KING’SCOLLEGE CAMBRIDGE CHAPELSERVICES HOLYWEEK,EASTER ANDLONGVACATION TERMS 2011 NOT TO BE TAKEN AWAY THE USE OF CAMERAS, RECORDING EQUIPMENT, VIDEO CAMERAS AND MOBILE PHONES IS NOT PERMITTED IN CHAPEL NOTICES SERMONSAND ADDRESSES Maundy Thursday The Revd James Buxton Chaplain, Corpus Christi College Easter Day The Revd Richard Lloyd Morgan Chaplain Celebrating 400 years of the King James Bible: 1 May The Revd Dr Jeremy Morris Dean 8 May Professor Eamon Duffy Faculty of Divinity, University of Cambridge 15 May Professor David Ford Faculty of Divinity, University of Cambridge 22 May The Revd Roger Greeves Acting Chaplain 29 May Professor Alex Walsham Faculty of History, University of Cambridge 5 June Dr Stephen Cleobury Fellow and Director of Music 12 June The Revd Canon Dr John Binns Vicar, Great St Mary’s, Cambridge 19 June Professor David Frost Institute of Orthodox Studies, Cambridge 3 July The Rt Revd Peter Dawes former Bishop of Derby, Assistant Bishop in the Diocese of Ely 10 July The Revd Dr Jeremy Morris Dean 25 September The Revd William Campbell-Taylor Vicar, St Thomas’ Church, Stamford Hill SERVICE BOOKLETS Braille and large print service booklets are available from the Chapel Administrator for Evensong and Sung Eucharist services. CHORAL SERVICES Services are normally sung by King’s College Choir on Sundays and from Tuesdays to Saturdays. Services on Mondays are sung by King’s Voices, the College’s mixed voice choir. Exceptions are listed. [ 2 ] ORGAN RECITALS Each Saturday during full term time there is an organ recital at 6.30 p.m. until 7.15 p.m. Admission is free, and there is a retiring collection. There is no recital on 18 June, and Prime Brass plays with the Organ Scholars on 30 April. HOLY WEEKAND EASTER SERVICES Holy Week and Easter will see the seventh Easter at King’s. The Chapel Choir will, as always, play an important part in this, opening the festival with Bach St John Passion on Tuesday 19 April. Other events include the Tenebrae Responsories of Victoria, the four hundredth anniversary of whose death occurs this year, which will be presented liturgically on Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday. Further details of the concerts and how to obtain tickets appear later in this booklet. MUSIC The concert on Friday 8 July is dedicated to the memory of the late Robert Tear, formerly Choral Scholar and Honorary Fellow. Andrew Kennedy sings a work closely associated with Bob, Britten’s Serenade for tenor, horn and strings. The anniversaries of Victoria (d. 1611) and Liszt (b. 1811) continue to be celebrated. Victoria’s music features strongly on Tuesday 3 May and Saturday 24 September, and the resident organists contribute works by Liszt at the recitals on 7 and 28 May and 11 June. The American conductor Duain Wolfe has written With shouts of joy to mark the 60th birthday of Hugh Davies, former Choral Scholar, who will be present to hear the première on Saturday 9 July. SERMONSIN EASTER TERM 2011 marks the 400th anniversary of the publication of the Authorised Version of the Bible, otherwise known as the King James Bible. The sermons this term celebrate the anniversary, and reflect on the legacy of the King James Bible. Two of the Translators’ Committees met in Cambridge, and included at least one Fellow of King’s College. ILLUSTRATIONS This term’s illustrations are reproduced from photographs of the Chapel taken by Richard Lloyd Morgan. The cover illustration is of the Chapel West Door and those for the months are of stone carvings on the South side of the Chapel, some recently restored. [ 3 ] APRIL EASTER AT KING’S 19 TUESDAY OF HOLY WEEK 7.30 p.m. ST JOHN PASSION Bach until King’s College Choir c.9.30 p.m. Academy of Ancient Music Andrew Kennedy Evangelist David Wilson-Johnson Christ Ashley Riches Pilate Elin Manahan Thomas soprano James Laing counter-tenor Andrew Tortise tenor Marcus Farnsworth bass Stephen Cleobury conductor ¶ Tickets from The Shop at King’s 01223 769340 [ 4 ] APRIL 21 MAUNDY THURSDAY 5.30 p.m. SUNG EUCHARIST AND STRIPPING OF THE ALTAR until Kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus, Benedictus, Agnus Dei c.6.40 p.m. Missa ‘Papae Marcelli’ Palestrina Introit Nos autem gloriari Gradual Oculi omnium Offertory Ubi caritas Duruflé Communion Hoc corpus Post Communion Psalm 22 vv. 1–21 Tone II Preacher THE REVD JAMES BUXTON Chaplain, Corpus Christi College 8.00 p.m. CHAMBER MUSIC FOR MAUNDY THURSDAY until Trio in G Op. 1 No. 2 Beethoven c.9.10 p.m. Episodi e Canto perpetuo Vasks Trio in d Op. 120 Fauré Lesley Hatfield violin Guy Johnston cello Alisdair Beatson piano ¶ Tickets from The Shop at King’s 01223 769340 9.30 p.m. OFFICE OF TENEBRAE FOR MAUNDY THURSDAY IN until CLARE COLLEGE CHAPEL c.10.30 p.m. Tenebrae Responsories Victoria English Voices Richard Lloyd Morgan cantor Tim Brown conductor Officiant THE DEAN 22 GOOD FRIDAY 10.30 a.m. ANTE-COMMUNION AND VENERATION OF THE CROSS until Introit Miserere mei, Deus Allegri Psalm 51 c.11.40 a.m. Response to the Commandments Great Service Byrd Gradual Hymn 92 There is a green hill far away Gospel St John Passion Victoria Anthems 53 The Reproaches Victoria 165 Crux fidelis King John IV of Portugal Closing Hymn 95 When I survey the wondrous Cross [ 5 ] APRIL 5.00 p.m. EVENSONG Men’s voices until Introit 20 Incipit lamentatio Ieremiae prophetae Tallis c.5.50 p.m. Responses plainsong Psalm 40 Tone VI Magnificat Tone I Nunc dimittis Tone II Anthem 20 De lamentatione Ieremiae prophetae Tallis 6.55 p.m. GOLGOTHA Martin until Philharmonia Chorus c.9.00 p.m. BBC Concert Orchestra Ailish Tynan soprano Susan Bickley mezzo-soprano Christopher Gillett tenor Roderick Williams baritone Mark Stone bass baritone Stephen Cleobury conductor ¶ Tickets from The Shop at King’s 01223 769340 9.30 p.m. OFFICE OF TENEBRAE FOR GOOD FRIDAY IN until CORPUS CHRISTI COLLEGE CHAPEL c.10.30 p.m. Tenebrae Responsories Victoria English Voices Richard Lloyd Morgan cantor Tim Brown conductor Officiant THE REVD JAMES BUXTON 23 EASTER EVE 7.00 p.m. CONCERT FOR HOLY SATURDAY until Stabat mater Pergolesi c.8.45 p.m. Brandenburg Concerto No. 4 BWV 1049 Bach Christ lag in Todesbanden BWV 4 Bach Collegium Regale and Cambridge Choral Scholars Academy of Ancient Music Catherine Bott soprano James Bowman counter-tenor Matthew Sandy tenor Edward Grint bass Stephen Cleobury conductor ¶ Tickets from The Shop at King’s 01223 769340 [ 6 ] APRIL 9.30 p.m. OFFICE OF TENEBRAE FOR HOLY SATURDAY until Tenebrae Responsories Victoria c.10.30 p.m. English Voices Richard Lloyd Morgan cantor Tim Brown conductor Officiant THE DEAN 24 EASTER DAY 10.30 a.m. SUNG EUCHARIST WITH PROCESSION (with strings) until Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus, Benedictus, Agnus Dei c.12 noon Missa brevis in F K 192 Mozart Introit This joyful Eastertide arr. Wood Processional Hymn 110 Jesus Christ is risen to-day Alleluia Pascha nostrum Offertory Hymn 104 omit v. 2 At the Lamb’s high feast we sing Communion Pascha nostrum Post Communion Hymn 105 Christ the Lord is risen again Preacher THE CHAPLAIN Organ Voluntary Symphonie VI – Final Op. 42 No. 2 Widor ¶ Collection for the Chapel and Choir Fund. 3.30 p.m. FESTAL EVENSONG WITH PROCESSION until Organ Prelude Choral No. 1 in E Franck c.4.30 p.m. Introit This joyful Eastertide arr. Wood Processional Hymn 118 The Lord is risen indeed Responses Rose Easter Anthems Woodward Psalm 118 vv. 1–2, 14–24 Parratt, S Wesley Magnificat and Nunc dimittis Collegium Regale Howells Anthem 350 Rise, heart, thy Lord is risen (Herbert) Vaughan Williams Hymn 107 Good Christian men, rejoice and sing Organ Voluntary Incantation pour un jour Saint Langlais [ 7 ] APRIL 25 MONDAY OF EASTER WEEK 4.00 p.m. Organ recital by DANIEL HYDE Magdalen College, Oxford until Good Friday Music (Parsifal) c.5.15 p.m. WWV 111 Wagner arr. Lemare Chorale Preludes for Easter Bach Sonata Eroïca Op. 94 Jongen ¶ Tickets from The Shop at King’s 01223 769340 26 TUESDAY OF EASTER WEEK 8.15 a.m. MORNING PRAYER 5.30 p.m. EVENSONG Introit This joyful Eastertide arr. Wood Responses Tomkins Psalms 2 Day 16 Clark Magnificat and Nunc dimittis Humfrey in e Anthem Cantata 106 – Gottes Zeit ist die allerbeste Zeit Bach 27 WEDNESDAY OF EASTER WEEK 8.15 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION 5.30 p.m. EVENSONG Men’s voices Introit In God’s word will I rejoice Purcell Psalm 56 vv. 10, 11 Responses Tallis Psalms 111, 113 Tones VIII, V Magnificat and Nunc dimittis D Purcell in e Anthem Let God arise Locke Psalm 68 vv. 1, 3 [ 8 ] APRIL 28 THURSDAY OF EASTER WEEK 8.15 a.m. MORNING PRAYER 5.30 p.m. SUNG EUCHARIST Kyrie, Sanctus, Benedictus, Agnus Dei Mass in E flat Rheinberger Introit Resurrexi Alleluia Pascha nostrum Offertory Locus iste Bruckner Communion Pascha nostrum 29 FRIDAY OF EASTER WEEK 8.15 a.m. MORNING PRAYER 5.30 p.m. EVENSONG Men’s voices Introit In God’s word will I rejoice Purcell Psalm 56 vv. 10, 11 Responses Tallis Psalm 116 Tone II Magnificat primi toni Lassus Nunc dimittis secundi toni Lassus Anthem 31 Haec dies Palestrina 30 SATURDAY OF EASTER WEEK 5.30 p.m. EVENSONG Introit Cantata 106 – Glorie, Lob, Ehr und Herrlichkeit Bach Responses Byrd Psalms 3 Ouseley 57 MacFarren Magnificat primi toni (Anima mea) Victoria Nunc dimittis tertii toni Victoria Anthem Surgens Jesus Philips Hymn 112 Jesus lives! thy terrors now Organ Voluntary Prelude and Fugue in f BWV 534 Bach 6.30 p.m.
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