Eos, Vol. 69, No. 51, December 20, 1988 nantly volcanic rock section. The age of the suits from GLIMPCE deep seismic reflec­ can, A. J. Erlank, and M. J. Norrey, The crust in the vicinity of the Minnesota hole is tion profiles, Geology, 16, 81, 1988. role of continental lithosphere in the gen­ anticipated to be as old as 3.6 Ga, with a pos­ Brannon, J., Geochemistry of successive lava eration of the Karoo volcanic rocks: Evi­ sible 1.8-Ga overprint, and the crustal age in flows of the Keweenawan North Shore Vol­ dence from combined Nd- and Sr-isotope northern Kansas is 1.65 Ga (Cover), provid­ canic Group, Ph.D. thesis, Washington studies, in Pedogenesis of the Volcanic Rocks of ing a useful age contrast of mantle magma Univ., St. Louis, Mo., 1984. the Karoo Province, Geol. Soc. S. Afr. Spec. reservoirs. It is anticipated with core holes of Burke, K., L. Delano, T. F. Dewey, A. Edel- Publ 13, edited by A. J. Eriank, pp. 341- the order of 4 km in both regions that all pri­ stein, W. S. F. Kidd, K. D. Nelson, A. M. C. 356, Marshalltown, 1984. mary and many secondary scientific objectives Sengor, and J. Strup, Rifts and sutures of Lippus, C. S., The seismic properties of mafic can be achieved. Specific drilling sites in both the world, Report to Earth Survey Applica­ volcanic rocks of the Keweenawan Super­ regions can be selected in a limited span of tions Division, Contract NAS5-24094, God- group and their implications, M.S. thesis, time with analysis of existing data and consid­ dard Space Flight Center, NASA, Green- Purdue Univ., W. Lafayette, Ind., 1988. eration of surface logistical factors. belt, Md., 1978. McSwiggen, P. L., G. B. Morey, and V. W. The eastern Northern Peninsula of Michi­ Cannon, W. F., A. G. Green, D. R. Hutchin­ Chandler, New model of Midcontinent Rift gan is a particularly attractive site for sam­ son, M. Lee, B. Milkereit, J. C. Behrendt, in eastern Minnesota and western Wiscon­ pling by shallow drilling of a succession of H. C. Halls, J. C. Green, A. B. Dickas, G. sin, Tectonics, 6, 677, 1987. dipping basaltic volcanic rocks that attain a B. Morey, R. Sutcliffe, and C. Spencer, The Nicholson, S. W., and S. B. Shirey, 1100-Ma thickness of 20 km in nearby eastern Lake Midcontinent Rift beneath Lake Superior midcontinent rift development: Evidence Superior. Additional geophysical observations from GLIMPCE seismic reflection profil­ from Nd and Sr isotope composition of and analysis are required to specify the loca­ ing, Tectonics, in press, 1988. Keweenawan volcanic rocks, northern tion of the transect and holes on the transect. Chandler, V. W., P. L. McSwiggen, G. B. Michigan, Geol. Soc. Am. Abstr. Programs, Morey, W. J. Hinze, and R. L. Anderson, 19., 788, 1987. Conclusion Interpretation of seismic reflection, gravity Oray, E., W. J. Hinze, and N. W. O'Hara, and magnetic data across the Middle Pro- Gravity and magnetic evidence for the east­ Two closely related primary objectives for terozoic Midcontinent Rift System in west­ ern termination of the Lake Superior syn- MCR drilling emerged from and were strong­ ern Wisconsin, eastern Minnesota, and cen­ cline, Geol. Soc. Am. Bull, 84, 2763, 1973. ly endorsed by participants at the Duluth tral Iowa, Am. Assoc. Pet. Geol. Bull, in Perry, F. V., W. S. Baldridge, and D. J. De- workshop, and drilling sites were subsequent­ press, 1988. Paolo, Role of asthenosphere and litho­ ly proposed by working groups. Additional Dosso, L., The nature of the Precambrian sphere in the genesis of late Cenozoic ba­ studies will be required for precisely locating subcontinental mantle: Isotopic study (Sr, saltic rocks for the Rio Grande rift and ad­ the holes, as well as for siting the eastern Nd, Pb) of Keweenawan volcanism of the jacent regions of the southwestern United northern Michigan transect. While many of north shore of Lake Superior, Ph.D. thesis, States,/. Geophys. Res., 92, 9193, 1987. the workshop participants, and others subse­ 221 pp., Univ. of Minn., Minneapolis, Ramberg, I. B., and P. Morgan, Physical quently, have expressed specific interests in 1984. characteristics and evolutionary trends of participating in the related research, we antic­ Green, J. C, Geologic and geochemical evi­ continental rifts, in Proceedings of the 27th ipate this drilling program will be open to dence for the nature and development of International Geological Congress, Moscow, vol. competitive proposals at an appropriate the middle Proterozoic (Keweenawan) Mid- 7, pp. 165-216, VNU Science Press, stage. Reader's comments on the primary ob­ continent Rift of North America, Tectono- Utrecht, Netherlands, 1984. jectives, the proposed drilling sites, or other physics, 94, 413, 1983. Van Schmus, W. R., and W. J. Hinze, The aspects of the MCR drilling program are wel­ Halls, H. C, The late Precambrian central Midcontinent Rift system, Annu. Rev. Earth come and should be sent to Co-Chairs of the North America rift system—A survey of re­ Planet. Sci, 13, 345, 1985. Steering Committee, W. J. Hinze, Depart­ cent geological and geophysical investiga­ Van Schmus, W. R., M. E. Bickford, and I. ment of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, tions, in Tectonics and Geophysics of Continen­ Zietz, Early and middle Proterozoic prov­ Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907 tal Rifts, NATO Adv. Study Inst., Ser. C, vol. inces in the central United States, in Pro­ and W. C. Kelly, Department of Geological 37, edited by E. R. Neumann and LB. terozoic Lithospheric Evolution, Geodyn. Ser., Sciences, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ramberg, pp. 111-123, D. Reidel, Hing- vol. 17, edited by A. Kroner, pp. 43-68, MI 48109-1063. ham, Mass., 1978. AGU, Washington, D.C., 1987. Halls, H. C, and L. J. Pesonen, Paleomagne- References tism of Keweenawan rocks, in Geology and Tectonics of the Lake Superior Basin, Geol. Soc. Behrendt, J. D., A. G. Green, W. F. Cannon, Am. Mem. 156, edited by R. J. Wold and W. This article was prepared by W. J. Hinze and D. R. Hutchinson, M. Lee, B. Milkereit, W. J. Hinze, pp. 173-202, Boulder, Colo., W. C. Kelly, on behalf of the participants of the F. Agena, and C. Spencer, Crustal struc­ 1982. Midcontinent Rift System Scientific Drilling Work­ ture of the Midcontinent rift system: Re- Hawkesworth, C. J., J. S. Marsh, A. R. Dun- shop, Duluth, Minn. The portrait also embodies the other rea­ are offered here as vignettes of one of the Richard P. Feynman son that he holds such fascination even to most fascinating people of our lifetime. The those who never met him. He was the kind of first piece is by his sister, Joan Feynman, who 1918-1988 scientist each of us in our heart of hearts explains why Feynman didn't do research in would want to be—incredibly talented, yet auroral physics. The others are by Thomas PAGES 1649, 1657 full of childlike excitement in the quest for Gold, Gerald Wasserburg, Neil Sheeley, and Richard Feynman, simply put, was a ge­ knowledge. The monk-like habit, reminiscent Syun-Ichi Akasofu. Finally, I would like to nius. His quick wit and uncommon grasp of of Yoda, the open lock dangling from his fin­ acknowledge Rob Wolff (currently at Apple physics meant that any research area he en­ ger—symbolizing to my mind not only his fa­ Computer), whose own remembrances in countered, he quickly mastered. Despite the mous pastime of lock-picking but also unlock­ Physics Today (1988) inspired me to collect fact that his own area of research was not ing the secrets of the universe—and the wry these memories. Like the Caltech students the geophysics, his life and work influenced al­ smile all add up to a portrait of someone day after his death, we hold the banner "WE most all of us. you'd just love to know. LOVE YOU, DICK!!" Virtually every physics graduate student We all laughed at his fascinating, funny who started in the mid 60s or later was ex­ autobiography Surely You're Joking, Mr. posed to his Lectures on Physics, either by hav­ Feynman', we all smirked at his elegant ing them as a text for a course or by using demonstration of the brittleness of the shuttle them (as I did) to bone up for oral qualifying O-ring seal when he tapped it after chilling it exams. Feynman diagrams appear in nearly in his glass of ice water; and we all cried Patricia H. Reiff every modern quantum mechanics textbook inside when he died. The following Eos Editor for Solar-Planetary Relationships and are featured in his official Caltech por­ remembrances, from a few of the AGU Department of Space Physics and Astronomy trait, which illustrates this article. members who did know Feynman personally, Rice University, Houston, Tex. This page may be freely copied. Eos, Vol. 69, No. 51, December 20, 1988 \ A Genius with Puzzles "When you get to Pasadena, you absolutely must meet Feynman," some of my colleagues in Cambridge told me in 1955 as I was pre­ paring a trip to the U.S. I corresponded with him, and he suggested that we meet for breakfast in a pancake restaurant. We were both into intellectual teasers and puzzles, and getting acquainted was to exchange all the the ones we knew. Of course, he had heard most of mine before, or sufficiently similar ones, so they presented no challenge. Equally, he presented his with the words, "You must know this one," but as with telling old jokes, it is still entertaining among puzzle addicts. I had invented one myself just shortly be­ fore, a rather clever and tricky one, I thought, which none of the Cambridge ad­ dicts had been able to do on the spot.
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