DEPARTMENT OF BUDGET & MANAGEMENT LARRY HOGAN DAVID R. BRINKLEY Governor Secretary BOYDKRUTHERFORD MARC L. NICOLE Lieutenant Governor Deputy Secretary July 11, 2019 The Honorable Thomas V. Mike Miller, Jr. P1'esident of the Senate H-107 State House Annapolis MD 21401-1991 The Honorable Adrienne A. Jones Speaker of the House · H-10 I State House Annapolis MD 21401-1991 Dear President Miller and Speaker Jones: Pursuant to Section 7-3 l 7(h)(2) of the State Finance and Procurement Article, we are forwarding reports on funds expended in the prior fiscal year from the Cigarette Restitution Fund and the related outcomes or public benefits, prepared by the Maryland Departmentof Health (MOH) and the Department of Agriculture. A summary of fiscal year 2018 appropriations and expenditures (including encumbrances) follows. Please note that the expenditures represent State expenditures and not expenditures by the grantees. To the extent that the grantees do not spend grants, the funds may be returned to MOH as part of the grant reconciliation process conducted by the Department. That process is not complete until several months after the end of the State's fiscal year. Funds relating to unspent grants from prior fiscal years were recovered by MOH and transferred back to the Cigarette Restitution Fund in the amount of $2,611,462 (not reflected in the fiscal year 2018 activity shown below). Crop Conversion L00A.12.10 Marketing and Development Appropriation: $4,773,000 Unobligated/Reverted: $(3,810,500) Expended/Encumbered: $962,500 L00A.12.13 Tobacco Transition Program Appropriation: $1,000,000 Unobligated/Reve1ted: $(12,500) Expended/Encumbered: $987,500 45 Calvert Street • Annapolis, MD 21401-1907 Tel: (410) 260-7041 •Fax: (4/0)974-2585 • Toll Free: I (800) 705-3493 • TTY Users: call via Ma,yland Relay · http://www.dbm.ma,ylandgov Cancer Prevention, Education, Screening, and Treatment M00F.03.04 Prevention and Disease Control Appropriation: $25,130,731 Unobligated/Reverted: $(2,278) Expended/Encumbered: $25,128,453 Tobacco Use Prevention and Cessation M00F.03.04 Prevention and Disease Control Appropriation: $7,705,016 Unobligated/Reve1ted: $(136,429) Expended/Encumbered: $7,568,587 Breast and Cervical Cancer M00F.03.04 Prevention and Disease Control Appropriation: $13,230,000 Expended/Encumbered: $13,230,000 Tobacco Enforcement M00F.03.04 Prevention and Disease Control Appropriation: $2,007,638 Unobligated/Reverted: $(51,431) Expended/Encumbered: $1,956,207 Drug Addiction M00L.0 1.02 Addiction Treatment and Prevention Services Appropriation: $21,452,828 Expended/Encumbered: $21,452,828 Medicaid M00Q.0 l .03 Medical Provider Reimbursement Appropriation: $61,770,000 Expended/Encumbered: $61,770,000 Education R00A.03.04 Aid to Non-public Schools Appropriation: $11,780,812 Unobligated/Reverted: $(344,790) Expended/Encumbered: $] 1,436,022 Legal Expenses CSIC.00.01 Legal Counsel and Advice Appropriation: $1,044,761 Unobligated/Reverted: $(4,956) Expended/Encumbered: $1,039,805 CS I C.00.14 Civil Litigation Division Appropriation: $485,429 Unobligated/Reverted: $(94,681) Expended/Encumbered: $390,748 If you have any further questions or concerns regarding this report, please contact me at 410-260-7041. Sincerely, David Brinkley Secretary Enclosures MSAR 10412 MARYLAND DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH CIGARETTE RESTITUTION FUND PROGRAM FISCAL YEAR 2018 ANNUAL REPORT FUND EXPENDITURES AND ACCOMPLISHMENTS State Finance and Procurement Article, Section 7-317(h)(2) Chapter 58 of the Acts of 2015 (HB 67) September 2018 MARYLAND Department of Health Larry Hogan Boyd Rutherford Robert Neall Governor Lieutenant Governor Secretary (This Page Intentionally Left Blank) · LIST OF ACRONYMS AHRQ Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality ALERT Alcohol Law Education Regulatory Trainings ASO Administrative Service Organization BCCDTP Breast and Cervical Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment Program BCCP Breast and Cervical Cancer Program BHA Behavioral Health Administration BRFSS Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey CCPC Center for Cancer Prevention and Control CDB Cancer Client Database CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CPEST Cancer Prevention, Education, Screening and Treatment CRF Cigarette Restitution Fund EDB Education Database ESD Electronic smoking device FDA Food and Drug Administration FIT Fecal Immunochemical FMIS Financial Management Information System FQHC Federally qualified health center HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus LGBTQ Lesbian, gay, bisexual, h·ansgender and queer LHD Local health department LRC Legal Resource Center for Public Health Policy MCR Maryland Cancer Registry MDH Maryland Department of Health MOTA Minority Outreach Technical Assistance NPCR National Program of Cancer Registries PATCH Pregnancy and Tobacco Cessation Help POST Point of Sale Toolkit RVR Retailer violation rate SAMHSA Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration SFHG Smoke Free Holy Grounds Initiative UMGCCC University of Maryland Greenebaum Comprehensive Cancer Center UMMG University of Maryland Medical Group UMMS University of Maryland Medical System YRBSIYTS Youth Risk Behavior/Youth Tobacco Survey (This Page Intentionally Left Blank) CIGARETTE RESTITUTION FUND PROGRAM FISCAL YEAR 2018 ANNUAL REPORT Table of Contents Section Page I. Prevention and Health Promotion Administration - Cancer Control Programs and Tobacco Use Prevention Fiscal Reports - Cancer Control Programs and Tobacco Use Prevention 1 Managing-for-Results Reports - CatJcer Control Programs and Tobacco Use 5 Prevention Accomplishments - Cancer Control Programs 11 Accomplishments -Tobacco Use Prevention and Cessation Program 27 Accomplishments - Tobacco Enforcement 39 Counter-Marketing and Media -Tobacco Use Prevention 47 II. Behavioral Health Administration _Fiscal Report - Behavioral Health Administration 57 Accomplishments - Behavioral Health Administration 59 III. Medical Care Program - Medical Assistance Program Fiscal Report and Managing-for-Results Report - Medical Care Program 61 IV. Appendices -Tobacco Control Program Sample Media Appendix A - Maryland Tobacco Quitline Mass Media Promotions - 64 www.SmokingStopsHere.com Appendix B - Responsible Tobacco Retailer Campaign - · 66 www.NoTobaccoSalesToMinors.com Appendix C - Clean Indoor Air Act 10th Anniversary Campaign 69 Appendix D - The Vape Experiment - www.TheVapeExperiment.com 70 (This Page Intentionally Left Blank) FISCAL REPORTS CANCER CONTROL PROGRAMS AND TOBACCO USE PREVENTION I Maryland Depmtment of Health, Prevention and Health Promotion Administration Cigarette Restitution Fund Program Interim Fiscal Report - Fiscal Year 2018 (July I, 2017 - June 30, 2018) 1) Cancer Prevention, Education, Screening and Treatment Program Components: A[l[ll"O[lriation Ex~enditures Obligations Unliguidated Administration 643,666 627,159 41,068 (24,561) Surveillance and Evaluation 1,249,468 1,125,668 108,360 15,440 Statewide Academic Health Center - Cancer Research 13,000,000 8,098,726 4,901,274 0 Local Public Health * 7,547,472 6,722,756 824,716 0 Baltimore City Public Health Grant * 2,446,000 1,439,513 1,006,487 0 Statewide Academic Health Center - Other 0 0 0 0 Cancer - Database Development 244,125 133,905 98,821 11,399 Total 25,130,731 18,147,727 6,980,726 2,278 Local Public Health Component - Distribution by Jurisdiction - CANCER (Budget) Unreconciled Subdivision Available Expenditures Obligations Unliquidated Fundin Allegany 203,544 203,544 0 AnneAmndel 684,228 684,228 0 Baltimore Co. 1,083,489 1,083,489 0 Calvert 193,373 193,373 0 Caroline 141,032 141,032 0 Cairnll 290,107 290,107 0 Cecil 221,993 221,993 0 Charles 234,753 234,753 0 Dorchester 151,407 151,407 0 Frederick 318,467 318,467 0 Garrett 135,404 135,404 0 Harford 381,123 381,123 0 Howard 320,517 320,517 0 Kent 132,965 132,965 0 Montgomery 867,387 867,387 0 Prince George1s ** 824,716 0 824,716 0 Queen Anne's 157,177 157,177 0 St. Mary's 200,845 200,845 0 Somerset 135,877 135,877 0 Talbot 162,079 162,079 0 Washington 280,587 280,587 0 Wicomico 228,917 228,917 0 Worcester 197,485 197,485 0 Baltimore City * 2,446,000 1,439,513 1,006,487 0 TOTAL 9,993,472 8,162,269 1,831,203 0 * The budget and expenditure for Baltimore City are in the Baltimore City Public Health Grant. Baltimore City's budget of $2,446,000 adds to the Local Public Health distribution by jurisdiction of$7,547,472 to make a total of $9,993,472. ** Prince George's County no longer receives funds; the funds are allocated to Doctor's Community Hospital. 2 Maryland Department of Health, Prevention and Health Promotion Administration Cigarette Restitution Fund Program Interim Fiscal Report - Fiscal Year 2018 (July 1, 2017 - June 30, 2018) (Continued) 2) Tobacco Use Prevention and Cessation Program Components Appropriation Expenditures Obligations Unliquidated Administration 267,345 175,100 26,466 65,779 Surveillance and Evaluation 1,022,142 701,421 314,767 5,954 Countermarketing and Media 0 0 0 0 Local Public Health 3,877,227 3,877,227 0 0 Tobacco Prevention and Cessation 216,478 182,970 33,508 0 CRF Enforcement 2,007,638 1,648,964 307,243 51,431 Statewide Public Health 2,321,824 1,077,545 1,179,582 64,696 Total 9,712,654 7,663,227 1,861,566 187,860 Local Public Health Component - Distribution by Jurisdiction - TOBACCO (Budget) Unreconciled Subdivision Available Expenditures Obligations Unliquidated Fundin Allegany 123,969 123,969 0 0 Anne Arundel 245,943 245,943 0 0 Baltimore Co. 328,039 328,039 0 0 Calvert 126,670 126,670 0 0 Caroline 112,473 112,473 0 0 C_arroll 146,870 146,870 0 0 Cecil 131,503 131,503 0 0 Charles 147,148 147,148 0 0 Dorchester 109,808 I 09,808 0 0 Frederick 163,057 163,057 0 0 Gan-ett 111,138 111,138 0 0 Harford 179,321 179,321 0 0 Howard 155,191 155,191 0 0 Kent 105,755 105,755 0 0 Montgomery 237,792 237,792 0 0 Prince George1s 302,025 302,025 0 0 Queen Anne's 114,360 114,360 0 0 St.
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