April–June 2009 ... 511 Author Index—Volume one hundred eight Abbasi, M., see Khodaparast & Abbasi Afshan, N.S. & A.N. Khalid. New records of Puccinia & Pucciniastrum from Pakistan. 108: 137–146. 2009. Afshan, N.S., see Khalid & Afshan Aksoy, Ahmet, see Halıcı & al. Alvarado, P., see Moreno & al. Antonín, Vladimír, Jiří Polčák & Michal Tomšovský. Hypholoma tuberosum, a new representative of the Czech and Central-European mycobiota. 108: 41–47. 2009. Antonín, Vladimír, Rhim Ryoo & Hyeon-Dong Shin. Marasmioid and gymnopoid fungi of the Republic of Korea. 1. Three interesting species ofCrinipellis (Basidiomycota, Marasmiaceae). 108: 429–440. 2009. Aptroot, André & Kenan Yazici. Opegrapha pauciexcipulata, a new corticolous lichen from Turkey. 108: 155–158. 2009. Aslan, Ali, see Yazici & Aslan Barbero Castro, Mercedes, see Gómez Bolea & Barbero Castro Barreto, Robert W., see Lima & al. Baseia, Iuri G., see Cortez & al. Baseia, Iuri Goulart, see Trierveiler-Pereira & Baseia Bau, Tolgor, see Liu & Bau Bhat, D.J., see Dhargalkar & Bhat Bhat, D.J., see Prabhugaonkar & Bhat Blanco, M.N., G. Moreno, J. Checa, G. Platas & F. Peláez. Taxonomic and phylogenetic revision of Coniophora arachnoidea, C. opuntiae, and C. prasinoides. 108: 467– 477. 2009. Blehert, D.S., see Gargas & al. Bougher, Neale L. Status of the genera Hymenangium and Descomyces. 108: 313–318. 2009. Bougher, Neale L. Two intimately co-occurring species of Mycena section Sacchariferae in south-west Australia. 108: 159–174. 2009. Calonge, F.D., see Suárez & al. Candan, Mehmet, see Halıcı & al. Calatayud, Vicent, see Halıcı & al. Cavalcanti, Laise De Holanda, see Damasceno & al. Cavalcanti, Maria A.Q., see Santiago & al. Cavalcanti, M.A.Q., see Drechsler-Santos & al. Celar, Franci, see Pastirčáková & al. Checa, J., see Blanco & al. Chen, Juan, Zhi-Xia Meng, Xiao-Mei Chen, Ya-Li Lv, Fu-Sheng Zhang, Xiang-Dong Li & Shung-Xing Guo. Leohumicola, a genus new to China. 108: 337–340. 2009. 512 ... Mycotaxon 108 Chen, Xiao-Mei, see Chen & al. Chitale, Gayatri, Urmila Makhija & Bharati Sharma. New combinations and new species in the lichen genera Hemithecium and Pallidogramme. 108: 83–92. 2009. Christensen, M., see Gargas & al. Consiglio, Giovanni, see Contu & al. Contu, Marco, Giovanni Consiglio & Machiel Noordeloos. A lyophylloid Entoloma species (Basidiomycota, Entolomataceae) from Italy. 108: 297–300. 2009. Cortez, Vagner G., Iuri G. Baseia & Rosa Mara B. Silveira. Gasteroid mycobiota of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil: Tulostomataceae. 108: 365–384. 2009. Cortez, Vagner Gularte, see Rossato & al. Costa, Antônia Aurelice Aurélio, see Damasceno & al. Crous, Pedro W., see Hawksworth & al. Damasceno, Glauciane, Antônia Aurelice Aurélio Costa, José Zanon De Oliveira Passavante & Laise De Holanda Cavalcanti. Stemonaria fuscoides (Stemonitaceae, Myxomycetes): a new record for Brazil. 108: 205–211. 2009. Davydov, Evgeny A. & Jiang-Chun Wei. Boreoplaca ultrafrigida (Umbilicariales), the correct name for Rhizoplacopsis weichingii. 108: 301–305. 2009. De Kesel, A., see Degreef & De Kesel Degreef, J. & A. De Kesel. Two new African Pulveroboletus with ornamented spores. 108: 54–65. 2009. Dhargalkar, S. & D.J. Bhat. Echinosphaeria pteridis sp. nov. and its Vermiculariopsiella anamorph. 108: 115–122. 2009. Dhingra, G.S., Avneet P. Singh & Nishi Singla. A new species of Hyphoderma (Basidiomycetes) from India. 108: 197–199. 2009. Dianese, José C., see Hawksworth & al. Drechsler-Santos, E.R., T.B. Gibertoni, A. Góes-Neto & M.A.Q. Cavalcanti. A re- evaluation of the lignocellulolytic Agaricomycetes from the Brazilian semi-arid region. 108: 241–244. 2009. Elix, John. A., see Otnyukova & al. Flakus, Adam, see Kukwa & Flakus Gargas, A., M.T. Trest, M. Christensen, T.J. Volk & D.S. Blehert. Geomyces destructans sp. nov. associated with bat white-nose syndrome. 108: 147–154. 2009. Gibertoni, T.B., see Drechsler-Santos & al. Gibertoni, Tatiana Baptista, see Gomes-Silva & Gibertoni Góes-Neto, A., see Drechsler-Santos & al. Gomes-Silva, Allyne Christina & Tatiana Baptista Gibertoni. Checklist of the aphyllophoraceous fungi (Agaricomycetes) of the Brazilian Amazonia. 108: 319– 322. 2009. Gómez Bolea, Antonio & Mercedes Barbero Castro. Polycauliona maheui, the basionym of Rhizoplaca maheui comb. nov. 108: 341–46. 2009. Gryzenhout, Marieka, see Hawksworth & al. Guo, Lin, see Li & Guo Guo, Lin, see Liu & al. April–June 2009 ... 513 Guo, Shung-Xing, see Chen & al. Guzmán, Gastón, see Rossato & al. Halıcı, Mehmet Gökhan, Mehmet Candan & Vicent Calatayud. Dacampia rubra sp. nov. (Ascomycota, Dacampiaceae) a lichenicolous fungus on vagrant Aspicilia species. 108: 235–240. 2009. Halıcı, Mehmet Gökhan, Mustafa Kocakaya & Ahmet Aksoy. Lichenostigma anatolicum sp. nov. (Ascomycota, Lichenotheliaceae) on a brown Acarospora from central Turkey. 108: 67–72. 2009. Hawksworth, David L., Pedro W. Crous, José C. Dianese, Marieka Gryzenhout, Lorelei L. Norvell & Keith A. Seifert. Proposals 016–020 to amend the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature. 108: 1–4. 2009. He, Shuanghui, see Liu & al. Hou, Cheng-Lin, see Wang & al. Huhndorf, Sabine M., see Mugambi & al. Jiang, Cheng-Xi, see Wang & al. Jiang, Yu-Lan & Tian-Yu Zhang. Two new species of Eladia from soil. 108: 127–130. 2009. Jin, Li-Tai, see Wang & al. Kaya, Abdullah. Macromycetes of Kahramanmaraş Province (Turkey). 108: 31–34. 2009. Keeling, Patrick J., see Redhead & al. Khalid, A.N. & N.S. Afshan. Additions to the graminicolous rust fungi of Pakistan. 108: 175–183. 2009. Khalid, A.N., see Afshan & Khalid Khalid, A.N., see Moreno & al. Khodaparast, S.A. & M. Abbasi. Species, host range, and geographical distribution of powdery mildew fungi. 108: 213–216. 2009. Kirk, Paul M., see Redhead & al. Knudsen, Kerry, see Lendemer & al. Kocakaya, Mustafa, see Halıcı & al. Kocourková, Jana, see Lendemer & al. Kout, Jiří & Josef Vlasák. Antrodia serialiformis from the eastern USA, a new and abundant polypore similar to A. serialis. 108: 329–335. 2009. Kukwa, Martin & Adam Flakus. Lepraria glaucosorediata sp. nov. (Stereocaulacae, lichenized Ascomycota) and other interesting records of Lepraria. 108: 353–364. 2009. Kumar, T. K. Arun & P. Manimohan. The genera Leucoagaricus and Leucocoprinus (Agaricales, Basidiomycota) in Kerala State, India. 108: 385–428. 2009. Lendemer, James C., Jana Kocourková & Kerry Knudsen. Studies in lichen and lichenicolous fungi: more notes on taxa from North America. 108: 491–497. 2009. Li , Dong-Xia, see Zhang & al. Li, Hong-Mei, see Zhao & al. 514 ... Mycotaxon 108 Li, Tai-Hui, see Wang & al. Li, Xiang-Dong, see Chen & al. Li, Zhenying & Lin Guo. Two new species and a new Chinese record of Exobasidium (Exobasidiales). 108: 479–484. 2009. Lima, Brenda V., Robert W. Barreto & Dartanha J. Soares. A new species of Mycosphaerella associated with foliage and stem necrosis on Phytolacca americanae. 108: 307–311. 2009. Limberger, Renata Pereira, see Rossato & al. Liu, Huajie & Jiangchun Wei. A brief overview of and key to species of Collema from China. 108: 9–29. 2009. Liu, Tiezhi, Huimin Tian, Shuanghui He & Lin Guo. Microbotryum scorzonerae (Microbotryaceae), new to China, on a new host plant. 108: 245–247. 2009. Liu, Yu & Tolgor Bau. A new species of Hohenbuehelia from China. 108: 445–448. 2009. Lv, Ya-Li, see Chen & al. Ma, Jian, see Zhang & al. Ma, Li-Guo, see Zhang & al. Makhija, Urmila, see Chitale & al. Manimohan, P., see Kumar & Manimohan Meng, Fan-Ge, see Zhao & al. Meng, Zhi-Xia, see Chen & al. Moreno, G., A.N. Khalid & P. Alvarado. A new species of Phallus from Pakistan. 108: 457–462. 2009. Moreno, G., see Blanco & al. Moreno, G., see Singer & Moreno Mugambi, George K., Sabine M. Huhndorf & Jack D. Rogers. Two new xylariaceous species from Kenya. 108: 499–504. 2009. Noordeloos, Machiel, see Contu & al. Norvell, Lorelei L., see Hawksworth & al. Otnyukova, Tatyana N., Nikolay V. Stepanov & John. A. Elix. Three new species of Parmeliaceae (Ascomycota) from Siberia. 108: 249–256. 2009. Park, Mi-Jeong & Hyeon-Dong Shin. A new species of Pyricularia on Commelina communis. 108: 449–456. 2009. Park, Mi-Jeong & Hyeon-Dong Shin. Phacellium brachybotrydis sp. nov. on Brachybotrys paridiformis. 108: 131–135. 2009. Passavante, José Zanon De Oliveira, see Damasceno & al. Pastirčák, Martin, see Pastirčáková & al. Pastirčáková, Katarína, Martin Pastirčák, Franci Celar & Hyeon-Dong Shin. Guignardia aesculi on Aesculus species: new records from Europe and Asia. 108: 287–296. 2009. Peláez, F., see Blanco & al. Pennycook, S.R. The correct authorship of the genusHypomyces and its original species. 108: 185–195. 2009. April–June 2009 ... 515 Platas, G., see Blanco & al. Polčák, Jiří, see Antonín & al. Prabhugaonkar, Ashish & D.J. Bhat. Rattania setulifera, an undescribed endophytic hyphomycete on rattans from Western Ghats, India. 108: 217–222. 2009. Redhead, Scott A., Paul M. Kirk, Patrick J. Keeling & Louis M. Weiss. Proposals 048– 051 to amend the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature. 108: 505–507. 2009. Ren, Qiang, Zhong-Shuai Sun, Li-Song Wang & Zun-Tian Zhao. A new species of Pertusaria (Pertusariaceae) from China. 108: 231–234. 2009. Rogers, Jack D., see Mugambi & al. Rossato, Luciana Grazziotin, Vagner Gularte Cortez, Renata Pereira Limberger & Gastón Guzmán. Taxonomy and chemical aspects of Psilocybe wrightii from southern Brazil. 108: 223–229. 2009. Ryoo, Rhim, see Antonín & al. Santiago, André Luiz Cabral M. de A., Maria A. Q. Cavalcanti & Sandra Farto Botelho Trufem. The first record of Dimargaris bacillispora (Dimargaritales) in South America.
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