September 24, 1990 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 25527 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS MICHIGAN FAMILIES OF THE tion. This person will be responsible for intelli­ were manifestations of the CIA or the Contras, VICTIMS OF PAN AM 103 DE­ gence information, security policy, and plan­ and most influential human rights groups ig­ TERMINED TO HAVE BETTER ning. In addition, the act establishes in the nored our evidence. AVIATION SECURITY Federal Aviation Administration an Assistant We now know that our concerns were justi­ Administrator for Civil Aviation Security who fied. Mass graves of Nicaraguan peasants, HON. WM. S. BROOMFIELD will be responsible for the daily management churchworkers, and farmers are even now OF MICHIGAN and oversight of field security resources and being uncovered throughout the country, and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the enforcement of security-related require­ Nicaraguan citizens are lining up to tell similar ments. stories of detention, torture, and execution at Monday, September 24, 1990 The bill also creates the positions of Feder­ the hands of the Sandinista police. I would Mr. BROOMFIELD. Mr. Speaker, a number al Security Manager at domestic high-risk air­ like to submit for the record an article that ap­ of Michigan families of the victims of Pan Am ports and the Foreign Security Liaison Officer peared recently in the Wall Street Journal 103 recently visited Capitol Hill, including Mrs. at foreign high-threat airports. The legislation which details the difficulty that one particular Susan Bennett from Chelsa, and Mrs. Geor­ sets new standards and procedures for the group, the Puebla Institute, had in uncovering gann Fuller and Mrs. Susan Kosmowski from hiring of airport and air carrier security person­ these charges. Birmingham. I had the opportunity to talk at nel and requires that the FAA and the FBI I offer this for my colleagues' attention in length with Susan Kosmowski and her son conduct assessments of the security threats the hopes that in the future, this body will be about that tragedy and the loss of Mr. Gregory to domestic airports. The act also directs the more careful in dismissing allegations of Kosmowski who perished along with 269 other FAA to start an intensive counterterrorism re­ human rights abuses by an existing govern­ passengers and Scottish citizens on Decem­ search and development program and sets ment before appropriate attention has been ber 21, 1988. Thanks to the determination and new guidelines concerning the notification of paid to the charges. good work of these Michigan families and the public about threats to civil aviation. It re­ Thank you. others from across the United States, our quires the Ambassador-At-Large for Counter­ [From the Wall Street Journal, Friday, Aug. Government has made great progress in en­ terrorism in the Department of State to be re­ 24, 1990] hancing aviation security. Much more, howev­ sponsible for coordinating international avia­ UNCOVERING THE AWFUL TRUTH OF er, remains to be done. The Aviation Security tion security. The act also provides disaster Improvement Act of 1990 is a step in the right NICARAGUA'S KILLING FIELDS training for State Department consular officers <By Nina H. Shea> direction. and increases funding levels for aviation secu­ The families of the victims of Pan Am 103 In early 1987 in a remote UN refugee rity assistance. camp in rural Costa Rica, Jose Aguirre San­ visited Washington to express their strong Without the energetic efforts of the families support for H.R. 5200, the Aviation Security chez, a 57-year-old bean farmer from south­ of the victims of Pan Am 103, the President's ern Nicaragua, told me about Sandinista Improvement Act of 1990. This week, the Commission report and the Aviation Security mass murders in his home village 18 months Public Works and Transportation Committee Improvement Act of 1990 would not have before that drove him into exile: may complete consideration of the legislation. become a reality. The families are united in "The Sandinista army stinted killing civil­ The House Foreign Affairs Committee will their dedication to improving the overall level ians. My close friend was killed in it. He mark up the bill on September 26. The House of aviation security and want to ensure that read a Catholic Bible and liked to tell bill may be considered on the floor in October. people about it. He was kind of a preacher. terrorist attacks against innocent travelers will One day the Sandinistas surrounded his Similar legislation, S. 2822, is also pending in never happen again. the Senate. house while he was eating dinner. The San­ My heart goes out to the families of all of dinistas threw a grenade at the house and The victims' families encouraged President the victims of Pan Am 103, especially to the started shooting at it. They shot my friend Bush to establish the President's Commission Michgian residents who paid a high price for in the arm and all the children in the house on Aviation Security and Terrorism. That Com­ the failure of our aviation security program. ran out. The Sandinistas said they would mission began its work in November 1989 and The President's Commission report and the take my friend to the hospital to get treat­ it was chaired by the very capable Mrs. Ann Aviation Security Improvement Act of 1990 ment for the gunshot wound and led him Mclaughlin. Its members included: Senators away. Instead they killed him. His mutilated are living testaments to the determination of body was found later. His name was Rufino FRANK R. LAUTENBERG and ALFONSE M. the families to change a system that was de­ D'AMATO; Representatives JAMES L. OBER­ Laguna. He didn't tell the authorities be­ fective and make flying safer for all of us. We cause we were afraid. The Sandinista sol­ STAR and JOHN P. HAMMERSCHMIDT; Gen. must have excellence in aviation security. diers started killing other people in the Thomas C. Richards, USAF (Retired); and Mr. That is the most fitting tribute that we can pay town." Edward Hidalgo. to those who perished in the skies over Lock­ On the visit to two refugee camps for In May, the Commission concluded its com­ erbie. Nicaraguans in Costa Rica, historian Ronald prehensive evaluation of the existing aviation Radosh and I interviewed 50 refugees who security system, the options for handling ter­ told of similar experiences of fleeing lethal rorist threats and the treatment of families of HUMAN RIGHTS IGNORED Sandinista army attacks on remote villages victims of terrorist acts. The Commission's ex­ where the Contras had passed through but were not present during the assaults. They cellent report contains a list of 64 recommen­ HON. DAVID DREIER said scores of women, children and other ci­ dations designed to dramatically upgrade avia­ OF CALIFORNIA vilians were murdered in cold blood. We tion security procedures. After the release of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES concluded that the Sandinistas has a coun­ the report, the family groups worked closely terinsurgency policy of "draining the sea," with the Congress for the purpose of finding a Monday, September 24, 1990 that is, killing or driving out the "sea" of legislative vehicle for those recommendations. Mr. DREIER of California. Mr. Speaker, rural peasants who could lend support to The report's findings were included in the during the past decade, a number of us here the guerrillas. Aviation Security Improvement Act of 1990 Other evidence of political massacres by in the Congress have expressed our concerns the Sandinistas emerged as well. Shortly which was introduced in June 1990. about vast human rights abuses committed by after our report was publicized, Gary The act creates the position of Assistant the Sandinista government in Nicaragua. More Moore, an investigator with the Washing­ Secretary for Transportation Security and In­ often than not, we were rebuffed by others in ton-based National Forum Foundation, went telligence in the Department of Transporta- the House who felt that such accusations on muleback to remote areas inside Nicara- e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. 25528 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS September 24, 1990 gua. There, he taped villagers attesting to ion near Wiwili in northern Jinotega. This They did this as children, but also in later political murders by Sandinista security of­ site yielded parts of 11 skeletons. One by years. My uncle was the main person behind ficials <an effort that landed him in prison one the relatives of eight of the victims and resulted in the confiscation of some of have come forward to identity them. They my father's election three times as mayor of his documentation). were caught by the State Security while Knoxville and in many of his campaigns for What was the reaction of the internation­ trying to escape being dragooned into the Congress. al human rights community to these and Sandinista army in October 1983. The re­ My father was certainly instrumental in other shocking reports? Most ignored the mains of two adults and a seven-year-old Uncle Joe's original contested election as few who spoke up, following the lead of child have not been identified. Cords used to criminal court judge for Knox County in 1966. Americas Watch, the most prominent bind the victims were found, and the foren­ When I was in undergraduate school at the human rights group concentrating on Latin sic examiner concluded the victims' throats University of Tennessee, I watched many America. Americas Watch retraced our steps had been cut.
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