Published Every Hie News of Al Tuesday and Friday The Township VOL. VIH, 48 WOOOBRIDGK, N. J., FRIDAY. AUGUST 20, 1!)2fi PRICE THREE CENTS ISELIN A N T I N O E HERO Claim Justice of Peace Copies of Old Independent Hour, Now Captain of His Own Ship BROTHER'S CAR KILLS CHILD Rain Barrels Tin Can, At Iselin Exceeded His, Found in Attic, Tell Interesting WHEN IT SUPS OFF OF JACK Blamed by Experts far Authority; Fixed Fine Story of Woodbridge 35 Years Ago Crushed Against Garage While Watching Older Youth Repair Machine; Another Accident Yesterday Results in 2 Year Mosquito Epidemic That fln Criminal ComplainFolkt s Then Went to New York on "Fast and Elegant" Steam- Old Boy Having Scalp Cut as Car Passes Over Him boat; Bought First Class Overcoats for $7.00 and Crowd- Has Been Prevalent I r A llupf and one half year old on took tho child to the office of Dr. ,,.,rney f° Woman Threatens ed the Church to Hear Prof. Glover Play Phonograph hild of Mr mid Mrs. Alfred Rodney, Joseph Mark where an examination Say Pe*ts Are of Fresh W»t f,, Take Matter to Higher i disclosed that the injury consisted "The Democratic meeting, to nom- Building. Edwin A Ames was presi if I'nit Rending, died Sunday of a Variety And Can Be Cn ( nirl Unless Tomasso Gives j of * long jraxh on the scalp. The inate four delegates to the Congres- dent and George W. I>alley, secre- •n>k<n hack sustained when the fairi- skull htiil nnt boen injured, the doc- If Residents Will (5acli Fine and $9.25 Costs. sional convention at Elizabeth next tary. ly's automobile slipped off a jack in tor said, llurklpy reported to the Placet Where They Breed. The paper was apparently commit- he ysml of the home and pinioned Monday night will be held in the police that he di<l not see the child, KKSULT OF ODD CASE ted to the Democratic caust, judging hi- yiiungiter against th» garage. which hait been playing in the (cutter. Committee room, Lock-Up building ARE IN MANY HOUSES from newa treatment and editorial Aiiiirding to reports of the acci- His machine paused over the young- ...,,,,cv l-con McElroy, who rep. next Saturday evening, 20th inst., at expression. Editor Edgar chose for Ictii the child's older brother was ster and it is suppoed that the child the topic of his editorials in the Persons in all parts of the township Mrs. Sophia AguVeck In an:7-45 o'clock". Thus read a notice king on the machine and the child raised its heir! in time to be scraped before us Matters of National im- was playing in the yard. A alight by the ga<oli".c tank at the b»ck of have been remarking recently on .,„. , er is seeking to bring| in the INDEPENDENT H 0 ifR , aU port, such as the pending ruling of nilino guv* the machine momentum the machine. Witnesses sustain what appears to be an epidemic of J court Woodbridge'n paper, in its issue of Recorder Ashley's the upreme Court on an income tux when it rolled off the jack, Th( Muskley's assertion that the accidenti mosquitoes. While few of the and the silver versus gold standard Mike Shevack, of Iselin, on' September 18, 1890. In the next is- i hild wan rushed to a physician im wns unavoidable. He was traveling! were in evidence during the «arljf 1 sue of the paper a news item in- of currency. His paper was of six nii'dinlely by ita family. An exam nt n moderate rate of speed at the that Shevack assaulted and columns, eight pages, the four inside part of the summer, the last ttW-'S formed the readers that Hon. Eph- iiuitmn revealed that its back had time, they aver. I ,,,., revested last night that pages being what was known as! hi'i'ii broken. weeks seem to have brought them Ottt*| raim Cutter, S. G. Phillips, Thomas Neither Mr. nor Mrs. Quelch were ,, . ,.i vcd notice on Justice of the rendy-print, containing news items a"t Ijomc at the time the acci-. in great numbers. F. Dunigan, and John F. Lorch had of general but not local interest. It , \nthony Tomasso, of Iselin, Pulling over to the right of Ridge. dent occurred, the child and an old- For the most tart the mosquitacKy been selected by the Democrats to was printed in a little building that dale avenue to go around an ice Wag- er brother being in charge of a 13- V,,,1,.MS the latter returns a fine here now are of the small, fre«H j lstflr was u8 d on that was standing there, Allen M , ••, and court costs of $9.25 represent them at the convention. ) « ^ Owen Dunigan as year.old.daughter. Mr. Quelch was ,, . .. .. • ,! a plumbing shop and which was Thomas Sloan of Iselin Hucklcy, of 190 Decker place, struck reached at his place of employment ter variety. Th»y do not originate In . ;:,. assessed against a MrB. Pis- Many ...interestin. g ,item. s . rewarded, ,, ,; move' d, fro, m it.. s .plac, e on nRahwa , y ave- and injured the two-year-old son oi and came home immediately. Six the meadows and salt marshes, as ...o nf Iselin, lasT Friday, ae a peraunl of three old copies of the! ., , ' , _ . Given Command of Ship Mr. and Mrs. A. G. R. Quelch. Buck stitches were required to close the most people suppose but in fresh wa- HOUR that were nue at the foot of Green a "i INDEPENDENT """" "--'• few years ago. Edgar's pape streer enjoyt - ill be taken to show that To- unearthed this week by Mrs. C. A. Iry and the driver of the ice wag-1 cut. ter that is allowed to stand, Mosqui- ed a reputation throughout the coun- rxceeded hi* authority in ad- DeRussy, of Green street, from Thought of Abandoning Career to experts in past years have warned ty and was eagerly looked for by But Lure of Sea Caused Judge Gives Man Whose .; inK the case. McElroy claims among odds .and ends that had accu- the townspeople every Thursday. townspeople that the drainage of the mulated in an attic. Not the least i minor court is prohibited by Him to Reconsider "Head Went Around" Sixty Fords Lions Club Has marshes would relieve the town of the Interesting piece of information is Days to Stop It Spinning salt water variety but that It would, J »stUing,a crjm-j cunlnlnwi In at! strYeitiwnwtlt Marital Bark Founders As and that it was To- "The New, Fast and Elegant Steam- Thomas Sloan, of Iselin, one of the Outing at Shrewsbury have no effect on till' 'variety that has—i Hubby of 2 Months Insists • duty to have sent Mrs. Pis- boat, New Brunswick, is now running heroes in the sensational rescue of "My head was going around, your its breeding place in fresh w»t«r. daily between Woodbridge and Newi On Giving Away Too Much honor, and I dflTh't know what I was 'resident George Wood Given • .'fiirf the gra^d jury instead of the crew of the Antinoe last win- Probable breeding places of tht York"—leaving from the old dockj doing," said Robert McLaughlin, of ter, and the m»n who was honored Loving Cup as Best Colfer; present crop of stingers are rain >ier. that is still standing near Acker's Peeved as a result of a spat he had the Leesville .avenue section of the by Woodbridge Township by being township in explanation of his action Jensen Gets Dog . case was revealed last night in Beach. Meals were served at mod- had with his bride of only a few rels, tin cans and other receptacle*; :il<-r Ashley's court room when presented with ft watch upon which in taking a $25. wateh from Harry that are allowed to stand out in the onhia Aguveck also represent-! «™t« prices on the boat at all hours months, John Major, aged 54, pro- was engraved » reminder of his Bragger, of Rahway, and pawning it The Lions Clab of Fords held its d t press a and there were "excellent accqm- prietor of a store in "Hopelswn, weather and collect rain water, un- McElroy, .ppwrod to press a q courageous share in the feat, has for SO cents to a Rahwuy shoemaker flrst outing at the Shrewsbury Coun-| drained p I of" rain water and stag*' ,ry.,. 'of assault and battery against, modation. for stock —m case afel- sought to torment his spouse by mak- 00 g recently been promoted from third McLaughlin was drunk at the time he try Club, Red Bank, on Wednesday. I nant ponds. as a result of the ftght thaV low wanted to take a cow or two ing a free distribution of the goods officer of the S. S. President Roose- committed the theft, according to i' basis for Shevgck's action in with him for disposal in the big city. his testimony. He was given 60 day; Besides enjoying an excellent shore Persons who complain of having of the store to several customers. velt to captain of the S. H. Rushville, n ul U8Ual n rab oi Vs court against Mrs. Pistula. The phonograph—and even its dinner at which Mayor Harold Hoff- f. \ " " ^quitoes In This led to further squabbling and a big freighter plying between New in the workohuse by Recorder Ash Shevack did not appear to successor, the radio,—are too gener- ey on a disorderly conduct charge.
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