT In doing some research on t;.he Mecklenberg Declaration this morning, X have discovered that there is only one professional historian in North carolina who will stand behind the existance of the Declaration. All the big names in history in N.C. do not beleive that the Declaration ever existed. The; gentleman I spoke with who was an assistant professor of North carolina history, said he thought it would be terribly embarrassing for the President to take part in an event celebrating the Mecklenberg Declaration. I beleive it would be wise to call the Director of Archives of North carolina and discuss this matter before anything is done in which the .......... press could really blast us and in which the President would be embarrassed. He will need Southern support in 1976. The Director of Archives in N.C. is: Robert E. Stite 919-829-3952 cc .. Casserly Waldro:r:. cavaney. Rustand Marsh • • ICe 1a • I American Revolution Bicentennial Administration 2401 ESt. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20276 Vol. 2 May 1975 Communities Program Reaches 3500 Purposeful Will The Candles Be Blown Out Too Soon? J. Welles Hen­ opportunity to elfaluate the present and Let us, then, collectllfely and as ln­ Aims Seen derson, prominent project and mold the future. dllflduals, take a courageous loofc at Philadelphia lawyer While Americans halfe much to be oursellfes and at those among us who and former United In Activity States Commis- proud of In the past, they halfe much to legislate, who judge, who administer, sioner General for question In the present. who communicate and educate. And let the ARBA-approved Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote: "The us frankly examine how we all compare America's Bicentennial is alive and International Ex­ true test of cllf/1/zat/on Is, not the with the character and the expectations flourishing. position on the En­ census, nor the size of the cities, nor of our founding fathers. An unprecedented surge of interest vironment (Expo the crops - no, but the kind of man the All is not bad. and activity is being recorded at all '74) held in Spokane, country turns out." levels - local, state, regional, national Washington, last year has responded to the The Bicentennial Is a propitious All is not lost. and international. invitation issued in the April issue of THE occasion to re-examine, to reassess, to Ours Is a great country In many TIMES to public figures desiring to comment renew and rededicate. Problems there ways. Our people halfe boundless ARBA's Bicentennial Communities on the purposes and the objectives of the Bi­ Program now encompasses more than centennial. Mr. Henderson is senior partner are, serious and far-ranging: the bleak human spirit and a resilience that can, 3500 recognized communities, more In the law firm of Rawle & Henderson, the economic picture, the disarray In for­ If properly motllfated, serlfe to restore a than 400 of them recognized during the oldest law firm In the United States, founded eign a"alrs, the erosion of family life, basic American spirituality lfltal to the month of April alone. ARBA's goal of in 1783. His comments follow. the expansion of lflolence, and a declin­ future stability and progress of the 5000 is expected to be surpassed by the ing respect for the Institutions of golf­ Nation. end of Fiscal Year 1976. The Master ernment, to name only a few. They are, Stop. Look. Calendar of Events now includes more Is the Bicentennial of America to be howelfer, problems that can and should Don't blow out the birthday candles than 10,000 projects and events. just a nostalgic birthday party? be resollfed If we as a nation apply our­ too soon. The Bicentennial Colleges and Thoughtful Americans seem gen­ sellfes with the forthrightness, the Universities program, similar to the com­ erally to agree that the commemoration fortitude, and the foresight of the Use them to light the way to the munities program and launched only should be much more than that - an founders of this nation. future. toward the end of 1974, has drawn the participation of more than 90 colleges Continued on Page 6 Nationwide Forum Shapes Up Citizens Get American Studies On America's "Now" Issues School Prod Program Expands The following is the first in a series of in­ "Through the American Issues Forum depth reports on the American Issues Forum, we shall be looking at America, asking The State Department's Mutual considered one of the most significant proj­ what is America, how did it come to be Educational and Cultural Exchange ects of the Bicentennial. The second article what it is and what are the problems that On Future Program has become a focal point in the June issue of the TIMES will deal with for the implementation of Bicentennial the implementation of the project. disturb each one of us Americans today," programs abroad. says a prospectus. In essence, the nine North High School in Fargo, N.D. has In cooperation with the United major topics will consider what has hap­ launched a Bicentennial program to in­ States Information Agency and the pened down through the years with crease community awareness of the National Endowment for the Humani­ A nation-wide forum is shaping up, to America's traditions and legacy, and problems and potential of America's ties, the Department has launched an continue through the nine central months what should be done with these tradi­ Third Century. ~ effort to further stimulate American of the Bicentennial Era - a debate in tions and that legacy in the future. Courses for the entire community of .. studies overseas. The effort stems which all Americans, of every origin, will The topics thus would not be brand Fargo are beginning in the North Dakota from increasing foreign awareness of have the opportunity to discuss issues new. Rather they will be subjects which city this month. the Bicentennial and the opportunity it offers for initiating or enlarging such which are truly fundamental to this have been pondered since the days of the The action resulted from a three-day studies in universities and professional nation and its future. Thirteen Colonies, topics such as "what symposium conducted at the school in research institutions. This Bicentennial program is the has kept Americans together through March. During the period, regular classes Particular attention is being paid American Issues Forum, originally sug­ wars, recessions, deep differences?" were suspended and replaced by courses to the possibility of increasing the gested by Walter Cronkite, television What were the early "founding Ameri­ dealing in such aspects of the future as number of chairs and degree programs commentator. It calls for the considera­ cans" like? How did an "American city planning, transportation, television, in American studies in foreign universi­ tion of nine central issues, divided into character'' somehow emerge from our electronic music, architecture, space ties. Also under way is a drive to 36 sub-topics, which will be addressed, tangled roots of origin? technology, man and the ocean, para­ stimulate special research projects by discussed, debated, and probed in the Plans for the Forum were first an­ psychology, the environment, computers, government and private institutions and the formation of library collections. nine months from September 1975 nounced in early May of 1974 by Ronald education, hunger and law enforcement. In addition, the Department has through May 1976. It is hoped that every Berman, chairman of the National Students were required to take a organized a series of international sort of media, public and private format Endowment for the Humanities, and by minimum of 12 hours of classes and conferences on American studies, five and agency, will participate: newspapers Continued on Page 6 members of the community were invited of them regional in scope. The first, and magazines, commercial and public to participate in both daytime and organized for the European region, was television, schools, labor unions, special evening classes. held April 19 through April 23 in churches, service clubs, foundations, Purpose of the project is to stimulate Salzburg.
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