V Jt' ' ‘ ’J*. rK)i.4jf, T ■f ..-■ .-if. • I. ■ ■ - y f A o n r m s t m T H IA S D A Y , j X n U ^ 2, m i r ■'. A r e n g e Daily Net Preas Hud The Weather : Yor the Weak EaSed Feroeeat et C. 8. Wentba* Oatepe December tS. 1967 The AmerkiLn Legion auxiliary afternoon has vesulted in th^ .ar-. to'the end of the month following say arid Ru\h T. Undaay, property • Toaii^t cleer, -ceMer.^ Low 8 to vilH hold -Us ttrst meeting of the Police Charge, ^ s t of Mrs. Muriel A. S^oog, '43, M a r l o w ’ s (pe piu«^M . Price is 12 bobk. on Oxford St. Sells : Abou t To wn - year Mondikv afS p.m.'in the Le­ of Andover i,^abe Rd. -Sl\e is. ‘ T^10<ent tickets are In books' Judgment. U ea / , 12. Katurday ibooUy Mmny and a gion Home. S^mbers are reminded Willimantic charged with inaproper bjacklng. ^^iBridge T i c k e of 2S and cost $2.50.,They gre good ' Aaron Cook,' doing busineas-as ,349,6^ Stampii 13,604 -/ tittle colder. High . ar ft. Oab-. i ’: to bring in their «oui>on|. Dues are .S tate .Police gave this Isccount Member of the Audit SoiM t R ^ k a h .tiodi:* win Mat .from six. months to a yeaCi depend­ Cook's. Servife Station, 'against \ look fo'r-Sunday fair. ^ Ita naw offloeni. Monday evening payable at this iheSiing. ' ■61 the .accident; Mrs. Skoog was ing upon date of purch^. Tickets Kenneth Miller for $808.87, pro; Bemmi' of Ctrculatkm In Yule C^^ash The heW schedule of toll rates on A total poaua 'M anchett^^A Cityof^yil r m In Odd Vellowa Hall. Mra. Eloise tebking hqr/car Oast, partly on the. the three - Hartford bridges w^nt bought now UirbughyJune 20 are erly on Droad St, stamps of the 3 and 3 ^ n t varietg i^mlm Burt' of Stafford Springe, District ^veled portion of Rt. 8, when,a iliito effect yesterday. , good until Dec. 3 1 /Tickets pur-- Corporation Ameodmei were sold a t the post office duriil Deputy President- of Ho. 19, and state Police allied a \ltllll car operated by Asron/M, Pbrlss Bboks of tich ets'are avSHabte chased l^tween July 1 and Dec. SJ Case Bros., Inc., iilcreasti^'cspl- the period Dec. 13 to 3li AssistaL Advartlataig on Pngri 1$) PRICE FIVE CENTS her staff wilh install the otficers Cases B^va^ping man tic' man over’ws New 48, of West Hartford, drlvlng.west here at Marlow's. - are Postmaster Thomaa Moriarty aaitj VOL. LXXVII, NO. .79 XtSiXTkEN PAGES)' MANCHESTER, CONN« FRIDAY/JANUARY 3, 1958 at 8:80 in a cei^ony open to the on Rt. 9, -collided with Ahe rear of lowing year. Aallaatlon from |i«0,00aA^$l,82Q holiday '■ in cohnectipV w l^ s ' According to George Marlow, he 000 and increasing y(hore» from today. tVwtal fecelpu during public, preceded % a brief busl<- Capital Stnictui^ .Christmas Bve acc.id^t,’’gna also Mrs. Skoog's-car. holiday period amounted to noaa meeting. Mrs.N^vonne Con- has had to renew Jila supply of 9,600 at no par valm to 44,000. at ilWesUgated two Area sdcl^enta, ' Police said that Mrs. Skoog’a car’ tickets. His Srst supply sold .oUt $30 par value'. S12.83, he added. lots, 29 Summer St.,!v<ill succeed Case Bros., Inc., local paper suffered minor damage, bu t thb- The-amount of staotpa sold wal- /'M rs. Florence AnmstrongxU noble oneTijeaday^and one yestsrdky. puickly and he replenished gues- Marrigge Ubenae Mark maker, bat changed its capital front left of Porlss’l car was badly My from- the Greater Hsoiford PiiMc Records 95,'000 more than was recorded a grand. Past N^le Grand ^rginia Erank Hartlgan, 2^, is achediilsd damaged. Patrick'Jnw ph Grak<u)rsky, 81 yeer when' the post qfflc^ Lefris and her. committee will ■trutture to provide for non-voting Bridges Authority. Several hun­ Mafahatljfd. and Edna Clair^Rob­ to appear in Boltpit Justice Courts Ute accident was investigated dred ppoks,were sold, he said. • / Wamuitee Deeds alt-time high was set- Postal rer serve refreshments. common atock as well as. voting erts, M^Goodwin St.,. Jan. 18, St. cclpts during the entire month M $hes Ah Jan., 21 to face charges of-evading Officer. RlchaM Maynard, Mrs. Two types of . tickets are avail­ . John G. Evans and Catherine H. JampS^ Church. common Stock. I g's court date haa been "Set December amounted ip |93,87lje Registration, for comtnnnion «ti responplbillty. And speedihg. Ac­ able at Marlowr’s, the 5-cent and- JBvmm to Hairy R. Skiff and Stei- Documents recorded todky In the fdr'J«n-2p. 10-cent tickets. Books with 40 a Ha P. Skiff, property at 77 Weaver Moriarty said that mr-rindlrii“ ' " Sunday at the 2lon Lutheran cording to State Pdlteeman Rich­ Coins made of pure platinum eporta would be fcOfttfMtod abein On Wid^ront ChuVch will be held tomorrow towm Clerk's, office indicate Ah in­ a rd . Powei;a o f the Colchester bar­ Arid Reynoldij^tl, of Flandera 6 cents per tic k et,a re good im Rd. /'. were issued by Ruasla during the crease In capitallutton fronft.Sl60,V Rd^ C^entry, wtu Issued a warn-' F eb.-28. This ty p e‘ticket U Daisy Harrison to Paul H. Li r The poetaitai y«ar anda ^ from 3 to I and from 7 y> 8 p.m. racks, Hsiligan allegedly left the early part of the 19th Century. .he said. New ”Ybrk, Jsn. 3 (iP)—^h e 000 to 11,330,000. Wells Dennison,’’ ingXUpket for^peedlng after'an "N Starts U. S. Bias Study scene. Of a. crash on R t 8. Bolton- / stbek market-continued its ' Mrs. Frank B. Crocker, 48 Rus- head of the firm, saidlodSy, how­ after his Par struck (jne operated early morning accident on Rt. 32, -t- I 1^1.................................................-,n * Sell St., will be installed as royal ever, that no new pioney is going by Mrs.' Pearl Murdock of Ando- In MSmsSeld New gear’s Day." f. \ - • e - - . '1. \ ' . _ - new year’s rally . with morjo Washington, Janl 8 (/P) -taomh, aort o( jnlSdle ground mrPly. the commisrilo'n waa aet up as a m atron of Chapm'an Court, No. 10, into the company; He said money lx. Harry Taylor of the Stafford racial v.and r ^ t a problerha. then fact finding, - atody and adviaory active trading and good gaihs .Order of AmarSnth, torftorrowr eve­ Is being ti;anBferrcd from surplus Powers BSifT Hartlgsn’a sfrM t -^prings'State Police barracks said # The new 6-man Civil Rights comtng'.up with a<aome kind of coll­ agency. \ on a broad front eany this af- to effect the change In structure. that as Reynolds rounded a curve, ning In the Masonic Temple, suc­ -'.‘kame largely throfigh the help of Commission was sworn into atructlve\jrsjnfport . And rtcommendie Power to InVeaUgaM ternooni ’ 7 ceeding Idrs. Mafjorle R. Morrison. The firm formerly hed y9fi00 a passlijg^otorist" who identified his fight front tire blew, causing office today in the presence of tlona by » p t. 9. 1959, C'.SHIV; V 'The busfneM session at 7:30 will shares .of common stock ^ th no the car to leave th.' road. qangt»M gave 11 aheciflc author^ Af^er a barely higl«r »t_ HsrtlgSn’s car as the one^ Avhloh President Eisenhower, The Dig MeaUon la whether the Ityto iriveatigatet any complainta market went to town Inlate J \be followed by the installation at ■par value. With the change there allpg^l.v hit, M ra, .'Murdock’s ve­ The car turned over and came commlaelop\can produce aon^- made In writing-that persona have ing. posting gains running t< p.ht A social will follow In will be .11,000 . shares /of voting hicle as she . was attempting to to rest on Its roof. ’The vehicle was The Prealdent greeted the mem- \- ;b*ra in hlri office and etood by thing the North can accept and been denied the rilght bb vote be- 2 poirita for key stocks in many Um banquet hall and refreshments stock and, 33,000 of non voting, all make a left turn off ■ Rt. 6. ' extensively damaged, according to the South canXtolerrite.' Vartoua 5 - M a n wlllvbe served by Mrs. Ella Gal­ CERY STORE WHERE YOU GET while hie chief aeeletant, Sher­ cauae of race, creqa or national ori- sections. /' common and all with a par value • .A 2-csV accident in front of the Lt. Taylor, but the -driver was un- man Adame, admlnletered the oath commiaalort membera'have aaid dif- Ralls steels arid motors were in lant and Miss Mary Lou Dickson of $30. Andover' Library 'Tate Tuesday tpjured. gin. /, qf <^ce. ferencea are certain to ebme iip in ^ e commlM^h alao.ia au^^aed more brisk demand than other, "Give them the dipk>maa for the commiaalon aeaaiong, and that they to ^ r v e y present federal IawS-,Md groups but.gircrafta, base metals, i i m ' honoraay doetbratee,” KUenhower can't be expected, t^device a com­ l^iciea to detbrmihe whether they chemicals,.,hlrllnes and radio-tele­ ^ 'sr ^ w w ' ^ w ' w i r ^ ’s r properied with a grin./And he he- plete, aolutfon to rai^l and other affqrd propqf protection for OiVU' visions ^also showed respectable FOR rOli.R STAMPS taauea that have peraflited fpV.
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