Otterbein University Digital Commons @ Otterbein Tan & Cardinal 1917-2013 Historical Otterbein Journals 1-10-1928 The Tan and Cardinal January 10, 1928 Archives Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.otterbein.edu/tancardinal Part of the Higher Education Commons an att No. 13. ~DELBERGFLOORED INOHIO CONFERENCE LID-LIFTER TRoop1s CHAIRMAN ~ 1 GLEE CLUB SCHEDULE UPSTATETEAM PROVES OFVILLAGE COUNCIL ~ HEADS POLICE COURT I NEARING COMPLETION FISH FOR TAN BOYS Po,ition C . AND LOCAL COUNCIL Concerts To Begin About Middle Court arn~s Duties of Police of February. Easter Trip COUNT IS 53 TO 27 Justice. Dr. Snavely :===============~ Being Planned. Out on Technicality. Captain Buell, Barnes and Miley Dis- At the pre ent time the Otterbein play Some Fine Shooting Proiessor H W I departn:1 · • Troop, head of the 'ollege Glee Club and Banjo Orche - Ability. A.dllJ·• ent .of E conom1cs- and Bu mess. tra have their re pective program __ _ 1n1strat1o chairm n, was elected recently a fairly well in ha'l1d and expect to get aturday night Otterbein opened the lcrviliean of the vi·11 age council of We - "on the road'' about the middle of next Conference ba ketball season with a I ' succeedin D C Y. The . g r. hades Snave- month. Much new material has been game against the Heidelberg quintet. rics With~osition of council chief car­ introduced ~his year and extra prac- / The core wa SJ to 27. Heidelberg locatP 1. it the duties of judge of th tice are bemg hel-d for the rounding' got the 27. (No Ohio Conference I. o ice court D S . 'lgiblc 1 • r. navely was m- out f the program by that time. team except tterbein made 53 point ities be O serve in both of these capac­ Th manager, Ferron Troxel au- this week.) The hooting of Barne : cause of State Cod an amendment to the nounce · that he ha tentative con- Buell and Miley wa as accurate a~ !ates th e Pas ed last summer. Thi tract with Cincinnati, Dayton, Wil- that of backwoods riflemen during a by the at councilmen shall be elect d lard, Baitjmore and some smaller feud, the defensive play of the Sear • Police c:i;~I~ both as councilmen and t wn throughout the tate. As usual men was delightful and the teamwork c:ilshan Judges and that the coun- a week' tour of appearance is being was decisive, all of which could hardly . select O • ~" of the ne to act as chairman contemplated for the Ea ter vacation, be said for the work of the Heidelberg 1g a saJa. d court. As the dual office although just in what ec-tion of the ba keteer . They had two rn n eradi- tlcct,d ;;e ~ne and the holder was country it will be maci'e i till unde- cated on the evid nee of too many per- th, •tat COT<iingto the provisions of cided. onal fouls, He s and Crump. Their I'Ral " 'Cod. e t h e court is to have full tudent :i.re a ked to report to t~ ih oting while copious was not of a . .,ower a d ot1ty_ 5 n unquestioned auth- Jllanager any P06 ibiljty of having the very fine quality. Otl:erbein made 23 l'r0o Glee Club appear in their town or any field goals through their defense. Jn 1.. _. P Wass · ~111 of F el"Vlng out the unexpired other place where th y think a con- fact Heidelberg was quite overwhelm- (Co ~~nk Bookman when elected cert might be cheduled. ed by the tactics of the Tan and Cardi- n inued on Page Eight.) ----- 0 C ----- nal experts. 81'.\l'~O C--­ PHILOMATHEA TO BROAD- The tca1ns battled fiercely at; th CAST FROM WCAH SOON start until Ted aman made a long ,_:DUCATORS SPEAIC Hor-ace W. Troop became head of FACULTY CLUB MEET (Continued On Page Three.) Will ~ the local court by ~irtue of the tate Present Two Hour Greeting -----0 C----- Por T- -- ....,:~lleingKore Profes- statute whicb b came op rative in Program To Alumni and IWORLD RELATIONS CLUB ·~ Subjects Ia esterville on January I. This is Frieo ds of Otterbein MEETS IN CRYSTAL ROOM lllti'al Theme • Troop'. second year on the ouncil, . A Pl.in fo . - 1 . • cl to fill ut an une.-";pircd arc bein' rapid!. formulated I Lawr ·uc Hill i th hi ory depan- lltd ub· r introducing- pr fe· ionaJ- ,a nng agree mathca· tw hour radio coo-1· mcnt f hio tale, di cus •1::d th, the cou:ect_ matter to take the place of term la t year and being le ted 1 be br _adca t from ·tati~n _Me ican ituati n ~t the re uJar me ·r- ire olie ed10 teaching m thod , hich Council at the regular r ovemhu elec- on th H l I F rt l:laye. m mg of th Inter.natl II Relati n:; lnb th, the~c at the pre ent time was tiou la fall. olumbus. This c n ert will be held' la t night in connection with ; lllc,ting cf of the discu sion at the ____ O broadca t ab ut tl1e middle of F b- dinner al \ illiam' r ta! Rooni. 4inbert ~ thc Faculty Club h Id in REDECORATION OF LOCAL ruary and i primarily Mis Katherine . lh, ide ~Ii Ye terday afternon. CHURCH IS COMPLETED for he pur · ath- with Redpath hautaqua. bur au for 1n th, eda 1 _a comparatively new one I ean alumn five year ·, arid who ha broad ca "tad •entcd I Ucational field and wa pre-/ Redecoration "f the local chur ·h L. B. Knot from radi tati n V . A. L l . at th 1:.... , of oth e cl u b .bY two' re.pre nta- f which wa largely 1111Ict · d d urmg. ment £or lu m b u an d ·w- 1· . ~•.... ~cl, . a Ic:veland. lltation. o:State Department of Ed- vacati 11• wa 6ni~h d la!s_t we k ao_d the ial music of a very th, Pee· 1. · B. B. A~berty discussed rvice were aga,n held m the a11d1~ n ar fu ure, bo h i11 th tr 1 b · I I · I ·t · I d . I triininia zed. u Ject matter of teach- 1oriu111 all(! unday 1 o ro m~ as ardma an 111 t 1e (°~lhian college , and Mr. L. L. Sunday. F r th two P~ c ~ din uo- n w paper. ~:~ OTTERBEIN REALLY HAS Unity Which e of the particular oppor- day. cn·i c·. were h ld 111the chapel. -----0 C----- SOME ACTUAL STUDENTS ~Ucing Otterbein ha for· intro- Th "·al. of all the room · cxclud- STATE SUPERVISOR OF Uch cour es. ing the basement. whi h was '.1 t re- 11.r..,l'ca;-- o C----- d corated at this time. w re trnt d a HOME EC. IS SPEAKER lll toe ORD PUBLISHES hade very i111ilar to what th I AL STUDENT'S STORY orignally, An attractiv I ign ha ,\!ember;; of the H me E · nomi s in. Th 1 P there wer "'lartha' J - beeJI tencile d near t I1 Iom f tlie de1)artmcn( bad the µlea ure. hcar- of '' anc h • . JI cal .Mi Edith Lunn of hio tatc t th re.er 0llJe h awen 1 the author audit rium and 111 a ma er c ap- . story Witt ere She Wait ", a short pear on the wall of tl1 unday , niver ,ty, wheu -he -poke ~n m 97 taken front the fr Friday ju b fore ?Peared in a Chri tmas theme. which School room . The total cost of the problem of !1m Econonn at h g-an at n n. That 5. ~i the Watchword for Dec.. redecorating ha been estimated at ap-1 regular mcetmg of the H?me co-I 11cnt • hawcn h'- b . 1 OOO nomic lub Monday evening, Janu- anything for the num b 1 111 liter "fl een prom1- proxm1ate y , . • takeo that wer a tually tu ~ c 011ging to ary Work in Otterbein, --- 0 C----- ary 9. nd th p . the Quiz and Quill Club ince thi leap yea.r it won't be ·Mis Lunn the ta e uper t or during vacati n, however. hiialethea11 Lit rary ciety. ion now. of the Home onomic m v,.men . I\.';;;==============::=!: 1-'agc Two --- THE TAN AND CARDINAL • Annual Barnes Short Story Contest Closes 10 April Committee Is Expecting Heck Changed on Staff. ------. INSTRUCTORS INCREASE Prizes. to be Offered. Some Keen Competition l'arkt'r Heck, \\'ho has been 011 the PROFESSIONAL KNOWLEDGE ---d fifteen dollar athletic staff of the Tan and Cardinal THREE PRIZES OFFERED Prizes of five, ten. an b t pieces National Assoc;~ti·on of Ch . will be offered to t h e three thees annual this year and all of last year, has been and Psychologists- Meet em1St6 Iof literature ·u b m itted to The a11JJ. ~ r College Reserves Right To Publish changed from this po ition to that of a D Quiz and Quill conteSL ·ot••est 10 Any or All Three of Prize­ regular reporter on the editorial taff. uring Holidays the conte t i to spon or 1 "" Winning Stories. ---- 0 C---- j crcatiYe writing. submitted. PROFESSOR BOWMAN MADE . ":'hile Otterbein students were en- Poetn· or prose may be ·1s of the To any student of Otterbein College th COMMITTEE'S CHAIRMAN Joying c Chri tmas holidays, a A detail.ed account 0 ~ the ~t:eek's i.
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