CAMPS T THE CANADIAN JEWISH NEWS B2 [ CAMPS ] JANUARY 21, 2016 Campers learn life skills in their summers away MY ARIL N LaZAR “How to plant a garden, light a one- SPECIAL TO THE CJN match fire, cook dinner over a campfire, and get along with other kids.” f you’re considering camp for your kids “I learned to live in a tent, share one plug but wonder if it will be a positive ex- among four people and fend off raccoons.” I perience or worth the substantial cost, “I learned to appreciate my mother’s look no further. cooking.” Below is a curated collection of direct “How to overcome little fears. My first quotes, answering the question ‘what life year I peed in my bed because it was skills did you learn at camp?’ raining and I was scared of the dark. That One camper said, “There are so many. didn’t happen again.” The ones that stand out for me are: be- “Little boys learn to shower properly and ing independent, having to advocate for general bathroom hygiene.” oneself, respecting others, co-operation, “Finding solutions.” making new friends and the importance “You learn to develop and maintain of trying new things.” deep bonds. I didn’t see my camp friends Another said, “you learn about having as often as I did my school friends, but we fun and losing inhibition, about unleash- marched at each other’s weddings and “Independence. Kids are valued for 10-year-old what that kid running around ing your imagination and creativity; about we’re still close today.” hilarity and behaviour that might not be like an idiot would do as an adult, but as camaraderie and building life-long friend- “Things get imprinted on you: certain tolerated in a classroom. They get to be you watch each other grow up and start ships through shared experiences; about moments, like the camp play. Even the themselves.” careers, it makes sense. That brilliant but new activities whether water sports, scout- buildings have huge meaning. Like re- “You develop people skills and learn to quirky kid who didn’t say much but when ing, arts and crafts and/or drama; about joy membering what you did in a particular solve problems. Throw 12 kids into a room he did it was relevant is a lawyer today. in simplicity; about nature; if it is a Jewish building. “ – try that with adults in a board room. You The guy who was always ready to dive into camp, about Judaism and Zionism.” “First kiss?” learn team work and independence. One the dirt works with his hands. The extro- Here are some other answers: “How great it feels to win an award.” counsellor is not always able to help the vert owns a video production company.” “Hospital corners.” ”Camp nurtures kids and fosters skills. I way a parent might.” It seems that whatever the experience “How to sweep a floor and use a dust- know professional potters and musicians “Looking back, I can see the seeds of kids have at camp, it becomes a memory pan.” who honed their talent at camp.” who people grew into. I didn’t know as a that lasts a lifetime. n Summers Together... Memories Forever. 1-888-254-4274 | [email protected] | www.campwalden.ca THE CANADIAN JEWISH NEWS T JANUARY 21, 2016 [ CAMPS ] B3 THIS IS JEWISH CAMP. FIND YOURS & GET UP TO $1000 OFF! Start your child’s “summer of a lifetime” at Jewish overnight Partner Camps: camp. From ziplines to waterskiing to singing under the stars, BB Camp (Kenora) at camp your child will build a strong Jewish identity & pride, Camp B’nai Brith Ottawa while having a total blast. First-time campers are eligible for Camp Gan Israel Toronto an incentive grant of up to $1000. Camp Gesher Camp Kadimah Camp Moshava Camp Kinneret - Biluim JewishToronto.com/camp Camp Massad in Montreal Camp Northland - B’nai Brith Find your perfect Jewish camp and register today. Camp Ramah in Canada Space is limited; first-come, first-served. Camp Shalom Camp Shomria Camp Solelim URJ Camp George T THE CANADIAN JEWISH NEWS B4 [ CAMPS ] JANUARY 21, 2016 NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR SUMMER 2016 In every person’s childhood, there is a summer they will never forget, Meet & Greet Us @ the CAMP EXPO and a place where it all began. When: Saturday, Feb. 20, 12pm - 4pm Where: Roy Thomson Hall (booth 13) RSVP: ourkids.net/campexpo/register.php Spring Open House @ Crestwood Valley’s Day Camp When: Sunday, April 10, 1pm - 3pm Where: 411 Lawrence Ave. East, Toronto RSVP: crestwoodcamp.com Toronto #1 Day Camp CRESTWOOD VALLEY DAY CAMP call: 416.444.9595 | 411 Lawrence Ave. East, Toronto visit: crestwoodcamp.com THE CANADIAN JEWISH NEWS T JANUARY 21, 2016 [ CAMPS ] B5 SPONSOR CONTENT Camp Bilium builds Jewish leaders of the future ince 1951, Camp Biluim Canada, other camps, however, is the hadrachah Canadian Young Judaea’s Nation- (leadership) program, a facilitated ses- S al Leadership Institute, has wel- sion with a group of up to 12 peers and comed a new group of more than 100 two leaders, which takes place daily. sixteen year-olds from across Canada, the The program’s curriculum is specifically United States and Israel to their site each modelled to create a safe space in which year, for a truly transformative summer. campers can confront themselves and Camp Biluim is more than just your their fears, grow as individuals and as a typical summer camp. It is an immersive, group, and empower one another. leadership experience with a curriculum Combined with many other diverse built around providing campers with the leadership opportunities, the hadrachah confidence and skills to become lead- program is a unique and individualized ers within their respective communities, experience for every camper, and cre- while participating in active and fun rec- ates an extremely tight bond between reational activities and making friend- campers and staff members alike. As a ships that last a lifetime. Bilium’s Big Brother Big Sister program pairs campers with younger campers at Camp Kinneret. leadership camp, Biluim prides itself on The philosophy at Camp Biluim is that providing campers with additional daily everyone has the potential to become powers campers to strengthen their rela- docks, basketball courts, beach, and kilo- opportunities to get involved in camp a great leader, and that each and every tionship to Israel, and develop a stronger metres of beautiful trails through the for- life and to exercise their leadership skills. camper has something unique to bring to sense of their Jewish selves within a sup- est for both hiking and biking. Campers These include camper-run programs, the “chevrah” (society). Through a variety portive, safe, and nurturing environment. at Camp Biluim are encouraged to try as the Big Brother/Big Sister program, CIT of both staff and camper-led program- Situated on the shores of Lac Mercier in many activities as possible throughout “shadow a staff member” program, trip- ming, skill development, and hadrachah beautiful Mont Tremblant, Quebec, Camp the summer, including Red Cross certified per-in-training program, and many more. (leadership) sessions, Camp Biluim’s goal Biluim Canada makes up 28 acres of land swim instruction, fitness, tripping, biking, Some of these are required as part of the is to ensure that every camper who takes including a tent site, sports field, baseball yoga, glee club, radio show, archery, cook- program, and some are optional, based part in the six-week, overnight program, diamond, two rec halls, dining hall, yoga ing, music, boating, spoken word, land on camper interest. Camp Biluim Canada has the proper skills and feels empowered and dance studio, arts and crafts studio, and watersports, arts and crafts, nature, is happy to provide their campers with to become a leader. Along with extensive music room, recording studio, infirmary, and drama, to name a few. high school volunteer hours for their time leadership training, Camp Biluim also em- swimming docks, archery range, boating What truly sets Camp Biluim apart from spent on leadership initiatives at camp. n LifeLong friendships from across the worLd Welcome to your best summer ever T THE CANADIAN JEWISH NEWS B6 [ CAMPS ] JANUARY 21, 2016 Come see what all the excitement is about! Multi-sport March Break & Summer Camp Boys and Girls 3-8 WWW.CAMPKADIMAH.COM • [email protected] 8 Sports, LEGO® Play, Craft Play & Water Play. 5 GTA Locations Cool-sport Summer Camp Boys and Girls 7-12 Golf, Rock Climbing, Soccer, Beach Volleyball ... and More! Polson Pier THE BNEI AKIVA WEEKLY CLASSES • KICK SOCCER • BIRTHDAYS SUMMER DAY CAMP www.sportplay WITH A FAMILY ATMOSPHERE ACCREDITED MEMBER OUR 6TH SUMMER! MOSHAVA BA’IR TORONTO WILL BRIGHTEN YOUR SUMMERS Entering JK through Grade 6 • NEW FOR THIS YEAR: Hockey Camp! www.moshavabairtoronto.org [email protected] • 905-370-0448 THE CANADIAN JEWISH NEWS T JANUARY 21, 2016 [ CAMPS ] B7 SPONSOR CONTENT Camp Massad enters 70th season here is significant “quantitative evi- live a Jewish life. dence that summers at Jewish camp Massad is based on a set five core values Tcreate adults who are committed to which are shared and lived year-round. the Jewish community and engaged in • Dati: Observing and celebrating Shabbat Jewish practice” (see www.jewishcamp. and mitzvot org/research). Those who attended Jewish • Massoret Ve’Ruach: continuing and hon- camp were 30 per cent more likely to do- ouring the Massad traditions and its rich, nate to a Jewish charity, 37 per cent more distinct atmosphere likely to light Shabbat candles, 45 per cent • Tzionut: strengthening the love for and more likely to attend synagogue monthly commitment to Israel, Jewish culture and or more, and 55 per cent more likely to be the Hebrew language very emotionally attached to Israel.
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