![MATRIX 108 the News Magazine of the British Science Fiction Association](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
MATRIX 108 The news magazine of the British Science Fiction Association Borders of SF and F Hugo Awards and CD-ROM US Fanzines £1.25 October - November 1993 October - November 1993 1 ....re ......reofSFCOlIIbKtin '71. But ..........n: Membership Determinants lity, brote, IDOnl illI.el'ClCodintaikiac ortiNinaor MUD, exotie food......ua'1 ullli1 1915 that Steve This COI~ £15 per yC&f (UK and BC). Pleue It'._muchluatba!l ...... tboolanddayalo ...elllto.coovelJlioll.He Uldcqtbroupthe enquire for oven.eu rata. Intc.-tion. the Oa....,ow SF Woricicoa in 1995 aDd llr'ecUofLeedlI.Dd VItiDaUDkltdiQaboob thep.ceofpl'OJ"'lIlmIlpJ.anni.aiu.boaiaI:UP·nu• CllIWdc. botc:l.lotriauod. be folIowedthio ....rrior ...... fowld.ama.lldclll:inaidetbebocel ...ilb&ieDclly New members: Alison Cook, 27 A1bcm&rle ia1ef,diq lodeadliftuelui'Wlalike.SeyllaaDd Carybdi•. DiacuainaWorlckoop~buput people,...-ilIinc 10 uptain ...-ba1 ..... b.ppenincl.Dd Drive, Grove, Wantage, Oxon OXI2 OND me Ibtu day. behiDd acbodulewilh MalIU. bul it howlojoiniD. &Illlmea.lllltlulllbeWorldcoo_.u.veryuplo Renewals: Keith Precm&fl, 269 Wykeham do•. I held out for Iolller. IIlilI read SF, u ...eU .. Road, Reading RG6 IPL F.IJla.yl.DdeveoM.irutrelm.lwellllo.eooooly YO\I, lb. reaGer, may thinktlult my preoc<:up.tion Iobec.uleit ...... heldi.athe~llmyre..tivCllive USA: Cy Chauvin, 14248 Wl1fred Street, ...ith lnlonectiOll u. irrelevant 10 YO\l. I diMFM. I iD.I ..... IOilllloelUpCfroattbeaewic:rdoI .. 1OOCl Detroit, MI 48213, USA think th.1 thi. i. the but opportunity BSFA memben .. pouibl. (or.vcn IOQDCr). boIvebad Cor.t 1eQtthReyeoontobe.bleto meet wilb other SP readcn I.Dd club ~mben from aU I ...... Steve bad UI i.atI.iDa of thio. Aa I Itood Matrix p.rtI; ofthe world. Tlte CNcIll oC Hooour- Somucl belitl!iDl.tlbebarelllru>Ce, DOC mo...m,..m..tlO DcIUlY I.Dd GerY)' ADdenoo - opanthe SPlMedio. upeetl.Dd DOt"'minclo uy, becallod ~overlo dividein.dditioDlObeiQapuf'~tiooiIuintbeirOWll .J1'OUI'ofpeoplel.DdlUddcnly ........eredecpiD Jenny and Steve Glover, 16 Aviary Place, Iidd. More Guuta.re 10 be anDOWlCodl.Dd it u. COIlvenatioa .bout JohD Wy.odbam. TIley were aU Leeds LS12 2NP (tel: 0532 5(5791) prob.ble IMI the clUom of eunult Britilb. .uthon IlJ'an&f:n - 'Who i.D. their ri&bt miDda re~mben. ...illbeth.re,lDixizla' ...ithpeople,eblelo_.r tlblefuJ o( namel1DUod al Y0ll1-1.Dd yel they were queitiOlYUId, in.moreCormaimode,JiYiJll~ iDlel'ClCod in my idcu, they bad n.ad!be bani SF I Vector orbeiQaiJlterviRlod. preCcr UId they bad Illme rather lboupl-prvvokiDc idea. 100.1 decided DOt 10 JOju.ll yel. TIle DeXld.ly dkiD&:fOll.Ildthe~ldiffidcJll1ylookinl Catie Cary, 224 Southway, Park Bam, I've liltcoed to the pllnt (or Ibe prorramme I.Dd if (!)I ......... envioualy .1 IJI !bole JTOUP. of &;end. in Guildford, Surrey GU2 6DN ev.l')'thiq' ...orb eveD balf.. "'eU .. the ~ IUllpt>Ct,then:'WillbeaciDtil.LltinaiDle~tivepUleil, coovenatioD. ~Iootedup.To me, be ...... hand_worbbop.UId plellly oC~q>ectlolapecial. blur, II I badD'l tol my lla.... 08. But .b& ev.ll1IinldditioalOlbemonDOl1DllWortdc08 RleOJDioed me, be Aid bello UId thi. time, when I Focus activitiel of Ibe ,littered Muq~dcud the HufO ..... averIOWkwilb theI 1fOUP,_taltod Ibout A....nlUIDCIWlC.IIliUU. timetZ'avelliD&. Carol Ann Green,S Raglln Avenue, Raglan SlfQet, Hull HUS 2JB ud Julie Venner, 42 Ofcoune,there'.&Illlth.opportwJityIoCOlllribllte The rea, ODe miJbl ..y, i. biICory. IIlIned puuina: Walgrave Street, Newl&nd Avenue, Hull HUS 10 Ibe HuaOl ...ilb your V(l(,el I.Dd IUgeaioDI. A IoIfllber.SP (anziDc ...... toltou.o....morepoople bitbybit-tbroeYMtI.JOltootoverM~.fter 2LT coupleofday• .,o, it ...uOUUeo&ed,foruample, thatlliD BuWlbouJdbe IlOIDizMtodfor. HuJO, if M.ureen Spcllerre.li.pod. I ...... acarod. It.oewl on1ybee.au.. ofbi.iQaellUityiD.....mn,Ip8C6Ibip•. could prod\>Ce' Cr.miDe evuy three moIlIba, but I ThcHuIQl~bavelobeclc:>miJy,todbyArilloo¥'. ..._'II(IIU~ifleouldtllllDl.,..refUlarbi-moolbly Officials lite thi. yur. I'm DOC bIockiDf the 6ctioD elub, mlllIZiDe ...ith the ..me q...uty II M.ureen bad oomin.Ited,ICouoooomeofitIlupeDdoull.yJM"l'e.rfu.l. eoMilteDtly produced. In faet, wiIbout M.uroeo'. eDCOUn.ae~lIl, Joint Administnton: Maureen Speller, 60 But it i•• aood lip tluIt Brit OlIve Pr1n&:1e i. ,eDeroua help UId l ...oWdD't uve _aedallJl. Boumemouth Road, Folke.tone, Kent CT19 DOminated (or But Editor I.Dd IOl'Ile lnStl'%/JN 6ctioa .ttraet.votea. SAZ and Catie Cary. 224 Southway. Park It'. a bi! euier DOW, bceauae I mo... quite. fRl Bam, Guildford, Surrey GU2 6DN OK, I mo...IMt. kllofyClll may DOC ...ilb.lO.ttoDcl peoplel.Dd u.o...theirSPopeciali..... 1.Dd reportiDJ coaveDtioDl. You n.ad SF I.Dd thet'. eDOUp for you. ~.ButIllilIbav.,.'lf~o!bolepeople Treasurer: Elizabeth Billinger, 82 Kelvin I re"P«lYO\lrwilbeo. Andyel, I keep IbitItitlI 0(. wbobelpedme ......nl ..... timidl.Dd ..... toCOlll, Road, New Cubbington, LcamingtonSpa CV32 rec:elllcoavenatiOllIbad.l.patty: 1(1 fripteDOdal rilll:iac-..b. from people tb.Il I TrQ 'WOUkl ail in the foyerpftllCDdm,tobeklit in. boot. He: (.utebin&' Cor. topic oCeommooiacerelt): I like ADdthat'.ODeo(the_'Whyl.Jf'CodIoIoot .ftuthe fupfOJf&Dllllinlfor I1unectioa.. h'.ckJiDI Orbiten: Carol Ann Green, S Raglan Avenue, fanta.y, juuliDll.Dd medi.val ....eopomy. IOmethiJlatop.yb.actlJlthetiodDeul.Ddp.ticnce Raglan Stccd., Hull HUS 218 Me: (tol.II1y uninlel'ClCod iD 1.,00 or !be abov.); P.acinattn,. You touDd .. if you'd enjoy readm, lbowolO me. Notthet thia iI the ooIy realOG: I .... ROI.r ZeJ.uay'. "-bw..rie•• .~&omtbeeombiDedthriUo(fUl"1.Dd Awarcb: Nicholas Mahoney. 276 LonJdale He: (aoeI iDIo IDClUeieo .1 lea,dl about Ropr oxeit.emeat ...uaed by p1uu>i.o, my budael IDCI opa~ Avenue, lntake, Doncaster DN2 6HG Ze1l.z.Dy) . time acbeduieforthe ...XlhrOy...... Me: h'•• pity you .....reo'1.ble to '" ROJer Foreigo Liaison: Bridget Wtlkinlon, 17 Ze1l.z.Dy 'WheD be came to Lu4I thi. IlImmer. I'll be Iootin& out (or (cllow BSPA 0ClIIben in Mimosa, 29 Avenue Road, London NIS He: WHAT!!!!!! Gla.ao"".WemiplDOltlltaboulJohlIWy.odbam neceuarily, ....e could anale the coavenetioa~uda BriIi>l> Sc~ Pi<:~ Auooial><. Ud. Compoay No, The poiIlI I'm lryiac 10 -.b i. thel rudet'I may Samuel Dre1a.lly. We couJddiacllU Gerry ADdenoa'. 921500. RqiolcRd Addn>N: 60 BcaInocmaulb Rood, bave.mi1dopatll:o(euriolity.boutthepeopl....bo ....ort. And, IDOnl import.ontIy, ...c couJd CIljoy PoItClloGe, KCGt crill SAZ. RCllioIcRd ill Eat.... c"",tc: the: SF/P fuervy "'Oricb 'Which they, lbe ounelveo. Le!'.ttylo meet, LiaLMd by o.w-IDe. I"ubliIbod by POe Copypr'mt, II readen, devour. M.ybe, tomOOOC mipt wooder Jeff""" Puuce, OWldfoni OUt 4AP. Copyrilht .... BSPA .bout.uthoria! illI.eDtiotll. WbobetterlO.lIl:tbantbe 1993./ndiYidualcq»'ri&bta~lbopropat)'oftbo-..bon .uthor? Covcr Art by Stc:ve Jcffery lIDdt4i1on.ISSN:0007333S. NeXl deadliDc 15 November 1993 L.ookinabuktbrollpmytilCl,loutlultStevew -2- Matrix 108 Tbe DIIDIbef ofb&llOUl coWltcd ~ AI foUln\IW: Bat Novd 702; Bat Novdla News 570; 8al Novdecu 575; Bat Short Story 606; Bat NOD-F"K:liocI Boot 474; Bat IJram.lic ~ 7iJO; Bat Ptofeuioaal. Editor 579; Bat Prof-.iou! Artia 569: Bat Ori,iDaI Attwotk 625; Bat Semi-ProziDe62:J; Prom: E.Ikn Key Hurill. Mart: L Oa.oa. Kath P LyDCb, H VaiaaDeD, Bat FIIllZiDe369: Bell Fan Writ« 316; Bell F.. Artia361 balIou COVDted; Terry Pr&tcbca:, RDb Mcadca, Sdb Goldbc::ra. David Bntman. CaqIbdI Award. 429. Jcanoe CagiaDo, Brad TcmpIdon, K.lJuyn Whitworth, Jeff Alk:ndc:r, Donna Goldblatt, Palrict NicJIco-Haydc:l:l, Andrew The World Sl;:jmce FIClicm. Society ComtiMioa allO rcquira tUI the Du.mbe:r HamI.iD. Andrew B Gou, Patrick Domi.nick and your cdilon of bal1OU1 pteforria, No Award to the kadiD. cudtcWe be o::otl'IpllRd to the Dvmb« ptefot'l'Ull the a-.tiD. cudidoau to No Award. Ifthe f_ IIW1lb« it IfU'l« thoD No Award Ib&II be 6odarod tbc wiaDer. Thil evc:otII&Iilydid Artistic Generosity DOC come evClll rcmocdy dOle to oecutriD•. Kard Tbole, who -.. tM r.rtitt aue.t of HOllOur at Hdieoll It Jcney mil 111 the foUowill,. of 1laWtica, the IIlImben ia -.c:h line are .. folio.-.; Euler, reqlMllted thllt moaey raiaed (rom auclioll of bit attwortc Ibould be 1) the Dllmb« of ballOUI prefCfTiD., the lNdiDJ eMdi<We to No .iv_ to tho BSFA. Four priDtlI from .. Calcador of hi, OWl! work ~ ~Id, Award; tbla failla•• 'lory welcome £76 foc BSPA corron. 2) tho Dllmber of ballOUI Il.u., tho ICldIDI eMdi<We buc not No Award; ~ ifthatil DOlICDCr'OUl:CDOUgh, bcallO roqueatedthllttho ranaiaiAapolten 3) thetotalofl t.Dd2; &bauld be 60uted to tile BSFA. 4) the D\I.ll1bcr of balloQ prefCfTiII, No Award to the leadill, caadidale; 5) tho DIlllIb« of b&l10Ul lillti.n, No Award but aot tho leIldiDJ Hugo Awards caDdi<We; 6) the total 0(4 and 5. CoGFratI(.iaco.thcSI.WortdSc:icDc.cF"ICtioaCollVcatioa.bup~thc 1993 HuJO A-ro. aDd Joha W Campbell Award " .. euemoay ill tho For Bat Novel the figurm have boea ceJcu1-.od fot both willDen. MoecoDe Coa...-iool. ~, Su. Fruciaco. c.lifGnlw., 011 SUDday. SqJumb« S. 1993. Novel (WllliI) 'Ill • .. Novd(V"..) '" '"m "]A nil ectClDODy -.. IwloIlcd by CoRFraDc:iaco T~ Ouy Gavrid Kay• ........ '".. ".21' 'Ill " .. "6' Coo.Fruc:iac:o roccived 141 val id WloU (01' tho awaN.. They wore eowItcId ....d_ '04 25' 36' " .. aad vwifltld by the CoIlFrueitoo H\lto Admw,iItnton, DavMl Bnlmaa aDd s........,. ""I. ~ ,., Sct.Il ....... tbeuailtaDc:cofaCOlllpulel'prolf&lll dew:rIopedby NoaFICtioIIBook "''OS '"171 '" • " " Jeffrey L CopdaAd. Dnal. Ptu. 171 ". 20 ".. 109" Prof. Editor 111 50' m'" 12 8ettNovd(tic): A Flu tpon w Dup by Vcraor V"lllIe (Tw) Prof.Artia 101 'I' • " " 7M DooMulIzy lJot¥ by Couto Willie (BatIUolD) Ori,iDal Artwork 120 ""36' 6 " " Bc-.Novdl. "8lanlacJeBill tho$pflc«" by ~iUIISbq>ecd(An-v'" Semiprotm.
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