Supplements of Anuario del Seminario de Pilologia Vasca «Julio de Urquijo» , XXXIV JOSE IGNACIO HUALDE, GORKA ELORDIETA AND ARANTZAZU ELORDIETA THE BASQUE DIALECT OF LEKEITIO Universidad del Pals Vasco Diputaci6n Foral de Gipuzkoa Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia Bilbo Donostia 1994 . __ --'::2...-_-._~~ ________ _ ANEJOS DE ASjU ASjU-REN GEHIGARRIAK SUPPLEMENTS OF ASjU VI. LUIS VILLASANTE, Fr. Pedro A. de Afilbarro, Gramdtica vascongada, 1970. 1.000 pta. (800). VII. CANDIDO IZAGUIRRE, El vocabulario vasco de Ardnzazu-Oiiate y zonas colindantes, (in­ dice inverso de Gerardo Markuleta), 1994. 2.000 pta. (1.600). VIII. Papers from the Basque Linguistics Seminar. University o/Nevada. Summer 1972, 1974. 1.200 pta. (1.000). IX. JULIEN VINSON, Essai d'une bibliographie de la langue basque. Con las anotaciones del ejemplar de julio de Urquijo, 1984. 3.000 pta. (2.500). X. LUIS MICHELENA, Sobre historia de la len­ gua vasca, 1988. Out of print. XI. LUIS MICHELENA - IBON SARASOLA, Textos arcaicos vascos. ContribuciOn al estudio y edicion de textos antiguos vascos, 1989. 2.000 pta. (1.500). XII. HUGO SCHUCHARDT, Introduccion a las obras de Leizarraga, 1989. 1.000 pta. (800). XIII. MANUEL AGUD - t ANTONIO TOVAR, Diccionario etimologico vasco, I. A-Ardui, 1989. 1.000 pta. (800). XIV. jOSEBA A. lAKARRA (ed.), Memoriae L. Mitxelena magistri sacrum, 1991. 6.000 pta. (5.000). xv. RICARDOG6MEZ - jOSEBA A. lAKARRA (arg.), Euskalaritzaren historiaz I: XVI-XIX. mendeak, 1992. 2.500 pta. (2.000). XVI. BEN-AT OYHAR(:ABAL,'La pastorale souleti­ ne: edition critique de «Charlemagne», 1990. 2.500 pta. (2.000). XVII. RICARDO G6MEZ - ]OSEBA A. LAKARRA (eds.), Euskalaritzaren historiaz II: XIX-XX. mendeak. In press. XVIII. jOSEBA A. LAKARRA, Harrieten gramati­ kako hiztegiak (1741). 1994. 1.500 pta. (1.200). XIX. MANuEL AGUD - tANTONIO TOVAR, Dic­ cionario etimologico vasco, 11. Ardun-Beuden, 1990. 1.000 pta. (800). XX. LUIS MICHELENA, Lenguas y protolenguas, 1963, 1986, 1990. 1.000 pta. (800). XXI. ARENE GARAMENDI, EI teatro popular vas­ co. (Semiotica de la representacion), 1991. 2.000 pta. (1.600). XXII. LAsZL6 K. MARAcz, Asymmetries in Hun­ garian, 1991. 2.500 pta. (2.000). T" THE BASQUE DIALECT OF LEKEITIO © Jose Ignacio Hualde, Gorka Elordiera and Arantzazu Elordiera © «Julio de Urquijo» Basque Philology Seminar © University of the Basque Country I.S.B.N.: 84-7907-157-5 Lege Gordailua: SS - 288195 Supplements of Anuario del Seminario de Pilologia Vasca <<.Julio de Urquijo» , XXXIV JOSE IGNACIO HUALDE, GORKA ELORDIETA AND ARANTZAZU ELORDIETA THE BASQUE DIALECT OF LEKEITIO Universidad del Pais Vasco Diputaci6n Foral de Gipuzkoa Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia Bilbo Donostia 1994 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I To R. M. Azkue in memoriam and to the People ofLekeitio I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I THE BASQUE DIALECT OF LEKEITIO This book is a study of the Basque variety spoken in Lekeitio. As such we have intended to make a direct contribution to Basque Dialectology, aiming at setting certain standards for research in this area. In addition, we believe that some of the materials assembled in this work will be of interest to a larger audience, beyond Basque specialists. It is for this reason that we decided to write the present book in English. In our opinion, certain linguistic aspects are treated in more detail here than in any previous work on any other Basque variety. A case in point would be accentuation, both at the lexical level and in its relation to the syntactic process offocalization. Ina number of cases, it is difficult to know to what extent the facts that are described here represent unusual local developments or have a wider geographical distribution but have not received the attention of linguists. An example is the integration ofgender (a category borrowed from Spanish) in the linguistic system of Basque (e.g.: mutill altua 'tall boy' but neska aIda 'tall girl') which has resulted in developments beyond the possibilities of the source language such as the extension of the distinction to verbal forms (e.g.: morenotu 'to get tanned (a male)' vs. morenatu 'to get tanned (a female)'). Other dialectal phenomena occurring in Lekeitio and which have not been previously reported to our knowledge are, for instance, the use of the reciprocal anaphor alkar with intransitive agreement and the existence of important differences among "semiauxiliaries" such as nai 'to want' and biar 'must'. After an introductory chapter in which the sociolinguistic reality of Lekeitio and the main differential characteristics of the Basque variety spoken in this town are considered, this book contains chapters on Phonology, Morphology and Syntax. The data in these three chapters represent the native intuitions of two of the authors and have also been checked against those of other speakers. In the Phonology and Morphology chapters, we have aimed at being exhaustive in the presentation ofphenomena. The Syntax chapter has a narrower scope, constituting for the most part a classification of the main monoclausal and multiclausal sentence types found in Lekeitio. These four chapters are followed by a set of transcribed texts excerpted from recorded conversations with Lekeitio speakers spanning a wide age range. The recordings were made by one of the authors who is also a member of the linguistic community and represent a relaxed conversational style; the interviewees being for the most part friends and relatives of the interviewer. These texts thus offer a representative sample of Lekeitio speech. Finally, an extensive vocabulary list has been included. Our goal has been to gather the lexicon that is currently in use in Lekeitio, without discriminating against any words by reason of their foreign origin. Including both old and new loanwords allows one to observe how x ]. I. HUAlDE, G. EWRDIETA & A. ELORDIETA Spanish borrowings are nativized and to determine to what extent phonological rules are active in their application to borrowed items. A tape containing the texts corresponding to the transcriptions of chapter 5 as well as oral renditions of many of the examples /rom other chapters is available from the authors. TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface 1 ........................................................................................................................ XV Preface 2 ................................................................................................................... ..... XVII Preface 3 ........................................................................................................................ XXI Abbreviations ........................................................................................................... ..... XXIII 1. Introduction........................................... ..................................................................... 1 1.1. Lekeitio sociolinguistics. Lekeitio Basque, Standard Basque and Spanish . ......... 1 1.2. Lekeitio Basque among the Basque dialects .................................................. 6 2. Phonology. ................................................................................................................ 11 2.1. Sound inventory ........................................................................................... 11 2.2. Description of phonemes and principal allophones ...................................... 12 2.2.1. Stops ............................................................................................. 12 2.2.2. Affricates ....................................................................................... 14 2.2.3. Fricatives ....................................................................................... 14 2.2.4. Nasals ........................................................................................... 17 2.2.5. Laterals .......................................................................................... 18 2.2.6. Rhotics........................................................................................... 19 2.2.7. Vowels and glides .......................................................................... 20 2.3. Syllable structure.......................................................................................... 21 2.3.1. Onsets ............................................................................................ 21 2.3.2. Nuclei............................................................................................ 21 2.3.3. Codas ............................................................................................. 23 Word-internal codas ......................................................... 23 Word-final codas............................................................... 23 2.4. Word-initial restrictions............................................................................... 24 2.5. Main phonological processes affecting consonants......................................... 24 2.5.1. Nasal and lateral assimilation......................................................... 24 2.5.2. Palatalization of noncontinuant consonants .................................... 25 2.5.3. Interaction between palatalization and nasal and lateral assimilation... 28 2.5.4. Palatalization of lsi..................................................
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