Women Runners Ready Elkmen Rock Happenings/Page 7 NCSUs cross country teant begins its season looking for its fourth straight ACC title. Sports Page 5. Bricks Are Abused Opinion/Page X Serving North Carolina State University Since l920 Volume lXXlI, Number 9 Wednesday, September 12, 1990 Raleigh, North (arolina >...,-... “1,351.1". «swam.-cmrtvucmawwwmmm' ‘ begins innovative securit ByLeeRobert Titttle Hall architects of the new guest policy. The plan allows tin-duty lt‘\|tlL‘lll .tils lst'ls sitidt-nis. ‘J-llltlt worried tltc R.-\s and night plaints" from students‘ about the new litiiits Senior Staff Writer The plan relies on some new security to watch the only entrance to the building. staff (in atty given night. l.al"rance said. placed on access. measures. The locks on the doors on the that being the doors iit front of llii' l W Hall tltctc are only three high! stall workers Lee Residence Hall has become a pioneer extreme sides of the building have been lobby Residents of the hall tritist tcttistct pittiolliiiy tlic residence ltall. which houses However. he adder]. Lee is primarily a in the security business, changed. By changing the cores of these their guests. who will then be L'l\t'll .i lt‘tll .ippioxiiiiatt-Iy X00 stiidctits freshman residence hall with ittoic than $00 Through i! pl‘dn ———I——— locks. students. even residents of the hall. porary identification card b\ ”it“ on duty \ttct ltil's lilt. tlicfc \s as an int tease iii the of the spaces going to first year sltideitts devised this suntmer. cannot use these doors as entrances to the RA. said Lal‘rattcc ttctttii'iity til \.itiil.ilisiti to Ice Hall. Freshmen are less likely to be aware that Lee Hall has wit» building. The reason for the new system was .i t til liti‘lilllt's‘ saitl. t'iiltttiitating with a student this system is any different than before. he nessed relatively none LaFrance said he assures everyone that tninatton of events that occiiired tlits past being Ilt|lll't‘i.l by art ob)ect thrown front the added. of the vandalism the doors can be used as exits. so no fire sutnnter. lte said. Because Ice Hall was the eighth floor balcony. LaFrance also said that West ('atttpus is problems that codes are violated. To open the doors front only open hall during the summer. it Since the new policy has been installed. “still a target" for crime because of its open occurred previously iii the inside. a student only has to push the became the "focal poittt ol traffic” on cam "the title ltas changed." 1 alirance said. Most atmosphere. He said “we need to do what— the residence hall. door open. pus. Lafrance said. aitd groups tended to iittportaiitly. he has st-cit a change iit stu- ever we can" to deal With this problem Jeff LaFrance. assistant director of The new security policy offers a way to “gravitate" toward Lee. deitt behavior since the system went ittto Sullivan Residence Hall is following an Judicial Affairs, and Ari Malloy. area direc- “visually monitor traffic" into the building. He added that tituclt of the traffic seemed effect identical security system while other halls tor of Alexander Residence Hall. are the LaFrance said. to consist of non-students arid tillet‘dlltpus Lafrancc said he has "heard no com- across campus are using similar ones. *f: Friends of the College in slump Membership drive launched By Lina (‘uartas plan. The plan works by authorizing Stott Writer a monthly deduction from their salaries over a four-month period. l‘actng a possible deficit of November-February. said Butler. “80.000 by next year. Friends of This is the first time l-f)'li(‘ has the (‘ollcgc has launched a cam- ever used this type of ftiitdraisittg paigtt to add 5.000 memberships to FOTC expects to sell ‘00 ittcttt its W‘Nl-‘H season. berships. a small figure considering The problem surfaced two years that there are 5.500 faculty and staff ago Witclt tttembersltip sales. which members. Butler said. traditionally ranged tip to 20.000 a The shows. which have been year. dropped by 4.000. brought to N.(‘. State lor ”Q years. In pres ious years. money left me' are considered a great bargain and frottt past seasons was used to com- are stimulating and enriching. pensate the lost sales. This year. Butler said. however. the case is not the same. “Thirty dollars for seven world» FOTC must either sell 5&le mem~ class shows ~ that is the best buy berships or raise “80.000 to meet in the concert world.“ Butler said. its budget next year. Another plan underway to According to Ronald Butler. asso- increase membership sales. Butler ciate vice chancellor of Student said. is encouraging current mem- AffilllN .iiid aditiirtis'trative director bers to purchase an additional tick- of HTTP. \.tlt‘\ have declined pri- et. influencing a friend to purchase marily for two reasons. The main a ticket or simply making a contri— reason is lack of time. People do bution. ttot seem to have the time to attend The seryice fraternity Alpha Phi any shows Also. with the great Omega has also \olunteercd to call increase itt entertaiitiiicitt. there is a businesses around NCSl' and solic lot of coittpetition for the leisure it their support by becoming time people have available. patrons or sponsoring patrons for 'fall tttini—tneittbcrship cant- FOTC. patgn" is underway to help FOTC FOTC will open its l990-91 sea, meet their budget this year. son on Sept. 29 and 30 with the During the week of Sept. l0-l4. Shanghai Acrobats and the Imperial faculty and staff members will have Warriors of the Peking Opera. Both the opportunity to purchase season shOWs will be begin at 8 pm. in J.P Thrower/Start tickets. which cost $30. for the Reynolds Coliseum A special high- s<‘\t‘ll upcoming intemationally and light concert is the Battle of Britain Seeing double nationally acclaimed performances. scheduled to run on Oct. 5 and 6. Tltls' campaign 'action allows fac« Admission is free to NCSU stu- Thomas Pair, a senior in accounting mimics the Strolling Professor in the Gardner Arboretum behind Burlington Hall on Tuesday afternoon. ulty aitd staff members to purchase dents and one guest for all seven tickets through a payment—reduction performances. Parents’ Day expanded to weekend Tuition to be By John Hurt giving the parents enough infonttation. refunded to Staff Writer To accommodate the demand for more actiy ities. pro— grams are being held both Friday evening aitd all day N.C. State's annual Parents‘ Day has been expanded Saturday. September l4-15. called-up this year to a full weekend ot activities. said Joe Bull. Events on Friday evening are iit the McKititttimon director of Planned (iivmg and coordinator of Parents' Center starting at 7:30 pm. with Meet the Faculty — students Day. an opportunity to talk Wllh NCSU administrators and Bull said that Parents‘ Day activities were expanded faculty members. to a whole weekend in response to a random survey of At 8:30 pm. the parents' program begins The pro- By Heather Harreld 1989 Parents' Day participants. grant will feature presentations by Chancellor Larry Staff Writer "We didn't do this willie nillie." Bull said. “The sur- Monteith; Abraham Holtzman. (‘ase “North (‘arolina vey results correlate directly to what the participants Professor of the Year" in 1989-90; and other tiitisersity In response to the protected ntim~ wanted." officials. bers of faculty. students aitd staff And what the parents wanted was more of Parents' At 9:30 pm. the dessert reception with (‘hattcellor who will be called for military Day, and Mrs. Larry Monteith Wlll conclude the esetting's duty. Chancellor Monteith issued a Bull said that approximately 75 percent of past partic- activities. memorandum this week as a retcr~ ipants surveyed rated the activities as either good or Saturday's events begin at 8:30 am. with an opportu‘ cnce for poliCies and procedures. exceHenL nity for parents to attend an NCSU open house. According to the memo. students The parents that have participated iii the past say they Pre—paid participants will also take part in either a who are put on active duty will appreciated the opportunity Parettts‘ Day offered them brunch at 10 am. at the Dining Hall or a pig pickin' have their tunion refunded and will to interact in an infomtal setting with college faculty picnic held at Caner-Finley Stadium. retain the same status when they and administration. said Laurie Pantich. assistant direc— At noon parents can participate in the last scheduled return. tor of Parents' Weekend. program. Parents will have the chance to watch the Teaching or research asSIS~ “Parents‘ Weekend is a chance for parents to become N.(‘. State Wolfpack football teattt play Wake Forest tantships and fellowships of gradu~ more familiar with NCSU. What they need to know. University. ate students Will be termmated. The they can find out this weekend." said Pantich. Pantich said. “The best way to stint up the weekend is replacements for these positions as ftiit and informative." will be advised that graduate stu- The responses to the survey said NCSU just wasn't dents returning from active duty will have priority for reappointment to these assistantships or fellow December commencement ceremonies to be held ships. By Raeanne Jones Reynolds Coliseum Dec. 19 at 9 the "same significance" as the May When called to active duty. Staff Writer am. commencement ceremony. “We employees are considered on Students will not actually receive want this to be the exact same extended active duty and are put on Students who graduated this past their diplomas at the ceremony importance of the May graduation." military leave without pay.
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