, , ~T~a' !fiT atiftrVf,{T 1981 CENSUS OF INDIA 1981 ~'~T 22 SERIES 22 3n"2" Q~~" UTTAR PRADESH 1985 ~ ifq'l1 1 PAPER 1 of 1985 qf~CfR" ~ l!fumr ~ ri ~ ~ - q'f~q~ Cfir Gi"i'Ei€41 (8'~1~ 1{ct "I1ro Hr~ acp) HOUSEHOLD POPULATION BY RELIGION OF HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD (upto tahsil and town level) ~);sr~ ~lf S(ll1Hrf.:riifi" ~crr . f.Rlrrifi ~ur;:rT ~~, ~~ RAVINDRA GUPTA I. A. S. Director of Census Operations, Uttar Pradesh UTTAR PRADESH ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISIONS 1981 NIII.:-'. w".... 1M Dialricl I TIl".,1 MIN diff.r, 'rd IIIl H"lldqUIJr'.rl ' Mill., 1M flH' ••r .pp.ar ...Ilhin PAUIII (Gath",) :I. TM ro,,111 Hndqllllrl.n ,of "'''1'1. PralllprlllgGr ' 11111 r.llrl. * STA7:£ CAPITAL @ DISTRICT HEADQURTERS '0 TAHSIL HEAOOI/IRTER5 ..q' A iItII..Gl'IHRES i 1-49 (aT ) fcfq~1IT I - ST~ mtltiii ij"1f:TlIT iiiT if.[ (or) GI rr~oo ifiT srfamr . q<i (if) 1971-81 it srfWncr ~ 8-31 (<I") ~ II-q-ft<rT~ it ~f~ ~ \llf it; ar~m~ "{.Y:S'il/Wi ~T\i'lf ~l ctT q-~T~ 'fiT GA~ 32-49 ~rosrl q-fto 15 qrom: ~ ~f~ ~ ali ~ at~R qf~ lfft ~~ ~ f~tqvi\, 51 m'(ui\' q'fto 15 qf~CfT'( Ii ~~'lU rff a* qi at'1~ qRCfT'( "" iif'Rim (~/f~/a~/~) 53-613 ~r q-fto 15 t q-~ t1;cf Of¥raT ~ ~ 615 qfu. (aT) ~ mW q-R:O 15 it "0fr11 a'111 am: mqreJ it; ar~il" 100 liT ~ arf~cp ~<rT crM a'q"-\' cpT fq~ 617-647 (if) ~ ~ q-fto 15 it "arrlf a-;rl am: f<i~rnT" it; mil 1 00 ~ iiilf ;;r;m~ cffir a+ff. q;r ~ 649- 663 ~ ri it irR1G ti'fT/lRif/~ iiiT ~ I 665-691 ~~~ iii1 ~1 693-705 CONTENTS Pages Preface iii Introductory note 5-49 (A) Statement I-Growth of major religou!! communities showing (A) Percentage to population and (B) Percentage increase 1971-81 8-31 , (B) Statement II-Household population in states/union territories by religion \ of head of household 32-49 Note on table HH-lS-Household population by religion of head of household 52 Table HH-15-Household population by religion of head of household (state/district/tehsil/town) 53-613 Note on appendices and annexure to table HH-IS 616 Appendices (A) Details of religion shown under 'Other religions and persuations' having population of ]00 or more in main table HH-15 617-647 (B) Details of 'Other religions and persuations' the strength of which is less than 100 in main table HH-15 649-663 Annexure Details of sects/beliefs/religions clubbed with another religion 665-691 l.ist of agents 693-705 ~ if!R it qf"{qT~ ~ ~f~T iji a-Ji ~ aTi~H ~l~/~OJT ~~ ffCfi !fiT iif~~~lfT !fiT fcrq"{Uf ~~Cf fif;lJT ~T ~ I 1981 em- iififlf1J1'ifT it &rfCfCl'll'ff q:ql ~cj qf~n: 3T2~::ql ii\i!T if @ alf ~ Q.~ ~., ~fl+(fu" f.flfT iTlfJ ~T' ~ij itm; ~ ~ aRI'~ ~ f~ olJfCffiiTCf q:;ff it 51~~ ollfCfff ~ !fillfif~~ T:Tlf CIiT ~fcr~ !fiT iTf ¥:fT, iifqf~ qf~l"{ ~~:;ft it it~ qf"{"fl"{ ~ ~f€l"lU ~ [T?J' \llfl'ffi a-+(T~r"{ ~fcrf~ ifiT iff $!fT I J;T~€J;q q.~ it mr ~p:or.a-T aTi<ii¥, qft:CfT~ ~ q"{ aTlmf"{ff ~ an"{ '!i~ J;T~T"{ <;t~(f qf<:CfT<:Y <f;) 'i91~!fi"{ aTf.r<n~": qn;qT"{ ~ ~f~T ~ a-.q ~ aT~T"{ qftcm ~ijlIT !fiT crlT~ ~~g" flfilfT ll'lfT ~, ~~¥:fTlfij" qf~<TT"{l it f.tCfTfulJT it on~ it ;or[U ~f.~ OlJf'RIlfCf qfqtiT it <:r ll'f Sl"fcrftc cF ar.r~r"{ ri WiiRTr aTfct;~ f~~ lfii ~ I 1971 it wi ~~cri'Cl'T art~ Gfl olJfiffilTc.f q::q'f q"{ amnf"{(f '" ~, {r ~~PI'T ~ WI<T QTOCfiT ~ ~~ ~lJ ~T ~R it; W"fT :qyf~Q; I ~ m qro q'pr.n~, anfo ~o Q.~o, 'i{.Cf,!ci ~rm ~ ~T',f;ir~~l"{ Q.cj iif"fiTUf'ijT an~"Cf, "-11 crTo Q.ij'O q+('t, OTT~o Q;O ~o, <rchrrif q-mr ~ ~r"{~f'"{ Q;cf iififlTurrrT an~~ Q;cf "-'1r efto ~o q"Jq mm ~ ij'~"(f +I"~n~"{ ~ m ifT'H ~ SI"\fiT~if ~ a-~ !fi~~ ~ sr~Cf or~~ +(rqr:l1T~ ~ ft;rQ: C!RlJ;" an~R.r ~ I ~T'tc"{ lJ:if o GfTo ifTll', ;oq +I"~f~~ (ij'TO oro) mlr~ ~Tfu\fi tF!i'CfTG: ~ qT~~, f",;~~ ','i!j: 5I1I~ a+rl ~ aTrnn:,," Wl:l ~ ~ 'fTllT ~T i''i9 'i'<IT ~t J;T~€I" a+rT if ij'fl=l1furn fCfiir iiff.t <it ~iTT&n !fiuf I ~r lfofO "{IJf "{fcr, ~Tli'Il ll~nf;ir~~T"{ a~ ~T~., tm! "fRISO ~UT:Tror orfa<firt't ~r lit tF~ ~ q"T"f~, fi:if~i\' ·aTi!fi~T ~ ij'iTr&n 'fi"{T{ ffl!1T ~~ 1:1;~qffT 5i<Hor CflT I 55fT ~"Iril: wer, fif~~!fi i:if<{ll'urOfT qR:qre;:r ;am ~~!!I', f;ir;:rit fifc?!!I"i q"{ 1981 Cflr 'If<{lfUf'fT!fiT ~li ~l=q~;:r gaIT~, t Mrrrrcf"{1Jf ~ '1'!!'~ ~ q.q"{ iliT sr~Q iIi~i\' ilir ;:rrfi:Rcr iii\' «'ll~ I ~'f ;a-tf'fMr ar~l q;-) 1:1;!fif'fo ~ if m aRT ~~m +('Tq ~if ~ f~Q; it ~ a-;:lICfTG: ~m ~ , ~ci 55fT orT"{o ~o f~~, "q f.:rhTCfi, arn:o 1:1;~O lfTui, ~J1titi fOf~~~, ~ll<: ;j~~ aT~ qct ~o ~ro ~t(f, OTr~l'f~ o¥:ff ~ 55fr f~ OT19~, '1'TO to qroor; t:1;ct HI' @'11 ~, ~tf~m ij'~Tlflfi' ~~ ar~T ~ ij.Cfl~" it ij'~r<:mT ~~T'f <tir, Sl"wm ~ qn ~ t ~T oT~¥:f r:m, ~Q f;:r~'li (llll:ar) ~cj ~mT ~ +IW~~ ~~f~ ~ ~Tqj ~ aT;:lf ~~l:lT 'fiT ~r ~ ~rlfcirr: m ~, f-;r~~ ~irUf· ~~ ij"!fi ~ SI"~;:r ~T aTRrif ~q- ~~ ~ Cfiee f'iilrT I J!;[riTCfr *rro ~;:.,r, !fiRee or~fqili Q.<f ~T Q.«o ~o llT+I"f, OT<i"{ <itf fuf'1'Cfi ~ ~I.:[~ aT~ ~+("lf it W ~~llT'f !fiT qt~f~fq Q.<f ~T"{f1lrl1T!fiT if.ticr fifilfT ~ I ~ ~r ~ T:Tt:lfcrTG: ~ qr~ ~ I ~T $ :q;~ ~f~lrr, ij'~lfCfi f~!(fCfi ~ ~r ~lfG'lw SI"~T<: (lTf:SlfT~, f~l Oflcrr<:1fi, f;;r~~ sr~" ~Cfil!1Tif ~ OT¥TG: f.f;m, srWffi ~ qr"l' ~ I orT~T <tiT urm'T ~ f~ SI"~ m ij'+(,Tiif·mf~l1T, Sl"IllTij'Cfil Q.Ci ar;zr ~T ~llT"crraff if; fut:t ;a-qzrTiTT fu;a ~TlfT I tf'0~O~ f.t~ ifT"it 12, 1985 iif<i~ur;n qf\::qT~;:r, "m, sr~llT PREFACE This paper deals with the distribution of household population by religion of head of household down to tahsil/town level. At the 1981 Census, a question of religion was included. both in the Individual Slip and the Household Schedule. The diffl!rence was that in the Individual Slip, religion was recorded for every person as returned by him, whereas in the Household Schedule the religion returned by the head of the household alone was recorded. The figures of religion for 1981 presented in this paper are based on the Household Schedule and essentially, therefore, represent the household population classified by the religion of the head of household except for Institutional household, in respect of which the religion returned by each inmate of the institution in the Individual Slip has' been taken into account. The reader ",ould do well to bear this in mind while making a comparison with the 1971 religion data which is based on the Individual Slip returns. \ I am grateful to Shrf 'P. Padmanabha, I.A,S., Ex-Registrar General & Census Commissioner for India, Shri V.S. Verma, LA.S., present Registrar General & Census Commissioner for India, and Shri V.P. Pandey. Joint Registrar General, India for their valuable guidance in the preparation of this volume. I am also thankful to Dr. N.G. Nag, Deputy Registrar General (SS) for scrutinizing the names of religions, other than the six major religions and amalgamation of some sects etc., with the major religions. My thanks are also due to Sh.ri N. Rama Rao, Assistant Registrar General and Sri Madan Singh, Senior Research Officer for the scrutiny of the data and its uniform presentation. The task of finalizing the present paper was taken up by me after Sri Ravindra Gupta, Director, Census Operations, UUar Pradesh, under whose direction the Census Operations of 1981 were carried out was transferred. I am thankful to him for his guidance in the collection of this valuable data. SISri R. K. Singh, Deputy Director, R.S. Pandey, Assistant Director, Syed Manzoor Ali and K.C~ Gupta, Investigators and SISri Riaz Akhtar, P.K. Pathak and late Sri Khem Singh, Statistical Assistants deserve my appreciation for the help given by them in compiling the data. I am also thankful to Shri Tirath Dass, Joint Director, (Printing) and other members of the staff of the office of the Registrar General, India; who took pains in finalization of this volume upto the stage of printing. The strenuous job of typing out manuscript of this publication with voluminous table was performed by Smt. Manjeet Khanna, Junior Stenographer and Sri S.K. Sharma, Lower Division Clerk in the shortest possibie time. They also deserve my thanks. Sri M.C. Padalia, Assistant Director and Shri J.P. DhoundiyaJ, Hindi Translator deserve my appreciation for translation ofthis volume in the shortest possible time.
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