Coll1fflffl - JANUARY 1996 Dear Reader s Cascadia Times enters its second year of operation, it continues to Agrow, mostly by word of mouth. Our reader should take credit first for seeing a need for this paper, and then for nurturing it along by introducing it co new readers. To date, our paid circulation is above 1,700, and we estimate several times that number see Cascadia Times every month. Please consider renewing your subscription if you haven't done so already. This column in recent months has ralked about Ca ·cadia Times Online, which continues in development in part• nership with West et. CT Online is free with your subscription. Among the ser• vices we are now offering is interactive reader mail. Send your letters to casca• Fi~hv Science· [email protected], and we will consider it for publication in our paper as well as dis• tribute it to other CT Online subscribers. Hom Scieatists~fndanqer the Salmon To receive this service, just drop us an email message to [email protected] •' ,:/. .:,,., :',:j:?· ,'t• •\ :':::,.._ ~<"-fc tv~ and we will sign you up. Please be sure to include your email address in the text of btJ ·"; !aql::· ,~ ...... KD. ~. ,, efste., " in..... your message! Also starting this month, we will be . .. f:;PA~~ [Qt} . -.,\ibc-':~.,,. asking readers each month to respond to a question or issue that will be posed in our Dear Reader column. The question for Caseadia'Times lndex:Ourfirst\,eari;'rei,e~ /' PAGE. January is: How should the environmental movement be responding to the so-called "logging without laws" rider? THE USUAL STUFF We will publish some responses in the paper, and the others in CI Online, FIELD NOTES: Harbor seals. too many roads, BRAINWASH: 7 which also will include a preview of the Alaska Land trusts. Feds sue redwoods raider. upcoming issue, some news content, a cal• CASCADIA CALENDAR: Thunderbolt salvage sale 3 14 endar of upcoming events, and a column on computer technology and the environ• GREEN TECH: : BARBED WIRE: Funny. salmon's always on 14 ment written by larshall layer of WestNet. the menu where these guys eat. GROUND TRUTHING: Logging without Of course, this doesn't mean chat we by PaulKobersteln : .. : :· 3 shame. by Kathie Durbin .16 aren't interested in letters that arrive the old fashioned way! TAK~ NQTE: New Hanford hazards. banking . MAIL: :,. 17 Special thank to all of you who have -an the ehvironrrient, pronghorn antelope;' helped us throughout the year, and espe• cially Pete Wege of Grand Rapids, Mich., clean s,reams initi~tive : 5 REALITY CHECK: ....•....... , 17 and Greg Kafoury of Portland. · · BOOK REVIEW:,ln the Dark,Woods. .-:c: Correction: A photo caption in our .CAflTO~ BUZZ: The.:latest oil' spiU 6 · ·1 .. · t · •·8· · Reviewed by Kathie Durbin .:; ....... :······ .. :··············1 December issue misidentified two indi• i .. 't ·~ . ", viduals who are advocates for sustainable :· '<~.,,o ·Ql-~<l·~·' A:R'~ '. s· &{:' ·N' O'NSE. .,'""1SC- c" ·: ; u;.·;;ii ;~ •• '. u··~--~~~:. 7 ' , : ,,, ., CLASSIFIEDS: ~9 : forestry. The photo, on Page 4, shows Leo ::·~·\·:·:·:;r··-!'? Goebel, left, and Bob Jackson. ]i Cover illustration by Rick Pinchera . "" . .,, ...... .::;::E c ii c u ..c u Field from Casca Iia No Cartoon Fantasy San Francisco Bay Harbor Seals Accumulate H;gh Levels of Toxins By./. T Reid J,: Harbor seals are the lase resident marine mammal .pecies in San Francisco eals are as much a part of San Bay, breeding and feeding year-round in Francisco as the Bay. Like the Bay, its waters. There has been no growth in S their health is in serious trouble. harbor seal populations since the early A study of blood samples taken from 1970s, unlike the steady increase seen San Franci co Bay harbor seals has found elsewhere off the California coast after the elevated levels of toxins commonly dis• implementation of the 1972 Marine carded by agriculture and oil refineries. Mammal Protection Ace, the Institute Researchers with California Stace says. In 1991, seal number dropped University and Earth Island Institute sharply ac a primary pupping area in the found levels of selenium at significantly South Bay, and numbers have not yet ful• higher concentrations than samples taken ly recovered. The number of seal haul-out from seals in southern Puget Sound or the sites in the Bay have decreased substan• Monterey coast. In San Francisco Bay, tially in two decades. selenium originates from oil refinery dis• While the findings are bad news for charges and agricultural runoff. seals, they also affect other species chat Moreover, the researchers found consume food from the Bay, including PCBs in seal blood at double the amounts humans. In 1994, the California Water associated with a population collapse on Quality Board found high levels of PCBs Europe's north coast in 1988. Harbor seals and other toxins in eight fish species. in the Baltic and Wadden seas (located At lease one species, white croaker north of The etherlands) suffered from (also known as white cod) is consumed by elevated levels of organochlorines, PCBs both humans and seals. The study said and ocher dioxin-like compounds. The the fish accumulates "extreme levels" of effects made the seals vulnerable to a coxic organic pollutants. virus chat killed 20,000 animals, or 65 per• Unocal 76 is the largest source of sele• cent of the population. nium pollution in the bay, and also dumps Has pollution weakened immune systems in San Francisco Bay harbor seals? "PCBs and related environmental dioxin, according co Citizens for a Better contaminants are threatening the viability Environment, a Bay Area group. The The oil industry's record in San tigation by an environmental law group, of Bay harbor seals," says Dianne Kopec, group says Unocal violated its selenium Francisco Bay is only part of its environ• Trustees for Ala ska, which found the oil associate director of Earth Island Institute discharge permits by 455 percent in the mental performance in the West. ln company committed 4,000 violations of its and a co-author of the study. last eight years. Alaska, LJ nocal was the target of an inves- CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 BARBED Funny. Salmon's Always on the Menu where These Guys Eat WIRE By Paul Koberstein asn't 1995 a pennant year for the Wise se guys?. They won it all: Lovely pensation and due process." Funny, salmon'. always on the menu where she eats. logs falling once again in the orthwest, national parks closing down Sen. Frank Murkowski, R-AK, for Exposing Environmental Wackos in the Wtwice, and laid-off heriff's deputies in Siskiyou ational Forest kicking Executive Bathroom. Murkowski produced a list of Clinton appointees on the tree-hugger butt at Sugarloaf. Senate floor in July. "Mr. President," he said, reading from notes, "this list shows "Wake up you liberals!" Rush must be saying. "1995 is over and planet earth is that the environmental community in America is bigger than many of our corpora• still alive and well! Look in the sky! Do you see a hole in the ozone? l don't! ow tions. This group has indoor plumbing. They do not have to put up with honey that Mr. ewe, God bless him, there's an environmentalist!" buckets. Many are Clinton administration officials who used co work or hold posi• The hottest action of the year was in Congress. where: conservatives cure into tions with these national pressure groups. The budget director, Alice Rivlin, associ- 25 years of liberal legislation like pit bulls. Barbed Wire ated formerly with the Wilderness Society; Secretary of the memorializes their feast with the first annual Hungry Interior, Bruce Babbitt, League of Conservation Voters; Dog awards ... John Leshy, Solicitor at the Department of the Interior, Let's give Sen. LaITy Craig, R-ID, honors as Pee "Mr. President... This group has National Resource Defense Council; Bonnie Cohen, Detective of the Year for helping solve the murder of a Assistant Secretary of the Interior, Sierra Club; Brooks calf in Idaho. Craig pinned the crime on a gray wolf indoorplumbing. They do not have Yeager, Director of the International Office of Political introduced by the .S. Fish and Wildlife Service into an Analysis, Sierra Club; George Frampton, Assistant Secretary Idaho wilderness. A subsequent investigation found the for Fish and Wildlife, Wilderness Society; Donald Barry, calf died before the wolf got ahold of it, but who cares? to put up with honey buckets." Deputy Assistant for Fish and Wildlife, World Wildlife The wolf was shot at the scene. Craig got after federal Fund; Dcstry Jarvis, Assistant Director of National Park agents who went co a rancher's home looking for the Service, formerly National Park and Conservation smoking gun: Said Craig on the Senate -floor in March: - Sen. Frank Murkowski Association; Rafe Pomerance, Deputy Assistant Secretary of 'When I chink of a 74-year-old man being intimidated by State, Environmental Action; Lois Schiffer, assistant armed federal land management officials, I think of my dad, and it makes me a lit• Attorney General, League of Conservation Voters." tle angry." Rep. Don Young, R-AK, for Fighting Child Abuse. "Eventually the working Rep. Helen Chenoweth, R-ID, is Fishing Guide of the Year, for telling class, the poorer people, will realize that (the) Endangered Species Ace i saving Congress the best places to catch the salmon. Where's that? Hint: or in her scare. crickets over saving babies." Many people do not know that Young is one of our fin• "Right now," she said on the Hou e floor in larch, " ome of the best salmon fishing er ornithologists. "The spotted owl was never proven co be endangered," he said in can be found in the Great Lakes, an area chat was once considered polluted." As for an interview with the Bureau of ational Affairs.
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