FEBRUARY 17, 1962 Cadence recording star Eddie Hodges, one of the most versatile and promising young talents on the entertainment scene, hears about the international success of his first recorded effort from Archie Bleyer, head of Cadence Records (seated) and Budd Dolinger, national sales manager of the diskery. The youngster’s first single “I’m Gonna Knock On Your Door” was a solid hit all over the world. He is currently repeating with his latest single “Ban- dit Of My Dreams,” now climbing the charts. On the film front, Hodges will get star hilling in the forthcoming movie version of “Advise & Consent.” He is also a leading contender for a role in the Boh Hope-Lucille Ball film version of the stage show “Critic’s Choice” in which he starred on Broadway. ON COLUMBIA B A.S U I »/w IN SHOULD SURRENDER PRINTED KNOWS WHAT MIGHT HAVE BEEN? REG. WHO 4-42260 0MARCAS "COLUMBIA", © Also available on Single SIJi Gash Box CashBox Vol. XXIII —Number 23 February 17, 1962 FOUNDED BY BILL GERSH -.vs .v.' w .vX-vXv .vs A$&/Mmmmmm Gash Box (Publication Office) 1721 Broadway New York 19, N. Y. (Phone: JUdson 6-2640) CABLE ADDRESS: CASHBOX, N. Y. JOE ORLECK. President and Publisher NORMAN ORLECK, VP and Managing Director GEORGE ALBERT, VP and Treasurer EDITORIAL—Music MARTY OSTROW, Editor-in-Chief ANOTHER IRA HOWARD, Editor IRV LICHTMAN, Associate Editor DICK ZIMMERMAN, Editorial Assistant MIKE MARTUCCI, Editorial Assistant POPSIE, Staff Photographer ADVERTISING BOB AUSTIN, National Director, Music JERRY SHIFRIN, N.Y.C. office, Music STEP LEE BROOKS, Manager Chicago JACK DEVANEY, Manager Los Angeles MARTY TOOHEY, National—Coin Machine NEVILLE MARTEN, London, Eng. PAUL ACKET, The Hague, Holland MAL SONDOCK, Munich, Germany RON TUDOR, Heathmont, Victoria, Aust. VITTORIO de MICHELI, Milano, Italy SVEN G. WINQUIST, Stockholm, Sweden FORWARD ROGER SELLAM, Paris, France ENRIQUE ORTIZ. Mexico 7, D.F. DENIS PANTIS, Quebec, Canada MIQUEL SMIRNOFF, Buenos Aires. Argentina RICARDO & RENATO MACEDO, Sao Paulo, Brazil HIKARU SUGIURA, Tokyo, Japan BRUNO DUTKOWSKI, Art Director MANAGERS In our never ending effort to im- Since the tremendous quantity MARTY TOOHEY, Coin Machine Dept. Circulation T. TORTOSA, prove our publication so that it NEVILLE MARTEN, European Director of news from all the varied facets will be of maximum benefit to the of our business exceeds what can CHICAGO LEE BROOKS trade, we have made numerous be located on one spread, we ex- 29 E. Madison St., Chicago 2, 111. changes in our format in our (All Phones: Financial 6-7272) and pect to continue running other key features. One we have long wanted HOLLYWOOD news events in other parts of the JACK DEVANEY to make will be put into effect this 6272 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood 28, Cal. book as we have done in the past. (Phone. HOllywood 5-2129) week. The determining factor as to what ENGLAND Beginning in this issue Cash Box NEVILLE MARTEN runs up front is, of course, content Dorris Land will feature a double page news 9a New Bond St. of the news as well as the story’s London, Wl, Eng. spread in the very first form of the Tel: Hyde Park 2868 meeting deadline for this section. magazine highlighting the major BENELUX: PAUL ACKET, Theresiastraat 81a, The Hague, Holland, Tel. 070-722546 stories which take place in our in- To our many friends in the in- GERMANY: MAL SONDOCK, Amalienstrasse 28, Munich, Germany, Tel: 220197 dustry each week. dustry who have repeatedly sug- ITALY, VITTORIO de MICHELI, Via DeH’Orso 4, Milan, Italy, Tel. 86 43 66 Although we have always carried gested that we make this move we SCANDINAVIA: SVEN G. WINQUIST, Kagge- holmsvagen 48, Stockholm-Enskede, Sweden, every important news release, me- extend our gratitude for their keen Tel: 59-46-86 FRANCE: ROGER SELLAM, 24 Rue de Lenin- chanical difficulties in the printing interest in our progress. grad, Paris, France, Tel: Europe 5308 AUSTRALIA: RON TUDOR, 8 Francis St., of a magazine have prevented us Heathmont, Victoria, Tel: 87-5677 We are always open to construc- MEXICO: ENRIQUE ORTIZ, Monterrey 31, Col. from running such stories as far up Roma, Mexico 7, D.F. Tel: 12-10-00 10-10-01 tive criticism and are interested in CANADA: DENIS PANTIS, 996 Decarie Blvd., front as we would have liked. How- Ville St. Laurent, Quebec, Canada any suggestion no matter how ARGENTINA: MIGUEL SMIRNOFF, Rafaela ever, we have finally ironed out the 8978, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Tel: 69-1638 “way-out” it might seem at the BRAZIL: RICARDO & RENATO MACEDO, Rua many problems that have con- Joao Ramalho 1324, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Tel: moment. 62-6188 fronted us in this respect and our We are currently work- TOKYO: HIKARU SUGIURA 2, Takada-Oimatau Bunkyo-Ku, Tokyo, Japan plans now call for the running of ing on a number of other innova- SUBSCRIPTION RATES $15 per year any- tions which feel will where in the U. S. A. Published weekly. Second- this news spread each week on the we make Cash class postage paid at Bristol, Conn. very first facing pages available Box continually more valuable to Copyright © 1962 by The Cash Box Publishing two rightB reserved. Copyright under Co., Inc. All all Universal Copyright Convention. in the publication. of our subscribers. — — Cash Box Cash Box TOP 100 BEST1— SELLING TUNES ON RECORDS COMPILED BY CASH BOX FROM LEADING RETAIL OUTLETS—FEBRUARY 17, 1962 2— Position 2/10 2/3 Position 2/10 2/3 Position 2/10 2/3 DUKE OF EARL -CHIP CHIP •—ECSTASY GENE CHANDLER-Vee Jay-416 1 1 GENE McDANIELS-Liberty-55405 39 49 BEN E. KING-Atco-6215 78 3— TIMMY REYNOLDS-Operators-2008 -PERCOLATOR (TWIST) A—LOSE HER 4—THE TWIST BILLY JOE & CHECKMATES-Dore-620 45 60 BOBBY RYDELL-Cameo-209 76 CHUBBY CHECKER-Parkwav-811 2 2 ERNIE FREEMAN-lmperial-5793 SURFER'S JAMIE HANK BALLARD & MIDNIGHTERS-King-5171 STOMP 67— MAR-KETS-Liberty-55401 EDDIE HOLLAND-Motown-1021 72 72 6— BILLY WAD E-Opera tors-2003 37 47 THE PEPPERMINT TWIST DON'T BREAK THE HEART THAT 68—TEARS AND LAUGHTER DINAH WASH INGTON-Mercury-71 922 79 97 7— JOEY DEE & STARLITERS-Roulette-4401 3 3 LOVES YOU CONTINENTAL COUSINS-Palette-5092 37—CONNIE FRANCIS-MGM-13059 71 — -DREAM BABY — — THE WANDERER 38—SHE'S GOT YOU ROY ORB ISON—Monument-456 DION-Laurie-31 15 5 6 PATSY CLINE-Decca-31354 48 66 -BANDIT OF MY DREAMS 5 NORMAN TWISTIN' THE NIGHT AWAY EDDIE HODGES-Cadence-1410 77 84 SUE THOMPSON -Hickory-1 159 4 5 SAM COOKE-RCA-7983 57 86 -TO A SLEEPING BEAUTY DEAR LADY TWIST I'LL SEE YOU IN MY DREAMS JIMMY DEAN-Columbia-42282 27 51 GARY U S. BONDS-Legrand-1015 9 11 PAT BOONE-Dot-16312 42 56 TIMMY REYNOLDS-Operators-2007 JIM GAYLORD-Stacy-929 -TEEN QUEEN OF THE WEEK FREDDY CANNON-Swan-4906 84 95 BREAK IT TO ME GENTLY UNCHAIN MY HEART 11— BRENDA LEE-Decca-31 348 10 13 RAY CHARLES- ABC-1 0266 21 14 -TWIST-HER SANDY LYNN-Operators-2007 BILL BLACK'S COMBO-Hi-2042 54 45 12— IEYI BABY WHAT'S YOUR NAME DON & JUAN-Bigtop-3079 65 93 -FUNNY HOW TIME SLIPS AWAY BRUCE CHANNEL-Smash-1731 19 48 JIMMY ELLEDGE-RCA-7946 59 54 BILLY WALKER-Columbia-42050 RYING IN THE RAIN HER ROYAL MAJESTY JAMES DARREN-Colpix-622 50 90 13—H EVERLY BROTHERS-Warner Bros.-5250 14 25 > —DO-RE-MI 80—LEE DORSEY-Fury-1056 47 42 41- -IF YOU GOTTA MAKE A FOOL {ft—14—MIDNIGHT IN MOSCOW TIMMY REYNOLDS-Operators-2008 *KENNY BALL-Kapp-442 15 43 OF SOMEBODY 81— JAN BURGENS-Loondon-10503 46—JAMES RAY-Caprice-1 10 26 18 >—DREAMY EYES VAUGHN MONROE-Dot-16308 82—JOHNNY TILLOTSON-Cadence-1409 66 63 15—1 KNOW BARBARA GEORGE-A.F.O.-302 47—TWISTIN' POSTMAN •—B'WA NINA MARV EL ETTES-Tam la-54054 52 69 83—TOKENS-RCA-7991 95 — 16—A LITTLE BITTY TEAR BURL IVES-Decca-41330 12 43- -GO ON HOME 78^—HEY! LET'S TWIST WANDA JACKSON -Capitol-4681 PATTI PAGE-Mercury-71906 35 40 84—JOEY DEE & STARLITERS-Roulette-4408 90 — JOEY BROOKS-Columbia-42251 MARION WORTH -Columbia-42 184 CROSBY BROS. -Dot-16300 18— RAY SANDERS-Liberty-55267 A—85—WALK ON THE WILD SIDE 44—WALK ON BY BROOK BENTON-Mercury-71925 — — 19—SHE'S EVERYTHING LEROY VAN DYKE-Mercury-71834 40 20 86— LOVE IS THE SWEETEST THING RAL DONNER-Gone-5121 17 24 WHERE HAVE ALL THE 20— 87—SAVERIO SARIDIS-Warner Bros.-5245 86 92 CAN'T HELP FALLING IN LOVE FLOWERS GONE ELVIS PRESLEY-RCA-7968 7 KINGSTON TRIO-Capitol-4671 60 71 OLIVER TWIST KEELY SMITH-Dot-16298 ROD McKUEN-Spiral-1407 70 80 FOUR ESQUIRES-Terrace-7502 CHATTANOOGA CHOO CHOO FLOYD CRAM ER-RCA-Victor-1 978 51 53 IMAGINATION BABY IT'S YOU QUOTATIONS-Verve-10245 82 83 SHIRELLES-Scepter-1227 8 54—THAT'S MY PA SHEB WOOLEY-MGM-13046 49 50 LOLLIPOPS AND ROSES 24—COTTON FI ELDS 55— JACK JONES-Kapp-435 99 — HIGHWAYMEN-United Artists-370 13 15 -MY BOOMERANG WON'T JOE HARNELL-Kapp-609 17 LETTER FULL OF TEARS COME BACK NITE OWL 25— CHARLES DRAKE4Jnited Artists-398 61 82 85 87 GLADYS KNIGHT & PIPS-Fury-1054 18 17 GENE CHANDLER & DU KAYS- Nat-4002 26—TOWN WITHOUT PITY 49—LOST SOMEONE YESSIREE JAMES BROWN-King-5573 55 46 94 — GENE PITNEY-Musicor-1009 12 LINDA SCOTT-Conaress-101 27—LET ME IN -LIZZIE BORDEN MIDNIGHT CHAD MITCHELL TRIO-Kapp-439 67 78 81 89 SENSATIONS-Argo-5405 22 39 JOHNNY G I BSON-Big top-3088 28—SMOKY PLACES 51 —RUN TO HIM BERMUDA BOBBY VEE-Liberty-55388 32 19 98 — CORSAI RS-T uf f-1 808 23 35 LINDA SCOTT-Canadian-American-134 FOUR SEASONS-Gone-5122 2129—-I'M BLUE (GONG-GONG SONG) AFRIKAAN BEAT BERT KAEMPFERT-Decca-31350 63 75 88- -CRY, BABY, CRY I KETTES-Atco-621 2 25 41 — — 30— ANGELS-Caprice-l 12 TUFF 53—TURN ON YOUR LOVE LIGHT 89- -LOVE LETTERS BOBBY BLAND-Duke-344 41 27 ACE CANNON-Hi-2040 30 31 KETTY LESTER-Era-3068 — — WHAT'S SO GOOD ABOUT GOODBYE POOR FOOL 90- -SOUL TWIST IKE & TINA TURNER-Sue-753 34 23 — Ml RACLES-Tam la-54053 33 44 KING CURTIS-En joy-1 000 HAPPY JOSE 91- -LET ME CALL YOU SWEETI 'ART CAJUN QUEEN 93 — JACK ROSS-Dot-16302 53 55 TIM I YURO-Liberty-55410 JIMMY DEAN-Columbia-42282 58 68 RED SOVINE-RCA-7981 DAVE APPELL-Cameo-207 JACK COLLI ER-Moonglow-207 92- -I SURRENDER DEAR ARETHA FRANKLlN-Columbia-42266 91 94 THE GREATEST HURT (DO) THE NEW CONTINENTAL JACKIE WILSON-Brunswick-5521 31 32 DOVELLS-Parkway-833 73 98 93- -MY MELANCHOLY BABY 87 96 MARCELS-Colpix-624 .
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