species and, therefore, regulated by Red Siskin Project the U.S. government. This very fact inhibited the early stages of the pro­ ject because no one knew exactly Conservation Pilot Program for which transactions could be lawfully CITES Appendix I Birds performed with the Red Siskin, and which permits, if any, were required by Kevin M. Gorman, Chair for these transactions. AFA Conservation Committee and In April of 1990, the Red Siskin AFA Red Siskin Project Project chairman drafted a question­ Rochester, New York naire for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Introduction to teach persons about the care and Office of Management Authority The AFA Red Siskin Project has breeding of the Red Siskin, its natural (USFW OMA). This questionnaire made great strides in 1990, thanks to history, laws involving endangered asked for specific answers to our the financial and moral support of birds, shipping, diseases, etc. The questions about which permits were you, the AFA members. We have newsletter helps to keep all members required for transactions performed worked toward several avenues of informed, on a regular basis, about within the Red Siskin Project. Shortly growth. We have streamlined the pro­ siskin project news events and what thereafter, we received written docu­ gram and structured the organization other siskin breeders are doing. mentation from the chief of USFW so that it would be attractive to per­ Siskin News gives members a forum OMA stating which transactions sons who would like to participate, for asking questions and receiving needed permits. The following infor­ and at the same time we could main­ answers from their co-breeders. Most mation summarizes that letter: If Red tain a certain degree of control over importantly, this newsletter keeps the Siskins (i.e. endangered species) are the transfers of the endangered project members focused on the com­ transported across state lines in asso­ siskins which we are stewarding. mon goals of the Red Siskin Project. ciation with transactions that are Since the Red Siskin (Spinus cuccu­ Therefore, no one should feel alone NON commercial (i.e. money is NOT latus) is a species which is on CITES once they receive AFA Red Siskins. To involved, such as trades, breeder Appendix I and on the U.S. Fish and date, Siskin News has a circulation of loans, or donations) then no permits Wildlife Endangered Species List, 90 persons across the United States, are required by the federal govern­ there are certain controls which both Canada, Puerto Rico, West Indies, ment. The reason is that these trans­ state and federal governments put on England and Italy. Another publicity actions are not performed for com­ the transactions of this species. The tool was the design of a beautiful, mercial gain, but are for the purpose AFA Red Siskin Project is a program colored pamphlet which explains the of propagating and preserving the which will serve as a pilot program purpose and goals of the Red Siskin endangered Red Siskin. However, the for other endangered bird species. Project. This pamphlet contains person donating or loaning the Once all the groundwork (i.e. pro­ information on how persons can sup­ siskins must give the AFA a signed gram structure/strategies) and limita­ port the program. The pamphlet was affidavit stating that the birds were tions (i.e. international trade, endan­ laid out and final artwork performed raised by them, or were legally gered species law requirements) are by M. Jean Hessler (graphic artist for obtained from another breeder. established with the Red Siskin AFA Watcbbird). These pamphlets However, if a CITES Appendix I Project, then the AFA can plug will be circulated to bird clubs across (endangered) species is transported another CITES Appendix I species the United States in early 1991. across state lines in association with a into the slot and have another pro­ Ray Shaw of California generously commercial (money) transaction, gram of similar nature. The following donated his artwork to the AFA by then one of the following are article will outline the 1990 accom­ designing the colorful Red Siskin required: Captive-bred Wildlife Regis­ plishments of the Red Siskin Project. Project t-shirts which were first tration or a Federal Endangered Spe­ unveiled at the August 1990 AFA con­ cies Permit. A Captive-bred Wildlife Publicity I Education vention. All of the monies received Registration (CBWR) is purchased for As with any volunteer program, from t-shirt sales go directly into the $25 from the USFW OMA. This regis­ there must be a certain amount of Red Siskin Project account. tration is good for a two year renew­ publicity and education of the public. We had begun asking for endorse­ able term. The holder of a CBWR can Without this, no one will know about ments from a few bird clubs across only buy and sell birds with other the program and new members and the U.S. in late 1990 and will con­ CBWR holders who are registered for support will not be there for you. In tinue asking for more Widespread the same species (i.e. Red Siskin). The 1990, several members of the Red endorsements in 1991, when we can Federal Endangered Species Permit Siskin Project wrote magaZine articles utilize the colored pamphlet. To date, (ESP) is obtained only for single trans­ to inform the public about the Red three very influential bird clubs have actions with endangered species. The 2 3 4 Siskin:· • • and of the importance of given us their endorsements: The careful breeding of endangered National Colorbred Association finches: (NCA), the National Institute of Red AFA Watchbird advertisers In January of 1990, a monthly Orange Canaries (NIROC), and the represent some ofthe best in newsletter "Siskin News;' was ini­ National Finch and Softbill Society the business. When you buy tiated. The'purpose of this newsletter (NFS). from these fine sources. be is to inform members about the Red sureto tell themyou sawtheir Siskin and the developments in the Federal Permits Not Required ad in Watchbird! project. It is used as an education tool The Red Siskin is an endangered afa WATCHBIRD 55 ESP is also $25 each time you apply. captive population of endangered lish a disease-free population of Applications for both the CBWR and siskins. This population can then siskins to better ensure the survival of the ESP can be obtained by writing serve as a captive "reservoir" to this captive-bred population. We are The USFW OMA at 4401 North Fair­ ensure the species' survival in the experimenting with procedures such fax Drive, Room 432, Arlington, VA event that they are extirpated from as shipping surface-disinfected eggs, 22203, phone (703) 358-2104. the wild. rather than birds, as another method The Red Siskin Project is able to "Associated Consortium Breeders" ofmaintaining a clean flock. perform interstate transactions with are persons who own their own flock Red Siskins without requiring any of siskins, and who pledge a per­ Planned Studies federal permits as long as all trans­ centage of their offspring to the Red A study is planned to determine actions are non-commercial and no Siskin Project on an annual basis. how related individual siskins (within money changes hands. The fact that These persons are valuable as they are the project) are through DNA (gene­ federal permits are not required by experienced siskin breeders who can tic) fingerprinting. This would be persons participating in the Red provide a constant influx of siskins done by extracting DNA from a toe­ Siskin Project gives us the ability to into the program. Non-cash transac­ nail blood sample. This method could freely transport siskins all over the tions (breeder loans, trades and dona­ be used to identify the parents of off­ United States. However, transactions tions) are used to infuse unrelated spring born to a flock of siskins in a are limited only to bona fide breeder bloodlines into the project. planted aviary. This procedure may loans, trades and donations. This is also be extended to identify the why it is essential that persons donate Consultations in 1990 extent of genetic diversity which siskins, or give siskins as breeder Ed Diebold (past Red Siskin Project exists in the wild populations of loans to the project. These three chairman) met with two population· Venezuela and Puerto Rico. methods are the only ways we an geneticists, Carter Denniston, Ph.D.; To carry this further, we would like legally bring new Red Siskins into the and Jim Crow, Ph.D., both from the to perform DNA fingerprinting on the project. University of Wisconsin at Madison. birds' mitochondrial DNA. We are The only other method of obtain­ These two gentlemen were willing to interested in having only pure Red ing new siskins for the project would help guide us toward a breeding Siskins in the project. We would like be to have a bird club raise money and scheme which will attempt to main­ to identify siskin hybrids at the gene­ purchase siskins from a siskin breeder tain at least 90% of the project's tic level. There is always the possibil­ who is in the same state, and subse­ siskin population's genetic diversity ity that a bird might physically look quently donating these purchased over a 50 year period in captivity. like a Red Siskin when, in reality, it is siskins to the AFA Red Siskin Project. The Siskin Project Chairman has a genetic hybrid between a Red Siskin This exact thing was done in 1989! met with George Gee, Ph.D. of the and another bird species. For exam­ The Missouri Cage-Bird Association USFW Endangered Species Breeding ple, there has been quite a number of purchased a pair of Red Siskins for Program at Patuxant National Wildlife persons who have bred the Red Siskin the Red Siskin Project in 1989 when Refuge.
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