i*. -,v-' / / Clinton $suwuuf*ihsL CtutbtLifauL Sinai. 1856 July 12,1972 15 cents 5S . 117th year No. 10 ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN rchitects unveil used to retire the bonds as factors" a publishing cost, $2,500; bonding at­ 'iST. JOHNS,—An attractive two story in his support: of the proposal. .I torney, $7,000 and financial consul­ precast concrete building, will grace cannot see where the county can go 1 tant, $5,400.,It should be noted the a 3.74 acre plot located on Elm St, wrong, ? 'said Andrews. Commis­ Maple St; site development allows across from Clinton Memorial Hos­ sioner Duane Chamberlain called it money for destruction of the OaUey pital by/ this time, next year if all *a real good investment" and I think property across; from the existing . g&fes according to schedule ,. ., we should get going with it."; * County 'Courthouse to provide ad­ Total cost of the structure which ditional parking space. will house-district court and other Commissioner Walter Nobis moved county offices is. estimated at for approval of the building's pre­ $1,200,000. This figure includes site liminary design and authority for preparation, construction, equipment architects to prepare bid specifi­ A chance fees* Ground breaking is tenta­ cations with working " drawings. tively planned for October with a com­ Andrews voiced support. The mo­ to earn prizes pletion, date of July nest year. tion gained a 7-3 passage with Com­ 7*Cetailsoftheproject were unveiled missioner Gerald Lankford absent. Watch for details In f r last week during the Clinton County Chairman of the Clinton County Commissioners regular meeting; Building Authority,- Probate Judge. next week's issue on a presentation or the preliminary de­ Timothy Green, then told commis­ subscription drive by sign-report wis r made ,by Herbert sioners a lease must be executed srsen of Manson-Jackson-Kane In­ between the county and building " the Cl inton County News corporated, a Lansing architectural authority to outline terms of renting which offers area Engineering firm. MJK was engaged the structure. - "Unless we have a by' the Clin.ton County Building firm lease with the county, it's im­ youngsters numerous Authority to prepare initial figures possible to proceed with working prizes and a trip. on the building. drawings," said Green. Healsoadded the lease must be executed before Any youngsters in "/•"Following Iversen's report and a the entire package is presented to iiirief question-answer session, the Clinton County inter­ : the Municipal Finance Commission board gave their ,stamp of approval for final approval. ested in selling sub­ to preliminary .designs while in- icting. architects to proceed with A vote by commissioners authorized scriptions and earning a "formulation of working drawings and the board chairman and county clerk > prize or trip should reg­ bid specifications. to sign the lease when* it is pre­ ;< Thr.ee commissioners opposed ap­ pared. ister for the program by proval of .the building design. All Other men attending the session calling the COUNTY \three men—Robert 'Ditmer, Maurice where building plans were presented Gove; and •; perrill Shinabery-rex- included: Harold Wellman, president NEWS at 224-2361 or Commission bucks report ;essed concern over the project's of Central. National Bank and araera- 224-2362. Registration .magnitude. Plans call for the first , ber of the Building. Authority; floor to be used as a district court­ Lorenz Tiedt, third member of'the is also possible by stop­ room, offices for, the prosecutor's building authority; William Kane and ping in the office at 120 staff and the probation department. George Richards, both from the ar­ on railroad crossings On the second floor, the .building's chitectural engineering firm. E0 Walker St. in St. design is flexible for interior con­ ' Features of the 29,000 square foot JohnSo structure include fire resistant de­ ST. JOHNS—It was a brief but attorney set up an ordinance to comply PRECINCT THREE - Alberta struction of various offices seeking interesting session of the St. Johns with Michigan House Bill 4199 which additional space in the future.. ,'"- sign, complete air conditioning with Comwell, Doris King and Dawn mechanical, and electrical systems City Commission held Monday eve­ establishes a commission to review Sharick. f When we first began: talking about which allow for revisions to office Ecnpse ning. salaries of elected city officials. "I'd PRECINCT FOUR - Mary Meyer, ;a ,hew district court building I didn't layouts when necessary. Parking for The meeting's highlight came when like to see the city proceed under Doris Munger and Barbara MacKin­ .envision a.million dollar structure," 100 cars on a paved surface • is commissioners were informed the this new biU," Hannah .said; The non. .... commented Ditmer. Goye called the motion gained unanimous approval. also incorporated in the overall U.S. Department of commerce has PRECINCT FIVE ;- Don. Britten, figures •astronomical" and; sUld .*if plan, dims sun ordered extensive modernization of Also.on the Commission's agenda Janet Scott and Mary Huttori; : t^went for this; my conservative : Monday evening was nominations-for ., A breakdown of cost estimates railroad crossings in the city at:.a ABSENTEE VOTER BOARD -r. Jan jreak would be foreyer, .blem(shed/V ; cost of about $3bd,0qd, The- pity of precinct .workers $ the Aj|g|j"sj |ir|4 1 fchowsY buildirig construction.; $094, ...ST. J^NS T,,^,^ Popple may '""" ;e'r. Helen Atkinson/ Bp\\y .?--commissioner. RoyfAndrewsjcited•- v ,,-St**Johns is- e^ectedTto^shar-^osts^- - mary.-JTheiifollowingl;Bers6ns,,w.er;e..- 000j site, development fttfo sijjes--; realilzevthftt ii w&s\im,bre;Vthan .^ • 1 »Mobre^F,rancl&DeiberJ^andVJ!Brieet|^ rising construction dbSls, .crowded, with the railroad. Details" ;of" the selected to wdrfc d^rinf 1Kb election . Ne'ea'tomi";/ ••'•*. 'Y/- •"----: •" K *-?••:/'• Conditions now. existjn,g,a|:the-. court­ Elm SU and Maple; St.)/ $119,100; passing cloud cover that dimme^v plan came in a 12-page report pre­ 1 A final matter acted upon, by the house and 'rental "mcomV^iexpepteti "' donstruction contingency, $18,000; the sun about noon on Monday-, •'£Yt- PRECINCT ONE —Irene Zeeb. furnishings, $90,000; architect-en- pared by, inspectors frpmjllie Mich­ Erica Dean and Linda Howard, r commissioners was a date change in. from the new .building' which willbe it was ;a solar, eclipse. :'.>• igan Public Safety Commission. •glheer; fees, "$64,000; printing and The-'eciipse began at 2:20 p.m. the public hearing on White Street,! and lasted about ^136 minutes. It In presenting the report* St. Johns PRECINCT TWO—JeanetteHuard, The new date is August 14 at~7:45 City Manager Harvey V/eatherwax Louise Fernholz and Helen Fltz- p.m. in the city hall. The hearing was only partially visible from : Michigan with the total eclipse, path said "we've got to file an answer patrick. ' was previously set for July 24. Group considers crossing over northern Alaska and real fast** while expressing strong objection to the document. southwest toward Canada, Commissioner James '- Grost In explaining how the eclipse oc­ stressed the chaflges outlinedforcity Progress continues curs, University of Michigan railroad crossings don't help that ite a i astronomer Hazel M. Losh said 'the much and said people bften'drive moon first touched the western edge around gates. "It's just money down Purpose of the gathering was to de­ of the sun and then, moved easterly a rathole," he said, "and. PU never . on street repairs ; ST. JOHNS—Interest in ah airport to cover about three-fourths of the serve Clinton County was sampled termine degree of interest in the voluntarily vote in favor-of spending establishment of a satellite airport surface as viewed by Michigan resi­ ST* JOHNS—Crews from Strasburg residents that a four hour waiting inday noon during a luncheon held that kind of money.VThVsti .Johns'' period is required before traffic can facility in Clinton County and to con­ dents." physician added that "if we have to and Sons Construction Company began at the L and L Restaurant attended work Monday on a slurry seal coat­ move over the newly coated streets. by; members of. the St. Johns Manu­ sider the degree of use such activity Professor Losh reports astronomy spend it, let some judge tell us to."- would receive. bugs will get another attraction,this ing process of fourteen different According toSt. Johns City Manager facturer's Assn. and the St. Johns Other commissioners were in full sections of street in St. Johns. Harvey Weatherwax, Spartan Asphalt According to Moore, the basic month as a lunar eclipse is due over agreement with Grost's sentiment and Ar.ea Development Corp. The $22,553 contract is designed Paving Company of |Holt will be in the ..'-The gathering.was called by Ken concept of a county airport was ac­ Michigan on July 26. Like the solar City Attorney Paul Maples wag in- . eclipse, it will be only partially to improve existing streets and pro­ city early next month to begin re­ Moore of F.C. Mason Co. and was cepted and in the coming .months structed to file an objection to. the surfacing work. Spartan was awarded feasibility information will be ac­ visible to Michigan residents. It be­ report. , vides a better traveling- surface at a .attended by a dozen other business- cost much less than asphalt re­ the $50,777 contract earlier this' representing the two groups. cumulated for evaluation. gins at 12:56 a.m,'and lasts until . In'other action, Commissioner John ' 3:37 a,m. surfacing. City officials advise local month and has agreed to also pave Hannah made a motion that the city private driveways for city residents. Any St. Johns residents wishing to have a private drive paved should DeWitt girl learns politics firsthand during Dem parley leave their name and address at city hall, Weatherwax said Spartan real opportunity to see whatfs going What is taking place in Miami will then send a representative to byKENCORBETT on.* In reference to the party's new each residence and quote a price on -'Editor this week is only the Initial; step.
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