r""l- Itr/.". \\ -v^ -^" {'' F,.- f - ;. ,,i--_r* - l" r*:#i"'- .ffi-'ffiffi ffi#htffiwffilru ffiffiAffiffipru 1,1100WEST tsROF,D STREET MON.- FRl. 8:;3g4JY1- 4PM TI-LEPI-iONE385-4050 R{OVEMBER201CI TO}VNSF ffif;iffi5Tffi[-Fffi$ uit'$it't!)' n(reliurtl tir,'e.sl t,r:sl Just a friendly reminder." .it's time to changeclocks and fall back!!Turn clocksback one hour on {iaturdaynight, November 6'n iis we begin DaylightSavings Time! The Men's Cfub is acceptingdonartions of all items,except clothing, for their annualtag sale. Itemscan be broughtto the BaldrarinCenter Mondays-Fridays, from 8:30-4:00.Speaking of which... Our annualHarvest Craft Fair and Men's Glub Tag Sale is Safurday, Nover,nber2dh, frorn 10:00-3:00at the BaldwinCenter. Craft vendors will be sellingtheir wares,food will be availablein the CoffeeShop, and a Chineseraffle will top offthe day.Come and enjoy...rainor shir'e! A specialThank You to Stratford's Public Works Department and G. Pic Cionstruction Gornpanyfor the new sidewalk.This big projectwas completedin a timelyway and they made everyeffort to work as quicklyas possibleto have it finishedbefore the reallynasty weaiher is upon us. It looksbeautiful and is now much saferfor evervone! Thank you to everyonewho participatedin our Annual Card Party in September.The Baldwin Cerrternetted a profitof $653.00thai will be usedtowards programs and specialevents. Many thanksto the volunteerswho helpedus, and the many Stratfordbusinesses that contributed raffleitems and gift certificates. I wc,uldlike to thankRichard Daner Kuchta for the wonderful display now in our Lobby sho'wcase."America Goes to War"is an extraordinarydisplay of theAmericarr experience in WV\tll,and is a finetribute to our!'eterans. Please take the timeto appreciateit. The policyat the BaldwinCenter is to call911 whenever someone falls or getshurt or is taken ill. l'his is mandatory,even if you then chooseto refusemedical care. I havethis policyas a prelr;aution,because sometimes people do not realizethey may be hurt.We would ratherbe satethan sorry. Thank you for yourunderstanding. Diane - 3__ _le@@ C./\.R.E.S. Corner... ... .. Andrea Carroll In thespirit of theseason of giving thankshere is a littleexercise you can do thatwill really relieve stressand is verysimple to do. Eac;h eveningas partof yourbedtime routine, jot down5 thingsthat yoLlare grateful for. Thisis an oppc,rtunityto be creativeas welland count the small stuff that really miakesa BIGdifference. For examprle: ' Therines were shortat.the grocery store, I gota parkingspace right near ther door, ' The sunwas warm and the airwas crear an-d crisp. you getthe idea. give . Just rta try. Sometimesit is thesimplest things in lifethat give us the greatest pleasure. D.a.nce ry?nthlv Bashwi[ be herd.onTqe-sdav. November 23, from 1:30-3:30 o.m. Musicwi|| offeredby Vivian be Blake.The cost is $+lo wni6nin retresnmenGlTnJ6ventis oublic. openro the chapter#5284 slr?.tford o!AARP.la€.-Meetings -Centerare hetd on thethird wednesday of themonth from Serrtemberthru June at 1:oop.m. in the Baldwin CoffeeShop. The n"xt r-,:ting wi be heldon Nol'ember17 at 1:00o.m. Qamm.isqiqr?? Aqinq meetsthe s.econd ruesday of eachmonth, with the exception of Julyand August, at 10:00 a.m.in the.Library Room, upper rever. Meetings are open to tne'proii". rfyou have issuesor questions relatedto seniortown services, please feeliree to cometo oneof the meetings. Thenext meeting will be heldon November9. BercavementSup.p,oft Group group The willmeet ruesdays, November 2 andNovember'16, from 2:30-4:00 p.m. in theBaldwin CenterLibrary. Rx..YpressComins to Baldwin Cen&! The Dept.of socialservices wi prorrideinformation about the Medicare Rx prescriprtionprogram .n - Mcqtdav.Nov. 15, from 10:00 a.m. 2:30o.m. Staffwill be availableto workone on onein the Rx-bus to r-';xplainall of the PrescriptionDrug plans. sign up for an appointmentat the FrontDesk. 20110Dav Trips December 10 "JingleBell Rock" ai JohnJ. sullivan'sin Ansonia,cr withlunch - $70.00 Reservationsmay be madefrom 1Otll0a.m. to 2:00p.m. on Tuesdaysand Thursday's ty callingBetty at:lil5-4050.Deposit due at timeof booking.Full payment due 30 daysprior to trip. PLEASEACKNOWLEDGE OUR SPONSORS IDennisi q'3rcy FUNERATLHonin 261I Main Sfreet. Stratford, CT 293 , 37ai . OTgg Kayntond L. ptstc't t-FD I,n,ririo E pistet.,LFD Cyn11,,oO Piste\',L,FD . Traditional and Crernation Servicc's . Title l9,4rrevocable & I{evocable . T'horo u g h b red, H a rn e s s, ItytoRswaNrS)- 2155Main Stleet, StratfoLd, CT Greyhound&Jai-AIai! Lor:atcd in his(oric Stratford Ccn{cr, co[\'cDiclt to I-95 255Kossuth Streer. g00.7woro' 203-378-2213i' Bridgeport,CT . 203.57 6.1 97 (; -._-..\.'€ NOVEII/IBER2O1O STRATFORDSEN IOR SERVICES 3 f]tratford LiferlongLearners l{ovember Schedule ROTARYIIOMT HTAilH CART 1030Barnum A,enue . Stratford CT 06497 .t/ WWll lfeterans Remembrance 3',79-9394 will discus;stl"re wwll Registryr:,f Rermenrbrances, which Come in and v,isitour Surgical tlenter recordsthe verterans'senrice in a nationaldatabase. The programwill alsoprovide informirtion about American SURGEITYDISEASES qrp= warrior,?fi orgsflizationthat fliesWVvll veterans freer of ti TNJUR|ESOF THE FOOr 'chargeto see the wwll lVlemorialin washington,D.c. rn i raddition,a future wwll Veterans; I)R. DANIEL C. DOBAS DiscussionGroup will be PODIATRIST rCiscussed,On Tuesdav,Nov.2. at 1:00p.m. at the 3204MAIN STRIrET. I]TRATFORD, CT 06497 StratfordL.ibrary. 377-6727 t'/ Calm Eieforethe Holidays llow to aclrievea peacefilled persp€)ctive in the midstof td: Local Home Care by Loca"lStaff the holiday rush. Topicswill include centering, guidecl A: Stratford \;T\A! irnagery,meditation and gratituder,?s wellas techniquesto . 24 hoursa day,seven days a week riaiseyour immune response and loweryour stress level. ProfessionalNu'sing . Homemaker/HomeHealth Aide Support [)resentedby CynthiaRussell, Ph. D., Directorof Act ll . Physical,Occupational and SpeechThererpy oounselingin stratforcland teacherof Psycho-synthesis, . MedicalSocial VVorker Supporl -['uesdqg_\!pv. a spiritualprsychology on PsychiatricNursing Service 1G,at 1.00p.m. at . Home Telemonitoring .u*,,h'c'''w"'.t,,n Baldwin . Maternal- NewbornCare the Cernter. .'\r*^rUO*U2-"'--^. ClinicalPathway'Programs . AdvancedWourd Care ffil Str'atfordLifelong . IntravenousTherapy Learnersis oo-sponsored by Stratford Sienior .. serrvicesand the ,StratfordLibrary, and all programs . MedicalSupply lloordination VNAt are open . DiabetesEducation and Support to the public. 'Ti.tesdays Progran?sare helclon the first and third Flu PreventionF'rogram o1'themonth. contact Alari'e>Guman for furiher 88 RYT'ERSLANDING information, 203-375-5871 . 1-800-698-5871 Highest level of accredidation by the JC/\HO . Medicare Certified . State licensed . Non-Profit. Local care Fialll-unch and Learn Schedule by local staff . Serving Fairfield and New Haven Counties Par:lla brownklag lunch and drop intothis season's infcrrrnativeLunch and LearnprograrT'rs. rSoffee and light WILLIAM R. McDONAI-D des;s,,ertwill be provided. Eachrprogram irs free and open to the public. Pre-regtistri@ FUNER.AL FIOME 2591 Main Street. Stratford. Cr. llJnderstandin,g & Copiing with ,Hearing Loss 3:28-0758 [3elltoneNew England will discuss different pathologies, oauses,arrd tr,eatments for hearingloss on Wednesdav, Irlov.3 at 12:30p.m. ,,._:. s WANT(P" l(ete rans /Densio n Ben efit Worlksh op FR.epresentativesfrom U. S. Bene,fits,Analysts and Adzima FuneralHclme will be on hrandto pro'ridevaluable informationabout financial aid for veteransand theirloved 3nes. Finclout if you qualifyfor arssis;tanceat this ffis*Mdffiffiffi nformationalvyorkshop on Wedn@ '12:30p.m. J-fSJh'flIA -Tfs*,, '*$ellfi !.*rx,s.eEu, ft" "The HouseThat ServiceBuilt" 333 BridgeportA!'enue, Shelton, C;T 06,484 203.929.1484 rottFree 800-523-4190 www.cu rti s s rya n. co lTt 1_:: STRATFoRDsENtoR sERVtcEs N9yEMBER20.t0 hlovemben Uprdates ./ Si*glesFriendship Glub - h/on.,Nov. B, 2:00 p.m. '/ Blood PressureScreeniing-- Monday, Nov.B, 9:30 a.m. - 11:30a.m., provirJed by BrirJgeportHospital. '/ - SterwL'eonard'si T'rip -[ues;dav,Nov. 23 at 12:30p.m. Pre-registrationis required. Signup ilt the MairrDesk. Cost:91. fips for Home safety -- presented by the stratford Fire Dept. F:ireMarshall Elrlan Larnpart will r;hane important safety information on Fire Alarrnsand Sca/d l>reventer.sor|IueSdeyJ!oVen1cer@intheBa|dwinCenterMainlla||.Brianwi|| havesamprles of the equiprmenton hand,and answer specific questions you may have. In addition,infornrertion on free honrefire safety checks will be explained. tlJnderstanrding and PreventingStrokes - Presentedby FairfieldUniversity Nursing Students, li'hisinformatio'n sessionr will lookat c;auses,prevalence and treatmentsfor stroke. Thursday, l',lovember{ 12i30-p.m. '()an you help"?We areforming Membership Committee to assistwith and streamlinethe 2011 l-egistratiorrprocess. lf lrouare organizedand a "people-person",please attend a planning l'neetingonr FrirCely. Novelnlbgl5_e[1er.00 am. to helpwith this impor.tantproject. For further informationr,please call lMeirie Guman at the center. li:njoythis s;eas;onal concert by vocalistand musicianMichael Rae. A specialharvest dessert vvillbe served.l'ickets are $1 an,cshould be purchasedin advance. l)ate: [email protected] lllaldwinat Bullard Havens Avenue,where s;tudents are trainedfor professionalcareers tn the culinaryafts l:tullardHavens; -f'echnical has extencleda specialinvitation to BaldwinCenter nrembers to cometo their Sichoolon the second'Tuesdayof the monthto enjoyvery sometasty
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