MATRIX 108 the News Magazine of the British Science Fiction Association

MATRIX 108 the News Magazine of the British Science Fiction Association

MATRIX 108 The news magazine of the British Science Fiction Association Borders of SF and F Hugo Awards and CD-ROM US Fanzines £1.25 October - November 1993 October - November 1993 1 ......reofSFCOlIIbKtin '71. But ..........n: Membership Determinants lity, brote, IDOnl illI.el'ClCodintaikiac ortiNinaor MUD, exotie'1 ullli1 1915 that Steve This COI~ £15 per yC&f (UK and BC). Pleue It'._muchluatba!l ...... tboolanddayalo ...elllto.coovelJlioll.He Uldcqtbroupthe enquire for rata. Intc.-tion. the Oa....,ow SF Woricicoa in 1995 aDd llr'ecUofLeedlI.Dd VItiDaUDkltdiQaboob thep.ceofpl'OJ"'lIlmIlpJ.anni.aiu.boaiaI:UP·nu• CllIWdc. botc:l.lotriauod. be folIowedthio ....rrior ...... fowld.ama.lldclll:inaidetbebocel ...ilb&ieDclly New members: Alison Cook, 27 A1bcm&rle ia1ef,diq lodeadliftuelui'Wlalike.SeyllaaDd Carybdi•. DiacuainaWorlckoop~buput people,...-ilIinc 10 uptain ...-ba1 ..... b.ppenincl.Dd Drive, Grove, Wantage, Oxon OXI2 OND me Ibtu day. behiDd acbodulewilh MalIU. bul it howlojoiniD. &Illlmea.lllltlulllbeWorldcoo_.u.veryuplo Renewals: Keith Precm&fl, 269 Wykeham do•. I held out for Iolller. IIlilI read SF, u ...eU .. Road, Reading RG6 IPL F.IJla.yl.DdeveoM.irutrelm.lwellllo.eooooly YO\I, lb. reaGer, may thinktlult my preoc<:up.tion Iobec.uleit ...... heldi.athe~llmyre..tivCllive USA: Cy Chauvin, 14248 Wl1fred Street, ...ith lnlonectiOll u. irrelevant 10 YO\l. I diMFM. I iD.I ..... IOilllloelUpCfroattbeaewic:rdoI .. 1OOCl Detroit, MI 48213, USA think th.1 thi. i. the but opportunity BSFA memben .. pouibl. (or.vcn IOQDCr). boIvebad Cor.t 1eQtthReyeoontobe.bleto meet wilb other SP readcn I.Dd club ~mben from aU I ...... Steve bad UI i.atI.iDa of thio. Aa I Itood Matrix p.rtI; ofthe world. Tlte CNcIll oC Hooour- Somucl belitl!iDl.tlbebarelllru>Ce, DOC mo...m,..m..tlO DcIUlY I.Dd GerY)' ADdenoo - opanthe SPlMedio. upeetl.Dd DOt"'minclo uy, becallod ~overlo dividein.dditioDlObeiQapuf'~tiooiIuintbeirOWll .J1'OUI'ofpeoplel.DdlUddcnly ........eredecpiD Jenny and Steve Glover, 16 Aviary Place, Iidd. More 10 be anDOWlCodl.Dd it u. COIlvenatioa .bout JohD Wy.odbam. TIley were aU Leeds LS12 2NP (tel: 0532 5(5791) prob.ble IMI the clUom of eunult Britilb. .uthon IlJ'an&f:n - 'Who i.D. their ri&bt miDda re~mben.,lDixizla' ...ithpeople,eblelo_.r tlblefuJ o( namel1DUod al Y0ll1-1.Dd yel they were queitiOlYUId, in.moreCormaimode,JiYiJll~ iDlel'ClCod in my idcu, they bad!be bani SF I Vector orbeiQaiJlterviRlod. preCcr UId they bad Illme rather lboupl-prvvokiDc idea. 100.1 decided DOt 10 JOju.ll yel. TIle dkiD&:fOll.Ildthe~ldiffidcJll1ylookinl Catie Cary, 224 Southway, Park Bam, I've liltcoed to the pllnt (or Ibe prorramme I.Dd if (!)I ......... envioualy .1 IJI !bole JTOUP. of &;end. in Guildford, Surrey GU2 6DN ev.l')'thiq' ...orb eveD balf.. "'eU .. the ~ IUllpt>Ct,then:'WillbeaciDtil.LltinaiDle~tivepUleil, coovenatioD. ~Iootedup.To me, be ...... hand_worbbop.UId plellly oC~q>ectlolapecial. blur, II I badD'l tol my lla.... 08. But .b& ev.ll1IinldditioalOlbemonDOl1DllWortdc08 RleOJDioed me, be Aid bello UId thi. time, when I Focus activitiel of Ibe ,littered Muq~dcud the HufO ..... averIOWkwilb theI 1fOUP,_taltod Ibout A....nlUIDCIWlC.IIliUU. timetZ'avelliD&. Carol Ann Green,S Raglln Avenue, Raglan SlfQet, Hull HUS 2JB ud Julie Venner, 42 Ofcoune,there'.&Illlth.opportwJityIoCOlllribllte The rea, ODe miJbl ..y, i. biICory. IIlIned puuina: Walgrave Street, Newl&nd Avenue, Hull HUS 10 Ibe HuaOl ...ilb your V(l(,el I.Dd IUgeaioDI. A IoIfllber.SP (anziDc ...... toltou.o....morepoople bitbybit-tbroeYMtI.JOltootoverM~.fter 2LT coupleofday• .,o, it ...uOUUeo&ed,foruample, thatlliD BuWlbouJdbe IlOIDizMtodfor. HuJO, if M.ureen I ...... acarod. It.oewl,Ip8C6Ibip•. could prod\>Ce' Cr.miDe evuy three moIlIba, but I ThcHuIQl~bavelobeclc:>miJy,todbyArilloo¥'. ..._'II(IIU~ifleouldtllllDl.,..refUlarbi-moolbly Officials lite thi. yur. I'm DOC bIockiDf the 6ctioD elub, mlllIZiDe ...ith the q...uty II M.ureen bad oomin.Ited,ICouoooomeofitIlupeDdoull.yJM"l'e.rfu.l. eoMilteDtly produced. In faet, wiIbout M.uroeo'., Joint Administnton: Maureen Speller, 60 But it i•• aood lip tluIt Brit OlIve Pr1n&:1e i. ,eDeroua help UId l ...oWdD't uve _aedallJl. Boumemouth Road, Folke.tone, Kent CT19 DOminated (or But Editor I.Dd IOl'Ile lnStl'%/JN 6ctioa .ttraet.votea. SAZ and Catie Cary. 224 Southway. Park It'. a bi! euier DOW, bceauae I mo... quite. fRl Bam, Guildford, Surrey GU2 6DN OK, I mo...IMt. kllofyClll may DOC ...ilb.lO.ttoDcl peoplel.Dd u.o...theirSPopeciali..... 1.Dd reportiDJ coaveDtioDl. You SF I.Dd thet'. eDOUp for you. ~.ButIllilIbav.,.'lf~o!bolepeople Treasurer: Elizabeth Billinger, 82 Kelvin I re"P«lYO\lrwilbeo. Andyel, I keep IbitItitlI 0(. wbobelpedme ..... timidl.Dd ..... toCOlll, Road, New Cubbington, LcamingtonSpa CV32 rec:elllcoavenatiOllIbad.l.patty: 1(1 fripteDOdal rilll:iac-..b. from people tb.Il I TrQ 'WOUkl ail in the foyerpftllCDdm,tobeklit in. boot. He: (.utebin&' Cor. topic oCeommooiacerelt): I like ADdthat'.ODeo(the_'Whyl.Jf'CodIoIoot .ftuthe fupfOJf&Dllllinlfor I1unectioa.. h'.ckJiDI Orbiten: Carol Ann Green, S Raglan Avenue, fanta.y, juuliDll.Dd medi.val ....eopomy. IOmethiJlatop.yb.actlJlthetiodDeul.Ddp.ticnce Raglan Stccd., Hull HUS 218 Me: (tol.II1y uninlel'ClCod iD 1.,00 or !be abov.); P.acinattn,. You touDd .. if you'd enjoy readm, lbowolO me. Notthet thia iI the ooIy realOG: I .... ROI.r ZeJ.uay'. "-bw..rie•• .~&omtbeeombiDedthriUo(fUl"1.Dd Awarcb: Nicholas Mahoney. 276 LonJdale He: (aoeI iDIo IDClUeieo .1 lea,dl about Ropr oxeit.emeat ...uaed by p1uu>i.o, my budael IDCI opa~ Avenue, lntake, Doncaster DN2 6HG Ze1l.z.Dy) . time acbeduieforthe ...XlhrOy...... Me: h'•• pity you .....reo'1.ble to '" ROJer Foreigo Liaison: Bridget Wtlkinlon, 17 Ze1l.z.Dy 'WheD be came to Lu4I thi. IlImmer. I'll be Iootin& out (or (cllow BSPA 0ClIIben in Mimosa, 29 Avenue Road, London NIS He: WHAT!!!!!!"".WemiplDOltlltaboulJohlIWy.odbam neceuarily, ....e could anale the coavenetioa~uda BriIi>l> Sc~ Pi<:~ Auooial><. Ud. Compoay No, The poiIlI I'm lryiac 10 -.b i. thel rudet'I may Samuel Dre1a.lly. We couJddiacllU Gerry ADdenoa'. 921500. RqiolcRd Addn>N: 60 BcaInocmaulb Rood, bave.mi1dopatll:o( ....ort. And, IDOnl import.ontIy, ...c couJd CIljoy PoItClloGe, KCGt crill SAZ. RCllioIcRd ill Eat.... c"",tc: the: SF/P fuervy "'Oricb 'Which they, lbe ounelveo. Le!'.ttylo meet, LiaLMd by o.w-IDe. I"ubliIbod by POe Copypr'mt, II readen, devour. M.ybe, tomOOOC mipt wooder Jeff""" Puuce, OWldfoni OUt 4AP. Copyrilht .... BSPA .bout.uthoria! illI.eDtiotll. WbobetterlO.lIl:tbantbe 1993./ndiYidualcq»'ri&bta~lbopropat)'oftbo-..bon .uthor? Covcr Art by Stc:ve Jcffery lIDdt4i1on.ISSN:0007333S. NeXl deadliDc 15 November 1993 L.ookinabuktbrollpmytilCl,loutlultStevew -2- Matrix 108 Tbe DIIDIbef ofb&llOUl coWltcd ~ AI foUln\IW: Bat Novd 702; Bat Novdla News 570; 8al Novdecu 575; Bat Short Story 606; Bat NOD-F"K:liocI Boot 474; Bat IJram.lic ~ 7iJO; Bat Ptofeuioaal. Editor 579; Bat Prof-.iou! Artia 569: Bat Ori,iDaI Attwotk 625; Bat Semi-ProziDe62:J; Prom: E.Ikn Key Hurill. Mart: L Oa.oa. Kath P LyDCb, H VaiaaDeD, Bat FIIllZiDe369: Bell Fan Writ« 316; Bell F.. Artia361 balIou COVDted; Terry Pr&tcbca:, RDb Mcadca, Sdb Goldbc::ra. David Bntman. CaqIbdI Award. 429. Jcanoe CagiaDo, Brad TcmpIdon, K.lJuyn Whitworth, Jeff Alk:ndc:r, Donna Goldblatt, Palrict NicJIco-Haydc:l:l, Andrew The World Sl;:jmce FIClicm. Society ComtiMioa allO rcquira tUI the Du.mbe:r HamI.iD. Andrew B Gou, Patrick Domi.nick and your cdilon of bal1OU1 pteforria, No Award to the kadiD. cudtcWe be o::otl'IpllRd to the Dvmb« ptefot'l'Ull the a-.tiD. cudidoau to No Award. Ifthe f_ IIW1lb« it IfU'l« thoD No Award Ib&II be 6odarod tbc wiaDer. Thil evc:otII&Iilydid Artistic Generosity DOC come evClll rcmocdy dOle to oecutriD•. Kard Tbole, who -.. tM r.rtitt aue.t of HOllOur at Hdieoll It Jcney mil 111 the foUowill,. of 1laWtica, the IIlImben ia -.c:h line are .. folio.-.; Euler, reqlMllted thllt moaey raiaed (rom auclioll of bit attwortc Ibould be 1) the Dllmb« of ballOUI prefCfTiD., the lNdiDJ eMdi<We to No .iv_ to tho BSFA. Four priDtlI from .. Calcador of hi, OWl! work ~ ~Id, Award; tbla failla•• 'lory welcome £76 foc BSPA corron. 2) tho Dllmber of ballOUI Il.u., tho ICldIDI eMdi<We buc not No Award; ~ ifthatil DOlICDCr'OUl:CDOUgh, bcallO roqueatedthllttho ranaiaiAapolten 3) thetotalofl t.Dd2; &bauld be 60uted to tile BSFA. 4) the D\I.ll1bcr of balloQ prefCfTiII, No Award to the leadill, caadidale; 5) tho DIlllIb« of b&l10Ul lillti.n, No Award but aot tho leIldiDJ Hugo Awards caDdi<We; 6) the total 0(4 and 5. CoGFratI(.iaco.thcSI.WortdSc:icDc.cF"ICtioaCollVcatioa.bup~thc 1993 HuJO A-ro. aDd Joha W Campbell Award " .. euemoay ill tho For Bat Novel the figurm have boea ceJcu1-.od fot both willDen. MoecoDe Coa...-iool. ~, Su. Fruciaco. c.lifGnlw., 011 SUDday. SqJumb« S. 1993. Novel (WllliI) 'Ill • .. Novd(V"..) '" '"m "]A nil ectClDODy -.. IwloIlcd by CoRFraDc:iaco T~ Ouy Gavrid Kay• ........ '".. ".21' 'Ill " .. "6' Coo.Fruc:iac:o roccived 141 val id WloU (01' tho awaN.. They wore eowItcId ....d_ '04 25' 36' " .. aad vwifltld by the CoIlFrueitoo H\lto Admw,iItnton, DavMl Bnlmaa aDd s........,. ""I. ~ ,., Sct.Il ....... tbeuailtaDc:cofaCOlllpulel'prolf&lll dew:rIopedby NoaFICtioIIBook "''OS '"171 '" • " " Jeffrey L CopdaAd. Dnal. Ptu. 171 ". 20 ".. 109" Prof. Editor 111 50' m'" 12 8ettNovd(tic): A Flu tpon w Dup by Vcraor V"lllIe (Tw) Prof.Artia 101 'I' • " " 7M DooMulIzy lJot¥ by Couto Willie (BatIUolD) Ori,iDal Artwork 120 ""36' 6 " " Bc-.Novdl. "8lanlacJeBill tho$pflc«" by ~iUIISbq>ecd(An-v'" Semiprotm.

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