_194 CLERK OF WORKS REPORT. 1913'-14 W. Morrow gas pipe etc _ . Stairs Son & . 60 Arthur Fordham St Co leather . _ 08 Lovett leather leather . Henry . Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co I tire auto . Halifax Fire 2000 ft. wire . _ . _ . 00 Dept, . Hughes, Owens 8: Co. instruments, Englineer’s Office . City Collector, postage stamps . _ ' Halifax Vulcanizing Works, repair auto tubes. MacAlpine Pub. Co.. 3 Directories . G. & A. Hutchinson, ice. Clerks and Alrlermens Room . S. Chit tick Worl-Ls Dept . & Son. ice. Halifax bool-t Printing Co., meter, slips, cards. R. C. Dunn subscription . _ _ . _ . _ . 3: Co., . 's Prov. Secretary Office, lees auto . Dominion Textile Co., water and labor . _ _ _ _ _ E. W. Crease 3: Son, candles for meter readers. _ _ . _ Farquhar Bros, sundry supplies . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . Keuflel & Esser. Engineer supplies. _ . _ _ . __ I. R. C. freight . and Express charges. Patrick Dowcl. repair wheels. tool carts. _ _ _ Geo. A. Perrier. tinsmithing . _ . _ . L.-:~.«<..a<...i.<...-4-a~<:;oI~..»oo<»-:-:v:.n J. .\'IcGrath. hire team . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ _ . R. -1 salt. K. McDonald. bags . _ _ . _ _ _ . Engineering Record, subscriptions . _ _ . _ _ . _ _ _ New . England Water Works Ass. subscription . Western . _ _ . _ _ . Union Tel. Co.. telegrams . l.. top)-' C, Smith Bros.. 1 holder . _ . _ _ . _ _ . Laurence belting. _ _ Hardware Co, 14 ft. C ragg . _ . Bros & Co, 1 gallon measure . _ Underwood Typewriter Co., repairs . C. L. _ _ _ _ _ _ Newman repairs auto . H. ._ H. Marshall subscription Herald . _ . _ . _ _ . _ _ London Rubber Stamp‘ Co. stamps . I-slur-—+IxJO*lw-J Neil fox . _ . repair harness . , . .. _l. Frecklcy repairs auto . _ . _ . Buckley . _ _ . _ . Bros. drugs . _ . 48 F. _ W. W. Doane telegram . _ . _ _ . ._—.—s11s:s2 40 .S 37315 35 191-1--15 . _ . Cr Balance carried forward . WATER CONSTRUCTION . 1913 .8 269-13 14 B}-' . _ . 1. May Balance brought forward . _ _ _ . 25 . __Z300 . Collection deposited . _ . 00 . 30000 . _ . Loan . _ . 13000 00 . Water Maintenance transfer . S 94743 40 1913-14 CLERK or WORKS REPORT. -195 _ 67 . Expenditure. (IN ‘I ..' . Labor . 27013 86 Standard Construction Co acct. contract "Res- "" ervoir" 00 . 46410 . , . --7"" D. Y. Stewart water pipe 9859 11 & Co , . _ . Ias. Simmonds Co. Ltd hardware . 2077 33 . M. McGrath pipe & Co truckage . _ . 1203 S0 J. , Glenfield Kennedy Co. valves . 829 62 . .. , . “'" Douglass . 8: Co. iron castings . _ . 715 38 . 50"" Longard Bros. brass castings . 429 . _ Macdonald "" & Co. brass castings . _ _ . 269 59 . ._. Can. Explosives Co dynamite fuses... .. 237 20 , .. 00 Brookfielrl Bros lumber . 163 . T. 114 05 Hogan 8: Co., repairs . , . "' ‘William Fraser, testing pipe . 104 45 . \\"n1. Stairs, Son & Morrow, gal pipe . 87 14 ctr: . BE'r11‘l(.‘}-‘& . 50 00 Flemming, pine . , . A. E. C(;gs\\'ell 1 . 39 51 8: Co, camera. films, etc . .—\ntlrc\\' 2? 30 Grant. I bbl. machine oil . _'\I. \7l-'e2n'er. (‘leaning closets . 25 00 . R. 33 00 R. Keranerly, rubber boots . _ _ . _ _ _ I\-'l:|,\'we||, 88 balance contract pipe house . 2? E. ."ie\\-eragv. transfer for material . 33 35 . _ . Streets. 86 81 lrmisfer for material . _ Grant 21 00 R. Haight, testing steel . (‘an-liairbanks Morse Co., supplies test sieves... I8 65 C. I2 50 F. testing iron . _ _ . Mlirphy. H. l.o\-'et1, leather . 15 12 . .. Farquhz1|- . 12 25 Bros, sundries . _ _ I-lartin 5 50 & Moore glazing . _l. Rtarr, Son 8: Co., 1 flashlight batteries . 1 85 . If}. A. [-’errier, . 3 measures . 1 35 F. 2 00 W. W. option Beachville . Duane. , , . E.tpmpr:'ur:'o:: Exprirses for Reservoir Site. Wm. .' 3644 48 Kember . .$ 50 Chas. Kelly . 832 . .-'\n(lre\v 832 50 Trura . _ . _ . _ . .. ‘ii P. 3529 00 _las. Murray . 875 40 David . _ . Grayclori , , . f l'.)a\-‘id 70 5 Nicholson . I46 . ‘kl-'i||iam 20 . 947 Thompson . .\-Irs.Can1eron 1015 18 . , . l-Iennebury Sadie . 360 32 Arbitrators fees, fees obtaining money from Court, etc . _ . 40 . —::.j.,$102548 39 191-1--15 . 7804 99 Debit Balance carried forward . .3 196 CLERK or womcs REPORT. 1913-14 I ‘ COST OF WORK. _ ' I I Labor Material Total cost I‘ . Shop: . _ . .. 4370 . .. S 90I . 3 4370 90 Repairs on service . _ . , . i'8 . 5886 . IFS; . _ . 5886 'Extensionson service . 1331' . , . .. ISI 1128 15 2465 33 liireplugs and main stopcocks repairs taking. pressures etc . | . _ . 2811 90 . .I . , .. 281-1 90 Bursts leaks repairs and searching ' for . _ . _ .. 66? . _ . 09,: . 66? 09 Meter reading and repairs .' etc . _ . , . 2906 29; . _ . 2906 . 29 Inspector of fittings . _ . _ _ . , . __ 120 . 10! . _ _ . _ __l I , , , 120 10 Testing and piling water pipe . 81 95! . _ .,I . 81 93 Cleaning mains . 69' . _ _ . _ _ _ . 26 . 26 69 ‘Robie St. grading I cost . _ . _ _ . , . _ _ . 196 ..' 8? . % , . _ . ..I . 196 8? Delivering water “'ill()\=r Park Young Ave etc. _ .30 59;‘ . _ _ . _ . , . 30 59 Waste Weir Chain Lake . _ . , . -18: , , . 31 . _ . _ _ _ 1-1-2 53 W'.'1ste Weir I Chain Lake. G5! . 61 ._ . I . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Pipe , , Houses, repairs . 10' , . _ 110 . I ._ . _ 110 10 Pipe House Road. Spruce -14' Hill. I‘ repairs . _ 101 . 1-11 -14 Pipe House Road. Chain Lake, repairs 88' . 56 . , . I , . 56 88 Water trenches repairs . .' 10' , . 32-1 . _ . _ _ . 524 . 10 6” I Mahon Bros. main to sprinkler . 75 .71 . I 16; 50] 146 66 Robin Jones 3.‘ Co. 6" main to sprinkler . -11 . _ . I , . T05 61 68! I03 38 -1" Incinerator, main . _ . _ _ . 15 4-2; _ _ . 15 42 '1 I City shops, wiring for alarm 81' gong . _ I4 . _ _ . 14 31 ; -1-” Chronicle Office, -'1-1! I putting on meter . = . _ _ . 33 . _ _ _ _ _ . -1-} . 33 ' Reservoir, inspecting mason's _' work. etc . -16 . 1053 . 1058 I 46 Beech Hill . expropriation . _ . _ _ . _ . H . 1-1 22 22; . I Pipe-thawing | machine . Z76: . 99 . 99 , . _ . T6 Longard Road. N. from Young St.‘2[)" 36' I main. 1883 7339 48] 9222 84 Longard Road, Car. Kane _\'. St, 3 Fireplug. 13 SUI 95 623 109 I 12 Longard Road & Livingston St., 6" be— stopcock - I I 6” ' tween 20” mains .' and . _ . 30 -'15: . 33 00 55 -15 Longard Road and \\". Young fireplug I St, . 1.3 50 91 -12 10-1 ~ 92 6" ' Seaforth N. from Windsor E‘ main . St. St. 18$ 12 302 -l;5| -185 57 "'5 15" 14" Robie St. main . _ . 1733 . -mi 06 6444 -—-I-Water St., Buckingham to Jacob Sts, 12" main. I -1638 -13 . 00! 3838 34?6 .43 9"main Connaught Ave. 160 SDI . , . T1 231 93 I 63'! jubilee Road. E. of Connaught Ave. 6" main. 313 166 2?. -H9 . lol 43 I ' 1,-jubilee Road. W. of Connaught 6" _ I 669 Ave, main. III 196 00 865 71 6" ' jubilee Road W. of Louisburg St. main _ . 136 . _ . 69; .. 6" uhilee Road. E. of Chesnut mains... 6-1 S~'1- ~ _ . 56 St, _ . 50; 121 04 _]ulJi|ee Road fireplug opposite Connaught Ave. 1'1 I09 50l '38 . 282 180 _ ; - 6" jubilee Road, renew . 16 . I I6 90I . , 90 ._ St. 6" _ . _ . _ _ . lmon W from Robie St, main . 645 01! 809 8:) 1454 86. Z 4--_.-BilbySt,9”main . _ _ _ _ . 249 -1-19 . ..g 99 I599 . ssi 3.7 15'’ .' -163 84 . West Young St, VV. from Robic St. _ main. , , . North Young W’. from Robie 9" maln. 4-93 800 -12 75-‘ . 1293 St, St. .I 33’ South Young St. W. from \Vellington St, I2"| _ __ main . _ . , . .| :87 29I 1032 I3 1820 04 J “ " 3 . ‘n'_“- '3: “U . I T ‘ 7' "-I’ --''‘\- — I 1913-14 CLERK or WORKS REPORT. 197 ' cos? on WORK.—-[Corm'm:ed). Labor Material Totalcost ~ ~ I 1 | 6" 526 23 . 45 311 78 Stairs St. main . .. 1214 15” West Young St. W. from Robie St, main. 1136 47 4825 48 5961 95 6" main 1668 74 610 0? 2278 31 South Kline St. N. from Oak St, . .. \\'. 15" South St. from Robie St., main . 490 88 1664 52 2155 40 6" 718 04 236 36 954 30 Oxford main . St. 6” 36 96 155 17 main . _ . 118 21 Creighton St. \l\'aegwolti(: Avenue.
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