
February CALENDAR #!"# OF EVENTS "EEJTPO4USFFUt#FSLFMFZ $BMJGPSOJBt tXXXGSFJHIUBOETBMWBHFPSH SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY TICKET DISCOUNTS: YOUTH-HALF PRICE (AGES 25 & UNDER) Martyn Rushad Dave Cheap Suit SENIOR-$2.00 OFF (AGES 65 & OVER) Joseph Eggleston Alvin Serenaders MEMBERS-$2.00 OFF TYR]]V_XZ_X hYZc]hZ_U XcZeejS]fVdj gZ_eRXV[Rkk R_UT`^aV]]Z_X Z^ac`gZdReZ`_R] c``edc`T\ Z_ViaV_dZgVReeZcV dZ_XVc d`_XhcZeVc TV]]Zde Victor Krummenacher DOORS OPEN AT 7 PM, `aV_d MUSIC AT 8 PM "'&!RUg #!&!RUg #'&!RUg #'&!RUg (UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED) ")&!U``c 7VScfRcj" ##&!U``c 7VScfRcj# #)&!U``c 7VScfRcj$ #)&!U``c February 4 San Francisco Bluegrass & Oldtime Festival Gerard Gretchen Freight Larry Hanks The Stairwell Edery Peters Open Mic & Deborah Bee Eaters Sisters, g`TR] XfZeRcgZcef`d` 8cR^^j_`^Z_ReVU Bay Area’s premier decZ_XSR_UZ__`gReZ`_ aVcW`c^d2eRYfR]aR R^VcZTR_R open stage event Robins WVRefcZ_XEcZdeR_R_U True Blue 2 JfaR_bfZ|d2cXV_eZ_V dZ_XVcd`_XhcZeVc T]`dVYRc^`_ZVdR_U ERdYZ_R4]RccZUXV R]]XR]`]UeZ^VR_U W`]\d`_Xd ScR_UdaR_\Z_|@=5 Cahalen & Eli`aV_ ecRUZeZ`_R]S]fVXcRdd 2^VcZTR_d`_Xd U`fS]VSZ]] 45cV]VRdVdY`h #!&! ##&! February 5 #!&! ##&! February 6 %&! '&! 7VScfRcj( #!&! ##&! 7VScfRcj* #!&! ##&! 7VScfRcj"! #!&! ##&! 7VScfRcj"" Black History Series SF Bluegrass SF Bluegrass Black History Series Black History Series & Oldtime Festival & Oldtime Festival 1st Annual Kathy Kallick Davka Kleptograss Eric Jennifer Talk of Band Quartet, :_daZcVUWfdZ`_`W RceWf]S`cc`hVcd Eddie Marshall >ZUU]V6RdeVc_^fdZT `WVT]VTeZT^fdZTR] Bibb Berezan da Town Susie Glaze & the \]Vk^VcR_U[RkkhZeY ecRUZeZ`_d _Vhh`c]US]fVd dZ_XVcd`_XhcZeVc|d RhRcUhZ__Z_X Tribute Hilonesome Band XfVdeaVcTfddZ`_Zde 45cV]VRdVdY`hhZeY RTRaaV]]R 7cVZXYe;RkkdTY``]|d a`hVcWf]dZ_XZ_X Pezhham Akhavass ^R_j^fdZTR]T`Y`ced Y`^RXVe`]ReV UZdeZ_TeZgVS]fVXcRdd [RkkUcf^^Vc #!&! ##&! 7VScfRcj"# #!&! ##&! 7VScfRcj"$ #!&! ##&! 7VScfRcj"% #!&! ##&! 7VScfRcj"& ##&! #%&! 7VScfRcj"' #%&! #'&! 7VScfRcj"( ##&! #%&! 7VScfRcj") ) ! NIGHTS David West Coast Red Roland White Patrick Landeza Thom Band Songwriters Wine & the All-Stars with Kenneth a]fdLaurie Lewis Makuakane, Martin Hayes & Dennis Cahill YRcUUcZgZ_XS]fVXcRdd ]VXV_URcj^R_U`]Z_Zde VibfZdZeVVddV_eZR]:cZdYWZUU]VXfZeRcUf` 45cV]VRdVdY`h Competition & Tom Rozum YZdY`e LT Smooth ac`WVddZ`_R]]j[fUXVU S]fVXcRdd S]fVXcRddSR_U Windy Hill@aV_d `cZXZ_R]d`_XdT`_eVde :eR]ZR_dej]V & Bill Griffin 7:30 showtime da`_d`cVUSjPane 9RhRZZR_d]RT\\Vj Friday & Saturday, February 24 & 25 Italiano Qualita’ XfZeRcg`TR]d $26.50/$28.50 #!&! ##&! 7VScfRcj"* )&! "!&! 7VScfRcj#! #!&! ##&! 7VScfRcj#" #!&! ##&! 7VScfRcj## #%&! #'&! 7VScfRcj#$ #!&! ##&! 7VScfRcj#% #%&! #'&! 7VScfRcj#& Jewish Music Festival M DR_7cR_TZdT`4YR^SVc A Dala @cTYVdecRacVdV_ed Russell Moore Leftover Don Michael j`f_XdaZcZeVU R YRc^`_jcZTY Classical @ the Freight Freight 4R_RUZR_W`]\a`a & IIIrd C Dreams Burnham Winograd Rossini’s Birthday Open Mic XV^dWc`^eYV8cVRe d`acR_`Marta Tyme Out R 2^VcZTR_D`_XS``\ & the Bolos & Judith JohansenR_UeYV pay your dues, cfcR]cYjeY^ hVdeVc_dhZ_X SFCO All-Stars play and shmooze S]fVXcRdd YR]]`WWR^Vcd TYR^SVc^fdZTR_U H Berkson `aVcReZTRcZRd \]Vk^VcTR_e`cZR]^fdZT #!&! ##&! 7VScfRcj#' )&! "!&! 7VScfRcj#( %&! '&! 7VScfRcj#) #!&! ##&! 7VScfRcj#* #!&! ##&! >RcTY" #'&! #)&! >RcTY# #$&! #'&! >RcTY$ Jewish Music Festival Ben Freight Rhonda Peter John Melanie Goldberg’s Open Mic Vincent Finger Reischman O’Reilly pay your dues, `fedeR_UZ_X & the Jaybirds Z__`gReZgV Orphic Machine play and shmooze & the Rage RT`fdeZTXfZeRc TV]eZT[Rkk HVde4`RdeacV^ZVcV`W eYVBfVV_ S]fVXcRdd^R_U`]Z_ TYR_eVfdV TYR^SVc[RkkdfZeV `WS]fVXcRdd ^RdeVcYZd e`a_`eTYSR_U #$&! #'&! >RcTY% %&! '&! >RcTY' #)&! $!&! >RcTY( #!&! ##&! >RcTY) #!&! ##&! >RcTY* #!&! ##&! >RcTY"! Workshops/Classes aRXV)March 11 & beyond aRXV( Theme & Variations aRXV$ Ticketing Info aRXV(Kids’ Shows+>RcTY"!AReTYh`c\DVcZVd1""R^ A NONPROFIT COMMUNITY ARTS ORGANIZATION t www.freightandsalvage.org About the Freight 5IF'SFJHIU4BMWBHF$PGGFFIPVTF #FSLFMFZ PERFORMER PROFILES: Society for the Preservation of Traditional February 2011 .VTJD JTBOPOQSPGJUDPNNVOJUZBSUTPSHBOJ[B tion dedicated to promoting the understanding and appreciation of traditional music—music Martyn Joseph Wednesday February 1 rooted in an expressive of the great vari Welsh troubadour Martyn Joseph triggers powerful emotions ety of regional, ethnic, and social cultures of XIFOIFUBLFTUIFTUBHF5IJTDIBSJTNBUJDTJOHFSTPOHXSJUFSTFEHZ peoples throughout the world. We are sup intense songs lead audiences across some of the darker terrains of ported by your attendance, grants from the life, documenting the sorrow and injustice in the world, yet all the Alameda County ARTSFUND, Berkeley Civic while lighting the way with enduring hope and an irrepressibly droll Arts Program, The William & Flora Hewlett TFOTFPGIVNPS0OFPGUIFXPSMETUSVMZBSSFTUJOHQFSGPSNFST UIF Foundation, the Kanbar Charitable Trust, Boston Globe applauded Martyn as “a profound experience” and MOJO the Walter & Elise Haas Fund, the Edmund Magazine called him “an artist of enduring worth.” and Jeannik Littlefield Foundation, National During his performing career of nearly three decades, Martyn has Endowment for the Arts, Bernard Osher enjoyed impressive critical acclaim and recorded a number of hit Foundation, San Francisco Foundation, the singles, including “Dolphins Make Me Cry” in the early 1990s, but Drs. Ben and A. Jess Shenson Foundation his passionate performance style and the depth and resonance of his at the San Francisco Foundation, Wells songs earned him his enormous, staunch grassroots following. He 'BSHP'PVOEBUJPO NVTJDJBOTCFOFGJUQFSGPS recently released a new studio album, Under Lemonade Skies. mances, volunteer efforts, and your generous tax deductible donations. Rushad Eggleston Thursday February 2 Rushad Eggleston stands in the vanguard of the younger gener ation of virtuosic cellists who are bringing this relatively unwieldy Contact Info JOTUSVNFOUJOUPUIFTQPUMJHIU*UTBOZPOFTHVFTTXIBUNBZIBQQFO when Rushad takes the stage, but we do guarantee one thing: a night 2020 Addison Street, Berkeley, CA 94704 of fabulously inventive, supremely virtuosic, endlessly surprising TELEPHONE: NVTJD3VTIBEOFWFSGBJMTUPLOPDLIJTMJTUFOFSTTPDLTPGGBTIFVTI E-MAIL: [email protected] ers them in a joyful, eccentric alternate reality. He challenges the WEBSITE: www.freightandsalvage.org fundamental ideas about musical genres, rules, and boundaries–not to mention appropriate footwear. Raised in Carmel, Rushad was the first string student admitted to #PTUPOTQSFTUJHJPVT#FSLMFF$PMMFHFPG.VTJDPOBGVMMTDIPMBSTIJQ Board of Directors BOECFGPSFHSBEVBUJOHNBEFIJTMBSHFTDBMFSFDPSEJOHEFCVU KPJOJOH fiddle masters Darol Anger, Michael Doucet, and Bruce Molsky in the John Bidwell Peter Glazer HSPVQ'JEEMFST4JODFUIFO 3VTIBEIBTUPVSFEFYUFOTJWFMZXJUI%BSPM"OHFST3FQVCMJDPG4USJOHT Chair Barbara Higbie Fiddlers 4, the beloved folk/bluegrass group Crooked Still, and his current group, the rocking ensem Steve Meckfessel Clyde Leland ble Tornado Rider. Rushad continues his quest to leap exuberantly across boundaries and baffle 7JDF$IBJS Ray Murray expectations at home in Oakland and at festivals such as Burning Man, the Suwannee Springfest, and Nancy Castille Kerry Parker 'MPSJEBT.BHOPMJB'FTUJWBM Secretary Russ Pollock Bill Haggerty Sarah Robertson Treasurer Marci Rubin Dave Alvin Friday February 3 Polly Armstrong David Sawi 3PPUTSPDLFS%BWF"MWJOCSJOHTVTUIFCVSOJOH HVJUBS Dion Aroner Steve Sidney Larry Chung centered blues from his new CD, Eleven Eleven :FQ3PD Linda Tillery Returning to the style of music that defined his early career, John Croizat Austin Willacy %BWFQFSGPSNTSPDLJOUVOFTXJUIWJWJETUPSJFTUIBUFYUFOEGSPN Robin Flower John Williamson Suzanne Fox R&B royalty to labor history to Harlan County, Kentucky. Dave and his brother Phil burst onto the California music scene in 1979 when they formed the Blasters, earning an New Home Committee enthusiastic cult following across the United States and Europe with their pioneering confluence of punk, blues, California $P$IBJST country, and rockabilly. After leaving the Blasters, Dave Danny Carnahan had a stint as lead guitarist for the punk band X and played (1934-2011) Warren Hellman XJUIUIFBMUDPVOUSZCBOEUIF,OJUUFSTCFGPSFFNCBSLJOHPO a solo career. Driven by the constant impulse to explore dis tant musical horizons, Dave earned a Grammy Award for Best Musicians Committee Contemporary Folk Album for his 2000 collection of traditional folk and blues classics, Public Domain: Songs From the Wild Land. Darol Anger Tony Marcus Duck Baker Mike Marshall Saturday February 4 David Balakrishnan John McCutcheon Cheap Suit Serenaders Greg Brown Libby McLaren Wearing period threads and play Bill Evans Steve Seskin ing vintage instruments, the Cheap Suit Kaila Flexer Richard Shindell 4FSFOBEFSTTFSWFVQBHJEEZCMFOEPGVQ Mary Gibbons Mayne Smith tempo Hawaiian stomps, ragtime, Italian Ronnie Gilbert Eric Thompson polkas, and more, as they recreate the Sylvia Herold Suzy Thompson music of the golden age of jazz. With Patrick Landeza QBSUJBMMJTUJOH ukuleles, Hawaiian steel guitars, fiddles, cellos, banjos, mandolins, accordions, and musical saws in hand, Tony Marcus, Terry Staff Zwigoff, Robert Armstrong, Allan Dodge, and Rick Elmore bring alive great music Steve Baker Heather Herrington Executive Director Associate Director and great times! Underground comic artist and distinctive illustrator R. Crumb founded the somewhat loosely orga Susan Lefkowich Lisa Manning Development Director Marketing Director nized
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