1906. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. 2069_ HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. :Mr. CLARK of Missouri. And reported in the last Congress with the exception of one section? MoNDAY, February 5, 1906. Mr. DIXON of Montana. It was passed in the last Congress. Mr. LACEY. It would increase the price of the land for the The Hom:e met at 11 o'clock a. m. Indians, each town site giving that much higher to the In­ Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. HENRY N. COUDEN, D. D. dians than if it had been sold under tlle general law. The Journal of the proceedings of Saturday, February 3, was 1\Ir. STEPHENS of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I desire to ask tead and approved. whether or not it entails any expense on the part of the Gov­ CERTAI TOWN SITES ON THE FLATHEAD INDIAN RESERVATION. ernment? Mr. DIXON of l\Iontru.\a. :Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous con­ Mr. DIXON of Montana. None at all. It occurs to me sent for the present con&ideration of the bill (H. R. 8461) to as the bill is read there was an appropriation for the original ~mend chapter 1495, Revised Statutes of the United States, en­ surveys, reimbursable to the Government out of the proceeds of titled "An act for the survey and allotment of lands now em­ the sale of the land. braced within the limits of the Flathead Indian Reservation, in Mr. CLARK of Missouri. These Indians want this thing done the State of Montana, and the sale and diposal of all surplus as well as the white people? lands after allotment," as amended by section 9 of chapter 1479, Mr. DIXON of :Montana. Every one on the reservation. Revised Statutes of the United States, which I send to the desk Every head chief has been talked with. and ask to have read. Mr. CLARK of 1\Iissouri. They are always anxious to sell The Clerk read as follows : the land and get the money and spend it, I suppose? Be it enacte£1, etc., That chapter 1495, Revised Statutes of the United Mr. DIXON of Montana. They are getting $10 a lot under States, entitled "An act for the survey and allotment of lan<;l~? no.w em­ this bill, whereas under the original bill they would get only $5 braced within the limits of the Flathead Indian ReservatiOn, m the an acre. State of Montana, and the sale and disposal of all surplus lands after allotment" as amended by section 9 of chapter 1479, Revised Statutes The SPEAKER. Is there objection? [After a pause.] The of the United States, be amended by adding the following sections : Chair hears none. The question is on the amendment. " SEC. 17. That the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized The question was taken, and the amendment was agreed to. and directed to reserve and set aside for town-site purposes, and to survey, lay out, and plat into town lots, streets, alleys, and parks, not The SPEAKER. The question now is on the engr9ssment and less than 40 acres of said land at or near the present settlements of third reading of the bill as amended. .Arlee, Dayton, Ravalli, Dixon, and Ronan, and not less than 80 acres The bill was ordered to be engrossed and read a third time, at the present settlement of St. Ignatius and Polson, and at such other places as the Secretary of the Interior may deem necessary or con­ read the third time, and passed. venient for town sites, in such manner as will best subserve the present On motion of Mr. DIXoN of Montana, a motion to reconsider needs and the reasonable prospective growth of said settlements. the last vote was laid on the table. " The work of surveying, laying out, and platting such town sites shall be done by competent surveyors, who shall prepare three copies of WATERWORKS FOR LAWTON, OKLA. each of said town sites, which, when the surveys are approved by the Secretary of the Interior, shall be filed as follows: One in the Office Mr. LLOYD. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent for of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, one with the clerk and recorder the present consideration of the bill (H. R. 13674) to amend . of the county in the State of Montana in which such town site may be located, and one in the office of the Indian agent for the Flathead an act entitled "An act to amend an act entitled 'An act to Indian Reservation. supplement existing laws relating to the disposition of lands, "Whenever any portion of any tracts of land so set aside for town· etc., approved March 3, 1901,' approved June 30, 1902," which site purposes shall, at the time of its survey, be occupied by any member of any tribe of Indians living upon said reservation, or any I send to the desk and ask to have read. Indian trader, or other person or corporation, or any church organi­ The Clerk read as follows : zation, or school district, lawfully occupying the same, such occupant Be it enacted, etc., That an ·act to amend an act entitled "An act to shall be allowed to purchase any lot or lots upon which he then has supplement existing laws relating to the disposition of lands, etc., improvements, other than fences, tillage, and temporary improvements, approved March 3, 1901," approved June 30, 1902, be amended by ad­ at $10 per lot, not exceeding ten lots to any one person, corporation, ding thereto the following : church organization, or school district. All remaining lots shall be ".And provided further, That in the event the amount which the Sec­ disposed of by the Secretary of the Interior from time to time at public retary of the Interior is authorized to cause to be expended for the auction to the highest cash bidder under such rules and regulations as town of Lawton is found by him to be not sufficient for the purpose the Secretary of the Interior shall prescribe : Provided, however, That intended, including the securing of ::m adequate water supply for said no lot shall be sold for less than $10 : And provided further, That said town of Lawton, he is hereby authorized, in his discretion, to cause to lots when surveyed shall approximate 50 by 150 feet in size. be expended out of the proceeds of the sale of town lots in said town, "SEc. 18. That the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authoxized and under the conditions, limitations, and restrictions above set forth, and directed to reserve ::md set aside 160 acres of land at and surrounding subject to his supervision and control, the further sum of $60,000, or the present hot springs, situated on said reservation near the settle­ so much thereof as may be available from said proceeds, so that the ment of Camas. total amount which he is authorized to cause to be expended as afore­ " That said hot springs and the said 160 acres of land last men­ said for the town of Lawton from the ~roceeds of the sale of town lots tioned shall be under the control and direction of the Secretary of the in said town will not exceed $210,000. ' Interior, under such rules and regulations as he may prescribe, but any and all moneys that shall be dertve.d from such use shall be for Mr. LACEY. Mr. Speaker, reserving the right to object, I the benefit of the persons holding tribal relations with said tribes of would like to ask the gentleman a question. What committee Indians, the same to be disbursed as provided in section 13 of this act. " SEc. 19. That nothing in this act shall be construed to deprive any reports this bill? of said Indians or said persons or corporations to whom the use of. Mr. LLOYD. The Committee on Territories. land is granted by this act of the use of any }Vater appropriated or Mr. LACEY. It provides for the disposition of town lots in used by them for the irrigation of their lands or for domestic use or any ditches, dams, flumes, reservoirs constructed or used by them in the town of Lawton, does it not? the appropriation o.r use of said water." 1\lr. LLOYD. No; it provides for the disposition of part of With the following amendment: the proceeds of the sale of town lots. When Comanche County was laid out and Lawton established as the county seat, the Page 2, line 7, after the word "Arlee," insert the word "Dayton." . law provided that the lots should be sold and that the money The SPEAKER. Is there objection? · should be placed in the hands of the Secretary of the Interior, Mr. CLARK of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I would like to ask to be by him used in county improvements. the gentleman two or three questions about this bill It is so Mr. LACEY. Yes; I remember that bill came from the In­ long that I could not understand it very well. What is it all dian Committee originally. about? I reserve the right to object. Mr. LLOYD. And under that they have constructed a county Mr. DIXON of :Montana. :Mr. Speaker, I will say to the gen­ court-house, a county jail, and built bridges and made quite a tleman from Missouri that two years ago Congress passed an number of improvements. net opening the reservation to settlement. At that tjme in the Mr. LACEY. There is nothing involved in this bill excepting preparation of the bill we forgot to put in a provision regarding the further disposition of the funds that are now in the hands · the town sites.
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