-- v. j . X X IK":' '1 1 THE NEW - KOBTHWB81V TI1UKSDAY, AUGUST 25,' 1881. The Oregon Improvement Compariy'a . new HEW THIS WEEK. tIW THIS WEEK. steam collier Mississippi arrived at his port from New York on Sunday evenlng.,92 days out. She is 223 '.feet long, and her carrying Is OUEdOS. THUIWDAV. AUGt'HT Zi, IWM. capacity PORTLAND. 1400 tons. She brought 700 t6ns of railroad ma- teria! for the O. It. A N. Co. jiCB&vHiBKJts. WE NOW Closing Out Sale ro t'iry , Rev. W. C. Chattrn arrived In Portland by the ARE SETTLED pa prvmttty last steamer. During the Tast year he 'has llvwl VutnmM u ho fail fa refrti their Jim will carryluir ; plea notify of omw. hin Trenton, N.' J., oir his evamrelieal vSfcl.. work. liut he dislikes the climate of the Eastern AT COST ! States, and his nuineroii- - friends will be, glad to - ; 5 KPITOMK, -- -- J. LOCAI U hear. that he will probably again locate here-.- Our New Store, OX At"l MT or SIr Charle TMner, Caiiallan Minuter' of Rail- Twv, more convict have been' ariloned, Jy ways, accomaiUed by ii wife ami several gentle- - HO. 186 FIRST A1MCE-II- Ooverdor Thayer. men who are interested in railhtad), arrived In STREET. CH M FIR M . - Dr.' M. May and family have removed from The this city by the Oregon on Monday, on' their waV Dalles to thls-elt-y. toBritfch Culumla, where they-w- ill lnxHtt the Between Ymhill injd Ttjlor . Allle Williams has returned from her work being done on the line of the Canadian Miss I'acllic between Yaleand visit to California. Kanjloop. ' We will tell for the next Thirty Rev. J. W. Sellwood, of "East Portland, has Tler waa riot in the Chinese theateToii Sun- day morning, ii ' the performance '" ated We have better accommodations for declined a call from Oregon City, Days our ' entire stock of Dry until "2 o'clock only, instead of 4, as had' been here--; misguided Third-stre- et girl I bonds transacting buiinew than A under for promiiHHl. The celestials claim that the manage- - Goods having robbed a man who called at iter stopping- - tofore, without increas--" and Fancy ment had swindled thenv and proceeded to smash 4'" i . chandeliers, benches, chairs, etc.', to get satisfac- ing oar expenses. There- - were three funerals in. the city pn Friday tion. :OfttceTS quelled the disturbance. , .last,' each of the subject having foutut a watery Miss lora Crites, a teacher In the Kat Portland We shall strictly adhere to our old grave. ' ,q 4?-- ublic schools, diwl on Friday last, and was ' schedule of The1 funeral of Mr. is. Jloiudn, who was (uritnl ort Sunday afternoon In Ioue Fir Cemetery FIRST-CLAS- '-- THIS IS A CHANCE TO BUY S GOODS drowned at Jlwaco, was largely attended on from the Kant Portland Baptist Church, Rev. J. F1I0W; Friday last. i A. (J ray conducting the ceremonies. Many of her PRICES. to-da- y. followed her remains to the grave, testify- Rev. T. I Kliot wllf return to the city pupils At-Clearance;P- We mean, to please customers, and will riceo. and on Sunday next 'will resume services in the ing their grief at her by bitter tears. dfth 1-- erer to do so. ; I. nuanau Uourch.- - rAlafsre and carefnllyneTected stock omneTQll try harder than t(t The entertainment given on" Saturday evening linery for the Fall trade has been ordered by by ladles or the Uiten lemperance Association Messrs. Lewis A, tStrauss for their popular "White COME. OVER AHD-SE- US. - - E was a complete success.- , House1 in this city, and is' doubt ifh now on" the Parties knowing themselves indebted to, the,, ' way from New, York. These goods will shortly '.. James Reed, a member of Protection Kngine many patrons Company, died of heart disease at tit. Vincent's. arrive, when their and the nubile firm will please call and settle. l generally will bduly apprised of that fact. , Hospital on Hunuay, last. - lias, Countv Clerk :Borthwick'alfluaucial--atatemeii- t OLDS & KING. ''- Another wretch been amtHl tor outraging "gives a little girl. His name is Alfred 8aunders,and he the information that , the total tax collected year 30,- - Is in in aerauu or during the (ending June ink,' was F. D. Wrinkle & jail bona. $S0,8.'o 0.1, which was Increawtl by last year's J. Co., Miss Mattie K. Hausee, of iNew YoriLwho ac surplus to $Ji,602 . During the year the ex- - ssi risMT ntm 4k5i:k or hajjuox. cepted a position In the Territorial University of amountet to ii5,779 b7, leaving Ytasningion, arrived at Seattle last weeK. 5enditures hand. The fund amounted to : Mr. M. F. Wake, of Oregon Clty.'gave the Nkw $41,184 5S, anl $40,74S 41 was paid out on orders, ENLARGEMENT OF OUR STORE. $4.W T?ortiiwr8t a brief call on Tuesday. He will leaving 27. , , - probably return to this city In a short time. Mr. T. A. Sutherland,--. editor of the Stamlanf. Mrs. Oeo. L. Woods, of Han Jose, arrived in the and Mixs Sallie Chattin, daughter of Hev. and OLUM HTJ3IMK1IH, city last week. She will visit relatives, and Mrs." W, (!. Chattin, were married In San Fran- S E W I N C ! in flnU Ntrvel.J' friend at Haleru, Ht. Helens and The Dalles. cisco on' Thursday evening last. Mr. , and Mrs. MACHINE .nKALras is., SIMPLE, NOISELESS, UOHT-KUHNnT- O Tlie medals to be'awarded to exhibitors at the Sutherland arrived in this city on Monday by the I CE0CKER7, GLASS - ASD PLATED WARE, re-wa- - XT -- rm ly- 4 Mechanics' Fail) are now completed. They , a re 80 Oregon aiut we - recei ved by t hei r inany . friends, who gladly welcome the bride to her old .ARII AOKiHTK in uumber iu gold, ai silver, aiKl 50 bronze, Tho Ploneor In All : I I haa-jus- home, and wish the happy couple a long and mprovemonts Wm." Mackay, of Josephine' unty, t ' The Celebrated "Hero" Oil, been released from sixty days confinement for pleasant life of usefulness. of,'the-iLFChurc- AXNtH'XfK TilTIIK IM'III.IOTHAT re-thro- J 'Ail klitdii of Hcwlnn Miulilito Aln'crlnU for UKKO'WTKri.l.Y N-- sendlngjudeceii Mi terat u t lie--ma 11 Bishop I larrif, h, assigned nalr. In their mil KulNrgMi Hltrv-ICato- Taylor-stre- et pulrliif u i.KM lulty. K, lll'.KUV. I -- ministers to localities as follows: f. AMt. Ml.ilnliiK llx'IrulU ulnml, iul invltt hi titftprvxtoa Council lias adoptel a ponderous fell) Mt-l- x!. The City lot of Den-riiso- n; laHjilmoii HiitlTlilnl of lh pullk. mjrl - govern ponce omcors. Church, Portland, O. W. Izer; Walem, J. N. Heitl .rules to ir strictly Albany, Isaac Dillon; Kugene, I. D, . forced theyjilLniake excellent citizens of the Driver; Dallas, JaL Matthews;, Forest (Jrove, Wm. Roberts; Hillsboro, Martin Judy: Iafsyette, It is stated that Rev. J. H. Acton and Mr. J. K T. I Jones; Oregoii City, S. H. Todd; Jackson- Aiken intend to shortly commence the publication ville, R. J Sharp; Roseburg, J. W, Miller; As-tori-u, of an lndeiendent"WeekTy patter, to be called the John Parsons; Fast Portland, T. I Sails; New Tacoma, J. F. De A'ore: Olyrapia, D. (1. I AN As will be seen by their announcement. Messm Sounl; Seattle, W; S. Harrington; Vancouver, OPPORTUNITY Olds A King are now settled in their new store at I. A. Banks.. J. Ht Acton was granted a super- ' : No. 186 First street. They Invite everyliody to numerary relation.- -- ; " : call ami see them. , The Htars, of this city, the UufTsticks, of - Mr. J. W. Bailey fias removed from Nor47 to . Taken advantage of by every one is the most oonvincins proof ancouvrr-lthtvwtL41)e- ir. thlnLmntcli game of Nos. 83 and H5 Yamhill street, between Fourth bW-4ocati- - - 4ase-ba- ll in Fast Portland on Sunday, the.former and Fifth, or two bloeks Wjpsrof his that the scheme lately introdnced in the disposal ol goods at , ; - .winning by a score of S7 to 4. -- . No finer staple ami fancy groceries can be found Captain Kellogg's handsQ.menew steamboat, the iu the city than at his new, neat and commodious .j a Joseph Kellogg, wilt be completed by BeptemU-- r establishment His prices are the very lowest, as ror loin, rjne - is vji , ree long, ami lias he sells cash. All omen promptly attended ACKERMAN'S. DOLLAR abeam to, and goods delivered to all parts of the city. STORE , breadth of 23j and a hold depth of 5f feet. ; Oeorge Martin, ofOreene bounty, N7Y., was A new sumy of silk hats for the Fall trade has killed on the 10th Insiant, on the farm of Mr. Meets With Heury Uuxton, near Forest rove, by being ieen received at Woods' hat store. Call anl public favor, in spite of a mercenary few. Jealous of r examine them or send in your orders, which will thrown from a ivajH-- and having the driving be promptly .'filled. its great success, endeavoring by mUrepreientation wncei pass over mm. 4 to The house for Couch Kngine Company No. ft, on This. Is the season when the dreaded fever and our patrons. The fact that every day articles ranging in value - O street, between Thirteenth ami Fourteenth, Is ague are prevalent. Nip 'them in the bud with V ... J nearly com Dieted. Is 60 feet and two r. " Ii 2ix unders tf. sure cure. from $1.00 to $125 have been secured by the invesl nent stories- - high. ThecjiipanywiUbefunlshedJ If ..' of old flij.
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