L~N COLN LORE Bulletin of the Lincoln National Lifo Foundation --- • • • Dr. Louia A. Warren Editor Published each week by The Lincoln National Life Insurance Company, Fort Wayne, indiana Number 1072 FORT WAYNE, INDIANA October 24, 1949 CUMULATIVE BffiLIOGRAPHY, 1949 Stlec:tlon• apprond b7 tbe DlbUocraphy Comm.htt.e of the L[nc:.ln WHEARE, K. C. 1949·38 N•tlonal Life Fou:ndatioll. AdvltorT Group: Roy P. Ba•lu, Sprinl" tldd. Ul.: J, \V, Dolll:n..-u, Davenport, Ia.: R. Gerald MeMart17, Abraham Lincoln/and the/United States/by/K. C. llarrotrate, Tenn.: P. R...,. Riadon, Traname:rlca Biela'., Lo• Auseln, Wheare/New York/The Macmillan Company /1949. c.ur.; Wm, H. TownMnd, Lulna1on, l'y, Book. cloth, 4~ x 1, xiv p,, 28$ pp., fr., Price U.OO. Tea.cb Your~ Nf'W Llntoln Item• ani1Ab1t tor tOQlduatlon by the Committee .elf llist.or:v IJlnaq, PrintOO in Grut 8rltain. ma.t k ttnt to the above addN!IIM• or to tht Lintoln National Life Foa.ndatlon. JONES, EDGAR DeWITT 1949-39 Abraham Lincoln/ Apostle of Brotherhood/by Edgar CONKLE. E. P. 1949-30 DeWitt Jones/(Cover title). A China-Handled/Knife/ A One-Act Play About/ Young Folder. l)fl.l)(lr, e X SY.a. (6} pp. Abe Lincoln/ by E. P. Conkle/(Device)/Samuel French/ 25 West 45th St. New York 19/7628 Sunset Blvd. LE SUEUR, MERIDEL 1949-40 Hollywood 46/London Toronto. Nancy Hanks/of Wilderness Road/ A Story of A bra· l'tunphfet, fteodble bo&rd11, 1l}o8 X 6, ft pp. ham Lincoln's Mother/by Meridel Lc Sueur/illustrated by Betty Alden/New York: Allred A. Knopf. TLLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS & Book. cloth, 8% x 6%, SS pp., Ulua., Prlee U.SO. BUILDINGS 1949-31 HUBBARD, FREEMAN H. 1949-H (Lincoln picture)/Picture Courtesy Raymond Georg, Vinnie Ream/and Mr. Lincoln/by Freeman H. Hub· Artist/ Abe Lincoln Players Inc./Present/Abe Lincoln bard/JIIustrated with Photographs/ (Sketeb)/Whittle· in Illinois/by Robert E. Sherwood/Starring William sey House/ McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc./New Horsley as Lincoln/Directed by Miss Adelaide O'Brien/ York London Toronto. 3rd Annual Production/Under the auspices of Illinois Book. cloth. 8.,. x 61)~. 211 I'P·· mu.. .. Pt1u $2.75. Department of Public Works & Buildings, Adlai Stavenson, Governor;/Mr. Charles Casey, Director; Mr. WILSON, WILLL\.M E. 1949-42 Ray Hubb!!J Supt. of Division Parks & Memorials; A Novel/by/William E. Wilson/Abe Lincoln/of/Pigeon and Fred \>lark, Custodian, New Salem State Park./ Creek/Whittles0y House/McGraw-Hill Book Company, (Cover title). Inc./New York London Toronto. FokJer, pnpe.r, '7 x 10, (.a) !!. Book, e:loth, 8% x &~i. lx p., 288 pp., Price $!.00. GOW, RONALD 1949-32 STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF IOWA 1949-43 The/Palimp..,st/August 1949/Contents/Lincoln and The Lawyer of Springfield/ A Play in One Act/byI Iowa 241/William J. Petersen/Words of Lincoln 267/ Ronald Gow I ... /BP/Baker's Plays/Boston 11, Mass­ Harry J. Lytle/Lincoln Admirers 269/Harry J. Lytle/ achusetta/and/Denver 2, Colorado. Published l\1ontbly at Iowa City by/The State Histot·i· Pamobld, tle.'tlblo boArd•, 4~ x 7'1... 24 pp. cal Society of lowa/(Cover title). ABRAHAM LINCOLN ASSOCIATION 19(9-33 P3mpbl et~ aLitT board, &% X 8%, Ul-272 pp., Ulue. The/Abraham Lincoln/Quarterly/Vol. V. June, 1949. STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF IOWA 1949-4Sa No. 6/Jcfferson and Lincoln/by Dumas Malone/(Cap­ Same as above/Special reprint. tion title). I)ifrc~nt oovGr, different E)6Pfr, added Ulu•trAUont. PAmoMot, ilulble boArds, 8% ~ 9%, 3!7-372 pp., tr. ABRAHAM LINCOLN ASSOCIATION 1949-44 LINCOLN MEMORIAL UNIVERSITY 1949-34 The/Abraham Lincoln/Quarterly /Vol. V. September, 1949. No. 7/Mary Lincoln; Judgment Appealed/By Lincoln (Silhouette) Herald/A Magazine of Education Ruth Painter Randaii/(Captlon title). and Lincolniana/Published Quarterly, $3.00 a year/ Pamphlet, ftexlble boards, 9~ x 6%, S19-d3l pp,, fr. Copyright, 1949 by Lincoln Memorial/University, Harrogate./June 1949 Volume 61 No. 2. BROWN UNIVERSITY 1949-45 Pl'l.l'tlphfet.. Oexlbl• boAT'ds, 10 x 7. se pp., Ulu1. The Lincoln Annex/Published quarterly fot· the Mc­ LeJJan Lincoln Collection/By the Friends of the Library BROWN UNIVERSITY 1949-35 of Brown University/September 1949/Notes 21-40/ The Lincoln Annex/Published quarterly for the Me· /Caption title). LeHan Lincoln Collection/By the Friends of the Folder. PADe-'t, 6 x 9. (4) p. Library of Brown University/June 1949 Notes 9-20/ LINCOLN NATIONAL LIFE FOUNDATION 1949-46 (Caption title). Folder, paper, 6 x ~. (4) p. Lincoln Lore/Bulletin of the Lincoln National Life ~'oundation, Dr. Louis A. Warren, Editor/Published CURT TEICH & CO, INC. each week by the Lincoln National Life Insurance 1949-36 Company, Fort Wayne, lndiana/1066-1068, Fort Abraham Lincoln in Kentucky/(Sketch)/Abo Lincoln Wayne, Indiana/July 4, 1949-September 26, 1949/ Working on his Father's Knob Creek Farm/Cop}'!'ight (Caption title). MCMXLIX by Curt Teich & Co., Inc., Chicago, U.S.A./ Sheet printed on one •Ide-, 8-!AI x 11. I Cover title). Number 1056, Notable Fourths of Jul;Y; 1057, Spurious, Folder, ti&PU, Bloa:-rapbl c:RI aketeh and 18 ookiN)t) .cones :t.MOOII\t.ed Hearsay and Obscure Lincoln Quotat10ns; 1058, Cumu­ wh.b Lincoln ln poe:teard folder, 41/a. x fl:. lative Bibliography, 1949; 1059, Dramatizing the Illinois Years of Lincoln; 1060, A. Lincoln-Appraiser; FORTENBAUGH, ROBERT 1949-87 1061, The Executive Mansion Secretariat; 1062, The Lincoln and/Gettysburg/by/Robert Fortenbaugh/ Ade­ Demmg Pamphlet; 1063, Three Military Blunders; line Sager Professor of History /Gettysburg Colle~e/ 1064 Lincoln on Labor and CaJ,>Italj 1066, Two Weeks Published by the Bookmart/Gettysburg, Pennsylvama/ at Willards; 1066, Five Rarities m Lincoln Numis­ 1949. matics; 1067, Mary Lincoln uFramed"; 1068, Lincoln Pamphlet, tlexlblo boo.nla, 6 x 9, &a pp,, illue. Observes the Evolution of the Steamboat. .
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