... - J . s Western KES ERVE eronicle: VOLUME 51-- NO. 31. WARREN. OHIO. MARCH 20. 1867. WHOLE NO. 2633. W. FACKABB. W. HULL. SBBT.DBS MBOBCBY. Notices. shire, and Berkshire county, Massachu tory State to the infant republic. I beg raised under your authority, I would radical men. With due reverence I as the last seventeen ' years whether I BUSINESS DIKECTORT. PACKARD. HFU CO. Special THE CHRONICLE. setts capturedthe lett wing of the leave to give a few statistics showing request, if consistent With your sert that Jesus of Nazareth, ths author of had to make a speech to a political Proprietor. Franklin Foundry Machine British army near Bennington. The ' views, application should be made by our holy religion, was a radical, while n rir. Qnnik uid l.ibertv Street. Warren, the share which each section of the that meeting; whether I spoke against tae by Dr. a rope, learned Doctors Law compos-th- e WILLIAS BITEZEL. 0. Manufacturer of Steam Kn (Tinea. Porta- Comsuption Curable SUFFRAGE. prisoners were tied to on each country bore in securing our indepen you to tbe Secretary of War to have such those of the Nebraska bill upon the floor of this ble opmbt Saw Mill.. Bridie Bolts, and cast- Schenck's Medicines. side; tbe rope not being long enough, cence. , regiments, on their completion, sent to Jewish Sanhedrim, who consigned House; whether, as Governor, wrote rVBLISRI OF ings kinds. Repairing dan on short I ef all TO CUBE CONSUMPTION, the system must Uen. fctark called tor more, wnen Mrs. The whole number of soldiers enlist this Department for service. him to Calvary and the cross,' were pre- a message, or published proclamation. - notice. conservative. Westers Reserve Chroxiclb. August 15.1866. be prepared so that the lunts will heal. To SPEECH OF Robinson, wife of Hon. Moses Robin ed for the Continental service during I am happy to announce to you my eminently And Paul, who, or prorogued a secession legislature. eomplish this, stomach must Srst son, General I will take down complete and eminent satisfaction, with when arraigned by the learned philoso- . 5 ... the lirer and GRISWOLD, said. the the war was 231,969. Of these Massv (Great applause.) universal charge HON. L. D. the results of the organization of negro pher, of the Epicureans, and Stoics, and the FACCAKD. V. W. COOK. FACKAKD. be cleansed and an appetite most be ereated for last bedstead in the house and present chusetts furnished 67,907, all the of this opposite party was, Elf FIRS BLOCX' MARKET ST. W. B. F. and regiments, in this Department. the Drought to tbe court of tbe Areopagus, that all these food wholesome food, which by these medicine, OF LORANE COUNTY. it to you on one condition. "When all States south of Pennsylvania 59,-49- In acts were done PACKARD. COOK CO. but field, as far as tried, have proved "standing in the midst of Mars hiil," uader the influence of Dealer, in Sign Broad-- will be digested properly, and rood healthy the prisoners are tied to the rope, you being 8,414 less single they whiskey. (Laughter.) Now. feilow- - Iron k Hardware. of the Delivered in the Ohio Senate, March 6, 1867. than that brave, active, enduring and energetic. said- - "Ye are too superstitious," was a Axe, market ctreet, Y arren. U. blood made; thus buildiat op the constitution. shall permit my negro man to harness State. New England 118- - MANTTFACTTJRERS. furnished They never disgraced their uniform by radical. Ths British nobles who wrested citizens, I have concluded to put a stop SCHEXCK-- MASDKAKK PILLS cleanse the : can hope up my old mare, and hitch the rope to M. President I hardly 350. being more than half the number pillage, or cruelty, but have so conducted from a conservative King the Magna to tnis matter. Ihe editors and re- WAB, T. FACKABD. B. F. HIBXIB. X. BABTHOLOBTW, stomach of all mieoat acsamnlationr; and. by that any remarks I may be able to make the whiffletree, mount the mare, and furnished to Congress during the war. porters of newspapers are an honorable KeiAIS connection, the ap themselves upon the whole that even oar Charta were radicals; and Gallieo, who s YVAKREX PACKARD CO. sine the Sea WeedTonie in before conduct British and tory prisoners class Manufacturers t Leather. Mam STT-kS- upon the important question the the South Carolina furnished but 6,660: enemies, though more anxious to find demonstrated the truth of the Coperncian of gentlemen whom I rnpect; but Bnilderi and Manufacturer, of Saah, Blinds, petite is restored. - ran, 0. JCUBW I. Ill . .M out of town."- The proposition was only 752 more than Rhode Island, the with these portion of system and determined revolutions of 1 want those libellous scribblers who Doors, Mooring, Mouldings. Fence Pickets, SCHENCK'S PULMONIC STBCP If ntri-tio- fault than any other the n: i i. :... - ) A i ; i u castine his vote. accepted, and in this manner the left smallest State in the Confederacy, and our troops, have not been able to allege the heavenly bodies, was a radical; while have made so many misrepresentations AMCSOIT eft WHEEIIR, t Shingle, as well at medicinal, and. by the was J and Dressed Lumber, and builder, uinc And yet I feel it a duty to myself as wing of the British army conduct- only one-fift-h as many as Connecticut, against them a single violation the holy fathers of the Inquisition, before as to my course of conduct, to under material generally, at the Planing Mill, three remedies, all impurities are expelled from of the MsnufarfureTSofStoT well as to my constituents to give my ed into Massachusetts. and one-ha- lf as many as New Hamp- rules of civilized warfare. These regi- whom he was arraigned were conserva- stand that from this time hencefor- Canal bt arren. U. lAut.lj.15oo. the system, and good wholesome blood made, ffarki"treet. Warren. 0. reasons for supporting the pending The Hon. Tristam Burgess, in a shire, then an almost unbroken wilder ments are generous, temperate, pa- tives. Listen to their learned decision : ward their vocation respect is will repel disease. patient, will hardy, in that . "S. which all If asK your speech in Congress, in 1828. said : obedient, possessing great To maintain that tbe sun is placed immo- gone, (Laughter . WABBBlt FACIABD. B. M. BABXtHf. according to directions. resolution. I therefore in "At ness. But I have occupied too much tient, strictly and applause,) and Uke these medieiaei commencement of the Revolution for arms. a Brig- vable in the centre of the world is an opin- may - BARS VK PACKARD. Consumption stage dulgence while I urge the right of our the of your time in showing the part which natural aptitude With tney now publish their libels until very frequently in its last to ary war, Rhode Island had a ade of liberated slaves already in the field ion absurd in itself, false in philosophy, PROFESSION All. Manufacturers of refined hammered Iron. yields readily to their action. Take the pilU dislranchised colored citizens an number our colored people bore in securing oar the hand that writes them shall fsil . of slaves. A regiment of them a few more regiments intelligent color- and formed heretical, because it i a express- withered itail KOU AXies. jnill ouui. frequently, to cleanse the lWer and stomach. equal participation in the elective fran were National Independence. of and palsied ; but I never in- 'GEoTwrMESSERT and Fort-in- of all kinds, at the force, chise. enlisted into the Continental service, In this connection I cannot forbear ed men from the North, would soon place ly contrary to the Scripture. To main- tend that they shall have anv license or At- Warren, Ohio. Kone but the best .elected It doe. not follow that because the bowel, are HoUry Pablic office with Taylor Jones. scrap 15. 1S66. And first, maintain that it is just. and no braver men met tbe enemy in to describe scene whioh I witnessed this force in a condition to make exten- tain that the earth is not placed in the authority to publish me as a drunkard PubUc 6quare. Warren. 0. wrought Iron used. Ant. fvoMire they are not required, for sometime, ia I torney eat side is just, first, because they are taxed battle ; but not one of them was per- in my boyhood, and which has an indi- sive excursions upon the main land, centre of the world, that it is not immova- again, even if I have to abstain, as I Fob.Z:.la67. diarrhoea they are necessary. The stomach must It through more densely populated slave ble, and that it has even a daily rotation FORRIST k HTDE, healthy, equally with ourselves sustain the mitted to be a soldier until he had first rect bearing upon th question before the will abstain, from the mildest glass of DOCKKT, M. - be kept and an appetite created to al to' regions, and from expeditions of this char- or motion, is also an absurd proposition, WI. E. Attorney, at Law, office orer Park. Patch'. low the Pulmonic syrup to act on the respira- uovernment. been made a freeman." . us. In 1S25 the great and good Gener- claret that ever the fair hand of the and" Surgeon, office. .5.nf W Ohio, are authorised acter, I make no doubt, the most benefi- false in philosophy, and at least errone- Phytieian Hardware Store. arren. tory organ, properly and allay any irritation. It was a principle for which our fath In relation to this regiment. Gov. al Lafayette visited this country, and fairest lady in this land should present .
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