BROWN HILLS • rs·'" B• ROWNHIELS ·•··· ~BOlJr.. ••···. rro .• rl©. osFi t ~NID .rflHEitYF~eILii¥ ···· .·. ..-.•. ·· we hav'~ . i~J~i~~J l: i~Mi r cii11\r~iy~ii:¥:tjtisf •·t,~~au~e .~~1E~~t~~f r~~~~~i:~i~1g • ··· ~&;••. :ere··•0~.~ i 1~. t.·•~t0 .: .-o.~ d:~liv11 -.• .S«?rtillgQW<* roayc~~s1@/L / .. i#lt!~v~!~~f <>~#~~~1ffih rii!i · ···· once agahfBrowhhllls•1s1os ······ / should\ sbrt\with ·1heifciwn ... .... to\wt.••. ? _·•.- •..•·_• f·.P.. r·. i g.·m.b.•.••.rf.. 0 •• .•.·hr .•. aw .• •...•1_ ...••• s.._. tah·.· ·.J.a.•.1. -t· ••.•.!_·•..•.• : ISSUE NO. 50 _·.·wi_'~~et ,'okun 0 1rst _.~te.•. •.~.··••-······· ·ad W'efihdthefu'affohffor.iriadivi?CjistolJ\~f ~~R'.fr#.~ p~J'if.t@#~th NOVEMBER 1993 6,000 HOUSEHOLDS AND ...... ./·•· ······ ft· ·········· ii' ,. f T t /••········ .... / fy/ ai,id \li\~'JJJ~'ftj giye ~fo1 . c:f~4~ 25p WHEN SOLD BUSINESSES MONTHLY ·· ~~JfJt$~~~~~~~~w~i~W~ [. ·····1tab ·1e····answer···to····(omJ>Iain1S······· Ji !w~~f.~~~~~if.~t~!~It~~iu!~Jl~~~l~gJ)']i!$'Je}l~': ·.••.-.·.•.•• .•..·_.•...• •.•. .·_·geB·_~,····.•- ·.•.•.• ••~ _·•.•.•. •r._:.•_• ...· .·.· ··eo•id.·•..;_•_..• ·.nw •... ·.·..·• .•. os·.·········•e·· ·n'.~.•·: ..••~·•ri .s.·h.• ·.·.c.•l\.•dt··· ··;·····,l·:·····y··m· ·l·.~.-..•·• . ·s·.·.·o·..•• .•.•.•.· ••· . • . u··.··············pt···r·.··o········.··•u_••.l ··o.•·. .···.·•.·.•·t · ·b·.••.•.:_·:.••.. ·•t· rpJ. .e.·•• .·•• .e_·.··c··.·g··s··n·t·.l·.a·,,i_.•.••·.·o ···.'··r······ t•.'._•.·n.·od·.·•.e .·. •..·.·········.·•.t.•_• ···.•t:p• .•:_.o•.t ••~· .·a·.· ···.• ._;..••. _a•p· ··.·a.:·n··o···e•.•.• ~•··· ·y··· frl··.···.·.···•·. .••.•.••.• •.. · ;;;·owti ffi~~:~tY: h~J P.~t~(~~~;·:(\;~~~~::;1;;:·:::::: ·.-: ·:fitop ·o·s·ea :·:~c1 o·s u-re :1o <·= us ···at the-:: G~tting back on ·••·· / Theriihe\lriC'ohvenieridtfo • • §a*ette/ari4W~~!!Js~e W~ya~e ff~~4~~t{ ili:~~ JgJt~k~H$i4%t~ -~/ · iierir orit<rthe appfopriatiHiuthcir 1 ··•how wi 11 you 'feeYWh'en yo'u• :_._•.••. .•. ·.•.•.·.·.···· ·{·• .t.•·._fi .'e_••.•. .•.h•_·_ ba•.e.•_ _.·s ··_f·· .···.on•·. f•.•.•.e_••._t· · ·•.•.•a•.••.h_ .I ..•_. ··· ···•d•.•_._fy}._•••n.b.. ..·.i .sa•.·.. 1 •.1~•_st··~.· 0 re.~.·-··-~ ~_·e·.l·····e·_•·•.~.n·.······e········:....·~ .·d_Oe•. n_·~.·-·· •·.·_.·. hu·.·.· .·.·.•_ap•._._··v ··· -·········eY.. •.•••.•.•.. •to.•······ .o•.· .··.··.•.·.• ·.·.·.··· ~.··.·.·.·.····.••-·.•.·.·.~-·.·.•.r·.·.• .".·•..· ·e.·.·.·_ e.•..·•c·_·.·_1.._·.•. •.·o·.·••.·.· ·t .·.·r·•..o• .•• .•·.···.d_•.•.•.·.·w_.,·e·.•. •.•_ ·.·.·.··. d•.·.·.a. .·.· · ..•.. •.·I ··.·• .·.•_s·o•..-·.._•. • .ai_._ ••r·.•...•.· ...•·. :·. _.•.1_..·.·. ••.• :.s.. •...•.•. •_..• ·p_•_ .·.o .··.•·..··. ·.·e.·.••.•.P.•.·c.·.· .·.·.·~-· -·.·.c..•.•a. ·.·.k.• .·.·1.·_..••· .•.• •...• ·.·..·• ,.. , the tracks? ... • M~m~?~~~:HNI~§'Jm ): . .· Campaigners calling for a rail service through Pelsall and Brownhills to be reinstated have been given fresh hope. Walsall Council is urging Centro, which oversees public transport in the West Midlands, to buy the trackbed from British Rail with a view to using the route for passenger services for the first time in more than 30 years. Stations along the line, includ­ ing those at Pelsall and Brownhills, were closed to passen­ ger trains under the notorious Beeching cuts, and the track between Ryecroft and Anglesey Sidings, Brownhills was eventual­ ly ripped up in 1984. The track bed of the former Pelsall - Brownhills Railway Line Since then, rail enthusiasts and environmental groups have of the Birmingham Northern land along the route. Walsall Council objected to the staged a number of campaigns for Relief Road is finalised, Walsall Five years ago, the council sale on. the grounds that it would the return of a passenger service. Council intends to carry out a sur- attempted to buy the land to turn have jeopardised any rail service The latest development follows vey of the Walsall-Brownhills it into a "greenway" but BR being reintroduced. a study b y Centro, BR and transport "corridor", which deferred the sale because British Walsall Council is also urging Staffordshire County Council includes the A461 through Walsall Coal wanted to use part of it as Centro to purchase the Ryecroft- which subsequently suggested a Wood and the Pelsall-Brownhills access for the proposed Ryders Reedswood track- bed - part of the detailed survey of the potential for rail route. Hayes opencast site which was former Walsall - Wolverhampton running passenger services from Walsall Council says it wants later refused planning permission. Low Level route - so that it could Walsall to Burton on Trent via to end the uncertainty surround- British Rail then considered be used as a branch of the p ro- Pelsall, Brownhills and Lichfield. ing the track bed, particularly as selling part of the trackbed to a posed Midland Metro "super- Additionally, when the route British Rail has twice tried to sell firm in Brownhills but Centro and tram" network. CROWN INTERIORS BEDROOMS KIT CHENS BATHROOM S CROWN have now introduced a Also available a wide range of low priced range of flat-pack Self Fit Units and Replacement units to their range of Quality Doors - most available from stock Kitchens. within 24 hours. Direct from the factory the right kitchen to suit For a no obligation f ree desix n your BUDGET and quote or brochure Low Cost Finance Available - Tenants we lcome Writte n d e tails on re quest Ring 0543 453511 Mo nday to Friday 9 .00 - 5 .3 0 Saturday 9 .00 - 5.00 §~ IBIIlCG})]] ~ TIT~JEJE T ~ IBITl CCD \W!NIBI!IILIL § 2 BROWNHILLS GAZETIE, NOVEMBER 1993 BROWNHILLS EDITORIAL Articles and photographs to be considered for publication should be sent to The Editor, Brownhills Gazette, c/o Baker Bond, ·' 183 High Street, Brownhills WS86HW Advertising 0543 452840/1 or 0217896768 Group Editor Rosalie Bott 0217896855 Linda Pascall, Amir Khan, Bill Barnett, Jeff Corfield, (Manager Surgical Specialities). Gazette Series Sheldon/South Yardley, Ex Youth Leaders Launch Appeal Fund Hodge Hill, Whilst recovering from major surgery prepared to support the venture. Castle Bromwich, early in the year Bill Barnett suggested to A sponsored walk around the Record your personal his Jong time friend Jeff Corfield that they Chelmsley Wood, Brownhills boundary was organised for announcement in the should consider a combined fund raising the group with refreshments provided Brownhills Gazette - Coleshill/Water Orton, event in aid of Walsall Manor Hospital. along the way. Births, Engagements, Brownhills, Harborne Since Bill and Jeff are past Leaders of The money raised was added to a per­ Marriages, Deaths, and Pelsall Brownhills Youth Centre and currently sona I donation by Bill resulting in a President and Chairman respectively of cheque to the value of £1000, being hand­ In Memorium, Monthly Gazette Series Notice of Thanks etc. Brownhms Community Association it ed to General Surgery Consultant Amir Circulation 72,000 took but a little time for Jeff to bring Khan to launch the new Aortic Aneurism All announcements 1Op together a small group of Youth Workers Screening Fund at Walsall Manor per word, accepted at Publishers and Community Association Members Hospital. 183 High Street, Baker Bond Brown hills. (Printing & Publishing) Ltd CONDITIONS OF ACCEPTANCE IN MEMORY P.O. Box 1 183 High Street, All advertisements are accepted subject to approval of copy. The publishers HOLLOWAY GEORGE (DAD) reserve the right to cancel or refuse to accept any order without giving an explana­ You were always there when we Brownhills, Walsall, tion. needed you, no task too great or West Midlands WS8 6HW Whilst every care will be taken during compilation and printing, the publishers small, with loving hands and lov­ shall not be held liable for any loss occasioned by failure of an advertisement to ing heart for us you did it all. appear or any damage or inconvenience caused by errors, omissions and misprints. No guarantee can be given that an advertisement will appear on a specified God Bless - Son Steve, Kath, date or in any particular position, although every effort will be made to meet the Grandchildren, Kerrie, Kevin and advertisers requirements. Mark. Deadline Cancellations for dis play advertisements must be received by the publishers in writing and not less than 7 days prior to copy date. and in the case of classified NOTICE OF THANKS Issue No 51 advertisements 2 days prior to copy date. Cancellation by telephone will not be accepted. RAYMOND EDWIN JOHN Published 15th Credits will only be issued for that part of the advertisement which is incorrect HAWKINS and a full credit will not be issued unless the publisher accepts that the error was Eileen and family would like to December such that all response to the advertisement wnulrl be affected. thank all friends and neighbours Box numbers are available for the receipt of bona tide replies only and must for their kindness shown to Eileen Deadline 3rd not be used for trade canvassing matter. Liability is not accepted for loss or incon­ over the years, also for flowers. venience due to delay on forwarding replies. God bless and thanks to each and December Terms of payment Nett: 30 Days: everyone. TOTAL SUPPORT FOR YOUR COMMERCIAL VEHICLES Whether you operate one vehicle or one e 24 Hour Recovery hundred, time is money, and when you have a •Auto Electrical Problems Solved vehicle off the road you want it back in service as • Hella Batteries Suppl ied quickly as possible. e Steam Cleaning Available ~F-o-rt_h _e_P-ri-va_t_e -M-o-to-ri-st_w_ e-off_e_r__,: FREEPHONE NOW - 0800 -282973 Full Service and Repair Facilities BURNTWOOD CAR COMMERCIAL SERVICES Auto Electric problems dealt with UNIT 1, GATEHOUSE TRADING ESTATE, LICHFIELD ROAD, BROWNHILLS 24 Hour Recovery Service PHONE: 0543 374449 (Day) 0543 270750 {Night) 0860 747056 {Mobile) BROWNHILLS GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 1993 3 Reunion picture special Memories came flooding back when former pupils of Brownhills schools gathered for a reunion. The get-together saw old classmates from Ogley Hay Junior School and Brownhills Senior Boys and Girls School catching up on the news since they left school in 1967.
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