No. 5037 MAY 14, 1966 NATURE 767 FORTHCOMING EVENTS Saturday, May 21 NUTRITION SOCIETY (at the Sir John Atkins Lahoratories, Queen Eliza­ (Meetings marked with an asterisk are open to the pubUc) beth Col!eg~. Campden Hill R-0ad, London, W.8), at 10 a.m.-Original Commumcat10ns. Monday, May 16 INSTITUTION OF ~LECTRICAL ;EJNGINEl!:RS, POWER DIVISION (at Savoy Monday, May 23 Place, London, W.C.2)-Colloqmum on "Main Power Distribution ,·,, In- ICAL ENGINEERS , ELECTRONICS GROUP (at Savov dustry". ~ ., INST!TUTION OF ELECTR Place, London, W.C.2)-Colloquium on "A New Look at Energy Storage". ' UNIVE~SITY OF_ LONDON_ (at the Wright-Fleming Institute o f Microbiology, I N~TITUTION OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS, ELECTRONICS GROUP (joint St. Marys Ho~p1tal Medical School, London, W.2), at 5 p.m.-Pcof. M. meeting with the I .E .R.E. Medical and Biological Group, at Savoy Place Abercrombie_: The Pathology of Cell Movement" (third of a series of four L?ndon, W .C.2), '!-t 10 a.m. and 2.30 p.m.- Discussion Meeting on "Electrkai Almcoth Wright Lectures).• Aids to the Handicapped". UNIVERSITY OF LONDON (in the Botany Theatre, University College, UNIVERSITY OF LONDON (in the Anatomy Theatre, University College Gower ~trcct, London, )V.C.l), at 5 p.m.-Prof. David H. Brown (Washing­ Go~er J'!treet, London, W.C.1), at 5 p.m.-Prof. Raoul H. Bott (Harvard ton Umverslty, St. Loms) : "Enzyme Reactions ill Glycogen Synthesis".• Umvers1ty): "The Riemann-Roch Question in Various Guises" (further • U!- IVERSITY OF LONDON (a t Bedford College, Regent's Park, London. lectures on May 24 a nd 26). • :i." .1), at 5.30 p.m.-Prot. A. Tarski : "What. are Logical Notions?"• · ROYAL INSTIT UTION, LlllRARY CIRCLE (at 21 Albem.'1rle Street London .r.e~entt,_5.30 p.m.-Mr. \V. B. Proudfoot: "Copying Methods: 'Past and Tuesday, May 17 (at t he Wright-J!'lem.ing Institute of Microbiology S, ELECTRONICS DIVISION (at Savc-y UNIVERSITY OF LONDON . INSTITUTION OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEER St. _MarY,',s Hospital Medical .S~ho?l, London, W.2), at 5.30 p.m.-Dr. C. E. G'. ~~da.r~~!!~on, W .C.2)-Colloquium on "Laboratory Voltage RcferenL-e Smith: The Effects of ()lv1hzat1on on the Viral Zoonoses" (last of a series of four Almroth Wright Lectures).• UNIVERS~TY OF L(!NDON (at the Institute of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, BRITAIN (at the Washington 3 p.m.-Prof. SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS OF GREAT Hammersm1~h J1osp1tal, Du Cane Road, London, W.12), at Hotel, Curzon Street, London , \V.l), at 7 p.m.-Annual General Meeting. P. E. Polam: Human Chromosomes and Their Abnormalities ())".• ROYAL GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY (at 1 Kensington Gore, London, S.W.7), at ,. F.OYAL INSTITUTION (at 21 Albemarle Street, London , W.l), at 5.30 p.m.­ : "In the Tracks of Early Man in in the Royal 8.15 p.m.-Mr . G. de G. Sicveking S1r Lawrence Bragg, 0.B.E., .l!'.R.S.: "Famous Experimenters Thailand". I~stitution" (aftern_oon lecture for Fourth Form and Sixth Form Doys and G1tls from Schools rn London and the Home Counties. To be repeated on May 18, 24 and 25.) UNIVERSI~Y COLLEGE LONDON (in the Anatomy Theatre, Gower Street, London, W.C.l), at _5.30 p.~.-Prof. Paul Weiss (University of Texas): "The Neuron: a System 10 Continuous FJow".• APPOINTMENTS VACANT UNIVERSITY OF LONDON (at Imperial College of Science a nd Technology . Bishop: "Soils and Soft Rocks London, S.W.7), at 5.30 p.m.-Prof. A. \V a~ the Engineering Ma terials" (Inaugural Lecture).• APPLICATIONS are invited for the following i.ppointments on or before dates mentioned: UNIVERSITY OF LONDON (lit the Royal Dental Hospital of London Leices­ SENIOR LECTUREit and a LECTURER/ASSISTANT LECTURER (with a good ter Squar~, Lo n.don, "r.C.2), at 5_.30 p.m.-Prof. A .. S. V. Burgen:' "Some honours degree und industrial/research experience in any aspect of chemical rroblems m Salivary Gland Phys10logy" (Warwick James Leet.m e).• engineering) IN THE DEPARTllENT OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING-The Staff Officer, The University of Aston in Birmingham, Gosta Green, Birmingham, Tuesday, May I ?-Thursday, May 19 4 (May 18). PRINCIPAL LECTURER and" LECTURER IX THE DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS BRITISH NUCLEAR ENERGY SOCIETY (at the Institution of Civil Engineers, to :prepare students for honours degree of the University of London, and to Great George Street, ·westmlnster, London, S.W.1)-Conference on " Fast assist with postgraduate courses and research-The Principal, W est Ham llreeder R eactors". College of Technology, Romford Road, Stratford, London, E.1 5, quoting Ref. RA W /JA/664/1 (May 20). Wednesday, May 18 ,;\SSISTAN1: LECTURER (prefera.biy wit~ an interest _in some aspects of ammal phys10logy) IN ZOOLOGY-The Registrar, The University Manchest<ir ROYAL METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY (at 49 Cromwell Road, London, S .W.7), 13, quoting Ref. 109/66 (May 21 ). · ' ' at 5 p.m.-Mr. J. T. Bartlett: "The Growth of Cloud Droplets by Coales­ RESEARCH OFFICER IN 'rHE DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS to undertake research cence"; Mr. J_. Latham and Mr. C. D. Stow: "'The Influence oflmpact Velocity on aspects of crystal growth-The Registrar, University of Essex, Wlvenhoe and Ice Spcmmen Geometry on the Charge Transfer Associated with Tem­ Park, Colchester, Essex (May 21 ). perature Gradients in Ice"; Mr. D. B. Shaw: "Computation of H eat Sources ASSISTANT LECTURER IN SOCIAL ANTHROPOLOGY- The Secreta.n·, The and Sinks in the Atmosphere". Queen's University, Belfast, Northern Ireland (May 23). · IN BIOCHEMISTRY- The Registra r, INSTITUTE or MATHEMATICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS (in the Large Physics LECTURER or ASSISTANT LECTUR}m College, Gower Street, London, W.C.1), at 5.30 The University, Leeds (May 23). Lecture Theatre, University IN SOCIOLOGY IN THE DEPAJ\TMENT J. Good: "How to Estimate Probabilities".• LECTURER or ASSISTANT LF.CTURER p.m.-Dr. I. OF ADULT EDUCATION AND EXTRA MURAL STUDIF.S-The Registrar , The INSTITUTION OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS, POWER DIVISION (i.t Savoy University, Leeds, 2 (May 23). Place, London, W.C.2), at 5.30 p .m.-Mr. A. A. Fulton: "The Cruachi.n LECTURER or ABSISTANT LECTURER IN SOC IOLOGY -The Registrar, Uni­ Pumped Storage Scheme". versity of Kent at Canterl,ury, Canterbury , K ent (May 23). L"ECTURER (preferably with an interest in the SOC IETY FOR ANALYTICAI, CHEMISTRY, MICROCHEMIOAL METHODS GROUP LECTURER or ASSISTANT 0 p.m.-Dlscussion experimental psychology of perception) IN THE DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHOLOGY (at " The .Feathers", Tudor Street, London , E.C.4), at 6.3 23). ation of Fluorine". -The Registrar , The University, Leeds, 2 (May Meeting on "The Determin RESEARCH DEMONSTRATOR (with a good honours degree in psychology) IN PSYCHOLOGY- Prof. George Westby, Department of Psychology, Uni­ Thursday, May 19 versity College of South Wales and Monmouthshire, Cat.hays l'ark, Cardiff (llfay 23). ROYAL SOCIETY (at Burlington House, Piccadilly, London, W.l), at 10.30 SECOND CHAIR OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING at Queen Mary College--The ;1.m.-Discussion Meeting on " Non-Linear Theory of Wave Propagation in R egistrar, University of London, Senate House, London, W.C.l , F.R.S. Academic llispersive Systems", organized by Prof. M. J. Lighthill (May 27). INSTITUTION OF ELECTRI CAL ENGINEERS (at Savoy Place, London, W.C.2), ASSISTANT LECTURER or D~lMONSTRATOR (with medical qualillcations ;it 5.30 p.m.-Anuua l General Meeting, followed by a technical film show. registrable in the U nited Kingdom) IN ANATOMY-The Registrar, The University, Manchester, 13, quoting Ref. 118/66 (May 28). UNIHJRSITY OF LONDON (i.t Bedford College, R egent's Park, London, CHAIRS (2) OF PHILOSOPHY-The Assistant Registrar (Establishment). The N.W.1), at 5.30 p.m.-Prof. A. Tarski: "Truth and Proof".• Unlvers;ty of Sussex, Stanmer House, Stanmer, llri~hton, Sussex (May 28). UNIVERSITY OF LoxDON (at the Middlesex Hospital Medical School, Cleve­ LECTURER IN THE DEPARTMENT OF MEDICAL PHYSICS to take charge of and land Street, London, W.l), at 5.30 p.m.-Prof. J. G. Muinard (Universite pursue research in clinical physics work embracing radioisotopes and scan­ Llhre de Bruxelles) : "Experimental Approach t o Mammalian Develop- ning, radiotherapy and radiodiagnosis-Thc Secretary, The 1;niversity, 1ncnt''. • Aberdeen (May 28). LECTURER or ASSISTANT LECTURER (preferably able to teach the theory of TN~TITl"TF. OF SCIENCE TECHNOJ.OGY, LONDON llRANCH (in the Phvsiology knowledge, logic or philosophy of science) IN PHILOSOPHY-The Registrar, Theatre, The Medical College of St. Bartholomew's Hospital, Charterhouse University College of W a les, Aberystwyth (May 28). Square, London, E.C.l), a t U.30 p.m.-Mr. D. 0. Mcore: "Development of ASSISTANT LECTURER or LECTURER (with a special interest in X-ray diffrac­ the Volumetric Gas Analysis Apparatus". tion) IN MIN ERALOGY-The Registrar, University College of Wales, Aheryst­ ROYAL SOCIETY OF TROPICAL MEDICIX E AND HYGIENE (at Manson House, wyth (May 31). 26 Portland Place, London, W.l), at 7.30 p.m.-Prof. D.S. McLaren: " Pre­ LECTURJGR IN ANATOMY-The Registrar and Secretary, The university, sent Knowledge of the R ole of Vitamin A in H ealth and Disease". Bristol (May 31). LEC'f!JRER IN PURE MATHEMATICS-The Secretary, The Qucen ·s University, SOCIETY OF COSMF.TIC CHF.MISTS OF GRF.AT .i.lRITAIN (at the Royal Society of Belfast, N orthern Ireland (May 31 ). Arts, John Adam Street, Adelphi, London, W.C.2), at 7.30 11.1n.-1''ilm LECTURER (with a good honours degree in physics or mathematics, and Evening. some training and research experience, preferably experimental, in meteorol­ ogy) IN THE DEPARTMENT OF METEOROLOGY-The Secretary, University of Friday, May 20 Edinburgh, Old College, South Bridge, Edinburgh (May 31).
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