E.C. No. 461 ESTIMATES COMMITTEE (1965-66) HUNDREDTH REPORT (THIRD LOK SABHA) MINISTRY OF EDUCATION BANARAS HINDU UNIVERSITY LOK SABHA SECRETARIAT NEW DELHI April, 1966IChmtra, 2888 (Saka) Price: Rs. 190 LIST OF AUTHORISED AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF LOK SABH' SECRETARIAT PUBLICATIONS SI. Name of Agent SI. Name of Agent Agcju No. No. No. ANDHRA PRADESH 13. Deccan Book Stall, 65 Ferguson College Road, Andhra University General Poona-4. Cooperative Stores Ltd., • Waltair (Visakhapatnam). RAJASTHAN 2. G.R. Lakshmipathy Chetty 94 and Sons, General 14. Information Centre, Go- 38 Merchants and News vernment of Rajasthan, Agents, Newpet, Chan- Tripolia, Jaipur City. dragiri. Chitlittoor District. UTTAR PRADESH ASSAM 3 Western Book Depot, 15. Swastik Industrial Works, Pan Bazar, Gauhati. 59, Holi Street, Meerut City. BIHAR 16. Law Book Company Sardar Patel Marg, 4. Amar Kitab Ghar, Post 37 Allahabad-1. Box 78, Diagonal Road, Jamshedpur. WEST BENGAL GUJARAT 5. Vijay Stores, Station Road, 35 17. Gramhaloka, 5/1, Ambica lo Anand. Mookherjee Road, Bel- gharia, 24 Parganas. 6. The New Order Book 63 Company, Ellis Bridge, 18. W. Newman & Company 44 Ahmedabad-6. Ltd., 3, Old Court House Street, Calcutta. MADHYA PRADESH 7. Modern Book House, Shiv 19. Firma K. L. Mukhopadhyay, 13 6/iA, Banchharam Akrur Vilas Palace, Indore City. Lane, Calcutta-12. DELHI MAHARASHTRA 20. Jain Book Agency, Con­ M/s. Sunderdas Gianchand, 6 naught Place, New Delhi. 601, Girgaum | Road, Near I Princess Street, 21. Sat Narain & Sons, 3141, Bombay-2. Mohd. Ali Bazar, Mori Gate, Delhi. 9. The International Book 22 House (Private) Limited, 22. A^ma Ram Sc Sons, Kash- 9, Ash Lane, Mahatma mere Gate, Delhi-6. Gandhi Road, Bombay-i. 23. J. M. Jaina & Brothers, II 10. The> International Book 26 Mori Gate, Delhi. bervice, Deccan, Gym­ khana, Poona 4. 24. The Central News A ^ c y , 15 23/90, Connaught Place, II. Charles Lambert & 30 New Delhi. Company^ lo i, Mahatma Gandhi Road, Opposite 25. The English Book Store, 20 Qock Tower, Fort, 7-L, Connaught Circus, Bombay. New Delhi. 12. The Curient Book Houae, 60 26. Lakshmi Book Store, 23 Maniti Lane, Raghunith 42, Municipal Market, Dadaii Street, Bombay-i. Janpath, New Delhi. C n R R 1 G E N D A TO . Hundredth Report (Third Lok Sabha) of Estimates Committee on.the Ministry of Education - Banaras Hindu University, Page 7j J-ine 2, for ’continue' read continues t Page 16, line 21, delete ’minimum*. .Pacje 23, line 37, for ' consitin;’ read ’consisting’. ■ Page 25, line 40, for ’Verbal, vCommunication, ’. read ’Verbal Cortnunication, ’ . Page 2'^, lino 2, for ’Nyaya* read ’Myaya’. Paije 26, line 32, for ’I<;lr.zil’ ' road ’Isl-xzLc* . Pa:^e 28, line 38, for ’'Causes’ read ’courses’. Pa^e 36, line 11, for ’ex-student’ read.’ex-students’. Pace 3 7 , 'line’2, for ’create’ read ’creates’. PaL:e 48, line 9, ' for ’ Ori janisation’ read ’Organisation’. Page 48, line 13, for ’Vice-Chancellor’ read ’Vice-Chancellors’* Page 69, line 38, add ’that’ ’noafter t e ’. Page 78, line 5, for ’schoalrships’ read ’scholarships’. Page 86, line 11, ’beadd ’after’na y ’. Page 95, line 33, ’isfor read ’ ’in ’. Page 96, line 25, for The' read ’, t h e ’. Page 97, line 30, for ’electrical’ road ’Electrical’. Page 99, line 5, ’isfor read ’ ’are’ Page 100, line 8, for ’part’ read *para’ Page 103, line 24, for ’depricate’ ’deprecate’. Paf-e 103,lilic 26/delete’as ’. ------ (P.T.O.) - 2 - P a ge 1 3 5 , l i n e 9 , for *th3* read 'that'. P a ge 1 3 5 , l i n e 3 2 , delete 'who'. Farje 13 5 , l i n e :3 3 , for ‘Varsity’ read 'University'. Pa,::e 136, lin e : a d( f ‘’'in' after 'vailing'. Pa."o 13'^ line :^3 for 'consiting' read 'consistins'. P a^e 139, line 29, for 'celloctions' read 'collections'. P a se 1 4 1 , l i n e 3 5 , add~'been* after 'not'# P a re 1 4 3 , l i n o 1 7 , for 'sstinates plans'. read*estinates/plans' • P a g e 1 4 8 , l i n e 3 2 , for 'vigilence' read 'vigilance'. P a g e 1 5 2 , l i n e 2 4 , for 'though' r e ^ 'through'. PacG 1 5 2 , l i n o 3 8 , .ote ' the' • P a ge 1 5 2 , l i n e 4 4 , ac 'and who' ___aft;rr 'students'. P a ce 1 5 3 , l i n e 2 1 , for 'of road 'on'. P a^e 1 5 4 , l i n e 3 9 , for 'depricate' read 'deprecate'. P a ge 1 5 4 , l i n e 4 5 , for 'hold' read 'held*. CONTENT S P ag e C o m p o sit io n of t h e C o m m it t e e ......................................................................(iii) Introduction ................................................................................................................... (v) C h apter I.— Introductory A. Historical Background ........................................................... i B. Objectives of ihe University ....... 5 C. All-India Character of the University ..... 6 C h apter II.—A d m issio n s , C ourses o r S tu d y an d E x a m in a t k ^ns A. Admissions ......... i i B. Criteria for Admission ....... 13 C. Standard of Education ....... 21 D. Courses of Study ......... ^3 E. Centre of Advanced Study ....... 24 F. General E ducation.............................................................................. 27 G. Tutorials ......... 29 H. Planning F o r u m ............................................................................... 3i I. Libraries ........ 3i J. Laboratories ............................................................................... 37 K. Examinations ......... 3S C hapter I II .—each ^T in g an d A dministrativf S taff A. Selection of Teachers ............................................................ 42 B. Pay & Allowances of Teachers ..... 46 C. Administrative Duties ....... 4^ D. Teachcr-Studcnr Ratio ....... 49 E. Provident Fund/Gratuity/Pension Scheme . 50 F. Summer Schools and Seminars ..... 51 G. Extension Lectures ...... 5^ H. Administrative Staff ....... 52 I. Residential Accommodation ....... 54 C h apter IV .— Un iv e r s it y F a c u lt ie s and CoLLtGES A.Faculties and Colleges 56 B. Affiliated Colleges 6S C. High Schools C h apter V .^ W elfare o f S tu d e: A, Students* Discipline 73 B. Proctorial System 74 C. University Campus 75 D. Scholarships 77 E. Hottels 79 2941 Aii L .S.— X (ii) Paob F . Canteens ................................................................................. 84 G . Physical Education ........ 85 H. National Cadet C o r p s ...................................................................... 85 I. H ealthI.................................................................................................... 87 J. University Employment and Guidance Bureau .... 89 K. Non-Resident Students C e n tr e s ................................................. 9* L. Gandhi B h a v a n ............................................................................... 93 C h a p te r V I .— Fin a n c e s A. Grants ........................................................... 94 B. Development Schemes ........................................................... 97 C. Irregularities in A c c o u n t s ............................................................ 102 D. Maintenance of Accounts Records 106 C h a p t e r V II.— M iscellaneous A. University P r e s s ................................................................................ 107 B. Electricity and Water Supply S e r v i c e .........................................108 C. Publications ................................................................................. 109 D. Book Depot .................................................................................109 E. Maintenance & Construction Works . no O h a p f e r V III.— C o n c l u s io n 113 A p p e n d ic e s — I. List of marks allotted for Sessional and Tutorial works in the Final Examination of all the Courses in the Banaras Hindu University. ................................................................................. H7 II. Present set-up of the office of the Banaras Hindu University w ith brief f^unctions ................................................................... 119 III. List of Faculties and Colleges in the Banaras Hindu Uni­ versity ........................................................................................... 120 IV. List of Scholarships 123 V. List of the guidance material compiled by the University Em> ployment B u r e a u .......................................................................131 VI. Summary of Conclusions/Recommendations conUined in the Report ................................................................................. 132 V II. Analysis of Conclusions/Recommendations contained in the Rqwrt ........................................ , . 159 ESTIMATES COMMITTEE (1965-66) C h a ir m a n Shii Arun Chandra Guha M e m b e r s 2. Shri Bhagwat Jha Azad 3. Shri Dinen Bhattacharya 4. Shri C. K. Bhattacharyya 5. Shri Brij Raj Singh-Kotah 6. Shri Jagaiuiath Rao Chandriki 7. Shri Chuni Lad 8. Shri R. Dharmalingam 9. 3hri Digambar Singh Chaudhri 10. Shri Indrajit Gupta 11. Shrimati Jamuna Devi 12. Shri Narayan Sadoba Kajrolkar 13. Shri Gauri Shanker Kakkar 14. Shri C. M. Kedaria 15. Shri L. D. Kotoki 16. Shri Narendrasingh Mahida 17. Shri Dwarka Dass Mantri 18. Shri Jaswantraj Mehta 19. Shri Mahesh Dutta Misra 20. Shri Mohan Swarup 21. Chowdhry Ram Sewak 22. Shri B. Rajagopala Rao 23. Shri J. Ramapathi Rao 24. Shri P. G. Sen 25. Shri H. Siddananjappa 26. Shri Nardeo Snatak 27. Shri N. M. R. Subbaraman 28. Shri Ramachandra Ulaka 29. Shri Vishram Prasad 30. Shri Yudhvir Singh S e c r e t a r ia t Sh r i B. B, Tewari—Deputy Secretary S h r i B. K, Mukherjee—Under Secretary (iii) INTRODUCTION I, the Chairman, Estimates Coimnittee,
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