NE§~. ST'rE '. ""'. 1500 R s':n HISTORICA!. LIN " \£E'1'& SOClfl'l'Y . COLli, NEBR. This ISlue. 18 Pages - Two 5tf;tion. Plus Supplements . • 685.08 AYNE· HERALD , WAYNE, NEIIRASKA "717, THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 1m ONE·HUNDRED FIRST YEAR NUMIIER SIXTY.NINE /,\ WQ~ r:'fit ,r~J gh .~ The Weather Extravaga'nza Schedulas' '77 Includes Orientation The annual freshman orienta­ ~ Fashions, Cooking School tion for Wayne High School will Extravaganza '77, the Wayne away Saturday. The Wayne Herald, Wayne Field Service (sponsortkt by the begin' Tuesday at 7 p.m., prlncl. Dolo HI Lo ......Ip. Cbam~r of Commerce Home A !opecl"l event Frlddy night Greenhouse, Peoples Natural Wayne Federal Savings 1In"d- pal Don Zeiss announced. Show this year, will get under will be a style show beginning at Gas. C.rhart Lumber Co.. Loan). Columbus Federal S.v~ March 16 54 22 Current eighth grade !otudents Friday at 6: lO pm .. clcne 7 30. Mrs Bob Armbruster and Wayne Book Store, Gerald's De. lnos and Loan. Fraternal Order March 17 58.0 ..,..V affendlng !ochoal In Wayne and fbt the evenIng at Q, open at 10 Mrs. Jim MarSh as chdirmen for coratlng Center, Gambles, or Eagles, Koplin Auto SVPfHY, March 18 56 J2 the surrounding rural distrIcts '.m. Saturday and stay open all the event, which will be ndr World Book Encyclopedia, Country Sportsman, Sherry March 19 52 28 . .(5 who will enter the ninth grade at clay until 9 p.m, rated by Mrs Ruby Pe-dersen. Rusty Nail (Swan.McLean). Brother" True Value Harct.¥..... Wayne High next year are In· March 20 .2 20 .21 March 21 .0 16 A total of 29 booth, will ~ set Piantst Gema Giese will "'com Fr~nckson Oil Co., American S. EXTRAVAGANZA. paoe 10 vlted to attend the orientation for the show and merchdnk Pdny ']7 models showin9 31 fit with their parents. .• March 22 -46,'- Morch Tolal: UI tIII be giving away more th.an ttn9s, Mr'i Marsh 'i.dld. d W' II T k A general sessIon will be held 0,000 In dooe pel,"" Includinq • P"'1i<'p.1fing meech.nf, Me St u en t s 0 0 e In the high school lecture hall to Sl00 grand prize to be <W·'en SWi'ln',> Men's Storf" Kuhn's ()(> 1 distribute materials, acquaint pdrtment Store, Surber's Clo parents and students with 0 thlnQ. dnd J.M. McDonald Co Off f Do cours. offerings and the Veteran's Farm Class Organized (lo1h,ng w'" ,nclud. men', Ice or 0 y registration process for new stu womC'n'') clod children'S at1lre dents. An advanced farm cooperative m~f!tlnQ Monday niqht <"lnd The Home Show will re-sume Wayne County high school ~rvice officer; Bryan Ruwe, A facsimile schedule of class· training class for vehwans will enough oth~r!> have exprM'§.ed d! 10 3.m Saturddy and d juniors Will be spie('lding the day judQe; Dennis FIHf", agriculture es will take place after the begin April 1, Wayne County an Intf"re!>t to en')ure a full. mtcrowave cooklnq school 15 wtth VdrlOUS county offlclats agent; Susan Rethwlsch, cleric.; general session to allow visits to veterans service officer Chris )5.member class. <;cheduled for 1 pm Tuesda'( durln9 the annual .Mark Helthold, clerk of the dis" specific teachers and courses of Bargholz announ~ TUHdaY. The lir')t ciass will begin M 7 Mrs June Renanoor, Nebras County Governm~t Day spon· trlet court; Kelly Frevert, interests. Refreshments will be Kevin Kal will Instruct the p.m. April 1 at Wayne High 1<.<, Public Power District home sared by the WinSide, Carroll sheriff; Frank Mrsny, deputy served In the high sch~ com nine month course, open to m.. School A clilSS schedule will be 'it>rvlce advisor, will be aS~.lsted and Wd ,r(' American L~lon sherlff; Lori Johnson, attorMY; mons at 9 p.m. rans who have previously com· .nnounced then. by Mrs Glen EIII~gson I~_~ __ ... ___~ __~fv\arks, assistance direc . b.MIc.J_ .. .. ·f"""",l·r"9l&lrAt«>n foL.AILln, __ pI<1ed-<>-_ "6t~mon'>!t"allng how to make bet Junior,) from the Wayne and tor.., J~strom, Jeremy coming freshmen will begin cooper8tive coune. Eligible The thlSIc 'farm- -cooperatIve April 4 and conclude April 8. veterans can receive compensa. class he'S been previously offer ~e~U'i.:re~:re~IC~~Wt~~e C::I~~ WinSide t'lgr schools. elect~ by ~o~~:=;~~':~~ss~~er~lermann. ed In Wayne, ending about thrf"C Rural students may register any tlon for attending the course s(hool will ~ qlven dway during ~~~~'I~I~:I:~o: ~t+~\ :~II~~~ time during tht'lt period, or ltt under the G.1. education bill. years ago, Bl'rgholl '<'Ild. <'md Elections at WInside High .., any time aUer those dates, Zeiss graduiltes of the CO\Jrse will th~~',~: on dt,play win InClude county d.f!'flo. 5 oHlce choose County Government Day constitutl' a major lly of the en s8ld. Further Informatkm c"n be Barghoh s81d 28 veterans W"ync State Colleqe (sponsore<j At 10 .10 tn-e'" '",'ill ~ssemble in representatives dre scheduled obtained by contlltdlng Zeiss. attended the organllational rollment In the advl\nced cl<'lc;~ by the Flr~t NdttQnal BdnK), the d,str (I court room for greet for Friddy McHrd Home Improvem~nL l11gS ,"~f1(j d 'i.latement of the W,)yrlt' County Public Pow~r, purpo5~ of county government :~~,nl:~er ~~~u::~h ~~d~t~iC;~! local Youngsters Something for Everyone ;1.15 ,Spark of Interest Spring Concer't AI 1 JO P m dHer lunch at the In Talent Contest Wdyne Vel", Club, they WI!! Young people from seyeral SAM SCHROEDER' 0( the Wayne County Public Power Set at Allen area communities wlil compe~ d'.-ldc- up to s.~nd the after District TueScMy uMd models to demonstrate to power At Foreign Culture Day JunlOr ,lOci o:.Cf'lor high school Sunday afternoon in I,""e Wayne noon With the re"ipecllve county board members dangers Involved In working near high the studpot') <11 Allt·r. will present a offiCials holding th.ft post to lions Club talent conl('sl voltage Schroeder common Culture groups from Wayne, vlan, German. French and of Indonesl;' clnd Llndc1 Adelbdi lines. Here demonstrates a spring conCt'rl at Ihe school ,.... t'lch It-oe students were ele-cfed Beginning at 1 JO p.m at the haUllrd, too-tall televisIon .... Ial adlacent to the power Sioux City, Omaha, O'Neill, SpanIsh speclalltles are just (1 a of Pdl,lU will prf'scnt bdmboo dudltorlum Tue.,day evenmg Wayne High students and the Wayne H.lgh School lecture hdll, line. Although built used In the demonstra- Winnebago, Clarkson and other some of the foreign foods for \ to ,cal., lines danet' and together with Mafi DIrecting the 7 JO p m con offices "',d'lIcn they will observe 18 youngs.ters in four d11l1S1on~ sale. tlon model carry plenty of volteoe. enough to arc across a Midwestern towns wilt bring garei Yew of Indonl~slil '.'.111 (t'rt will be Lorna Stamp ,lre Scott Havener, assessor; will compete for the rlliJht 10 Val Peterson, former Nebras· cOuple of Inches to the toy antenna. Citizen band radio entertainment to Wayne State present some songs The publiC 15 Invited to attend Kirk cchfenKarnp, trea:surer; move on to the LlOns district antennas Schroeder Most people College Saturday in the fIrst ka governor and U .S_ ambassa­ Olher singers will be Charles are also haiardous. sald. the mUSical proqram Lunch Will V'c Sharoe district prObation talent contest scheduled fo1' dor to ScandinavIa, will open don't h.ve good vertlcle perception, he exPlained, and. CB Foreign Culture Day. Kagochl, $hem "Idedi, and be '>I:rv('d clfferward by f II 1M officer Br'Jn Haun, supennten April 17 in PlaHsmouth base statlt;m a.r)el often will reach higher than one mloht Scheduled in the WSC Student "Foreign Culture Day" with • See CULTURE, p.."ge 10 ilnd sndh gr:dde mUSIC students. dent Bell)... Ostendorf, 'Jeterans The top act I n each age gt'oop . flilnk _It It 0It1l\e',"""",; 'If It.-.. tlmgltttwlfli" Un'on. !he even1 is desIgned 10 welcome at 11. a.m .• Saturday. In the local <XJRtest 'NUt be: high voltage line. the ,..... .at. can be fat~l. Mobile aerials boost cultural awareness In Decorated booths will open at ."91bte for the dktrld c0mpe.­ can also present a danger. partleularly when mounted on Northeast Nebraska., But more- that tIme also, with. cultural tition. Fred Webber, chalrm4f\ farm machinery. Schroeder said farm equipment Is it's designed to be enter· Information on dlspfay -~nd food Workers Open Cancer Crusade for the local contest, said 10 acts becoming large enough that mountIng on top of equipment fun. for sale. are entered in the elementary can often put an antenna within reach of overhead lines. to one foreign lang- At 11: 30, the Foreign Studenls division, 10 in the in'ermediclte MiJre than 225 volutlteers will acro~s the nation doniltlng theIr donall'd by Nebraskans comes Schreoder also demonstrated that. contrary to popular , "Culture Day" Association of Wayne State Col divison, six In the junior dIVI· help with the Wayne County 'line to the cdmpalgn~ McClure back 10 ~he state In the form of belief, trees will condud electriCity. That Is why the POW&- -.J.~·lII--t>">vI,je entertainment for lege will present a variety of sian, and two in the senIor divi· Cancer Crusade which began ')aid rese-Men granls to the Eppley district has an on·golng program to keep trees tri~'med everyone, young and old, big or e!1tertalnment.
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