34 05 \NIS'1L oii Nuesmantakes District 71 board commends committee members third in sandwich contest In recognition of their eleven ordinate efforts, prioritize initia- ByTraceyLabovite months of devoted service, thetives, address emergency tech- District 7t Board of Edacationnotogy needs, impartthe A Nilesesidefl's sandwichDempsterStreetin Morton The competition was heldon formally thanked the t2 memhers decision making process regard- recipe was selected as one of thcGrove. He won firstprizc at the Tncsday,0CLt9 at theDomi- of the Strategic Planning Tasking the attecation of msonrces, tenbestin the Chicago area. store, and a $50 food gift cerlifi- nicks store tecated at 3t45 Sonth Force. At the Octoher 19 Boardand most significantly enhance Glenn Konieczny. 7307cate, and was entcred in the Dom- Ashland in Chicagoand WLUP's of Education meeting, members the climate and catture ofthe dis- Greenleafentered his recipe forainick's Great Chicago Sandwich Kevin Matthews was the master were presented with a Certificate niet to improve teaching and "pizza sandwichat tise Domi-Challenge. whrre he was chosen ofceremonies.Thosejndging the of Appreciation that recognized leamingconditions. nicks on Wankegan Road andasoneoften finalists. Continued on Page 22 their work to help the disteict co- Continued on Page 22 Stetina: "No major issues,so Afiles people figure 'why bother vofing'." edition of Turnout for school vote 8746 N. Shermer Road, Nues, Illinois 60714- (708) 966-3900 VÓL.37, NO.20,THE BUGL THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1993 5O per copy verylow Nues notes ByTracey Labovita C garbage -- . -VnLOrtUnsont for school board school diatrietsThorewe,wonl5- elections was estremely tow this 500 ballots castin Districtll, collection changes yeararnnnd the local districts and "lt is my understanding that There wilt he no changea in the school officials do not know why, tUrnout was flotexceptionally 1993 School garbage collection process for ¡'Iconsider the mmónt ex- high in any place," said Marguer- Veterans' Day, Thnrsday, No- Izemely tow," said District 63 Su- Ito Adelman, Family and Corn- vemhertl. perintendent Dr. Donald Stetina. munily Involvement Coordinator Election In regard to the Thanksgiving"And I don't have an idea why. forDislrict7l. "Noteveninhigh- holiday, alt residents that assaIl- The weather wasn't bad. I guess lycoatested places." ky taketheir garbage Oat onthere were no major issaes so Traditionally, sabnrban school Tallies Thnrsday, gaebagecollection wittpeople figure, 'why bother vot- hoard elections tend to genemte he Friday, Nov. 26,Residents low turnouts. AccordingLoa Unofficial vote totals that nsaatty have Friday cottec- pproximatety 1,000 voters spokesmanfrom the Cook lion, pick-Up will be Satarday,showed np at the potts in DsMctCounty Clerk's office, school Nov. 27. 63, and that number was actually boaedelection turnouts aro gener- Call thePabtic Service Depart- high compared to other local Continued on Page 22 ment at (708) 967-6100 with any District 63-elect 4 qUestions. Joan Futterman: 966 * Donald Conn: 181 Anything Goes Hula Galvez: 814 *ArlGlnzbur9: 137 Sheldon Holzman: 955 a WrIte-in candidate to be staged atNues North District 64-elect 4 John PIerce: 1,302 Jane Curly: 1,377 Martin Joyce: 1,325 Robert Ryan: 1.342 District 71-elect 5 Robefl Blanchi: 219 John LombardI: 265 RIchard Tomoleorll: 243 Eileen Variano: 232 Bernard Namovlc: 275 Clifford Drexier: 283 Gunter Drachenberg: 140 Edmund Habryl: 222 Desta Elliott: 238 District 207-elect 4 Ira Frledlleb: 3,208 Ralph Johnson: 3,464 Dolores Grazian: 4,055 Helen Nichols: 3,011 Mary Ann Moller.GundersOfl: 3,778 District 219-elect 3 Gall Stone: 3,561 William Novelo: 2,849 Roben SIlverman: 3,384 Jack Purteii: 2,133 Sam Borek: 3,160 Michael McCabe: 2,841 jolie Burt (from left), Eric Benvenisle,Scott Landsman and Vicky Glikin work on aposterpublicizing Oakton College-elect 3 Nieo North High Schooi'sperformanceSof 'Anything Goes'on Nov. 4, 5 and 6. The show begins at 8 p.m. FridayandSalUrday,Nov. 5 and6, with ticketprices setal$5 and$6. Afree senior citizen perfor- Amiida Mader: 16,486 auditori- JodyWadhwa: 13,684 mance ofthe ColePorlermusical wiltbeperfotmed at t p.m., Thursday, Nov. 4 in the school's ,,llI Handael: 12,205 um, 9800 LawlerAve.,Skokie. PAGE2 THE BUGLE,THVRSDAY,NOVEMBER4, 193 Maine Seniors announce November events s TItEBUGLE,TEURSDAY, NOVEMItER4,1993 Maine Township Seniors have Plaines. Registration is requiredribbon and a gift to wrap. Cost of . planned awiderangeof entertain- in advance and an admission fee the workshop is $2. s ingactivitiesforthe month of No- II I of 50 cents is charged at the door More than 3,800 residents are vember, inctuding a trip to see a to rover the cost of coffee and part of Maine Township Seniors. MEMBER theater performance of the musi- Nerth..n111mal. tweetrotts. Most activities are limited to NILES SENIOR CENTER REGISTRATION cat, 'Oliver. On Wednesday, Nov. 10. sen-members, but them's no cost to Nw.p.p.r Seniors who enjoy bingo can The Nitra Senior Center is open to residentsof the Village of A.001.tion ion can attend a tunchtime per- join and new members are always Seniors inter. :LTe thtk havefun atregular monthly bingo formance of "Oliver," the Dick- Nues, age 62 and over and their younger spouses. welcome. Residents who wish to. entert in obtaining additionalsenior renter information should games. Games will be held at ens-inspiredmusical,atthe enroll must he at least 65 years call or visit the center and be placed on diemailing list. The ces- Bob Berner - Pabtixhen noon Tuesday, Nov. 9, at Oakton CandtetightDinnerPtayhoase. An Independent Community NewspaperEstablished in 1957 old and provide proof that they ter is located at 8060Oakton Street. Dnvid Semer - Fnmidi.ig Publisher Mnis, 1665 Oakton Place. Des Buses to the theater witt leavetivein MaineTowoship. 8746 N. Shermer Road, Niles, Illinois Diane Miller- Director nf Advertising at It am. from the Maine West For a membership application, NILES SENIOR CENTER 60714 (708) 966-3900 Mnrh Ero/rete- Direrine nf Prodnetion INVEST IN parkingtot,andwillreturnor for more information about HOSTS ARTS AND CRAFTS FAIR aeound5:t5p.m. Thecostforthc tripsand otheractivities,ratt Hot- The Nitos Senior Center at 8060 OnIOns Streetwitt host an AMERICA'S outing, including transportation, en Jung or Sue Neusehet at (708) 5 from 10 am. to 2 p.m. A lunch and the show, is $36 for Arts and Crafts Fair on Friday, Nov. 297-25t0,cst. 240or24t. variety of crafters will be on hand to sell their waren. Merchan. North Maine BEST mcmbersand $41 forguests. Board asks petitioner for advice These corporate bonds The Harmonaims wilt enter- dise will ictude jewelry, woodcraft. photogeaphy, crochet items, on dish size sewn items. gift items and more.The fair is free and open to all. holds open house offer a big advantage - tain senionduriug lunchtime per- SCOREto o A hotdog lunch wilt he available tram Il am. to 1:30 p.m. for formances of "A Musical Smor- $LFor additional information, call the center at 967-6100, ext. -i---- they're all issued by U.S.- gashord" at noon Wednesday. r international - based companies. Nov. Il, and Thnrsday, Nov. t8, Nueszoners approve 6.06%* at BarqueEs by Brigante, 2648 trade workshop SENIOR CENTER CLOSED FOR VETERAN'S DAY AT&T DempsterSt., DesPlaines. Fórd Motor Co 5.97% SCORE (Service Corps ofRe- The Nues Senior Center wilt be closed on Thursday, Nov. t t Among the group's repertoire is in observance of Veteran's Day. The center wilt reopen on Fr1- Southwestern "Rockabye Your Baby With a tired Executives)andSBA (Smatt Business Administration) Cday, Nov. 12. satellite dish installation Dixie Metody," "Hard-Hearted Bell 6.62%* Hannah," and "DoLord". Cost of wittsponsor antutemationat ByTracey Labovitz Wal-Mart 6.63%* Trade Workshop to hetp small RULES OF THE ROAD CLASS TheHilesZoningBoard sd1 Most impertandy, according the luncheon is $7.50 for mcm- The next Rates of the Road class will be held on Monday, hers, $8.50 for guests.Guests business understandlie basics turned to one of ito petitioners to the board, it is wel hidden Ballard Leisure Center, 8320 Ballard Read in Meeting on Kirk To invest in theU.S. and satcsoppertuuities in market- J Nov. 8, 10 am. at Mondayntghtforadvireonpm from viewtrom any direction; ex- witt he admitted on a space- Nites. The elms is free and prepares seniors for taking the driv- today, please call or stop available basis. ing ofUnitcd States products and Lane/Jonquil ernatellitedishsize, cept in a helicopter, joked a Bun- er's license written exam. For registration, call the center at 967- by my office. Members can get into the hoti- services. Robert Dickey, 112 E. 12th tee. The Zoning Board approved The hatf-day workshop wilt 6t00,.ext. 376. Terrace renovation Street in Gibson City, had day spiritby bringing their grand- The Niles Park Dislrictwill be re- Dickeys motion andfarther children or great-grandchildren ceived a temporary permit to in- askedIlseinstaller what size renovating Klile Lane and Jonquil stall a 1-meter, or approximately to 'A Dragon for Christmas,' a Terrace Parks beginning this fall/ should be Iba maximum size dish iand,ioeatingqnaiificd agents The Nites Senior Center wilt host the monthly Blood Pressure 39-inch, satellite dish os the roof lively show featuring the Hystop- winterseason, with all work tobe the board should permit residents and/or distributors for your prod- on Wednesday, Nov. 10, from I to 4 p.m. This program ofMontgomery Wards, located at otis Puppets. This intergesera- completed by Summer of 1994. toinstallin thefature. acts, importing products into the is open to Niles residents age 60 and over. There is no charge for 5601 Toahy Avenue. Ifthe Nilea Dickey, a contrarI installer for tionat event is scheduled for 2 The North Maine Fire Department thanked all who parlicipat. Manynewtrceplantingswill take p.m. Sunday, Nov.
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