Government of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh Tlitqfr Ministry of Agriculture tsarirad MuItipur'pose Developmemt,{uthority I orzt.zot:6s,'roozto Head Otfice Faxt 88{?21-761897 E-mail : [email protected] Web Site: w.bmdagov.bd Barendra Bhaban, R.aj shahi-5000 Memo no : tsMD.d/EtrND/l['ender-03/2019-20/1 I 07 Date: l6/03/2020 INVITATION FOR TENDERS I M in istry/D iv is ion Ministry of Agriculture. 2 Agency Barind Multipurpose Development Authoritv GMDA). 3 Procuring Entity Name Project Director, Expansion of Irrigation in Natore District Through gest Uies of surface Water and Conservation of Rain Water project; BMDA, Raishahi. ,t Procuring Entity District Rajshahi. 5 Invitation for Supply of 250 mm outer dia. uPVC pipe and necessary fittinss. 6 lnvitation Ref No & Date BMDA/HQ/ EIND /uPVC Pipe-61 (goods)/2O19-20 Date: - t6t04t2020. 7 Procurement Method OTM (Open Tenderins Method). Budget and Source ofFunds GOB 9 Project Name Expansion ol lrrigation in Natore District Through Best Uses of Surface Water and Conservation of Rain Watcr. 0 Tcndcr Package Name Suppiy of250 mm outer dia. uPVC pipe and necessary fittinss. Tender Package and lot No ln various Packaees and Lots (details are siven in the tender document). z Tender Last Sellins Date Upto | 1910412020 During oflice hour. 3 Tender Closins Date and Time 2010412020 | rime t.OO fV 14 Tender Opening Date and Time 20t04t2020 T-nillJbTM 1 Name & Address of the office(s) Address: a) Selling Tender Documenl Head Office, BMDA, Barendra Bhaban, Rajshahi. (Princioal) b) Selling Tender Document Office ofthe Executive Engineer, BMDA Rajshahi, Natore & Noagaon-l R.egion- (others) t6 Receiving Tender Docu ne nt I ) i{ead Office, Barendra Bhaban, Rajshahi" 2) Office ofthc Executive Engineer, BMDA Rajshahi, Natore & Noagaon-l Region. t7 Opening Tender Document Head Office, Barendra Bhaban, Rajshahi. Place /Date/Time of Date :2010412020 Time : 4.00 PM 18 Eligibility of Tendgrer Locaimmufacturerwhohaveindustrialiicense,EnvironmentalcIearancece,tir'.iffi (DoE), nvo years production over all md,one year specific experience for supplying ofuPVC pipe and fittings (i.e. 250mm dia. uPVC pipe and moulded {ittings) in GoVt. or Semi Govt. organization b) Facrory rest report has to be submitted with the supplied goods. c) Tcnderer shall submit the sample.for each item (i.e. 1m uPVC pipe 2 pieces, T-joint 2 pieces, 90. Bend 2 pieces, End cap 2 pieces Rajshahi in regionai store belore submission of tender and receipt of thi sample submission has to be attached with the Tender. d) Tenderer who fulfill the qualifications criteria stipuiated in the TDS, PCC, other conditions ofthe tender documents and having updated valid trade license, VAT, TII,I etc. e) The required number ofsimilar contracts shall be I (one) over the last 5 (five) years. 0 Certificate of minimum work experience of similar uFVC pipe in a single Contract. *Tendcrers may participate more than one lots. +*ln all above cases, the terms and conditions ofTDS & pCC rvill be followed. +**All other condition as mentioned !!r the tender document (Section 2 & 4) should be full filled by tenderer. 21 Nanre olOfficiai Invitin.q Tender Sumanta Krrmar Rasak 22 Designation olOfficial lnvitins Tender Project Directqr, EIND project, Natore. 23 Address of Official Inviting Tender Head of!ce, BMDA, Rajshahi. 24 Contact details of Official Inviting Tender 0'721-'76t327 25 a)TheprocuringentityreServeStherighttoacc"p b) Ifthe tenderer submits any false/incorrect or forged certihcate, the tenderer will bs treated as nonresponsive. In such case departmextal action will be taken as per tender schedule. If it is not porri6l. (received,/opened) will be done on the next working date at the same tiln, und ru*. ,.nr.. M*Frtzozd (Sumhnta Kumar Basik) project Director Expansion of Inigation in Natore District Through Best Uses of Surface Water and Conservation of Rain Water project. &lemo no : tsMD.{/E,nND/Tender-03/20tr9-20/1tr07 Date: 16103/2020 Cooy for infornation: l, PS to Secrctary, Ministry of Agriculture, Bangladesh Secretariat, Dhaka. 2. Chairman, Barind Multipurpose Development Authority, Rajshahi 3. Executive Director, Barind Multipurpose Development Authority, Rajshahi 4. PS to Divisional commissioner, Rajshahi Division, Rajshahi. 5 D.G. CPTU. IMED. Plmning Commission, Sherae-Bangla Nagor, with a request to hoist the tender notice in their web site. 6. Supenntending Engineer, BMDA, Unfu2, Thakurgaon/Rangpur Circle. 7. Deputy commissioner, Natore District. 8. Executive Engineer, BMDA, Rajshahi, Natore, Noagaon-r, Noagaon-2 & chapai-Nawabgonj Region. Monitoring 9 Otllcer, BMDA, Rajshahi, \yith a requesr to hoist thc tender notice in their web site. i 0 Upazila Nirbahi o{ficer' Natore Sadar, Noldanga, Singra, Bagatipara, Boraigram, Gurudaspur and Lalpur upazila, Natore. ll. Assist Engineer, BMDA, .............. ...,.Zone (Ali). 12. M/S................................ 13. Notice Board..
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