Produced by AM & Dustin DeLage Recording, engineering and mixing by Dustin DeLage at Cabin Studios, Leesburg VA Additional remote recording by Ken Lubinsky at lack Hills Studios, Plain"eld CT Atlantic $cean wa&es recorded by Mic'elle McKnig't at East eac', Charlestown R)* Mastering by ill +ol,, +ol, Productions, Alexandria VA* -ra.'ic Design by Stilson -reene, Leesburg VA ack co&er .'oto by Christi Porter P'otogra.'y, Lincoln VA All songs written by AM and ©Catalooch Music, BMI, except "Margaret" by Andrew McKnight ©19 !, "uccess Music, and "#ur Meeting Is #ver" %traditional&' #'e Songs #'e and 1. Embarking 1:12 ,M - vo<a-s7 a<ousti< & e-e<tri< guitars7 s-i"e guitar7 2. Margaret/Treasures in My Chest 4:56 &ative Ameri<an fute 3. Web of Mystery 3:24 9a<he- Tay-or - ce--o 4. eft Behin" 3:55 Mi<hae- Rohrer ; e-e<tri< an" u:right bass 5. #assage/(Fathers No') Our Meeting is Over 2:1+ isa Tay-or - drums7 harmony vo<a-s 6. ,retas Cu-ver 4:13 >ef Arey - man"o-in .. , Dram to the Ho-i"ays 5:13 4te:hanie Thom:son7 Tony Denikos - harmony vo<a-s 1. The Gift 3:51 3. 4ons & Fathers 3:53 $t'er Essential Musical Pieces 1+. My Litt-e To'n 3:35 ,-y M<@night - piano (Margaret( 11. ong Ago an" Far A'ay 1:5+ Warren M<@night - piano an" organ $4ons & Fathers( 12. Entre-azan"o 0:43 Ma"e-eine M<@night - f""-e (Long Ago & Far A'ay(7 13. ,nniversary (2,+++ Years Ago( 4:23 ensemb-e vo<a-s (Fathers7 Re:rise( 14. )ur Meeting is Over (Re:rise( 1:13 15. When My Time Comes 3:53 #'e Meeting Ensemble /ustin De-age7 John Ri<kar"7 Les Thom:son7 Tony /enikos7 Ste:hanie Thom:son7 Ma"e-eine M<@night 5 isa Tay-or More About the Album #'ank /ous • About #'e -uitars Discograp'y Corres.ondence1 Li$e: Bound *or +lory (2016) ; "o'n-oa" on-y7 ra"io con<ert7 Itha<a NY ,n"re' M<@night Li$e *ro, the Appalachians to Austin (2013) ; "o'n-oa" on-y con<ert7 Cata-oo<h Musi< ,ustin TC (DD/ out of print( #) BoE 81 #ne -irginia .ight $2012) - An"re' M<@night & Beyon" Bor"ers live in<o-n VA 2016+ <on<ert C//"o'n-oa" (DD/ out of print( '''.,n"re'M<@night.net "o,ething /orth "tanding 0or $20+1) - C//"o'n-oa" Beyond Borders (20+5(; C//"o'n-oa" ,n"re' gratefu--y en"orses Fairbui-t 1urning 2ages (20+1(; C//"o'n-oa" 2uitars an" E-iEir Strings. /here 1his 3i$er 3uns (1331) - do'n-oa" on-y 1ra$eler (1335(; C//"o'n-oa" #'e Songs and Per,ormances 2. Embarking 4 19 ©Catalooch Music, BMI A slightly Celtic sounding ,elody created on a .ati$e A,erican fute, and set on the western shore o* the .orth Atlantic. /ith than6s to ,y wi*e Michelle and her i2hone *or recording the wa$es lapping along the 3I beach, and to ,y *riend 7$a *or the precious gi*t o* the fute. AM 3 cedar 4ute 5. Margaret6#reasures in My C'est 19 ! © Andrew McKnight, "uccess Music84 19 ©Catalooch Music, BMI 1his pro9ect too6 a big leap into reality in the spring o* 4 1! when ,y parents introduced ,e to their copy o* "Margaret," published in 19 ! by ,y great:grand*ather whose na,e I happen to share. It was a pro*ound experience to fnd an ancestor who also "hears the $oices" and was also dri$en to turn them into $erse and ,elody, and that experience beca,e the seed to <1reasures in My Chest=. It wasn't until I connected *ace to *ace with so,e o* ,y ,usical second cousins in autu,n 4 1? that I realized that $isit was what I needed to fnish the song' Aly McKnig't 3 .iano AM 3 &ocal and guitar 4<ent of ce"ar rising7 as I o:en u: the li" <hi-"hoo" things an" so mu<h more7 darkness ke:t safe hi""en an" it ho-"s my stories like a sai-orFs prize" possessions7 whi-e heGs out to sea Wrink-e" s<ra:s of pa:er7 an" fa"e" photogra:hs my name on a manus<ri:t7 an" notes u:on the sta? the lines unfo-"ing on these pages I am ho-"ing7 'ritten long ago are the gift running through my veins7 an" fngers on the strings as they fo' From these treasures in my chest time-ess rhythm beating7 stea"y in my breast memories an" han" me do'ns present from the past <ount-ess treasures in my chest #ie<es of this pu66-e7 of ho' I came to be fami-y names an" Huestion marks7 someho' part of me no' IGm c-imbing u: this tree eE:-oring7 bran<hes that I see for the frst time samaritans an" saints7 rogues an" renega"es7 a-- come a-ive Message tone a'akens me7 from my imagining <onne<tions in the here an" no'7 that musi< brought to me for theyGve sat here at my tab-e7 raising toasts an" breaking brea"7 an" it was rea- 'e are boun" by magi< t'ists7 an" proof that they eEiste"7 no' revea-e" BGm ri<h with treasures in my chest 7. Web o, Mystery 4 1? ©Catalooch Music, BMI Born o* the reali@ation that every one o* those spaces on your *a,ily tree are essential to you being here, whether or not you 6now the na,e or anything else about the occupants o* each space. 1hat the gi*t o* your li*e passed through all o* them, and that they deser$e to be remembered in so,e way, and hopefully so,eday, each o* us will be too' 8on Carroll 3 organ and accordion Mic'ael Ro'rer 3 bass Lisa #aylor 3 drums AM 3 &ocals and electric guitars BGve been trying to tou<h the past7 I wanna kno' just why I am rea<h ba<k through the mists of time7 so mu<h I want to un"erstan" 8ou 'ere a chi-" on<e like me7 fu-- of won"er7 fu-- of pain B kno' sometimes that you were s<are"7 I kno' that sometimes7 you 'ere brave ah ha7 ah ha ha ah ha7 this is the on-y life IGve kno'n Bn part you gave it to me -ook behin" or look ahea"7 you are woven in the threa" in my web of mystery BGm sti-- trying to tou<h the past7 whi-e the present s-i:s a'ay B gotta kno' ho' your part goes7 before those pages fa"e to grey 8ou 'ere o-" on<e like me7 I wish that I cou-" see your fa<e no one e-se kno's whatGs :asse" our eyes7 hurt an" anger7 love an" gra<e 4ome"ay centuries from no'7 like coaEing ember into fame sin<e IGve left a verse or 2 behin"7 someone might sti-- s:eak my name someone might sti-- s:eak my name someone might sti-- s:eak my name 9. Left Behind 4 19 ©Catalooch Music, BMI 1he raucous and di$isi$e rhetoric about people co,ing to these shores feeing countries o* origin *or hope at so,ething better is not new. Most o* our ancestors left so,e si,ilarly disparaged place to co,e here. 1hus ,ost all o* us are not only descendants o* i,,igrants, but our ancestors left behind *a,ily as well. Ap until only a century or so ago, those who left ,ight as well ha$e died, *or they ,ight never be heard *ro, again. 1o connect with the descendants o* the <left behind= has been a power*ul elixir indeed. But the concept o* the lea$ing and the left behind is ,uch ,ore a part o* the hu,an condition than si,ply our physical ,o$ements' Rac'el #aylor 3 cello Mic'ael Ro'rer 3 bass Lisa #aylor 3 drums AM 3 &ocals and electric guitars My peo:-e brave" boats over angry seas7 riske" everything giving life to me eft the home theyF" kno'n for a strangerFs shore7 ho:e an" hunger for one chan<e more Brish b-essings at ,meri<an wakes7 g-asses raise" to the hearts that break7 gathere" at the door to see them go7 of the rest of their -ives7 weG-- never kno' ho-" on tight7 storms on the o<ean ho-" on tight7 storms on the o<ean7 hey break through the doors s-amme" in your fa<e7 'ith the love that remaine" eft behin"7 left behin"7 IF-- never -et go in my heart an" min" of a-- their prayers an" des:erate dreams eft behin"7 left behin"7 forever change" on<e you cross that line7 the great divi"e that lies bet'een7 the leaving an" the left behin" <oyote ho'-s in the Mayan night7 a boy in the sha"o's s-i:s from sight the pa<ket in his be--y is his on-y chan<e7 at someone e-seGs promise" lan" :ut one foot do'n7 in front of the other one foot do'n7 in front of the other7 hey <-imb the wa-- rising in your fa<e7 with the love that remaine" , ne'born fa<e in the morning sun7 another journey has just begun for time is a river an" the river fo's7 through a motherGs love to'ar"s the letting go "onGt turn ba<k7 even if you want to <anGt turn ba<k7 even if you want to the way ahea" is yours to c-aim7 with the love that remains :.
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