Bibliography Part-I: Primary Sources. A. Inscriptions. A.I: Temple Inscriptions. The Hayagriva Madhava Temple Inscription: The rebuilding of the temple by King Raghude\a Narayan in the Saka 1505 has been engraved in this inscription. The Kamakshya Temple Inscription: This inscription has recorded the rebuilding of the Kamakshya temple by Malladeva (Nara Narayan) and Sukladhvaj (Chilarai) in the Saka \487{see Appendix B). The Kamatesvari Temple Inscription: The inscription engraved in the temple of Kamates\ ari has recorded its building by the King Prana Narayan in the Saka 1587(see Plate 7.3. B and Appendix C). The Pandunalh Temple Inscription: This inscription has recorded the rebuilding of the Pandunath temple by King Raghudeva in the Saka 1585. A.II: Edited W orks on the Inscriptions. Bhattacharyya P.N. (ed): Kamarupa Sasanavali, Rangpur Sahitya Parishat, 1338, B.S. Neog MahQswdiiXQdy.Prachya Sasanavali ,Guwahati,Assam Prakashan Parishad,1974. Sharma MM.{Qd):Inscription o,- Ancient Assam, Gauhati, Gauhati University. 1978. B. Coins. Coins of the Koch Kings (Narayani Tanka) have been unearthed in different places of North Bengal and Northeast India. The present work has utilized the Narayani Tonkas, collected and preserved by Sri Sankar Kumar Bose. Library of Numismatic Studies, Salt Lake, Kolkata. C. Literatures C.I. Unpublished C.I.I. In Assamese. Cl.lA.Vamsavalis (Genealogies) Dwija Ratikanta: Kharga Narayanar Vamsavali, Ms. 219 Siddhantavagis Suryadev: Gandharva Narayanar Vamsavali or Prashiddha Narayanar Vamsavali, Ms. It has been preserved with the Darrang Raj family ofMangaldoi. C.I.I.2. Religious Works. Deva Madhava: Bhakti Rantavali, Ms. N.B.S.L., Uncatalogued. ; Sr/ Krishna Jamma Rahashya, Ms. N.B.S.L., Uncatalogued. Kandali Ananta: Bhagavata (Dasham Skandha) , Ms. N.B.S.L., Uncatalogued. Sankardeva: Garuda Purana, Ms. N.B.S.L. Uncatalogued. : Gopi Uddhava Samvad, Ms. N.B.S.L., Uncatalogued. C.LI.3.Letters. Historical Letters of the Ahom Period, a collection of 44 letters exchanged between the Koch and the Ahom kings. Transcript No. 18, Vol. VI, D.H.A.S.,Guwahati. C.I.II. In Bengali. C.l.ll.l.Vamsavalis (Genealogies) A Legendary Account of Cooch Behar, N.B.S.L. Ms. no. 109. Das Ripunjay: Raja Vamsavali, Ms, N.B.S.L., Ms., no. 04. C.Ln.2.Religious Worlis. Brahmin Srinath: Draupadi Swayamvara, Ms. N.B.S.L., Ms. no 78, 86 and 87. : Mahabharata (Adi Parva), Ms. N.B.S.L. Ms. no.77. Brahmin Srinath and Kaviraj Dvija: Mahabharata (Drona Parva), Ms. N.B.S.L.Ms. no.85. Dvija Narayan: Naradiya Purana, Ms., N.B.S.L. Ms. no. 28. Kandali Ananta: Mahabharata (Rajasuya), Ms., N.B.S.L., Ms. no. 102. Pitambar: Bhagavata {Dasham Skandha) Ms., N.B.S.L., Ms. no. 58. : Markandeya Purana, Ms., N.B.S.L., Ms. no 8 and 13. Shekhar Kavi: Mahabharata {Kirata Parva), Ms. N.B.S.L., Ms. no.90. C.II. Published Literatures. C.ILl.In Assamese C.II.l.l.Religious Works. Sankardeva and Deva Madhav: Kirtan Ghosa O Hazari Ghosa, Chidananda Das, Calcutta, 1298, B.S. C.l\.1.2.Charita Puthis (Biographies). 220 Dvija Bhusan: Mahapurusha Sankaradeva, edited by Durgabar Bharkakati, Jorhat, 1925. Dvija Ramananda: Guru Charita, edited by M. Neog, Nalbari, 1957. Lekharu Upendra Chandra: Katha Guru Charita, edited by H.N.Dutta Barua, 4"^ ed., Guwahati, Dutta Barua Publishing Pvt.Ltd., 2002. Mahanta Haliram: Sankar Charita, Sualkuchi, 1925. Thakur Daityari: Mahapurusha Sri Sankardeva aru Sri Madhav Devar Jiban Charita, edited by H, N.Datta Barua, Nalbari, 1978. Thakur Ramcharan: Guru Charita, edited by H.N. Dutta Barua, 18"^ ed., Guwahati, Dutta Barua Publishing Pvt. Ltd.. 2001. C.I1.1.3.Bura/iJis (Chronicles). Bhuiyan S.K. (ed): Assam Buranji or Sri Sri Swarga Narayan Maharajar Janam Charita, reprinted., Gauhati, D.H.A.S., 1960. : Deodhai Assam Buranji, 4th ed., Guwahati, D.H.A.H., 2001. : Kamrupar Buranji, V ed., Guwahati, D.H.A.S. 1987. : Padsha Buranji (Annals of the Delhi Badshahate), Gauhati, D.H.A.S., 1947. Dutta S.K. (ed): Assam Buranji (1648 - 1681 A.D.), 2"^ ed., Guwahati, D.H.A.S., 1991. Goswami Hem Chandra(ed): Purani Assam Buranji, reprint ed., Guwahati, Lawyers Bookstall, 1977. C.II.1.4. Fflm5flvfl//(Genealogy). Daivagna Suryakhari: Darrang Raj Vamsavali, edited by N.C. Sharma, Pathsaia, Bani Prakash, 1973. C.II.2.Bengali C.II.2.1. Genealogy Devya Sri Sri Brindesvari: Beharodanta, Cooch Behar Royal Palace, 1266 B.S., reprinted, in Pal Nripendra Nath (ed): Bishaya Cooch Behar, Calcutta, Anima Prakashani, 994, pp.53-98. C.II,2,2. Chronicles. Ghosh Munshi Jaynath: Rajopakhyan, edited by Biswanath Das 2"^* ed., Calcutta, Mala Publications, 1989. Translated into English by Rev. Robinson, Calcutta Baptist Mission Press, 1874. 221 Das Ripunjay; Raja Vamsavali, edited by Pal Nripendra Nath, printed in Bishay Cooch Behar, Calcutta, Anima Prakashani, 1994,pp.99-142. C.II.2.3.Letters. S.N. Sen (ed/- Prachin Bangla Patra Sankalan (A collection of old Bengali Letters), Calcutta, Calcutta University, 1942. C.II.2.4.Religious Works. Bairagi Radhakrishna Das: Gosani Mangal, edited by Pal Nripendra Nath, 2"'' ed., Calcutta, Anima Prakashani, 1992. Kaviraj Krishnadas: Sri Sri Chaitanya Charitamrita, 9th ed., Calcutta, Basumati Sahitya Mandir, 1386 B.S. C.II.3.Persian Allami Abul Fazl; Ain-i Akbari, (3 Vols.), vol. 1, translated into Enlish by Blochmann H., edhed by Phillot D.C., reprint ed.. New Delhi, Crown Publications, 1988;vo/. //, translated into English by Jarrett H.S. and revised by Sarkar Jadunath, reprint ed, (New Delhi, Crown Publications, 1988) and vol. III. translated into English by H.S. Jarrett, revised by Jadunath Sarkar, New Delhi, Classical Publishing Co., 1996. Nathan Mirza: Baharistan-i-Ghaybi, translated into English by M.I.Borah (2 vols.), Gauhati, D.H.A.S., 1936. Talish Shihabuddin: Fathiya-i-lbriya, translated into English by Blochmann H.: Koch Bihar, Koch Hajo and Asam in the 16"^ and 1?"' centuries according to the Akbamamah, Padishinamah, and the Fathiya-i-Ibriya, J.A.S.B., 71.1(1872), pp.49-101. Salim Ghulam Hussain: Riyazu-s-Salatin, translated into English by Abdus Salam, reprint ed., Delhi, Idarah-i-Adabiyat, 1975. Shiraj Minhas-ud-din: Tabakat-i-Nasiri, translated into English by H.G.Raverty, reprint ed.. New Delhi, Orient Books, 1970. The Tuzuk-i-Jahangiri or Memoirs of Emperor Jahangir translated into English by Roger Alexander and edited by Beveridge H., 2"'' ed., Delhi, Munshiram Manoharlal, 1968. C.II.4.Sanskrit. Yogini Tantra, edited by Saraswati Swami Sarveswarananda, Calcutta, Naba Bharat 222 Publishers, 1385, B.S. Kalika Puranr, edited by Tarkaratna Panchanan Acharyya, Calcutta, Nababharat Publishers, 1384 B.S.. C.II.5. Foreign Travelers Accounts. Ralf Fitch, an English traveler who visited the Koch kingdom in the 1580's, left an account about the Kingdom, produced in William Foster(ed): Early Travels in India, 1583 - 1619, reprint ed., New Delhi, S. Chand and Co., 1968,pp.l-47. Stephen Cacella, a Jesuit traveler visited Koch Kingdom and Bhutan in 1526 - 27 A.D. His letters contain ample information about the kingdom, produced in C. Wessels: Early Jesuit Travelers in Central Asia (1603-1721), reprint ed.. Madras, Asian Educational Service, 1992,pp. 119-161. Yuan Chwang (Huen Tsang), A Chinese traveler, visited Kamarupa in the in first half of the T century .His account seems to be an earliest foreign account about the region of the present study. Walters Thomas, On Yuan Chwang's Travel in India {A.D. 29 - 645), 2 Vols., edited by David Rhyas and Bhushel S.W. reprint ed., Delhi, Munshiram Manoharlal, 1961. D. Official Reports and Government Publications. Aitchison C.U.: A Collection of Treaties, Engagements and Sannads Relating to India and Neighbouring Countries (NVols.), reprint ed., Delhi. Mittal Publishing House, 1983. Bogle George: Narrative of the Mission of Mr. George Bogle to Tibet (1774 A.D.), edited by Clements R. M., New Delhi, Manjusri Publishing House, 1971. Bose K.K.: Account of Bootan (1815), in Kuloy H.K. (ed.): Political Missions to Bootan, reprint ed.. New Delhi, Manjusri Publishing House, 1972,pp.339-58. Brief Account of the Indian States in Bengal: Calcutta, Central Publication Branch, 1928. Census of India. 1881, 1921, 1931; Census of West Bengal, 1951, 1961, 1971, 1981, 1991. Dutta Calika Das: Administrative Report, Cooch Behar State, 1887-88, Cooch Behar, The Cooch Behar State Press, 1889. Eden Ashley: Report on the State of Bootan and on the Progress of the Mission of 1863- 64, in Kuloy H,K(ed): Political Missions to Bootan, reprint ed., New Delhi, Manjursi Publishing House, 1971,pp.l-150. 223 Glazier E.G.: A Report on Rangpur, Calcutta, Bengal Secretariat Press, 1873. Griffiths William: Journal of the Mission to Bootan, 1837-38, in Kulay H.K.(ed): Political Missions to Bootan, reprint ed., New Delhi, Manjusri Publishing House, 1972,pp. 274-336. Hunter W.W.: Statistical Accounts of Assam, (2 vols.), reprint ed., Delhi, B.R. Publishing Corporation, 1975. : Statistical Account of Bengal, vol. X, Darjeeling, Jalpaiguri and Cooch Behar, reprint ed., Delhi, Concept Publishing House, 1984. Jenkin Francis and Campbell A.C., Papers on the Sikkim Morung and on Kuch Behar: Selections from the Records of the Bengal Government, Calcutta, 1851. Mercer Lowrence and Chouvet John Lewis; The Cooch Behar Select Records, Vol.!! or Mercer and Chouvet's Report on Cooch Behar in 1788, Cooch Behar, The Cooch Behar State Press, 1869. Pemberton B.R.: Report on Bootan (1837-38), in Kuloy H.K. (ed): Political Missions to Bootan, reprint ed., New Delhi, Monjusri Publishing House, 1972, pp. 151- 274. Rev.J.Long: Selection from Unpublished Records ofGovernementfor the Years 1748- 1776, edited by Mahadev Prassad Saha, Calcutta, Firma K.L.Mukhopadhaya, 1973.
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