ARTICLES European Modellers Convention 1990 163/45 32 Class Brass Locomotive, Improving the Tractive SCMRA Seminar 1990 163/45 Effort of a NSWR 161/16 VOLUME 14 Modelling the Railways of NSW 8 164/24 422, Kadees and Oomph for the 155/59 N Scale 1989 157/47 45 Class, Brasstic 164/27 Converter Wagons 155/21 45 Class, Target Me a Colour – The NSW 159/34 INDEX D50 Class, Updating Berg’s 161/24 45, Tuning the AR 161/55 Compiled by AMRM Staff Detailing Models – Reducing the Problem 160/54 48 Class, A ‘Brasstic’ 156/34 Domes, Chimneys & 156/26 48, Improving the Trax 155/58 Issues 154-165 Exhibition Reports 5718 – Part 3, How I Built 154/23 Corio 1989 155/31 81 Class, Modifications to Powerline’s 155/52 1989-1990 Forestville 1989 156/72 A ‘Brasstic’ 48 Class 156/34 Editor Allan Brown Camberwell 1989 156/72 A Bit of Bull 158/25 Managing Editor Bob Gallagher Canberra 1989 156/72 A Brace of Bs 163/46 Bendigo 1989 156/73 A Cautionary Tale 160/23 Issue Numbers Sutherland 1989 156/73 A Feast of Fences 164/25 No.154 February 1989 Brisbane 1989 157/46 A Short History of Two Australian Model Railway No.155 April 1989 Coffs Harbour 1989 157/47 Magazines 156/46 No.156 June 1989 Meadowbank 1989 157/47 ABW Conversion 154/38 No.157 August 1989 Morwell 1989 158/58 AHAY, Improving the Powerline 160/42 No.158 October 1989 Castle Hill 1989 158/58 Amazing Discovery 155/31 No.159 December 1989 Malkara, Canberra 1989 158/59 Another Earthquake? 161/27 No.160 February 1990 Broadmeadow 1989 158/59 Another Transistorised Controller 157/18 No.161 April 1990 Mudgee 1989 159/26 Another Transistorised Controller- Addendum 158/50 No.162 June 1990 Bowral 1989 159/26 AR 45, Tuning the 161/55 No.163 August 1990 Sydney 1989 159/26 Australian Model Railway Magazines, No.164 October 1990 Adelaide 1989 159/27 A Short History of Two 156/46 No.165 December 1990 Corio 1990 161/23 BCE, Kitbashing VR’s 160/55 Issue number quotes first, then page number Camberwell 1990 162/46 BCH, Slope Sheets for the 161/15 Coffs Harbour 1990 162/46 Blacksmith and the Forge 157/19 Forestville 1990 162/46 Bogie Freight Brake Vans, Post-1953 NSWR 160/42 Chassis, New, from Old Body 160/16 Canberra 1990 162/47 BPV Powder Vans, NSWR 155/56 Chimneys & Domes 156/26 Bendigo 1990 162/48 Branchline Ramblings Clamp, The 163/34 Brisbane 1990 163/50 Introduction 158/15 Clubs, Model Railway 163/36 Meadowbank 1990 163/50 Yass Town No.2 Goods/’Out-Of’ Shed 159/50 Coal Stage at Merriwa, Modelling the 156/40 Ballarat 1990 163/50 Beyond the Model Railway Room 160/25 Codes 2 – NSW Passenger Cars, Origins of 156/21 Box Hill 1990 163/51 A Matter of Detail 161/50 Codes, Origin of 155/30 Taree 1990 164/16 Growth in Modelling Australian Prototype 162/54 Colour Your Layout Part 1 – LPG Tankers Castle Hill 1990 164/16 Look to the Prototype in all its Aspects 163/31 (Private Owner Wagons) 158/54 Malkara, Canberra 1990 164/16 Friends, Comrades, Modellers 164/26 Comment Broadmeadow 1990 164/16 Now Arriving at Werris Creek – Researching and Access 154/13 Glenroy 1990 165/32 The Third Dimension 165/55 Promoting Model Railways 155/13 Sydney (Liverpool) 1990 165/32 Brasstic 45 Class 164/27 Clubs and Groups 156/13 Bowral 1990 165/32 Bridge, Timber Road 156/23 Playing Trains? 157/13 Mt Gambier 1990 165/33 British Colonial Yankee 161/51 Finescale 158/13 Far North Coast, Railfanning on the 156/50 British Rail Railbus Upgrade 156/49 Where Is It? 159/13 Faults and How to Overcome Them 160/21 Bs, A Brace of 163/46 Be True-Blue 160/13 Fences, A Feast of 164/25 Build Your Own Oil Tanks from Scrap! 154/19 The End of the Age of Brass? 161/13 Fire Truck, Modelling Service Vehicles – Bush 162/24 Building a C37 157/15 Exhibitions and their Role 162/13 FMW/NRWF Meat Wagon, NSW 154/41 Building a MAL Sleeper 158/39 Where D’Ya Get It? 163/13 FMW/NRWF Meat Wagons – Addendum, NSW 160/17 Building a MAL Sleeper – Addendum 159/47 Hang On, I Model Trains, Not Railways 164/13 Footbridge (Suburban Overbridge), Building Fred 163/33 Creating Divisions 165/13 WAGR Standard 157/39 Buildings, Trucks and 155/72 Commonwealth Oil Corporation Locomotive No.2 160/30 Forge, Blacksmith and the 157/19 C32 Class, Updating the 158/20 Completed in Only Three Months – Marklin Layout 156/61 FQX – Errata, Kitbashing the SA 158/50 C37, Building a 157/15 Controller – Addendum, Another Transistorised 158/50 FQX, Kitbashing the South Australian 157/51 Candy-Coloured NSW Passenger Cars 8 154/40 Controller, Another Transistorised 157/18 Freight Wagon, Shifting Slab Steel – Candy-Coloured NSW Passenger Cars 9 159/33 Convention Reports Kitbashing a Modern Day 162/51 Candy-Coloured NSW Passenger Cars 10 160/19 SCMRA Seminar 1988 154/44 Fybren Kitbash, VLDX Louvre Van Conversion – 155/46 Candy-Coloured NSW Passenger Cars 11 162/22 Another Day With Model Railways 1989 157/56 Fybren Kitbash, VLEX Louvre Van Conversion – 156/80 Catenary Tensioning 156/69 Modelling the Railways of NSW 7 158/60 Gauge 1, Why I Chose 154/16 Cautionary Tale, A 160/23 Narrow Gauge & Short Line 1990 162/46 GCs, WAGR 154/32 1 Goose Bum Line 158/51 More on VR Class U Vans 160/46 S008 Grain Silo Part 1, Modelling the 165/39 Grain – Part 1, Storing the Golden 163/53 Motion, Speed and 163/49 SAR and VR Prototype Track Standards 158/46 Grain – Part 2, Storing the Golden 164/17 My Eyesight’s Okay – My Arms Aren’t Long Enough 159/22 SAR Y Class, Metal Open Wagon – A 163/60 Grain Silo Part 1, Modelling the S008 165/39 Narrow Gauge, Modelling Australian 165/28 SAR, Kitbashing the FQX 157/51 Green Sheep and Other Colours 165/54 Narrow-Gauge Open Wagons, More on Two 155/36 Save That Toothbrush 163/33 HD Departmental Vehicles 155/54 Newport and Phoenix, So You Bought Yourself an Sawmill, Lineside 155/62 Homemade Turnouts – The Easy Way 159/15 R class? A cautionary tale of 156/52 Scenic Route 154/15, 155/34 Horses, Stalls Are For 154/20 NRWF Meat Wagon, NSW FMW/ 154/41 Selecting a Silo Part 3 165/43 How I Built 5718 – Part 3 154/23 NRWF Meat Wagons – Addendum, NSW FMW/ 160/17 Selecting and Operating a Silo Part 2 164/22 How Much Should It Pull? 163/15 NSW 45 Class – Addendum, Target Me a Colour – 160/22 Shay Locomotive, The 160/28 Hunt Club and Other Specials, The 163/35 NSW 45 Class – Target Me a Colour 159/34 Shed, Modelling VR Structures Part 2 – 30ft Goods 155/49 Improving the Powerline AHAY 160/42 NSW FMW/NRWF Meat Wagons – Addendum 160/17 Shifting Slab Steel – Kitbashing a Modern Day Improving the Tractive Effort of a NSWR 32 class NSW Passenger Cars 8, Candy-Coloured 154/40 Freight Wagon 162/51 Brass Locomotive 161/16 NSW Steam Locomotive Depots 165/45 Shunter’s Float 155/33 JHG Brake Van Listing 165/22 NSWR 105' Twin Span Turntable 164/38 Signal Huts 165/44 Jig, VR W Car Assembly 155/58 NSWR 32 Class Brass Locomotive, Improving the Silo Part 1, Modelling the S008 Grain 165/39 K4, Kadees on the 158/45 Tractive Effort of a 161/16 Silo Part 2, Selecting and Operating a 164/22 Kadees and Oomph for the 422 155/59 NSWR Bogie Freight Brake Vans, Post-1953 160/42 Silo Part 3, Selecting a 165/43 Kadees on the K4 158/45 NSWR BPV Powder Vans 155/56 Slope Sheets for the BCH 161/15 Kerr’s Creek 160/43 NSWR Express Lavatory Cars 154/22 Smooth Running 160/60 Kitbashing a Modern Day Freight Wagon, Shifting NSWR FMW/NRWF Meat Wagon 154/41 So You Bought Yourself an R class? A cautionary Slab Steel – 162/51 NSWR Goods Wagons, Origins of Codes 155/30 tale of Newport and Phoenix 156/52 Kitbashing the SA FQX – Errata 158/50 NSWR Passenger Cars, Origins of Codes 156/21 Spark Free Capacitor Discharge Unit for Point Kitbashing the South Australian FQX 157/51 OBS/OFS Cars of NSW, Modelling the 164/15 Switching 160/18 Kitbashing VR’s BCE 160/55 OFS Cars of NSW, Modelling the OBS/ 164/15 Speed and Motion 163/49 KMQ Kitbash, Two for the Price of One – VR 163/52 Oil Tanks, Build Your Own from Scrap 154/19 Stalls Are For Horses 154/20 L Class , The Many Liveries of the WAGR 155/39 Old Body, New Chassis 160/16 Station Names 155/72 Large Scale Model Trains 156/30 Origin of Codes 155/30 Steam Locomotive Depots in NSW 165/45 Lathe, The – Universal Machining Centre 158/18 Origins of Codes 2 – NSW Passenger Cars 156/21 Steel Slabs, Modelling 163/49 Lavatory Cars, NSWR Express 154/22 Out-Of Movements and Other Interesting Workings 163/45 Storing the Golden Grain – Part 1 163/53 Lineside 156/22, 159/51, 161/54, 162/50, 163/32 Out-Of Shed, Yass Town 159/39 Storing the Golden Grain – Part 2 164/17 Sawmill 155/62 Out-Ofs – What Are They? 159/42 Sunton Tramway 160/15 Liveries of the WAGR L Class , The Many 155/39 Outdoor Track Cleaning 163/24 Swap Meets 165/21 Louvre Van Conversion – Fybren Kitbash, VLDX 155/46 Overbridge), WAR Standard Footbridge (Suburban 157/39 T Class, Victorian Railways 165/34 Louvre Van Conversion – Fybren Kitbash, VLEX 156/80 Page 14 Take Outs and Pick Ups 161/49 Louvres, Punching 155/32 Arthur Brook 154/14 Target Me a Colour – NSW 45 Class – Addendum 160/22 LPG Tankers (Private Owner Wagons) – Kev Loughhead 155/14 Target Me a Colour – The NSW 45 Class 159/34 Colour Your Layout Part 1 158/54 James McInerney 156/14 Tarpaulins 156/88 Machining Centre 2 – Basic Requirements, Bill Hoare 157/14, 160/14 TFX, Underframe for the 165/23 Universal 160/20 Phil Curnow 158/14 The Clamp 163/34 Maintenance of Rollingstock for Exhibition Layouts 162/47 Arthur Brook 159/14 The Hunt Club and Other Specials 163/35 Making Small Locomotives Work 165/15 Rollingstock of the Bellbird Railway 161/14 The Man with Three Hats 165/44 MAL Sleeper, Building a 158/39 Camberwell 1990 Winners 162/14 The Many Liveries of the WAGR L Class 155/39 MAL Sleeper,
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