-, ROLL OF THE � , EDINBURGH GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY AND LIST OF CORRESPONDING SOCIETIES AND INSTITUTIONS (Correded to 31st December 1897) .. � RYOLL OF TIm EDINBURGH GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY AND LIST OF CORRESPONDING SOCIETIES AND INSTITUTIONS. iOorrected to 31st December 1897.) :lrfernbers oj the Society who have contributed papers which have been published in the Society's Transactions are indicated by +. I. HONORARY FELLOWS. (The number is limited. by Law to Twel-oe.) +His Grace THE DUKE OF ARGYLL, K.G., K.T., D.C.L., F.R.S., Inverary Castle, Argyllshire, and Argyll Lodge, Campden Hill, London. Patron of the Society. tSir JOHN WILLIAM DAWSON, O.M.G., LL.D., F.R.S., &c., Montreal, Canada, tSir ARCHIBALD GEIKIE, D.C.L., LL.D., F.R.S., F. R.S.E., F.G.S., Director­ General of the Geological Survey of the United Kingdom, Jermyn Street, London, S. W. President of the Society, 1868-74. tProfessor EDWARD HULL, LL.D., F.R.S., F.G.S., late Director of the Geological Survey of Ireland, 20 Arundel Gardens, Notting Hill, London, W. tProfessor J. W. JUDD, C.B., F.R.S., F.G.S., Royal College of Science, S. Kensington, London. tProfessor CHARLES LAPWORTH, LL.D., F.R.S., F.G.S., Mason's College, Birmingham. JOHN MURRAY, Esq., LL.D., F.R.S.E., Challenger Lodge, Wardie, Edin­ burgh. tProfessor H. ALLEYNE NICHOLSON, M.D., D.Sc., F.G.S., Aberdeen University. II. ORDINARY FELLOWS. 'Phose Fellows who have become" Life Membe1's" have an asterisk attached to their names. The dates indicate when the Fellows were elected. *Adam, Robert, F.S.A. Scot., 2 [Calvert, Albert F., c/o L. L�­ Gillsland Road (1884). math, 47 Old Broad Street, Alexander, Alexander Sharp, London (1893). M.A., Ayr Academy, Ayr Carey, William T., Struan v.n«, (1897). Portland Road, Kilmarnock Alexander, Thomas, 18 Buo­ (1866). cleuch Place (1897). "Carmichael, Sir T. D. Gibson, Anderson, R. G. L., Ashfield Bart.,M.P., ofSkirling, Castle­ House, York Street, Wakefield craig, Dolphinton (1887). (1895). Clark, Allan E. L., Master (,f +Anderson, William, c/o Joseph Works, Edinburgh Universit y Anderson, Esq., LL.D., Na­ (1887). tional Museum of Antiquities, Clark, James, Mehrille Villas, Queen Street (1884). Eskbank (1892). *Archibald, John, Devonvale, +Claypole, Professor E. "V., B.A., Tillicoultry (1868). D.Sc., F.G.S., Akron, Ohio Armstrong, Wm., M.E., Win­ U.S.A. (1887). gate, Durham (1869). *Clough, C. T., M.A., F.G.S, Astley, John H., B.A. (Cantab.), H.M. Geological Survey of Alston College, Preston (1886). Scotland (1897). *Balfour, Isaac Bayley, D.Sc., Coates, Henry, Pitcullen House, F. R. S. E., Professor of Botany, Perth (1897). Edinburgh University (1874). so "Corke, H. C., 178 High Street, 10 *Barrow, George, F.G.S., H.M. Southampton (1887). Geological Survey of Scotland Corr-, .Iames Braidwood, Science (1897). Master, Elgin (1897). Bartholomew. J. G., F.R.B.E., Corstorphine, George S., B. Sc., 12 Blacket Place (1884). Museum, Cape Town (1893). Barton, John Frater, 29 Mansion­ Craig, E. H. Cunningham, B.A., house Road (1888). F.G.S., H.M. Geological Sur­ Beaton, Angus J., Engineer's vey of Scotland (1897). Office, London & North-Western t*Craig, George, Architect, 85 Railway, Woodside Station, Duke Street, Leith (1882). Birkenhead (1891). Craig, G. L., 16 Mayfield Terrace t*Black, Dr W. G., 2 George (1896). Square (1873). "Crawford, F. C., 19 Royal Ter­ Blanc, HippolyteJ., R.S.A., The race (1897). Neuk, Strathearn Place (1895). Crunden, Robert H., LL.D., 7fBlyth, Rev. Thos. Allen, D. IJ. Fernlea, The Shrubbery, Plais- (Oxon.), M.A., Ph.D. (Gott.), tow, Essex (1887). L.G.P., F.E.LS., Stoke Vicar­ *Currie, Dr Alex. John, F.R.G.S., age, Coventry (1864). 25 Hyde Road, Gorton, Man­ *Brooke, Wilton, Stairfoot, Barns­ chester (1893). ley (1892). Currie, James, Trinity Cottage tBrown, Campbell, M.A., 17 (1897). Upper Gilmore Place (1897). 40t*Currie, James, Jun., M.A. Bryce, Wm., M.D., 31 Charlotte (Cantab.), F.R.S.E., Larkfield, Square (1880). Golden Acre, (1889). 20 Buchanan, John, C.E., 24 George Davis, Arthur E., Ph.D., Tweeu­ St-eet (1868). bank, West Savile Road tCadell, Henry Moubray, of (1895). Grange, B.Sc., F.R.S.E., J.P., * Dickson, H. N., 2 St Margaret's Grange, Honess ; Caledonian Road, Oxford (1884). United Service Club, Queen Drummond, William, S.S.C.,· 21 Street (1880). Charlotte Square (1868). 3 Duncan, John G., Edinburgh Grigor, James, A.R.S.M., Sub. Museum of Science and Art Inspector, Science and Art (1897). Department, Moray Place, *F<lirley, John G., Joiner, West Elgin (1897). Calder (1889). tGunn, \V., F.G.S., H.M. Geo­ Furquharson, Thomas Ker, Ac-. logical Survey of Scotland «ountant, 100 Thirlestane (1897). Hoad (1875). 70 '*Harker, Alfred, M.A., F.G.S., }" "�uson, John, 15 Brighton' Demonstrator in Petrology, i'Iace, Portobello (1863). H.M. Geological Survey of l'\"'�uson, William, of Kin­ Scotland, St John's College, mundy, F.L.S., F.G.S., Mint­ Cambridge (1897). law, Aberdeenshire (1876). t*HenderoSon, John, 2 Cadell Row, Firth, ,\Vm., Wideford, Granton Cramond (1862). Road (1896). Henderson, Joseph J., 50 Firth, Wm. 1\1., Rose Villa, F.R.S.G.S., Oakland, Kings. Viewforth (1888). bridge, N.Y., U.S.A. (1889). Fleming, Andrew, l\LD., Henderson, Robert, Mineral F.R.S.E., Deputy Surgeon­ Borer, 19 Oxford Street General H.M. Indian Army, 8 (1897). NapierRoad,Merchiston( I 875}. +Hinxman, Lionel W.,B.A., H.l\I. tFlett, J. S., M.A., B.8e., M.B., Geological Survey (1890). C.M., The University (1895) . *Hood, Archibald, Coalmaster, 6 . ;: Florio-Sartori, Capt. Florindo, Bute Crescent, Cardiff (1869). Seuolo Centrale di Tiro, Parma tHorne, -Iohn, F.R.S.E., F.G.S., (1893). H.M. Geological Survey (1891). Forgan, John, 8.S.C., 20 George President of the Society. Street (1897). Horne, Peter, Jeweller, Meuse For-gan, William, 13A Bristo Lane (1889). Place (1889). t';:'Hunter, John g. S., LL.D., "Forrester, Robert, U.S. Inspector D. Sc., Daleville, Cat-luke. of Mines for Utah, Castle Gate, (1862). Utah, U.S.A. (1887). Hunter, Rev. Joseph, M.A., .; Fraser, Alexander, Canonmills The Manse, Cockburnspath Lodge (1869). (1895). "Fraser, Charles, B.A., 13 Green­ SO Irons, James Campbell, M.A.} hill Place (1882). 10 Royal Terrace (1897). t"Fraser, James, U. E., 100 Castle Jack, G., 16 East Norton Place Street, Inverness (1881). (1897). 60 *Geddes, Charles D., M. E., 8 Jeffrey, David, 14 Randolph Douglas Crescent (1889). Crescent (1867). +Geikie, Prof. J., D.C.L., LL.D., Johnston, -Iohn A., 7 Annandale F.R.S., F.R.S.E, 31 Mer­ Street (1892). chiston Avenue (1891). Presi­ t.Johnstone, Alex., F.G.S., 38 dent of the Society, 1890·96. Lady Menzies Place (1897). Gibb, Philip B., M.A., 17 Lutton t*Jolly, William, F.R.S.E., H.M. Place (1880). Inspector of Schools, Green­ Gloag, Rev. Paton J., D.D, 28 head House, Govan (1867). Regent Terrace (1887). Kearney, Robert, St John's tGoodchild, J. G., F.G.S., H.M. School, East Calder (1897). Geological Survey, Museum of "Keith, Alexander, c/o Lewis Science and Art, Edinburgh Taylor,Nassau,Bahamas(1884). (1889). "Kellock, Robert, Glendyne Cot­ Graham, Walter, Schoolhouse, tage, Joppa (1881). Rescobie (1897). Kilgour, T. W., 4 East Brighton Gray, J. R. Leslie, 34 Chalmers Crescent, Portobello (1874). Street (1895). 90 tKinnear, W. Tait, Forss, Thurso tGreenly, Edward, F.G.S., Ach- (1881). nasheen, Bangor, North *Knott, C. G., M.A., D.Sc., 42 Wales (lS94). Upper Gray Street (1883). 4 Kynaston, Herbert, B.A., F. G. S., "Melven, William, M.A., 7 Jed· H.M. Geological Survey of burgh Gardens, Kelvinside, Scotland, The College, Durham Glasgow (1878). (1897). Middleton, R. J., of the Jfining Landale, Andrew, Comely Place, Journal, 5 Broad Street House, Dunfermline (1864). London, E.C. (1895). Lee, Andrew, Science Master, *Millar, R. C., C.A., 30 York Heriot Hospital School, Edin­ Place (1897). burgh (1897). Miller, George, 69 Hanover Livesay, William, M.D., Edin., Street (1863). Sudbury, Derby (1869). Miller, William, Merchant, Lockhart, Andrew, 2 Eden Ter­ Bo'ness (1881). * race, Morningside (1897). Milne - Home, Miss Grace, 10 "Loudon, W., Springbank, North York Place (1893). Berwick (1886). Mitchell, Alexander, .Iun., 45 t*Macadam, W. Ivison, F.C.S., Dundee Terrace (1896). F.I.C., F.R.S.E., Lecturer on 120tMitchell, D. J., Burnhaven, Chemistry and Analytical Peterhead (1897). Chemist, School of Medicine, +Morrison, William, "M.A., 96 Surgeons' Hall, Professor of Viewforth (1884). Chemistry, New Veterinary Oliver, J. S., 12 Greenhill Park College, Lady Road, Craig­ (1879). millar Park (1878). t*Omond, R. Traill, F.R.S.E., 43 Macalpine, A. N., B.Sc. Lond., Charlotte Square (1881). Lecturer on Botany, School of "Ormiston, Archibald R., 203 Medicine (1884). St Vincent Street, Glasgow 100 M'Cormick, Rev. W. T., (1866). F. R. G. S., Vicar of St "Oxley, Miss M. E., Dalry House Matthew's, Brighton (1891). Training College, Orwell Place Macdonald, Duncan R., L. R. C. P., (1897). Dunbar (1895). t*Panton, George A., F.R.S.E., M'Ewan, William, M.P., 25 73 Westfield Road, Edgbaston, Palmerston Place (1878). Birmingham (1862). M'Glashen, Stewart, Sculptor, [Peach, B. N., F.R.S., F.R.S.E., Canonmills (1895). H.M. Geological Survey (1897). Mackay, lEneas J. G., M.A., Phillips, J. Gordon, Elgin (1897). LL.D., Advocate, Sheriff of Pocock, Theodore Innes, Riddle's Fife and Kinross, 7 Albyn Court, University Hall (1897). Place (1867). 130*Pl'entice, Thomas, Mining "Mackenzie, John F., 23 Nile Manager, Addiewell, West Grove, Morningside (1873). Calder (1877). t*Mackie_, W., M.A., M.B., C.M., *Reid, Arthur S., M.A., F.G.S., 13 North Street, Elgin (1897).
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