THE CITY RECORD. OFFICIAL JOURNAL. Vol.. XXIII. NEW YORK, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1895. NUMBER 6,8r2. FINANCE DEPARTMENT. The Department of Public Parks- The Department of Taxes and Assess- Abstract of transactions of the Finance Department for the week ending September 21, 1895: Parks outside of z3d and a4th Wards-Improvement and Contingencies-Department of Taxes and De,6osited in the Treasury. The Department of Public Works- Maintenance of ............$a 24 Assessments .......................... $119 25 To the credit of the Sinking Fund.......... 959,686 94 Removing Obstructions in Public Driveway, Construction City Treasury......... 301,780 31 Streets and Avenues ........$546 00 The Bo +rd of Education- of...... ................... 7,334 88 Collece of the City of New York 642 97 --- Repairing and Renewal of Riverside Park and Drive, Total ............................ $367,467 25 Pipes, Stop-cocks, etc-,...- Public Instruction ............ 21,046 85 4,955 97 Completion of Construction, School-house Fund ... ....... 38,508 20 Bands lssuea. Repairs and Renewal of Pave- etc .......... ............... 14.270 47 "Ike Normal College........ 6 66,241 92 Three percent. Bonds ....................$198,000 00 ments and Regrading........ 8,025 78 Sedgwick and Ogden Ayes. ,444 oo Repaving-Chapter 3 Laws Approaches to New Macomb 's I '('he Board of Excise- lVarranls Rgisteredfor Payment. Commiss ion ers c f E~: cise F nod ........... tot qo The Mayoralty- of r89z ..................... 8,476 47 llam Brid a 35 43 S43•t tz 89 Sal cries and Contingencies-Mayor',O IHce fn gt Repaving-Chapter 475, Laws The Department of Street Im- I Printing, Stationery and Blank 0f 1895 , •... • • • .......ving . 5z 50 The Common Council- Wards ents, z3d and zgth Books- City Contingencies...................... 8 55 Restoringseda! and Repaving-. Wards- Printing, Stationery and Blank The F'.nance Department- Special Fund - Department Bridges6 Crossingthe N. F. & ' Books ......... ... ...... $48z co Cleaning Markets ............. $776 40 of PuSlic Works........,,.. 2,269 26 H. R. R. Depression in the Publi,ation of the CITY REco.D, Contingencies -Comptroller's Roads, Streets and Avenues aid and sgth Wards, etc... -. 74 75 Ile....... ................. 3,3z7 23 3,809 23 ...................... z 8 r,o 88 Unpaved - illaintenance of Bronx River Bridge.-Repair. Office and Sprinkling.............. MunicipalCiiS Civil of the Cityof woaod- Interest oil the City Debt ............. ... 4~ so 857 50 I ing and Maintennce of, tc.. 8 oa CiEx Service of the City of New York, Ac1 ueauct Comrnisston-i S:+l orks. DeP artm ... of Public Maintenance- 3dand 24th The Works. oo Expenses of .......................... z8o t9 Additional Water Fund ................. S,z34 9z - •••••••••••-•••• an z>333 Wards ........ ••••••~•••••• 7, 05 79 The SheriT- The Law Department- Sewers-Repairing and Clean- Restoring and Repav~ng- Sheriff Feesscion .... fAcco .... , .... , ro 6t 2,013 76 I Special Fund-z3d and 24th Contingencies-Law Department, ....... 205 30 'ng - • .. • - ........•.... • • • . • The Commissioners of Accounts- The Departm-nt of Public Works- Street Improvement F't ad- W heat ...................... 251 So Additlonal Water Fund....... $1,838 55 lone r5, 7885 ............... 17,923 98 Sewers gaud Boring Machinery zn4 0o a i of Accoucts.... 145 ~4 Aqu'duct - Repairs, Mainte- Street lntpmvements-F'or Sur- Sewers and Drain.-z3d and The Register-Re ister- lance and Strengthening.... 3,322 Sr vey ng. Monumentmg and z4 th Wards .................337414 50 Contingencies-Register'sg Office ......., 22 to boring Examinations for Grid- Numbering Streets . , ....... 2t oo Street improvement Fund, Suuplies for and Cleaning Pub- The Judiciarp- ing and Sewer Contract;..... 72 co -Rine r-~, x886 ................ 20,386 49 29,ttr 03 lic O.Tices ................... ..81,6 72 Salaries-City Courts......... 69' 40 L'oulevards,Roids and Avenues The DeP• Irtment of Public Chari. S:Ilaries-lanes-JudiciaryJ Y •••••••••• . t 33 95 225 35 t,69i 86 \Voter-:lain Ftmd....... ...... 250 47 875,377 0~ -Maintenance of........... tie and Correction- Charitable institutious- Bridge over Harlem River be- The Department of Public Parks- Public Cleat-ides and Correaion.......... 5r,ltl 47 For the Support of Children tween First and Willis Aves. 30 0o Aquirinm ................... 766 zr Ike Health D_partment- Committed by Pol ce Nlagis- Bridge over Harlem River at Ca;tle Garden in Battery Park, For hacte, io!ogical Laboratory. $ 2 37 86 trite,, etc ........... ... ... 12,664 57 Th ird Ave .................. 2,036 65 etc......................... 493 0; 1 Hcalth Fund-For Cent agent Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Bridge over Harlem Ship Canal Central Park-Construction of. 2,,72 44 Expenses ................... 463 44 Society..................... x3,911 77 at Kingsbridge Road........ 8a 5o Corlears Hook Park -Con- Health Fund-For Disinfection 78 40 New York Catholic Protectrry2t2 cz Bronx River Works - Main- struction and Improve:nent of 77 44 Hosp ital fund-Hog PItal Su p- St.Joscph's Institution- for Im- 4a' tenance and Repairs -....... 355 50 Eat River Park, ling rovement plies, Improvements, Care pror-e ous of Deaf b[utcs... 5,840 96 77,679 32 CnntIXIC orks.. ........ of f..-.. ...... ....... e 2 t7 and;~'(H-pital-S Buidingh z8 MiscellmeousPurPurposes- Public \1'm-ks .............. 33 50 H 0.rlem River Badges -- Re- and Hospitals on North P Croton Water Fund ..........6n 7, p+irs, Improvements and Brother Island .............. 762 a C ney' Office -L)...... Auor- o Office...... ...........$862$862 1 ire Hydranty F'und........... 55 54 Maintenam-e ............. •-• 7,204 37 Revenue Bond Fund-Health 75 Flagging Sidewalk's and Fencing Improvement and Maintenance Department ................ 22,860 q; Croton Wat::rWater Rent -Refund- 24,40' 34 ing Account graph ...... ur 256 oz Vacant Lots in Front of City of Parks in z3d and 24th I The Police Ue +artment- 21 co Wards......... 1 Fees of Stenographers-Court PropertyP Y •••••• ••••••••••• •- ......., 940 66 Police Station-houses-Rents........... 7q 17 Free Iloatinit Baths..-....... 21 00 L nip rovement of Parks and of General Sessions......... 384 za Lamps and Gas and Electric Parkways, Chapter it, Lawn The mentof StreetCieaninq f Fund for Street and Park LiLighting •htin rqz 84 of rt• ....... ,z 6 (.1CleatiCleannig St reefs-llcpar......'meint of Street Openings ................... z 399 0015 ................... 94........ .. z.3 9 eaw n- uror~ Laying Croon Pipes.......... .4,193 56 Maintenance and Government g. • . • ............ • • ...... • • • • • 36,2zz 24 J Fees, etc ..... .. ...... 6.599 t5 Public Buildings-Constructioi, of Parks and Places,......., 17,586 23 The Fire ftepartment- Refunding Assessment, Paid and Repairs ................ 1,091 53 Sletllopoli tan Museum c1 Art- Fire Department Fnmi.................. ndi ng.Taxes Paid i .. rro g7 17 28, g 83 g7 Refunding Paid in Rrror 7 ro Public Buddin g-7 th Di;. Police E.9 ui P ment, etc.. ... ., 3oo 93 'Fine Department of L'uil iings- Court ................. .... 24 00 Revenue Pond Fund - For Music-Central Park and City Dep+rtmegt of Buildings-Contingencies i judgments Public Building, 235 and 24th Parks ...................... g6o 00 ....... ..... 209 50 and Emergencies ...... Unclaimed Salaries and.. \Vages.. 143 oa 10,813 89 Wards-Cro:ona Park....... 24 00 Mulberry Bend Park, Con- The Department of Docks- 1 55 44 Repaving Avenue A ...... .. tin oa I struction of ..... ..... 36 31 Dock Fund ............................. 5,074 in Total.................,..... $152,8oz 62 COXI'RACTh REGISTERED I'()R THE WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, SEPIF,\IBFR zr, 1895, D1rE NAb1 F. or CON- A\IOU x-r CON"'. DEPA R'CI+IE\T. N ostGti OF SURETIES. No. or TRACT' R.. OF BOND. DESCRIPTION OF WORK. TRACT. COST. g - -- tgrzo ul z,IBoard of Education... gro Uno.. Carne a F . O's onnor. 6 oo~Ctre-alarm connections for Prima. • School Building No, o, at No. grondun dCabe Cn de ICoomae s allagher. i o ions f-_- ry _--- tt6 Norfolk st., r th Ward.... ..................Total 77 46 2 Under- Cornelius Gallagher.. i6o ool ',Fire-alarm connections for Grammar} School Building No,4 z, at No. tr6 HenryHenr • St., 7, 3 .................Total 15 J Y ground Cable - Thomas F. ('Connor. h Ward.... • • • • 475 00 23 . •. •. StandardUnder-:Cornelius Gallagher r 5 122 " 3 zoo 00-Fire-alarm Fire-alarm connections for Grammar School Building No. 17, at No.335 Co...-!Corneas s O'Connor West 47th st., 2nd Ward ................. ,1bta11 296 88 15123 " 23 Standard Uin er- Cornelius Gallagher . 200 oo Fire-alarm connection for Primary School Building No. 29, at No.43a East rg;h e-tt., [8th Ward .............. 583 50 ground Cattle Co...i IhomasF.O'Connor. 15t24 Sept. 3Fire.......... • • gand en John W. Sullivan .... 750 co For repairs to the fire"Zophar-boat Mills" (Engine No. 51) ............... ,,,, and James A. 7 re- Jantes A.Simpson.... ............................ ..... Total 2,465 00 garthen, composing! - 'the fire+ of James Murry then & Son.. 15t 25 July z9~Ducks :......... ........Iilturray& Co...... Henry Schnor. ...... 350 oa Furnishing and delivering sand................-..................................................,,,,,,,,,,,,Estimate " James 1}mnor....... --------. - - - 777 00 Aug. Frank er....... 2,800 oo Si and in lace stones and urnishit+g mid delivering broken stones • •• • • • • • • • - Michael McGrath. • • • • • • • • • • • • • - • • 4,875 00 • •• • • • B own t 5 5726 7 .................-Brown Fleming.. I Edmond 1t .... 7,600 oo Furnishing andputtingputting
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